Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan
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    419 research outputs found

    Designing a Safe and Friendly Environment for Women and Children in Rural Community

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    The need to build a safe and friendly environment has developed to respond to the increasing number of vulnerable issues which have been faced by children and women. Nevertheless, strategies to build a safe and friendly environment in rural areas are rarely discussed. This study outlined the macro perspective which considers structural and cultural change as a strategy to design a positive environment for women and children in the village. This perspective is adopted due to the fact that the places where women and children live, either in city or rural areas could become the factors causing women and children to live in a vulnerable environment. This design consists of two aspects which are the building of an institutional network and program recommendations. The implementation of an institutional network requires three principles or strategies which are participation, integration between women and children development programs, and involve various parties or community organizations including village government, professionals, scholars, as well as formal dan informal groups which are formed by rural community members, as facilitators and volunteers in the development programs. All these principles should be adopted to undertake program recommendations to meet the rights of children in health, education, legal advice, security, and peace

    Rangko Village Ecotourism: A Qualitative Review of Potentials and Challenges

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    The burgeoning ecotourism industry, aiming for sustainability and minimal environmental impact, has prompted many regions to reevaluate their tourism practices.. This study delves deep into Goa Rangko, a promising destination within Manggarai Barat, Indonesia, by implementing an ecotourism potential framework combined with SWOT analysis. This paper identifies the intrinsic strengths of Goa Rangko, such as its untouched natural beauty, indigenous culture, and governmental initiatives fostering eco-friendliness. It concurrently uncovers weaknesses in the tourism sector, including waste management concerns and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The exploration reveals multiple opportunities for sustainable growth, emphasizing unique product promotion, embracing technological advances, and fostering collaborations while accounting for impending threats, such as environmental degradation and competitive destinations. By integrating the ecotourism potential framework with SWOT analysis, this study provides a comprehensive roadmap for Goa Rangko’s tourism sector, highlighting avenues for optimizing tourist experiences and environmental stewardship

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    The Role of Local Champion in Achieving an Integrated Rural Tourism: A Case Study of Alamendah Tourism Village, West Java

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    Integrated rural tourism can provide welfare to the community and materialize the concept of sustainable tourism. The development carried out to achieve this requires synergy between the internal and external stakeholders.  This study analyzes the role of local champions in achieving integrated rural tourism. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to explore cases or phenomena that are interrelated to determine their uniqueness. The tourist village explored is Alamendah which has an ADWI (Anugerah Desa Wisata Indonesia) award 2021 from the government, the selection of this tourist village can be a guide for other tourist villages with a desire to grow. According to the findings of this study, the role of the chairman of the village, who is responsible for managing tourism in the village and acts as a local champion in establishing integrated rural tourism, is essential. Tourist villages also require leaders from their communities who can be trusted and influential in uniting their goals and mission

    Kewirausahaan Perempuan Desa Berbasis Desa Wisata melalui Modal Sosio-Ekologi Pasca Bencana

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    Women have always been considered in several studies as the most vulnerable group to disaster risk and less involved in the post-disaster recovery process. This paper aims to find out and analyze the entrepreneurial activities of rural women who joined the management of Nusa Tourism Village as one of the post-disaster economic recovery efforts. The main question that will be answered in this study is how rural women are involved in entrepreneurial activities based on tourism villages after the tsunami. To answer this question, this paper uses qualitative methods with a constructivist paradigm and narrative approach. Data collection was conducted through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that women of Nusa Village carried out tourism village-based entrepreneurial activities through socio-ecological capital. This socio-ecological capital consists of elements of social capital in the form of social relations, beliefs, collective norms, and collective actions. The element of ecological capital is in the form of the utilization of land, water, plants, and household waste which is packaged through various tour packages. This study concludes that socio-ecological capital is an important capital for rural women in carrying out entrepreneurial activities to recover the post-disaster economy

    Transformation of the Forestry Partnership in the Java Forest: A Study of Community Institutions Lancar Jaya after the Designation of Forest Areas with Special Management

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    The Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH Lancar Jaya) is formed to carry out forestry partnerships in forest areas managed by Perum Perhutani. Along with the designation of this forest area as Forest Areas with Special Management (KHDPK), this institution and its forestry partnerships must be transformed. This study analyzes the timeline and performance of forest village community institutions to describe potential factors for the readiness of partnership transformation. Two theoretical approaches were used in this research: Situation-Structure-Behavior-Performance developed by Schmid (1987; 2004) and Jones’ organizational capacity to produce value (Jones, 2013). The method used was qualitative descriptive, timeline, and content analyses. Research data and information were collected through in-depth interviews and document analysis. This study concludes that the performance of LMDH Lancar Jaya is efficient as an independent and active institution. This performance is driven by significant capital. Good social capital is a strong network of trust in management, solid stakeholder relationships, the ability to choose institutional alternatives that suit their characteristics, minimal transaction costs, and the ability to provide market certainty with interlock transactions. This article recommends the necessary conditions for the transformation of a legal business entity by maximizing inputs for investment capacity in the form of capital, raw materials, human resources, business knowledge, and customers, which is supported by input conversion, administrative fulfillment, and cooperative facilitation of transformation

    Modernization and Local Wisdom in the Agricultural System: The Case of Samin Indigenous Community in Baturejo Village, Pati Regency, Central Java

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    Agricultural modernization is a change in agricultural patterns from traditional to modern methods. The Samin Indigenous Community is one whose main livelihood depends on agriculture. This study aims to analyze the existence of the local wisdom of the Samin Indigenous Community in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, and Regency in the current agricultural modernization. This study used mixed methods and a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with informants selected by snowball sampling, observation, and documentation. Quantitative data were obtained using a survey method for 30 respondents selected by accidental sampling. The encounter between agricultural modernization and local wisdom creates three conditions for the local wisdom of samin farming: local wisdom that faded existence, local wisdom that disappeared, and local wisdom that adapted so that it went hand in hand with agricultural modernization. Some of Samin's local wisdom still exists in the midst of agricultural modernization driven by several factors, such as the pride of the Samin community in their identity, the transfer of cultural knowledge to the younger generation, the traditional attitude of the Samin community, and the low use of information and communication technology

    Sikap Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Mangrove di Kampung Teluk Sulaiman, Kabupaten Berau, Indonesia

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    This research aims to determine the value of community attitudes in Teluk Sulaiman in mangrove management and the factors that influence attitudes. This is a descriptive research using questionnaire and observation as data collection methods. Attitude measurement uses cognitive, affective, and conative aspects. To assess attitudes a Likert scale with SPSS processing is used. The results of the study obtained that the attitudes of the people in this village were positive with a value of 4.15, where the cognitive aspect value was 4.13, affective aspect 4.35 and conative aspect 3.96. The factor that influences attitude values is income. Meanwhile, other factors, such as age, and number of family members do not have a significant effect. Length of stay factor has a sufficient relationship with attitude value. The attitude scores seen from the gender segment do not have a significant difference, although in general the attitude scores of men are higher than women. The attitude scores of immigrants and native residents do not have a significant difference, although in general the attitude scores of immigrants are higher than those of native residents

    Social Changes in the Development of Beef Cattle in Oil Palm Plantation Areas: Case of Jayakarta Village, Central Bengkulu Regency

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    The development of beef cattle production requires social interaction in the context of space and time. The development of beef cattle areas cannot be separated from the dynamics of social change that occur at the microlevel in the rural areas, making it interesting to study. This research aims to analyze the factors that played a role in the development of the beef cattle population in Jayakarta Village, Talang Empat Subdistrict, Central Bengkulu Regency, between 1972 and 2022. Data was collected through in-depth interviews involving key informants using the snowball method and then analyzed using an interactive method with a social change theory approach to aspects of structural and cultural change in rural communities. The research results show that the development of beef cattle is caused by the gradual production and reproduction of various cattle-rearing systems. The development of the beef cattle population is encouraged through the Government Livestock Program and the massive expansion of oil palm plantations, especially by private plantations that provide a source of cattle feed in plantation areas. Structural changes led to the formation of a semi-intensive rearing system starting in 2010 and an extensive rearing system that started in 2013, causing a change in the culture of rural community beef cattle rearing system, which was initially only intensive


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