99741 research outputs found
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Model Deteksi COVID-19 dari Citra CT Scan Dada Menggunakan DenseNet-121
The primary diagnosis of COVID-19 is the RT-PCR test, but it was found that RT-PCR has the disadvantage of low sensitivity in the early phase of infection. Chest CT has the advantage of higher sensitivity in the early phase of infection compared to RT-PCR, so it can be used as a complement to the RT-PCR test to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 due to false negative results. To help medical personnel, Deep Learning can be used to automate the COVID-19 detection process via chest CT images.
In this research, a COVID-19 detection model was built by transfer learning of DenseNet-121. Several variations were done, that is without & with fine tuning, also variations on Learning Rate (LR) which was default LR (0.001) & LR obtained from Learning Rate Finder (0.0001). The model was trained using ReduceLROnPlateau & EarlyStopping callbacks. The dataset used was a dataset made of 3 classes (Normal, Pneumonia, & COVID-19) from COVIDx CT-2A which has gone through an undersampling process & various types of image augmentation. The model performance was then evaluated using various evaluation metrics namely accuracy, sensitivity, precision, & specificity.
The best results obtained were from the model with fine tuning & LR obtained from Learning Rate Finder. This model worked well, with an accuracy of 97.64%; precision of 96.49%; sensitivity of 96.43%; & specificity of 98.25%
Cold Stress Response Genes of Lantiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Mut-3 and Lantiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Mut-7 Support the Ability to Survive in Low-Temperature Conditions
Probiotics are widely consumed in various food matrices to provide health benefits to the host. The viability of probiotic cells is influenced by several factors, including exposure to high temperatures during the production process and low temperatures during storage. In this study, we report the response to cold stress of Lantiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Mut-3 and Mut-7 after 24 h of storage at 4°C and-20�. The cell number of Lantiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Mut-3 and Mut-7 in low-temperature condition had no significant differences than their initial number: 11.88 log CFU/ml and 11.62 log CFU/ml at 4°C; 11.51 log CFU/ml and 11.47 log CFU/ml at-20°C for Mut-3 and Mut-7 respectively. The results indicated the survival capacity of Lantiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Mut-3 and Mut-7 at low temperatures. The genes encoding cold shock proteins for the response to cold stress were evaluated by genome sequencing. The CspA/CspC genes of Lantiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Mut-3 and Mut-7 possibly play a role in maintaining cell resistance at low temperatures, since the genes products predicted to have conserved motifs in the RNA binding protein (RNP)-1 and RNP-2 responsible for cold response stress which are similar to those in other bacteria. © 2023, Bogor Agricultural University. All rights reserved
Students are Happier in Madrasah: The Results of Bayesian Analysis on Indonesian National Survey Data
Islamic education is an important part of the Indonesian education system. This is not only because Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world, but also because Islamic education has a social, cultural, and political role in Indonesian society. Nevertheless, madrasahs in Indonesia face several challenges entrenched from financial constraints. This leads to adverse consequences such as restrictions in the provision of infrastructure, inadequate quality of teachers, and low academic achievement in the national exam. Furthermore, students in madrasahs have more burdens than those in regular schools; for instance, students in madrasahs have more subjects to study, longer school hours, and must adhere to stricter rules and conduct. The challenges faced by madrasah raise concerns regarding its effects on students� subjective well-being. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate whether there is a difference in students� happiness between those who attend madrasahs and the regular schools. The data collected were based on the results of face-to-face interviews with 1,299 secondary education students in Indonesia. The results of the Bayesian ANCOVA analysis showed that the best-fitting model for predicting students� happiness contained type of school and wealth level as predictors. The results also showed that the happiness level of madrasah students was significantly higher than their counterparts in regular high school. The finding is noteworthy because students� happiness in madrasah is higher than in the regular school, despite the lower level of wealth. The results further discussed the literature on religiosity and happiness in the context of adolescent education. © 2023, Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung. All rights reserved
The psychological aspects within the Yogyakartan Bedhaya: An exploratory study on royal court dancers
As a classical art form reserved only for the Yogyakartan royalty from the 18th to the 20th century, the Bedhaya does not simply serve as entertainment for its audiences. It is the epitome of Javanese meditation. This study aims to explore the experiences of court dancers regarding the Bedhaya to ultimately identify what psychological aspects are involved in the formation of their experiences. We used Moustakas’ qualitative phenomenology as the basis of this whole research, in combination with movement elicitation procedures to condition the participants prior to the data collection process. Consequently, we interviewed four Bedhaya dancers from various generations who were trained within the royal court of Yogyakarta. We analyzed the results using Moustakas’ modification of the Stevick–Colaizzi–Keen method. The results yielded five themes, which are the essence of the experiences of Bedhaya dancers and were then elaborated further using psychological concepts that may serve as a starting point for further psychological research on the subjec
Analisis Aktivitas Uranium-235 pada Limbah Cair PT. Petrokimia Gresik Sebelum dan Sesudah Penapisan dengan Metode Spektroskopi Gamma
IPLR menerima drum limbah radioaktif cair yang berasal dari PT. Petrokimia Gresik dan mengandung 19 g/L U-235. pada laporan, dilakukan proses guna mengurangi konsentrasi U-235 melalui metode penapisan. Analisis kandungan U-235 dilakukan dengan spektroskopi gamma. Setelah penapisan dan analisis, disimpulkan bahwa penapisan dapat mengikat U-235 setidaknya 60% dengan aktivitas akhir rata-rata sebesar 144,289 Bq/L. Proses penapisan akan mengurangi efektivitas resin karena resin menuju jenuh
Optimization of Burnable Poison Content and Configuration on Gama-Float Reactor's Fuel Assembly
The floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) can potentially fulfil the energy need in a remote region. A new FNPP reactor named Gama-Float was designed to tackle those issues. The first stage of the design process has been conducted; producing a fuel assembly design. The design was still inadequate: in the beginning-of-cycle (BOC), the multiplication factor was relatively high and needed compensation. The use of burnable poison was selected to solve the said problem.
In order to obtain a better design, an optimization process was conducted; this optimization is based on a genetic algorithm using the Method of Characteristics for the neutronic calculation. Optimization must satisfy two objectives: lowering the multiplication factor and maintaining the fuel cycle length. A subsequent analysis takes place to select results from the optimization. The analysis examined the assemblies' initial multiplication factor, fuel cycle length, and power peaking factor.
The final design is selected based on the analysis. The result from the optimization and selection is considered to satisfy both objectives. The initial multiplication factor has been reduced to 1.0054, and the fuel cycle has only decreased slightly to 3644.41 days, while the radial power peaking factor has increased to 1.2789 at BOC and is still considered to be within an acceptable range
Optimization of the Formulation of Sago Starch Edible Coatings Incorporated with Nano Cellulose Fiber (CNF)
This study aimed to produce new edible coatings based on the mixture of sago starch, cellulose nanofiber (CNF), glycerol, and tween-80.The effect of sago starch (5-10 g of starch/100 ml of distilled water), CNF (0.5-20 %), glycerol (10-30 %), and tween-80 (0.5â-10 %) based on sago starch concentration on contact angle (CA), water vapor permeability (WVP), oxygen permeability (PO2) and tensile strength (TS) properties of the edible coatings were optimized using factorial experimental design (2k).The result showed that the linear model for all independent variables was significant (P<0,05) on all responses (dependent variable).The sago starch concentration depicted a significant (p < 0.001) positive effect on contact angle; CNF showed a statistically significant effect on WVP, PO2, and TS; tween-80 showed a significant effect on all dependent variables, whereas glycerol only affected WVP. The optimum concentrations of sago starch, CNF, glycerol, and tween-80 were predicted to be 5 g/100 ml distilled water, 20 w/w, 10 w/w, and 0.5 w/w based on sago starch, respectively to obtain the minimum contact angle, WVP, PO2, and the maximum TS. The predicted data for the optimized coating formulation were in good agreement with the experimental value. This work revealed that the potential of sago starch/CNF based coating formulation could be effectively produced and successfully applied for coating of food
Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis) Tempeh: ACE-Inhibitory Peptide Formation during Absorption in the Small Intestine
Research background. High blood pressure is the most significant cause of mortality globally. Some fermented foods include ACE-inhibitory peptides that help fight this dis-ease. The ability of fermented jack bean (tempeh) to inhibit ACE during consumption has not been demonstrated yet. This study identified and characterised ACE-inhibitory peptides from jack bean tempeh produced by small intestine absorption using the everted intestinal sac model. Experimental approach. Sequentially, the protein extract of jack bean tempeh and un-fermented jack bean was hydrolysed using pepsin-pancreatin for 240 min. The hydrolysed samples were then evaluated for the peptide absorption using three-segmented everted intestinal sacs (duodenum, jejunum and ileum). The peptides absorbed from all intestinal segments were mixed in the small intestine. Results and conclusions. The data showed that both jack bean tempeh and unferment-ed jack bean had the same peptide absorption pattern, with the highest percentage of peptide absorption in the jejunum, followed by the duodenum and ileum. The absorbed peptides of jack bean tempeh exhibited equally strong activity of ACE inhibition in all intestinal segments, while the unfermented jack bean showed strong activity only in the jejunum. The mixture of the peptides from jack bean tempeh absorbed in the small intestine had higher ACE-inhibitory activity (81.09 ) than the unfermented jack bean (72.22 ). The peptides produced from jack bean tempeh were identified as pro-drug ACE inhib-itors and had the mixed inhibition pattern. The mixture of peptides consisted of seven types of peptides with a molecular mass of 826.86�978.20 Da (DLGKAPIN, GKGRFVYG, PF-MRWR, DKDHAEI, LAHLYEPS, KIKHPEVK, and LLRDTCK). Novelty and scientific contribution. This study discovered that consuming jack bean tempeh generated more potent ACE-inhibitory peptides during small intestine absorption than cooked jack beans. Absorbed tempeh peptides have high ACE-inhibitory activ-ity. © 2023, University of Zagreb. All rights reserved
Pada tahun 2020 jumlah penderita kanker dunia tercatat sebanyak 19.292.789 kasus. Hal tersebut mendorong berkembangnya metode pengobatan kanker yang efektif. Salah satunya adalah Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). Metode ini memungkinkan penghancuran sel kanker secara selektif sehingga sel sehat di sekitar selamat dari paparan yang berlebihan dibandingkan dengan radioterapi konvensional yang biasa digunakan. BNCT dapat diterapkan dalam mengobati berbagai jenis kanker satunya kanker pankreas. Tahap uji pra-klinis BNCT adalah simulasi dosimetri. Tujuannya untuk menentukan waktu terapi yang efektif dengan memperhatikan dosis ekuivalen yang diterima OAR.
Simulasi ini menggunakan program PHITS 3.30 yang memiliki keakuratan perhitungan distribusi dosis terhadap kedalaman di bandingkan MCNP6 dan Geant4. Penelitian menggunakan fantom ORNL dan siklotron 30 MeV sebagai sumber neutron dengan optimasi BSA dari referensi yang sudah ada. Variasi arah iradiasi yang digunakan adalah LLAT dan AP. Sedangkan variasi konsentrasi boron sebesar 70, 90, 110, 130, dan 150 μg/g kanker.
Hasil Penelitian: waktu terapi efektif adalah 23 menit 2 detik ± 2 menit 32 detik. Waktu terapi tersebut dicapai pada variasi konsentrasi 150 μg/g dengan arah penyinaran LLAT. Dosis ekuivalen yang diterima OAR pada variasi tersebut telah memenuhi standar keselamatan toleransi dosis