Scientific Journal of PPI - UKM
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140 research outputs found
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Accountability and Transparency of Allocated Village Funds
This research focuses on the accountability of monetary funds allocated to villages and the factors which inhibit the good management of the funds by village leaders. The main contribution of this research is to outline the process of the management of Allocated Village Funds (AVF) by village leaders and to ensure that the management is both transparent and has accountability. This research used the qualitative approach. The data collection was done through interviews, observation of procedures and research of documentation collected by the regional government. The triangulation method was used to ensure the reliability of the research. The outcome of this research is expected to benefit the government of Bengkalis Regency in helping to improve the accountability and management of the AVF. This research was done in the villages of the Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. Interviews were conducted with the leaders of the villages, the village secretaries and the village treasurers. The result of this research showed that the funds were managed well by the villages who were obedient to government regulations, transparent, accountable, followed judicial processes, distributed funds appropriately and benefited the villagers in Bengkalis Regency. However, there was one significant factor found that inhibited the implementation and management of AVF and that was the inadequacy of human personnel (village leaders and government officials). Other factors that could also hinder the implementation and management of the funds were the processing time for the disbursement of the funds to the villages and the lack of training of village leaders
The Implementation of Memorization: The Ulul Albab Program
This article aims to review the implementation of memorization in the Ulul Albab program. The implementation of the memorization is reviewed from the aspect of time allocation and preparation of the student before executing the Quran recitation. This study involved 120 Form One students at Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) Gemencheh. In conducting this study, some teachers of Islamic education were involved as instructors and mentors for the Tahdhir, Murajaah and Tasmik sessions. A pilot study found that the whole item was at a high level of reliability above 0.8. The findings show that the time allocation of students in implementing the memorization was at medium high level. While the preparation of students before implementing memorizing were at a high level. Student preparation before performing the memorization and time allocation is one of the factors that support student achievement
The Use of Leisure Time in Cultural Activities and Its Influence on Self-Wellbeing Among UKM Citra Students
This study aims to view UKM Citra students’ involvement cultural activities on leisure times and its influence towards self-wellbeing. Self-wellbeing refers to the aspects of social relationship, self-potential and health. Data were collected by using questionnaires that involve demographic information, cultural activities that were participated by students and students’ wellbeing. A total of 100 students were involved in this study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 to examine the percentage and mean. The results of the study show that the involvement in cultural activities that are based on three art fields have no big impact on self-wellbeing among UKM Citra students. This study also shows that there are no significant differences on both male and female students’ participation in cultural activities and self-wellbeing based on gender and art fields. The involvement in cultural activities for three art fields and self-wellbeing among UKM Citra students are at medium level
Waste Potential Analysis As a Source Of Electrical Power Plant And Creative Product To Support Tourism (Case Study in Kepulauan Seribu)
Waste can be used for energy sources from waste gas or composting. Energy can also be obtained from burning waste that can not be processed by incineration for power plants (PLTSa). Besides, garbage can also be used for the manufacture of creative products such as bags, bags or wallets from used coffee wrappers or also the use of waste paper for the manufacture of containers and invitations or paper ornamental paper. The waste in the Kepulauan Seribu is numerous and consists of two types of garbage: household and industrial waste and waste from the sea. Considering the condition of garbage in Kepulauan Seribu it needs to be analyzed about the potential of garbage as the fuel of garbage power plant and creative product to support tourism in Kepulauan Seribu District Administration. The steps taken are calculating the volume and types of waste in the Kepulauan Seribu, then calculating the energy owned by garbage and calculating the economic potential for the creative product from the waste. After that it will analyze energy potential and economic potential of waste. The final result of this research is expected to know the potential of garbage for the fuel of garbage power plants and creative products
Classification Data for Direct Marketing using Deep Learning
One of the tasks of banking marketing is to analyze customers' data and to find out the potential customers to save deposits. Generally, the method used to analyze customer data is by classifying all customers who have taken the time deposit into the target marketing, so this method causes the high cost of marketing operations. Therefore, this research is conducted to help solve the problem by designing a data mining application that can serve to classify the criteria of customers who potentially to save deposits in the bank. In classifying customer data has been done a lot by researchers before with various algorithms, now researchers use deep learning to classify the target in want by the banking. The results showed that achieved using deep learning accuracy is = 80%, MSE = 0.0943, AUC = 0.8533. The results of this study can be reference to build an application that can facilitate the banking in obtaining its target marketing in the future
Plastic Biodegradation by Peseudomonas aeruginosa UKMCC1011 Using A Modified Winogradsky Column
The use of plastic as a packaging has been increased in the market. Plastics was polymers that difficult to degrade in nature which to be a source of environmental damage. This study was conducted to see the potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa UKM1011 and natural bacteria to degrade plastics using modified Winogradsky columns. The natural substrate used as soil, sand, and water were taken from Tasik Kejuruteraan UKM Bangi, Selangor. Modified Winogradsky columns using 600ml mineral bottles filled with 300 gr of soil or sand as a substrate and 300 ml of water mixed with medium salt as nutrients. The degradation process carried out for 60 days with parameters were the measurement of optical density (OD) at 600nm, pH conditions, and percent weight loss every 15 days. The results show P. aeruginosa were able to utilize plastics as the carbon source in modified Winogradsky column. The highest plastic degradation was black plastic on the sand substrate by the added P. Aeruginosa was 1.6684% followed by OD600was 0.599 and pH 8.2. While the high test degradation of yellow plastic on the sand substrate was 1.2302% followed by OD600was 0.593 and pH 7.9
Parental Socialization on Political Ideology: The Internalization Pattern of Ethnonationalism from The Leader of Aceh Free Movement (GAM) to Their Children
This study discusses about internalization pattern of ethnonationalism ideology applied by parents whose backgrounds were members of Aceh Free Movement (GAM) to their children. After reconciling with Indonesian government, the existence of ideology is often questionable. Therefore, question of this research is whether ethnonationalism still entrenches and transferred to the member’s children or the ideology disappear as disbandment of GAM. This research uses exploratory qualitative method by applying depth interview purposively to five leaders of GAM. Research question is answered by analyzing ideology internalization process and pattern based on Baumrind [1] in Murray and Mulvaney [2]. This research finds that there are two dominant patterns applied by the parents in socializing the ideology namely permissive and authoritative. Ideology internalization process happens in three steps: introduction, understanding, and internalization. Although having different patterns, the parents use similar socialization media which is the great history of Aceh to arouse their children’s ethnonationalis
The Impact of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Dividend Yield, and Market Capitalization on Stock Return (Evidence from Listed Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange)
This study aims to empirically investigate the firm’s performance on stock return. The selected firm’s performance indicators were financial ratios, market ratio and firm size. The selected financial ratio in this study was current ratio as one of liquidity ratios, debt-to-equity ratio as leverage ratios, and return on assets as profitability ratios. Dividend yield is considered as market ratio while market capitalization is considered as firm size. The period of the study was from 2012 – 2016 and the sample population of this study was 18 manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Since 2012 – 2016, the contribution of manufacturing sector industry almost quarterly of the Indonesia Domestic Product (PDB). However since 1998 up to 2016, trend of this sector has been declining and slightly showing increment by second quarter of 2017. The panel data regression analysis with random effect model was chosen as the method to analyze it. According to the findings, firm’s performance was simultaneously influenced stock market return
Development of Android-based Learning Media in Improving the Quality of Senior High School Students' Learning
Learning methods become one of the factors that are very influential, especially for students' academic achievement. Nowadays students are required to be more active in expanding the knowledge they not only get from teaching and learning activities in school, but they can also add knowledge such as from a learning application that they can learn by themselves to hone their understanding of subjects. In the subject of Natural Science, often the methods or methods used by teachers in teaching are still many that are difficult to understand by students, the existing learning media less interest of students to study harder, and students sometimes consider easy subjects Natural Sciences. The aims of this research is make learning media in senior high school visually displayed in the form of applications that can be accessed with Android-based phones is expected to improve the quality of learning, especially in science subjects
Investigation Wind Speed Characterization Over West Lampung Area For Wind Power Potential Application
Lampung it’s a one province in Sumatera who have wind power potential especially over west lampung area. The observation potential wind speed has been studied to assess wind power potential. However, the wind speed observation over local area is limited due to transportation access. Thus, in this study aimed to characterize wind speed over West Lampung area using MTSAT observation and lognormal model. The wind data observation taken from local observation, NOAA and NASA website to investigate wind speed characterization. Result shows West Lampung, Sumatera have potential wind power potential over Krui, Lampung area with strong correlation (R-sq value) 0.71 and 0.77 with 12 m/s of wind speed (local observation), and 13.5 m/s of lognormal wind speed model over 5.8m from above mean sea levels (AMSL), respectively. Based on the result we found the best location to install wind turbine in near future over Krui, West Lampung, Sumatera, Indonesia