Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
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    833 research outputs found

    Interaksi Nisbah Daun: Buah dan Pupuk Daun pada Kualitas Buah Abiu (Pouteria caimito Radlk.)

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    Abiu (Pouteria caimito Radlk.) is a plant of Sapotaceae family that can be consumed fresh, processed, or as a medical product. The fruit and leaves of this plant contain bioactive compounds. This research aims to inform the interaction between leaf:fruit ratio treatment and foliar fertilizer on the quality of the abiu fruit. The study was conducted at Kebun Balungbang Jaya, Dramaga, Bogor, West Java Province, from July 2022 to November 2022. The experiment used a factorial split plot design. The main plot was a leaf:fruit ratio treatment (N1, 45 leaves:1 fruit, and N2, 30 leaves:1 fruit) on each tertiary branch, and the tiller plot was foliar fertilizer (P1: 1 g L-1, P2: 2 g L-1, and P3: 3 g L-1), which consisted of 3 replications. The results showed that treatment of the leaf-fruit ratio and foliar fertilizer did not affect the quality of the abiu fruit. The interaction between leaf:fruit ratio and foliar fertilizer had a significant effect on ATT, as indicated by the lowest acidity value in the leaf:fruit ratio treatment of 45:1 and a fertilizer concentration of 1 g L-1 with a value of 0.12% but has no significant effect on the external and internal quality of other fruits.   Keywords: Bioactive compounds, sapotaceae, tertiary branch, titratable acidit

    Dinamika dan Daya Saing Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat

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    Regional economic development is closely related to the role of the agricultural sector. In addition to food production, agriculture also contributes to the absorption of labor. During the COVID-19 pandemic, regional economic growth in Indonesia tended to decline, as well as in Padang Pariaman. Padang Pariaman will have a negative growth rate of 10.46% in 2020, the lowest compared to the average GDP growth rate of the other region in West Sumatra. This study aims to determine the dynamics and competitiveness of the agricultural sector compared to the other sectors. The research was conducted in a quantitative and descriptive manner using time series data for the period 2016–2020 from BPS. Data analysis using Klassen typology and shift share analysis. The results showed that the agricultural sector has an average share of 21.37% of the GDP of Padang Pariaman. Based on Klassen's typology analysis, the agriculture sector was included in the potential sector category in 2017–2019 but shifted to the developed sector category in 2020. Despite experiencing slow growth, the results of shift share analysis show that the agricultural sector in Padang Pariaman is still competitive. Increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector can be pursued by expanding sector linkages with the other economic sectors and increasing diversification of economics activities in agricultural sector   Keywords: agricultural sector; shift share analysis; tipology klasse

    Pengendalian Hayati Patogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici dengan Isolat Trichoderma sp. Asal Rizosfer Bambu dari Kecamatan Kedu, Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Capsici can cause serious problems and reduce red chili yields, so controls are needed that can reduce the development of the pathogen. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of Trichoderma sp. from the bamboo rhizosphere in Kedu District, Temanggung Regency, in inhibiting the growth of F. oxysporum f. sp. capsici in vitro and in vivo. Trichoderma sp. Was isolated from the rhizosphere of bamboo plants, and F. oxysporum f. sp. capsici was isolated from red chili plants with symptoms of fusarium wilt. Mushroom isolates were purified and identified based on the identification key book. An in vitro test using the double culture method and an in vivo test were conducted in a screen house by applying Trichoderma sp. to the stem of red chili plants. One isolate of Trichoderma sp. was obtained from the soil of the bamboo rhizosphere in the Kedu District, and Fusarium sp. isolates were obtained from the stems of red pepper plants. Based on in vitro antagonist tests, Trichoderma sp. Fungi were able to inhibit the growth of F. Oxysporum f. sp. capsici up to 82.50% at 7 HSI. Trichoderma sp. could inhibit pathogens through antibiotic inhibition mechanisms and competition of nutrients and space to grow. Trichoderma sp. inoculation followed by in vivo inoculation of pathogens on red chili plant stems showed an attack symptom intensity of 4.16% with an antagonistic performance of 75.03% 12 days after inoculation. Trichoderma sp. is effective as an alternative biological control agent for red chili plant disease caused by F. Oxysporum f. sp. capsici.   Keywords: Bamboo Rhizosphere, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici, Plant Diseases, Trichoderma sp

    Karakterisasi Ekson 4 Gen DRD4 pada Ayam Arab Tiara G15 dengan Tingkah Laku Feather Pecking

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    Feather pecking (FP) is a potentially fatal behavioral disorder in chickens. Various factors, including genetics such as DRD4 gene, affected this behavior. The Arab TIARA G15 chicken is a laying hen breed selected based on FP behavior. However, genetic selection linked to this FP as not yet been conducted. This study aimed to characterize the 4th exon of the DRD4 gene in Arab golden red TIARA G15 chickens and confirm its potential as an FP genetic marker. The study used 30 TIARA G15 chickens that were divided into three groups: high feather pecking (HFP) (n = 10), low feather pecking (LFP) (n = 10), and control (n = 10). The DNA extraction kit extracted total genomic DNA from each blood sample. The 4th exon of the DRD4 gene was amplified using primer pairs MU140-141. Amplicons from samples within a group were pooled in a single tube and sequenced using the Sanger method. The sequencing results were analyzed for nucleotide variation using MEGA6 software. Nucleotide sequences obtained from each group were 642 bp, consisting of partial intron 3 (55 bp), full-length exon 4 (202 bp), and partial 3'UTR (385 bp). None of the three groups of Arab golden red TIARA G15 chickens were found to have any nucleotide variants in the partial intron 3, full-length exon 4, and 3'UTR regions of the DRD4 gene. Consequently, selecting the full-length exon 4 of the DRD4 gene for FP behavior was not feasible.   Keywords: arab chicken, DRD4, feather pecking, golden re

    Aktivitas Enzimatik Cendawan dari Lalat Bactrocera dorsalis sebagai Kandidat Cendawan Entomopatogen

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    Extracellular enzymes produced by fungi can serve as a screening tool for entomopathogen candidates. Enzyme secretion ability is important in determining the virulence level of an entomopathogenic fungus. This study aims to see the potential of fungal isolates through chitinolytic, lipolytic, and proteolytic activities of five entomopathogenic fungal isolated from Bactrocera sp. imago from citrus plants. The research was carried out at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Department of Biology at the University of Lampung. Enzymatic activity is known through the method of observing the clear zone formed on agar media. Quantitative tests based on the calculation of enzymatic index values showed that Nigrospora sp. (IB1) had lipolytic activity, Penicillium sp. 2 (IB5) isolates had chitinolytic, lipolytic, and proteolytic activities. The isolates of Penicillium sp. 1 (IB2), Phytopthora sp. (IB3), and Gliocladium sp. (IB4) did not show the activity of the three enzymes.   Keywords: Bactrocera sp., bioinsecticide, entomopathogenic fungi, enzym

    Ekstraksi Bunga Kecombrang dan Rosela dengan Metode MAE serta Aplikasinya pada Produk Permen Jelly

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    Research in recent years has shown the antioxidant activities of kecombrang and roselle flowers, as well as the antibacterial properties of kecombrang, so these materials have potentials to be developed as a functional food product. With an easy manufacturing process and basic ingredients that are easy to obtain, jelly candy is one of the preparations that can be applied to kecombrang and roselle flower extracts. This research aims 1) to determine the effect of variations in microwave-assisted extraction time and power on the physicochemical characteristics of the resulting extract and 2) to determine the effect of variations in the ratio of kecombrang and roselle flower extracts as ingredients for jelly candy products on the physical, chemicall, and sensory characteristics of the product. Research on the extraction of kecombrang and roselle flower powder used a randomized block design (RBD). Treatment consisted of two factors: 1) extraction power (150, 200, and 250 watts); 2) extraction time (3, 5, and 7 minutes). The data obtained were analyzed using the SPSS program. The analysis results showed that the best extraction of kecombrang and roselle flowers were at 250 watts of power and 5 minutes of extraction time. The best extraction results are then processed into jelly candy with the best sensory results in the 15%:25% sample. This jelly candy product contains reduced sugar levels of 12.41%, vitamin C levels of 23.58 mg/100g, total phenol levels of 47.58 mg/100g, total flavonoid levels of 18.80 mg/100g, and antioxidant activity amounting to 28.24 mg/100g.   Keywords: extraction, jelly candy, kecombrang, MAE, rosell

    Eksplorasi, Identifikasi, dan Karakterisasi Nematoda Entomopatogen Pada Lahan Jagung dan Padi

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are potential nematodes as biological agents because they actively search for insect pests and are parasitic on their hosts. Two genera of EPN can be used as biological agents: Steinernema and Heterohabditis. It is necessary to explore local EPN on land suspected of having potential as a habitat for the nematodes. This study aimed to determine the genus and population of the EPN from corn and rice farms in Jember by identifying and characterizing them. The method used was the descriptive method. The EPN population was analyzed using the T-test. The results showed that the EPN from the corn and rice fields belonged to the Steinernema genus. EPN from the corn field isolate was characterized by a body length of 826,77 μm, body width of 47.14 μm, and tail length of 73.16 μm, while from the rice field, the isolate was characterized by a body length of 840.54 μm, body width of 37.70 μm, tail length 57.52 μm. EPN populations in maize and rice fields were not significantly different.   Keywords: exploration, entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernem

    Pengelompokkan Kabupaten/Kota di Pulau Papua Menurut Indikator Ketahanan Pangan Menggunakan Model-based clustering

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    Kebutuhan pangan yang terus meningkat seiring bertambahnya populasi penduduk menjadi perhatian pemerintah sebagaimana tercantum dalam Sustainable Development Goals tujuan kedua, yaitu tanpa kelaparan yang mencakup ketahanan pangan. Badan Pangan Nasional (BPN) menggunakan Indeks Ketahanan Pangan (IKP) untuk memantau kondisi ketahanan pangan level kabupaten/kota dan provinsi di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data BPN, sebagian besar kabupaten/kota di Pulau Papua mengalami kondisi rentan pangan. Namun, IKP memiliki kelemahan pada subjektivitas penentuan bobot sehingga dapat menyamarkan kegagalan suatu program atau melebihkan suatu keberhasilan. Metode model-based clustering dapat digunakan untuk mengukur ketahanan pangan kabupaten/kota di Pulau Papua berdasarkan indikator ketahanan pangan. Namun kondisi data yang tidak berdistribusi normal multivariat dan banyaknya outlier, maka penelitian ini menggunakan model-based clustering dengan distribusi t multivariat karena lebih robust. Berdasarkan nilai Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) terbesar, model terbaik yang didapatkan adalah UIUU dengan dua cluster. Cluster satu yaitu ketahanan pangan rendah memiliki capaian indikator yang rendah dengan karakteristik kemiskinan tinggi, banyak ruta dengan porsi pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk pangan lebih dari 65 persen, akses listrik dan air bersih yang rendah, angka harapan hidup dan rata-rata lama sekolah perempuan yang rendah, serta persentase stunting balita yang tinggi, sedangkan pada cluster kedua yaitu ketahanan pangan tinggi memiliki kondisi sebaliknya

    psbA-trnH Intergenic Spacer profile of Wax Apple (Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M. Perry) Cultivars

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    The fruit known as wax apple, scientifically named Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M. Perry, is a well-liked agricultural product originating from Demak Regency in the Central Java Province. When it is difficult to distinguish between different forms of an organism, using DNA barcoding to authenticate the identity of species based on their DNA is an important way. The psbA-trnH intergenic spacer is a commonly used molecular approach to analyse the genetic characteristics of plant species. This study investigated the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer profile of wax apple cultivars from Demak regency. The investigation revealed that the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer sequences of the S. samarangense cultivars, namely Madu Thailand and Madu Deli Hijau, had lengths of 535 and 492 base pairs, respectively. Both cultivars demonstrate a greater nucleotide composition of deoxyadenylic acid (A) and deoxythymidylic acid (T) in comparison to deoxycytidilic acid (C) and deoxyguanylic (G). The genetic distance between S. samarangense ‘Madu Thailand’ and ‘Madu Deli Hijau’ indicates a very tight relationship, with a value of 0.000. The psbA-trnH intergenic spacer proved to be insufficient in differentiating the S. samarangense cultivars from Demak regency, mostly because to its low capacity to discern between the wax apple cultivars.   Keywords: Demak, psbA-trnH intergenic spacer, Syzygium samarangense, wax appl

    Histopatologi Hepar Tikus Dengan Induksi Pakan Tinggi Lemak Setelah Pemberian Biji Mahoni

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    High accumulation of lipids in hepatocytes can trigger an increase in the production of radical compounds, leading to fatty liver disease. This condition induces histological changes in the liver, especially in hepatocytes, and affects the surrounding structures. Mahogany seeds have the potential to act as a hypolipidemic agent in treating fatty liver. Mahogany seeds are known to contain phytochemical compounds which act as antioxidants. This study aimed to determine liver histopathology of rats by inducing high-fat diet after giving mahogany seeds ethanol extract which was observed through the percentage of steatosis, hepatocyte diameter, and hepatosomatic index. This study involved thirty male Sprague Dawley rats, divided into 6 groups: P0 (given commercial feed), P1 (given high-fat diet), P2 (given high-fat diet and simvastatin at a dose of 8 mg/200 g BW), P3, P4, and P5 (given high-fat diet and mahogany seeds ethanol extract at a dose of 14, 28, and 56 mg/200 g BW). The results showed that the hepatosomatic index among all treatment groups did not differ significantly; however, the percentage of steatosis and hepatocyte diameter in the groups given mahogany seeds ethanol extract significantly differed from the group given only high-fat feed. Based on these results, it can be concluded that mahogany seed ethanol extract can maintain the histological structure of the liver in male Sprague Dawley rats with fatty liver.   Keywords: hepatocyte, hepatosomatic index, high-fat diet, mahogany seeds, steatosi


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