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    POLA GAYA HIDUP DALAM KEUANGAN KELUARGA (Studi Kasus:Unit Kerja Institusi Pendidikan Swasta di Bandung)

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    This research was conducted to discover lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was conducted in a private educational institution in Bandung. Data collection technique used in this research is survey technique with questionnaires and the data analysis technique that used in this study is descriptive analysis. It has been found that the lifestyle patterns of employees at one of private educational institution in Bandung generally still have a good patterns. This is proved by the monetary sequences of their revenues and expenses. Also, the priority selection of their needs and wants in fulfilling their life style is still in control.  From this research, it is known generally the respondents already have their own house, vehicles, and mobile communication devices like hand phone.  The purchasing frequency of hand phone in average is less than 2 times per year. Moreover, the respondents have already had a habit of saving/investing and buying insurance. To fill their spare time, respondents prefer to gather with their family, go to mall with frequency of 1-4 times per month and do exercise. But,  the problem  that needs  to be taken  care of is how  to handle  their credit  cards/loans  because  a lot of respondents have routine spending of  paying credit card installment/loans.  From this research, it is also found that there is still a lack of awareness for making simple bookkeeping of their revenues and expenses. Therefore to make  them  family  finances  literate,  they need  to follow a counseling and  training  on family  finances.  Even, they are suggested to follow  the counseling and training with their family members


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    These article take the position that-e company should look two ways: at the individual customers it has chosen and the specific competitors it intends to beat. Seen another way, focusing only on customers through CRM will help ensure that they are well taken care of and their value recognized. But paying attention to competitors will help ensure that the company itself, its employees, shareholders and others who depend on the organization are also well looked after


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    Entrepreneurship is not a new concept. An entrepreneur is a person that has a high morality, sensitive to his / her environment and possesses an entrepreneur mentality and entrepreneurial skill. Therefore entrepreneurship is not only applied by businessperson but also by everyone in his / her daily life. This paper discusses an application of the entrepreneurship aspects in student’s life. Some examples will be given for illustratio


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    The main source of air pollution in DKI Jakarta came from gas emission of vehicles. One of the pollutants which came from exhaust motorized vehicle is lead (Pb) which contributes to the biggest lead pollution in the air. Lead (Pb) is known as a harmful pollutant this paper will focus on the factors influence unleaded gasoline sales, well known as the "Super TT" in Jakarta between April 1997 and December 1999. The result shows that the demand of Super TT is significantly influenced by the price of Premium gasoline and Premix gasoline, meanwhile the impact of Super TT price to the volume of Super TT sale is not significant, although the demand of Super TT is elastic. In addition, Super TT and Premium would be considered as a substitution good, meanwhile Super TT and Premix is categorized as a complementary good


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    Materialism defined as the importance a person places on possessions and their acquisition as a necessary or desirable form of conduct to reach desired end states, including happiness. It has certain negative  effects : increasing  risk for diminished  well-being (happiness) afterwards lead to negative  subjective well-being,  low level se/f- determination,  low level gratitude  and negative meaning  in life. This is a phenomenon have been around everywhere and everyone:  kids, teenagers even adults, emerging because of ever increasing the symbolic consumption, not utilitarian consumption.  Some researchs showed that there are some causes be responsible for materialism: dominant social paradigm, peer group pressure, and conspicuous consumption. Concerning its negative effects, socialization process about materialism must be done to everybody comprehensively


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    Every company and institution hat files. Files save data and information of the company's daily activities and other company's important records. Filing work exists  in every department  of organization. Filling should not be underestimated by employees of every department in every company. They should understand  the importance of filling management, which is a part of administrative office management. Filing cannot be avoided in every office work and filling affects the effectiveness and efficiency of companies. Filing management cannot be separated, with office media (mails, forms reports ), procedure, management information system of the company and the management  of handling / recording office documents. Data and information can filed , by manual or electronic  filing systems. The progress of technology effects the tools of filling digitalization. In general, files could  be backed up through digitalization . However, some files require to be saved manually as to guarantee future business, as It is compulsory according to regulations and laws, and this action is required to avoid fraud for some illegal operations as well. The example of this explanation is illustrated by a research on filing management of academic and student files in a program diploma


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    Ideas of what constitute quality costs have been changing rapidly. Whereas only a few years ago the costs of quality (COQ) were perceived as the cost of running the quality assurance department and the laboratory plus scrap and warranty costs, it is 'now widely accepted that they are the costs incurred in designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining quality management systems, the costs involved in introducing and sustaining a process of continuous and company — wide quality improvement, plus the costs incurred owing to failures of the systems, products and/or services. There is a general consensus that quality dollars expended on prevention and appraisal costs have the greatest return, and organizations spend the largest percentage of quality dollars in these categories. The remaining categories, failure costs (both internal and external), should ideally constitute only a minor percentage of total dollars spent on quality.The remaining category, failure costs (both internal and external), should ideally constitute only a minor percentage of total dollars spent on quality.Contrary to expectations, in many organizations, the highest percentage of the quality dollar is spent on the category with the lowest return, internal and external failures, followed by appraisal costs. Finally prevention costs, which produce the greatest return on investment, typically receive only a little share of the quality dollar


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    Riau Province is one of the most faster income per capita growth in sumatera lslands. The economic base of economic structure in Riau Province is Forestry sector. This leading sector improve government income through Local tax income. This phenomenon", contradiction with inequality, unemployment,  and poverty  rate where in theoretically  this indicators has negatif sign correlated with growth with  income per capita, the reason of this fact because  the income GDP  from basis  sector are centralized  to capital  owner


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