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    414117 research outputs found

    Debiased population of very young asteroid families

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    Context. Asteroid families that are less than one million years old offer a unique possibility to investigate recent asteroid disruption events and test ideas about their dynamical evolution. Observations provided by powerful all-sky surveys have led to an enormous increase in the number of detected asteroids over the past decade. When the known populations are well characterized, they can be used to determine asteroid detection probabilities, including those in young families, as a function of their absolute magnitude. Aims. We use observations from the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) to determine the bias-corrected population of small members in four young families down to sizes equivalent to several hundred meters. Methods. Using the most recent catalog of known asteroids, we identified members from four young families for which the population has grown appreciably over recent times. A large fraction of these bodies have also been detected by CSS. We used synthetic populations of asteroids, with their magnitude distribution controlled by a small number of parameters, as a template for the bias-corrected model of these families. Applying the known detection probability of the CSS observations, we could adjust these model parameters to match the observed (biased) populations in the young families. Results. In the case of three families, Datura, Adelaide, and Rampo, we find evidence that the magnitude distribution transitions from steep to shallow slopes near 300 to 400 meters. Conversely, the Hobson family population may be represented by a single power-law model. The Lucascavin family has a limited population; no new members have been discovered over the past two decades. We consider a model of parent body rotational fission with the escaping secondary tidally split into two components (thereby providing three members within this family). In support of this idea, we find that no other asteroid with absolute magnitude H ≤ 18.3 accompanies the known three members in the Lucascavin family. A similar result is found for the archetypal asteroid pair Rheinland–Kurpfalz

    Raspberry Pi-based home security monitoring system

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    The era of technology has opened space to facilitate daily tasks. Security cameras have nowadays become a necessity for every expert’s safety environment. A buzzer, PIR sensor, PI camera, and Raspberry Pi are used to create home security systems. The PIR sensor detects motion, the PI camera snaps an image, and the buzzer beeps. A notification will be delivered immediately to the owner’s Telegram account when the camera captures the person’s face and enables the posting of live video of that moment. It enables the user to record the incidents that happen at home. The purpose of developing the Telegram application is mainly to provide the owner with an Android application because nowadays society is more dependent on mobile technology. PIR sensors will be active when they detect people or animals, but they will deactivate when they detect breezes. As a result, the PI Camera will only record images of things like people and animals, not the wind. The PIR sensor, PI camera, and buzzer will all have a linear relationship to one another. When the PIR sensor is turned on, the PI camera and buzzer will also turn on, and vice versa

    Geochemical Characteristics of the Mallawa Formation, and its Relationship with the History of Source Rock Formation in the South Makassar Basin, South Sulawesi

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    A hydrocarbon system to determine the hydrocarbon potential in an area can be determined by the presence of three main components that ensure its existence together, one of main components are source rock. The South Makassar Basin has the potential to have a petroleum system that acts as a source rock for the Mallawa Formation. Source rock is a component of the petroleum system that has the ability to produce and store hydrocarbons, where this rock is generally a rock with fine grains such as coal or shale. Oil and gas exploration in Indonesia is a common thing because there are many prospect areas that have the potential to produce hydrocarbons. The South Makassar Basin is a Tertiary sedimentary basin of land type which is geographically located along West Sulawesi to South Sulawesi and this basin occurs due to tectonics or structures with high frequency. The South Makassar Basin was formed as a result of the expansion of the Makassar Strait which occurred at no younger than the Early Paleocene age where the tectonic consequences would influence the maturation process of the source rocks in the South Makassar Basin. Apart from that, in this research a geochemical method was carried out in the form of laboratory analysis to determine the maturity of the source rock using cuttings samples. So this research provides something new in the exploration of the maturity of source rocks, which in the South Sulawesi area has a complex tectonic setting

    Design of Heater Control Equipment in Interface Mill Product Part Separator Process

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    The interface mill product's indication of the supporting components reveals a surplus of flaws, leading to the waste of plastic and iron materials. Black spots and holes are the two main forms of defect criterion finds, and both require correct handling to prevent long-term material and financial consequences. The equipment in this study is being designed with the intention of separating the supporting components of the plastic material from the iron substance so that both materials can be recycled. The strategy used to accomplish the goals of this study is the creation of a heater control system. The findings indicated that for the separation process for iron material portions to be carried out optimally, the temperature needed to melt plastic material was between 177 and 276 oC. Conclusion: This tool's design makes it easier for workers to separate parts with a 93% efficiency, lowering material prices by about Rp. 39,280,000 and handling time with tools by 164,976 seconds. Additionally, the iron material that is separated may be recycled

    and its determination of planting dates based on seed germination in different ecological environments of Uzbekistan

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    In this article, the main research conducted on the Raphanus sativus plant, in particular, which countries and scientific organizations of the world are the leaders for learning about this plant, based on the results obtained, the information on the publication of articles in various journals in the Scopus database is analyzed. According to the analysis, China and the United States are the leaders in conducting research with the Raphanus sativus L. and the University of Western Australia conducts the most research among scientific organizations. There are more than 520 articles based on Raphanus sativus L. plant research in various journals in Scopus, and among them, Agricultural and Biological Sciences journal is the leader in the number of articles, among the researchers, Li. Y has the highest result in publishing many articles is shown to record. Also, temperature dependence of daikon seed germination was studied in field and laboratory conditions, and according to the results of the study, 20-30 0C is the most favorable temperature for germination, daikon plant can be grown in 4 ecological zones of Uzbekistan. It has been shown that the average daily temperature for seed germination should not be higher than 30 0C when planted as a second crop in the summer season

    Spatially resolving the AGB star V3 in the metal-poor globular cluster 47 Tuc with VLTI/GRAVITY

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    Context. Mass loss at the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) plays an important role not only in the final fates of stars, but also in the chemical evolution of galaxies. Nevertheless, the metallicity effects on AGB mass loss are not yet fully understood. Aims. We present spatially resolved observations of an AGB star, V3, in the metal-poor globular cluster 47 Tuc (NGC 104). Methods. The AGB star 47 Tuc V3 was observed using the GRAVITY instrument at ESO’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) at 2–2.45 μm, with a projected baseline length of up to 96 m. Results. The object 47 Tuc V3 has been spatially resolved and stands as the first to attempt to spatially resolve an individual star in a globular cluster. The uniform-disk fit to the observed data results in an angular diameter of ∼0.7 mas. Our modeling of the spectral energy distribution and near-infrared interferometric GRAVITY data suggests that the observed data can be explained by an optically thin dust shell with a 0.55 μm optical depth of 0.05–0.25, consisting of metallic iron grains, likely together with effects of the extended atmosphere of the central star. The dust temperature at the inner shell boundary is 500–800 K (corresponding to 23–90 stellar radii), significantly lower than observed in nearby oxygen-rich AGB stars. Radiation pressure on small (< 0.05 μm) iron grains is not sufficient to drive stellar winds. Therefore, iron grains may grow to larger sizes, even in the metal-poor environment. Alternatively, it is possible that the observed iron grain formation is a result of the mass outflow initiated by some other mechanism(s). Conclusions. The sensitivity and angular resolution of VLTI provides a new window onto spatially resolving individual stars in metal-poor globular clusters. This allows us to improve subsequent studies of the metallicity dependence of dust formation and mass loss

    Discovery of the first olivine-dominated A-type asteroid family

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    The classical theory of differentiation states that due to the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements, some asteroids form an iron core, an olivine-rich mantle, and a crust. The collisional breakup of these differentiated bodies is expected to lead to exposed mantle fragments, creating families of newly-formed asteroids. Among these new objects, some are expected to show an olivine-rich composition in spectroscopic observations. However, several years of spectrophotometric surveys have led to the conclusion that olivine-rich asteroids are rare in the asteroid main belt, and no significant concentration of olivine-rich bodies in any asteroid family has been detected to date. Using ESA’s Gaia DR3 reflectance spectra, we show that the family (36256) 1999 XT17 presents a prominence of objects that are likely to present an olivine-rich composition (A-type spectroscopic class). If S-complex asteroids as the second most prominent spectroscopic class in the family are real family members, then arguably the 1999 XT17 family has originated from the break-up of a partially differentiated parent body. Alternatively, if the S-complex asteroids are interlopers, then the 1999 XT17 family could have originated from the breakup of an olivine-rich body. This body could have been part of the mantle of a differentiated planetesimal, which may have broken up in a different region of the Solar System, and one of its fragments (i.e. the parent body of the 1999 XT17 family) could have been dynamically implanted in the main belt

    Spatial resolution effects on the solar open flux estimates

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    Context. Spectropolarimetric observations used to infer the solar magnetic fields are obtained with a limited spatial resolution. The effects of this limited resolution on the inference of the open flux over the observed region have not been extensively studied. Aims. We aim to characterize the biases that arise in the inference of the mean flux density by performing an end-to-end study that involves the generation of synthetic data, its interpretation (inversion), and a comparison of the results with the original model. Methods. We synthesized polarized spectra of the two magnetically sensitive lines of neutral iron around 630 nm from a state-of-the-art numerical simulation of the solar photosphere. We then performed data degradation to simulate the effect of the telescope with a limited angular resolution and interpreted (inverted) the data using a Milne-Eddington spectropolarimetric inversion code. We then studied the dependence of the inferred parameters on the telescope resolution. Results. The results show a significant decrease in the mean magnetic flux density – related to the open flux observed at the disk center – with decreasing telescope resolution. The original net magnetic field flux is fully resolved by a 1m telescope, but a 20 cm aperture telescope yields a 30% smaller value. Even in the fully resolved case, the result is still biased due to the corrugation of the photospheric surface. Conclusions. Even the spatially averaged quantities, such as the open magnetic flux in the observed region, are underestimated when the magnetic structures are unresolved. The reason for this is the presence of nonlinearities in the magnetic field inference process. This effect might have implications for the modeling of large-scale solar magnetic fields; for example, those corresponding to the coronal holes, or the polar magnetic fields, which are relevant to our understanding of the solar cycle

    Discovery of an old supernova remnant candidate through carbon monoxide line emission

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    Most old supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Milky Way have not yet been identified. Considering their high potential number and the sufficient momentum-energy transfer to the interstellar medium (ISM), they are a key part of our understanding of the overall role of SNRs in the ISM. Here, we report our discovery of an expanding molecular shell identified by CO line observations, namely G16.11–0.51. It covers a known SNR, specifically G16.0–0.5, and is larger in size (i.e., 0.56° over 0.20°). Based on its spatial and kinematic structures, weak nonthermal radio-continuum emission, and derived physical properties, we suggest that it is an old SNR. At a systemic velocity of +41.3 km s−1, the best estimated kinematic distance of G16.11–0.51 is ~3.2 kpc, implying its radius of about 15.6 pc. The age of G16.11–0.51 is estimated to be greater than ~105 yr, and, in a dense molecular environment, it has formed dense and thin shell layers. The kinetic energy of the expanding molecular gas of G16.11–0.51 is about 6.4 × 1049 erg, accounting for approximately 6% of the initial SN explosion energy. Although old SNRs have essentially become cold and hard to detect, our discovery suggests that they can be found by searching for CO line emissions

    Impact of the high-level trigger for detecting long-lived particles at LHCb

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    Long-lived particles (LLPs) are very challenging to search for with current detectors and computing requirements due to their very displaced vertices. This study evaluates the ability of the trigger algorithms used in the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment to detect long-lived particles and attempts to adapt them to enhance the sensitivity of this experiment to undiscovered long-lived particles. One of the challenges in the track reconstruction is to deal with the large amount of combinatorics of hits. A dedicated algorithm has been developed to cope with the large data output. When fully implemented, this algorithm would greatly increase the efficiency for any long-lived particle reconstruction in the forward region, for the Standard Model of particle physics and beyond


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