Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia
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418 research outputs found
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Faktor determinan risiko kardiometabolik pada remaja usia 15-18 tahun
Determinant factors of cardiometabolic risk in adolescents aged 15-18 yearsBackground: Cardiometabolic diseases are increasing worldwide, and the risk of developing them starts as early as adolescence. In the long term, they may lead to comorbidities. Evidence suggests the risk factors of cardiometabolic diseases among adolescents are obesity, excessive food intake, socioeconomic status, breakfast habits, and physical activity, among others. Objective: This study aimed to determine the determinants of cardiometabolic risk in adolescents aged 15-18. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in Al-Abidin High School Surakarta with 146 study subjects. Cardiometabolic risks were classified using Cardiometabolic Disease Staging (CMDS), waist circumference was measured with Medline, physical activity was measured using a Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQA), and blood pressure was measured with a sphygmomanometer. Socioeconomic, transportation, and breakfast habits were obtained from the general questionnaire. Chi-square, ANOVA, and logistic regression were then performed using SPSS 23. Results: Gender was significantly associated with cardiometabolic risk (p=0.001). A total of 41.3% of boys were at risk of cardiometabolic (OR=3.964). Socioeconomic, breakfast habits, transportation, and physical activity were not associated with cardiometabolic risk (p>0.05).Conclusion: Boys 15 – 18 years were at a higher risk of cardiometabolic, by 3.694 times greater than girls. Socioeconomic status, breakfast habits, transportation, and physical activity were not correlated with cardiometabolic risk among adolescents
Intervensi latihan keterampilan motorik kasar pada fungsi kognitif anak usia prasekolah
Gross motor skills training on cognitive function in early primary schoolBackground: Low gross motor skills are associated with low physical activity in preschool and elementary school children. Children's gross motor skills are correlated with obesity and contribute to physical activity participation and physical, social, and cognitive growth.Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of gross motor skills training intervention on the cognitive function of early elementary school children.Methods: A quasi-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest with a control design. The study involved first-year children from two elementary schools in Pleret, Bantul, DIY, with a total of 90 participants (49 boys, 41 girls) and a mean age of 7 years. The intervention consisted of motor skills training, including obstacle courses and walking on a balance beam, with each session lasting 15 minutes and conducted once a week for nine weeks. Cognitive function in terms of memory and attention abilities was assessed using the Stroop test (Stroop color and word test) and the digit span test (forward and backward)—data analysis using paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test.Results: The study's results indicated a significant difference in the mean scores of the Stroop test for both the intervention and control groups and the digit span test for the intervention group. The findings suggested that motor skills training intervention significantly positively affected children's cognitive function, particularly with the Stroop test.Conclusions: Gross motor skill training can enhance the cognitive function of children aged 6-7. Motor skill instruction should be incorporated into preschool and early elementary school programs to help narrow the academic achievement gap
Maternal and perinatal factors affecting vitamin D status of very low birth weight infants hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit
Background: Vitamin D deficiency is a global problem in premature infants. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with skeletal and non-skeletal disease. In premature infants, vitamin D deficiency is primarily associated with metabolic bone disease. Objective: The study aims to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of vitamin D deficiency in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants who were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a tertiary hospital in a developing country. Methods: A retrospective cohort was conducted at the NICU of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta. VLBW infants (inborn and outborn), hospitalized between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2020, were enrolled in this study. Data on maternal (age (years), parity, education level, and socio-economic status) and neonatal (birth weight, birth length, and head circumference), gestational age, age of serum 25 hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OHD), sex, type of feeding, postnatal steroid) was taken from the medical records. Serum 25-OHD measurement was conducted at the age of around 4 weeks. Throughout the first 24 hours following birth, all infants at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital weighing <1,500g would receive total parenteral nutrition (TPN). For infants who were referred to Sardjito General Hospital, nutritional and feeding history including TPN was assessed through anamnesis from the nurses or midwives who transport the patient and from referral records. Results: A total of 165 very low birth weight infants consisting of 88 male and 77 female newborns were included in this study. The mean ± SD of the vitamin D level was 11.5 ± 7.6 ng/ml (range 2.9 - 45.5 ng/ml). The prevalence of Vitamin D insufficiency, deficiency, and severe deficiency were 12.1; 55.2; and 23%; respectively. Receiving TPN was positively and independently associated with vitamin D levels (p=0.006). Conclusions: There is a positive relationship between the administration of TPN and serum 25-OHD level in VLBW infants hospitalized in the NICU
Faktor determinan hipertensi pada wanita usia produktif dengan hipertensi di Kota Semarang
Determinant factors among hypertensive productive-age women in SemarangBackground: Hypertension is a significant risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, and kidney disease. The 2018 Basic Health Research results showed that hypertension in Indonesia reached 34.11%, and in Central Java province, the prevalence was above the national rate of 37.57%. The prevalence of hypertension among women is higher than men, namely 40.17% and 34.83%, respectively.Objective: This study aims to analyze the determinants of hypertension among women of reproductive age with hypertension in the city of Semarang.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. Respondents were women of productive age 30-50 years who were on the list of hypertensive patients in five Public Health Centers chosen randomly from the list. Data was collected by questionnaire, food recall form, and anthropometric measurement. One hundred fifty respondents participated in the study. Data analysis includes univariate and bivariate. Results: Foods high in sodium most frequently consumed were seasonings, monosodium glutamate (MSG), crackers, and soy sauce. Intake of potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber is still far below the RDA, 21%, 5.8%, 66.3%, 4.5%, and 18.8%, respectively. Sodium intake from only food apart from spices is 45% of the RDA. 64.7% of respondents have high blood pressure. There was a significant relationship between blood pressure status and attitudes (p=0.045), consumption patterns of high-sodium foods (p=0.005), and physical activity (p=0.040). Conclusion: Food consumption and physical activity affect the blood pressure status of hypertensive patients in productive-age women. Efforts are needed to increase intake of food sources of vitamins and minerals
Determinan perilaku konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada mahasiswi jurusan kesehatan dan nonkesehatan di Universitas Jember
Determination of iron supplement tablet consumption in health and non-health majors at Jember UniversityBackground: Iron tablet supplementation is an important strategy in preventing anemia in adolescent girls. The 2018 Riskesdas RI data shows that 23.8% of young women have not received and consumed iron tablets. In female college students, iron supplement consumption can be influenced by several determinant factors, such as knowledge and social support.Objective: This study aims to analyze the determinants of behavior in female college students when consuming iron tablets.Methods: This is an analytical observational research study with a cross-sectional design. Using the proportional random sampling technique, the sample size was 336 female students majoring in health and non-health at the University of Jember. Due to restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, data was collected online via Google Forms and in-person interviews. The independent variables are the level of knowledge, family, and peer social support. The dependent variable is the consumption behavior of iron tablets. Data analysis used Spearman's rho test.Results: Respondents from the health department (88.9%) and non-health (73%) had good knowledge. Family and peer support for health and non-health respondents was lacking. Respondents majoring in health (35.2%) and non-health (8.5%) did consume iron tablets regularly. The determinant factor that was significantly related (p<0.05) to the consumption behavior of ironic tablets in health majors was material support from the family (p=0.01). The determinant factors that were significantly related (p<0.05) to the consumption behavior of iron tablets in non-health majors are knowledge (p=0.032), family social support (p=0.00,) and peer support (p=0.00).Conclusions: Determinant factors of TTD consumption behavior were found to be different between female students majoring in health (material support from family) and non-health (knowledge, family social support, and peer support)
Perbedaan asupan zat gizi, pengetahuan anemia, dan kepatuhan konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) pada remaja putri di pesantren dan nonpesantren
Differences in nutrient intake, anemia knowledge, and adherence to blood supplement tablet consumption between adolescent girls in Islamic boarding schools and non-Islamic boarding schoolsBackground: Anemia is a nutritional problem that often occurs in adolescent girls, especially in Islamic boarding schools, where the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls reaches >40%. Factors causing anemia in adolescent girls include a lack of iron, protein, and folate intake, low knowledge of anemia, and a lack of consumption of blood supplement tablets.Objective: This study aimed to analyze the differences in nutrient intake, knowledge of anemia, and adherence to blood supplement tablet consumption between adolescent girls in boarding schools and non-boarding schools.Methods: This study was observational-analytic with a cross-sectional design. The subjects were 24 adolescent girls at PP Al-Uswah (an Islamic boarding school group) and 24 at SMAN 12 Semarang (a non-Islamic boarding school group). The study variables were nutrient intake, anemia knowledge, and adherence to blood supplement tablets. Statistical analysis used an independent sample t-test of normally distributed and a Mann-Whitney test if not normally distributed.Results: There were significant differences in the knowledge of anemia (p 0.005).Conclusions: Adolescent girls in boarding and non-boarding schools significantly differed in protein intake and knowledge of anemia. There was no significant difference in adherence to blood supplement tablet consumption between them
Status gizi, kebugaran, kebiasaan sarapan, dan prestasi hafalan santri Roudhotul Qur’an Depok
Nutritional status, physical fitness, breakfast habits, and memorization achievement of students at Roudhotul Qur’an DepokBackground: Memorization is one of the tasks assigned to Islamic boarding school students. However, some pupils find it challenging to memorize and, as a result, have low memorization abilities. Factors influencing memorization performance are nutritional status, physical fitness, and breakfast habits. Objective: The goal of this study was to see if there was a link between students' nutritional status, physical fitness, breakfast routines, and memorizing achievement at Roudhotul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Depok. Methods: This study uses a cross-sectional research approach—sampling with a technique of sample random sampling. Digital scales, microtoise, Indonesian physical fitness test, food weighing, and students' memorization reports were used to assess nutritional status, physical fitness, breakfast habits, and memorizing achievement. The Chi-Square test was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that 71.9% of students had good nutritional status, 88% had sufficient physical fitness, 94.7% ate breakfast with 91.2% sufficient energy contribution, and 68.5% had excellent memorization performance. Data analysis stated there was no relationship between nutritional status (p=0.140) and breakfast habits (p=0,353) with memorization achievement. But, there was a relationship between physical fitness and memorization achievement (p=0.015). Conclusion: Physical fitness is related to memorization achievement at Roudhotul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Depok
Asupan karbohidrat, serat, dan vitamin D dengan kadar glukosa darah pada pasien rawat inap diabetes mellitus
The relationship between the blood glucose levels of diabetes mellitus patients and intake of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamin DBackground: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease with a combination of symptoms that appear in a person due to an increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) above average values. Good intake by following the guidelines for persons with diabetes, a nutritious diet that contains carbs, fiber, and vitamin D can help keep blood glucose levels within acceptable ranges. Objective: This study aims to the relationship between the blood glucose levels of patients at RSI Siti Hajar Sidoarjo and their intake of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamin D. Methods: The method in this study was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach, the population in this study were DM patients who were hospitalized at RSI Siti Hajar Sidoarjo. The number of samples was estimated using the cross-sectional sample size calculation and the purposive sampling technique with 60 respondents. The patient's intake was measured using a 3x24 hour food recall questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test. Results: The result showed that there was a relationship between carbohydrate intake and blood glucose levels (p=0.000) and fiber intake and blood glucose levels (p=0.003), but there was no significant relationship between vitamin D intake and blood glucose levels (p=1.00). Conclusion: Carbohydrate and fiber intake significantly correlated with the patient's blood glucose levels but not vitamin D intake
Persepsi dan pengetahuan ibu terhadap pangan fungsional di Indonesia
Mother’s perception and knowledge of functional food in IndonesiaBackground: Non-communicable diseases (NCD) is the highest cause of death in the world. At the end of 2019, the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus disease) emerged and became a pandemic in various countries. Consumption of functional food is believed to become an alternative therapy for NCD and increase immunity amid the pandemic. A mother's perception of purchasing functional food is essential because of its main role as a food provider in the family. Objective: This research was conducted to determine the factors related to the mother's purchase of functional food. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey was carried out among 406 mothers and distributed through the social media platform for two weeks from November to December 2021. Each subject answered questions on general data, basic knowledge, motivation, and buying patterns of functional food products, and ten questions about the perception of functional food. The questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability before being distributed. Data were processed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Pearson correlation test with STATA software version 15.0.Results: 55.91% of mothers have an excellent knowledge of functional food. Purchasing functional food was not significantly related to socio-demographic (age, occupation, and education) with p-value>0.05 (0,9088; 0,4413; 0,7451) but significantly associated with knowledge (p-value=0.0161) and behavior which analyzed using the theory of planned behavior including attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls (p<0.05). Mothers purchase functional food products mainly because of health and taste reasons. At the same time, the barriers are due to high prices and lack of information regarding the health benefits contained. Conclusion: Mother's purchasing behavior is not influenced by socio-demographic conditions because they already have a good awareness of functional food. Mother's knowledge and behavior toward functional food are good because of their high educational level, and healthy food awareness increased during the pandemic. Intensive education and product innovation are still needed to support functional food development in Indonesia
Status gizi pada siswi remaja di pondok pesantren modern
Nutritional status of female students in Modern Islamic boarding schoolBackground: Female students in Islamic Boarding schools whose adolescents, in the majority, need attention because of their physiological condition in the future. Similar studies in Indonesia with significant subjects of adolescent girl students still need to be expanded. Objective: We aim to find out the prevalence of the nutritional status of adolescent girl students in Islamic Boarding Schools. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design and had 435 respondents from grades 1-6 (11-19 years old) in Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School for Girls 1. The study measured anthropometrics such as weight, height, and middle-upper arm circumference (MUAC). The following variable was nutritional status which is classified based on Body Mass Index-for-age (BAZ) and height-for-age (HAZ) Z-score, as well as chronic energy deficiency (CED) status. Results: Most subjects (77%) were classified as having normal nutritional status based on BMI-for-age. However, there were 47.6% of students experienced CED, and 15.2% of students were stunted based on height-for-age. Nutritional status according to BMI-for-age showed that 72.73% of students with normal nutritional status and 22.75% of students with overweight were found to be stunted. Notably, among the students with normal nutritional status based on BMI-for-age, the majority were also found to have CED (95.65%). Conclusion: The prevalence of adolescent female students with underweight and severe underweight nutritional status based on BMI-for-age was 1.84%, whereas the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 20.92%. Additionally, 47.6% of female students experience CED, and 15.2% are classified as stunting based on height-for-age