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    334 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Competency and Skills Needs for Seaplane Maintenance in Pilot Education at the Indonesian Pilot Academy Banyuwangi

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    This research assesses the competency and skill requirements for Seaplane aircraft maintenance in the pilot education program at the Indonesian Pilot Academy Banyuwangi. Utilizing qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews and direct observation, the study involves students and teachers in the pilot education program. Analysis reveals crucial competencies for students, encompassing a profound understanding of Seaplane aircraft systems, adept problem-solving during operations, and the capacity for quick and precise decision-making. Special skills, such as adaptability to complex working conditions and meticulousness in maintenance procedures, are also deemed essential. The research identifies alignment between the academy's curriculum and Seaplane aircraft maintenance needs, yet highlights specific areas requiring enhancement. The study recommends strengthening the curriculum and teaching methods to better address competency and skill needs. Implementing these recommendations is anticipated to elevate the quality of graduates, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the challenges of Seaplane aircraft maintenance in the aviation industry

    Implementation of Project-Based Learning Model with Digital Flipbook Media in Story Texts Learning

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    One of the factors that cause low ability in reading and writing Javanese legend text is learning models and media are less varied. The project-based learning model with digital flipbook media assistance felt appropriate as an alternative for overcoming problems reading and writing legendary stories text at SMP Negeri 3 Semarang. This study aimed to describe the different results and students' performance between experimental classes that use the project-based learning model with control class without the model and media for student class VIII SMP Negeri 3 Semarang in elements reading and writing story. This study used experimental research with a true experimental design in the form posttest-only control design. Data collection techniques used tests techniques, observations, and interviews. Data analysis was performed using quantitative description techniques with SPSS Statistic 26 and qualitative description techniques. The results showed that learning outcomes and performance of students experimental class were better than a control class. Differences in learning outcomes can be seen from the average of reading and writing in control class amounting to 75,39 and the average in experimental class amounting to 81,92. Apart from that, using this model can improve students performance namely, students are more active, enthusiastic, disciplined with time, and have good responsibility. In conclusion, these models and media can be implemented by Javanese language teachers to optimize student learning outcomes and performance

    Automated Assessment of Students' Attitudes and Academic Resilience Through Learning Management System Data Integration

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    One of the online platforms used to support learning activities is the Learning Management System (LMS). LMS supports the evaluation of cognitive aspects but not affective ones. As learning is mostly asynchronous, it presents challenges for lecturers in assessing students' attitudes. However, LMS generates data that can potentially be used to evaluate student attitudes and academic resilience. With the system log on the LMS, we can process data into information on the level of understanding, learning attitude, and persistence of students. This research is related to the design of an analytic dashboard that is integrated with LMS using Moodle. The dashboard will display an evaluation of student learning activities from the attitudinal aspects of motivation, discipline, responsibility, and academic resilience aspects consisting of persistence, reflecting and asking for help, and negative affect and emotional response. The study involved 160 new students, with data collected from 130 participants. The method used is a Research and Development (R&D) approach, which includes three stages: introduction, development, and testing. Data triangulation was used for validation by comparing online assessments with student self-evaluations. The final stage visualizes the results of system log analysis through the analytic dashboard. Findings showed that motivation scores from self-assessment correlated with LMS data, while discipline and responsibility assessments yielded different results. Academic resilience measures also showed discrepancies between student and mentor assessments. This research highlights the potential to visualize affective learning aspects within LMS platforms, providing lecturers with valuable insights into both cognitive and affective dimensions of student performance

    Transforming Correspondence Learning Through Microlearning-Based Media for Vocational High School Students

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    The rapid development of digital technology requires innovative learning media to improve the student learning experience. This study discusses the development of microlearning-based correspondence learning media designed for Vocational High School (SMK) students under the auspices of the Indonesian Association of Scholars and Office Administration Practitioners (Aspapi) in Jakarta area. The main problem in correspondence learning is the limited effective media to increase students' focus and learning independence. Students often have difficulty in structuring sentences when writing letters and are reluctant to think deeply due to the familiarity with informal communication through social media as well as a lack of knowledge of formal correspondence. This research aims to develop microlearning-based learning media in correspondence learning. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with the Dick & Carey development model, which includes needs analysis to summative evaluation. The respondents in this study are students of Aspapi's partner vocational schools in Jakarta. The results show that microlearning-based learning media significantly increases the effectiveness of correspondence learning. Students demonstrate better comprehension and increased learning independence thanks to concise and directed microlearning content, in accordance with their digital communication habits. Interactive and accessible media design also helps to overcome low literacy competence and student learning motivation.  Based on the above findings, it can be concluded that the development of microlearning-based learning media has proven to be an effective solution in overcoming challenges in correspondence learning. This media is able to improve students' writing skills, critical thinking, and learning independence, so similar innovations are recommended to be applied to other administrative and vocational subjects

    Integration of Ngumbai Lawok Culture and Language in Learning to Develop Social-Emotional Interaction Using Image Media for Early-Age Children

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    The social and emotional growth of young children is significant for fostering empathy, communication, and social interaction. However, education in schools often ignores the linguistic and cultural components around children, thereby hampering the development of some parts of their social-emotional relationships. The ngumbai lawok tradition is one of the cultures of Lampung's coastal communities in appreciating marine products which can be integrated with language to improve children's social and emotional development using image media. This research aims to find out how early childhood learning that combines Ngumbai Lawok language and culture using image media can influence the formation of social and emotional relationships in early childhood. This research methodology is an action research design that combines qualitative and quantitative techniques. The research subjects are children aged 3-6 years at the early childhood education institution in Batanghari sub-district, East Lampung. Data is collected through observations, instructor interviews, questionnaires, documentation to measure children's social and emotional growth, and records of social-emotional development activities. Data analysis includes quantitative and qualitative to compare changes in children's social and emotional development before and after intervention. Research shows that the Numbai Lawok language and culture combined with image media can improve children's ability to interact socially and emotionally. The use of image media helps children understand the cultural concepts of Numbai Lawok and stimulates their language development, and children show improvements in aspects of cooperation, empathy, and communication. This research concludes that the integration of local culture and language with visual media is effective in improving the social emotional skills of young children

    The Influence of LCD Media through PjBL-STEM on Critical Thinking Skills

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    This study investigates the impact of LCD media integrated with Project-Based Learning STEM (PjBL-STEM) on enhancing elementary school science students' critical thinking skills. Despite employing a quantitative approach and true experimental design, further clarification on the practical implementation of PjBL-STEM and the role of LCD media in the learning process would be beneficial. PjBL-STEM engages students in hands-on science projects that promote problem-solving, which is typically essential in elementary-level science curricula. However, "LCD media" lacks specificity, raising questions about whether it encompasses slides, videos, or interactive digital content. Conducted at SDN Wonosalam in Demak Regency, the research targets Grade V students using a saturated sample technique. Pretests and posttests on animal life cycle content were analyzed using the t-test to evaluate the impact of LCD-enhanced PjBL-STEM on critical thinking. Results reveal a significant positive influence, with a 2-tailed significance score of 0.005 (<0.05). Critical thinking indicators reflected high percentages: clarification (83%), assessment (81%), inference (82%), and strategies (85%). Average scores improved from a pretest mean of 68.33 to a posttest mean of 82.67, signifying growth in 21st-century skills, particularly critical thinking. This suggests that LCD-supported PjBL-STEM enhances reasoning and fosters deeper scientific understanding among elementary students

    Development of Evernoted Learning Media Center as Learning Innovation and Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities

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    The development of Evernoted Learning Media Center aims to introduce inclusive learning innovations for people with disabilities. This study presents the design and implementation of an Evernoted-based learning platform with accessibility features. Employing the Research and Development (R&D) method, a need analysis was initially conducted through interviews with teachers and principals at three Special Needs Schools (SLB/Sekolah Luar Biasa) in Malang City. The analysis results were used to design an appropriate Evernoted Learning Media Center design. The platform incorporates accessibility features, including alternative text, contrast settings, and layer readers. Findings revealed that Evernoted could be configured into an effective learning medium, offering flexibility, personalization, and ease of  users access with various types of disabilities, especially deaf people. The analysis results demonstrated that Evernoted Learning Media Center could be an effective alternative for meeting the varied learning needs of students with disabilities, particularly deaf people, through two versions: an augmented reality (AR)-based Android application and a virtual tour-based website. Validation results indicated the platform’s feasibility at 83.17%, categorizing it as very feasible to be tested on students with disabilities

    Digital Comics for Differentiated Learning: A Strategy to Enhance Elementary Reading Skills

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the education sector, particularly in rural areas, and this effect continues to be felt. The transition to online learning technologies during this period was not effectively implemented. This situation underscores the necessity for accessible and effective media literacy resources to support reading skills. This study aims to enhance the reading abilities of elementary school students through the development of differentiated digital comics (KODI), specifically designed to cater to diverse learning needs. Employing a Research and Development (R&D) approach based on the ADDIE model, the study involved one media expert, one content expert, and 30 fourth-grade students. Data collection was conducted through observations, interviews, and questionnaires, which were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The needs analysis revealed significant variations in students' reading abilities and preferences, highlighting the urgency for differentiated media. Expert validation indicated that KODI met the eligibility criteria, achieving an average validity score of 84.9%, categorizing it as "valid." Effectiveness testing using a T-test demonstrated a significant improvement in students' reading skills, with the posttest score differences between the experimental and control groups reaching a significant level (p < 0.05). The average posttest score for the experimental group was higher than that of the control group, confirming that KODI is effective in enhancing students' reading skills. These findings affirm the potential of KODI as an engaging and adaptive medium for improving reading skills at the elementary education level

    Development of a Flipbook-based E-module integrated with GeoGebra and Genially on Similarity

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    The aim of this research is to develop an e-module using flipbook media that is integrated with GeoGebra and Genially in Mathematics subjects, especially about similarity for class IX SMP Khadijah 2 Surabaya which can be used as interactive teaching material. The objective of this study is to develop an e-module using a flipbook for the Mathematics subject, specifically on the topic of similarity for Grade IX at SMP Khadijah 2 Surabaya, that is both effective and suitable for use. The research method employed is the R&D (Research & Development) model by Borg and Gall, which involves data collection to produce, develop, and validate the product, utilizing the ASSURE method introduced by Robert Heinich and colleagues in the 1980s. This study uses the ASSURE model, which consists of six steps: 1) Analyze Learner Characteristics; 2) State Performance Objectives; 3) Select Methods, Media, and Materials; 4) Utilize Materials; 5) Require Learner Participation; 6) Evaluate and Revise. The data used in this research includes both qualitative and quantitative data. The research data was obtained from the feasibility level assessed by learning media experts at 83%, design experts at 92%, learning material experts at 98%, peer trials at 100%, small group trials with 5 students at 88%, medium group trials with 9 students at 90%, and large group trials with 24 students at 86%

    Developing a Gamified Digital Learning Media to Cultivate Singing Skills for Junior High School Students

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    Digital learning media based on gamification is rarely found in singing education, yet the impact of utilizing such learning tools cannot be underestimated. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a gamified digital learning media product for cultural arts education in junior high schools. The research adopts a Research and Development (R&D) approach using the ADDIE model, focusing on the development and validation process of gamified digital learning media suitable for educational purposes. The research subjects consist of media experts, content experts, and cultural arts teachers from State Junior High School 3 Grogol, Sukoharjo. Data collection techniques involve a media validation questionnaire, which is then analyzed using percentages and described to provide an overview of the suitability level of this gamified media. The research results indicate that the average validation results obtained from media experts I and II are 86%, while the average results from content experts I and II are also 86%. After being validated by the cultural arts teachers, the gamified media received an average total score of 87% from three teachers, all falling under the 'very good' qualification. Therefore, based on the assessments of media experts, content experts, and teachers, it is concluded that the gamified digital learning media product is categorized as 'suitable' for use as an alternative cultural arts learning media in State Junior High School 3 Grogol. The existence of this appropriate media undoubtedly stands as an innovative learning tool, incorporating gaming elements to enrich the process of singing skills


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