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212 research outputs found
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The Diversity of Amphibian (Order Anura) in Bandealit Resort, Meru Betiri National Park
Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is a conservation area located in East Java that has a diversity of flora and fauna. However, the information about entirety diversity in this area is still uncleared, due to limited scientific research, one of which is amphibians. So, the aim of this study is to explore the diversity of amphibian species (order Anura) in Bandealit Resort, MBNP. Data collection was carried out on January 6-8, 2023 in four representative habitat types i.e., terrestrial, arboreal, semi-aquatic, and aquatic. The data collection method was using Visual Encounter Surveys (VES) on each observation line with a length of 300m. The ecological data collected included the species names of amphibians (Anura) and the number of individuals of each species. Furthermore, data analysis was using species composition and species diversity using the Shannon-Wiener index (H'). Based on the results, six species of Anura were found (Fejervarya cancrivora, F. limnocharis, Leptobrachium hasseltii, Kaloula baleata, Hylarana chalconota, and Polypedates leucomystax) belonging to five families (Dicroglossidae, Megophryidae, Microhylidae, Ranidae and Rhacophoridae). Species P. leucomystax was found with the highest number of individuals (eight individuals) and occupied arboreal, terrestrial, and semi-aquatic habitat types. Based on the Shannon-Wiener index, the species diversity value of the order Anura amphibians was obtained in the moderate category (H'=1.47). This shows that the Bandealit Resort in MBNP provides an important habitat for several species of the order Anura amphibians. Furthermore, the results of this study also provide updated data regarding the existence of amphibian species of the order Anura in MBNP, especially Bandealit Resort
Virtual Screening of Inhibitor Compounds for HL-60 Cell Line Using QSAR and Molecular Docking Approaches
Leukaemia is a type of heterogeneous malignancy disease in which the number of immature white blood cells in the bone marrow is increased or poorly differentiated. Inhibitors of HL-60 cell line are important drugs in the treatment of leukaemia. This study aims to identify potential inhibitors for HL-60 leukaemia cells using virtual screening with QSAR and molecular docking approaches. The best QSAR model obtained was the model with R2 testing value of 0.72. The best model was applied to the Enamine database, obtained 3,841,278 compounds with pIC50 above 9 were clustered to end up with 50 inhibitor candidate compounds. The compounds were further studied through molecular docking against CDK- 2 and BCL-2 target proteins with binding free energy analysis. Screened compounds have high inhibitory potential against CDK-2 and BCL-2 target proteins in HL-60 cells which can be proposed as potential inhibitors of HL-60 cells. These compounds can be further tested for the development of more effective antileukaemia drugs
Bioethanol Production by Fermentation of Rice Husk and Golden Banana Peel Delignified Using EM4
The increasing number of vehicles can increase the need for fossil fuels and polution so that a safe alternative is needed. one of the environmentally friendly alternatives is bioethanol. Banana peels and rice husks contain carbohydrates that are good enough to be utilized as a microbial fermentation substrate to be converted into bioethanol. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal level of bioethanol produced in rice husk and golden banana peel that has been delignified with EM4. The research method used is experimental research with research stages starting from the manufacture of rice husk powder and golden banana peel, delignification using EM4, measurement of lignin content, making rice husk slurry and golden banana peel delignification results, fermentation using baker's yeast with a concentration of 1%, measurement of bioethanol content, data collection and data processing using One Way Anova to determine differences in each sample. The results obtained bioethanol levels increased until the last day of fermentation, which is 9 days with levels of 46.08%. It can be concluded that the use of golden banana peel and rice husk that has been delignified with EM4 is able to produce the most optimal bioethanol
Effect of Duck Manure (Anas domesticus) and Compost on the Growth of Kangkong (Ipomoea reptans Poir var. Bangkok LP-1) on Aquaponic Systems
Kangkung (Ipomoea reptans) menjadi salah satu sayuran yang paling banyak di konsumsi dengan tingkat konsumsi, pada tahun 2020, sebesar 3,784 kg/kapita/tahun. Akan tetapi, ketersediaan kangkung masih belum memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dengan data ketersediaan per kapita yaitu sebesar 1,03 kg/kapita/tahun. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan peningkatan produksi kangkung terutama pada daerah urban, salah satunya melalui sistem akuaponik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi dan dosis pupuk kandang bebek serta kompos terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung pada sistem akuaponik. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan eksperimental dengan faktor perbedaan yaitu pemberian pupuk kandang bebek dan kompos dengan komposisi yang berbeda. Terdapat lima perlakuan dengan masing-masing talang diulangi sebanyak 26 tanaman. Masing-masing perlakuan yaitu kontrol (0% pupuk/kompos), pupuk kandang bebek 750 g (50%), pupuk kandang bebek 1,500 g (100%), pupuk kompos 750 g (50%), pupuk kompos 1,500 g (100%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian pupuk kompos 100% (1,500 g) menghasilkan pertumbuhan dengan hasil paling optimal terhadap jumlah daun, panjang akar, biomassa basah, dan biomassa kering tanaman kangkung
Recrystallization of Iron Materials Under The Influence of High-Temperature Heat Treatment: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Simulations have been carried out to study the recrystallization of iron materials after heat treatment. The heat treatment carried out consists of heating the iron from room tempera-ture to critical temperature with different heating temperatures and cooling to room tem-perature with different cooling times. This study was carried out to obtain information on the occurrence of material recrystallization after the heat treatment process was carried out. This simulation approach was carried out using molecular dynamics methods and utilizing LAMMPS software. The heat treatment process begins by heating the iron from room temperature (300 K) until it reaches a critical temperature, even past the critical temperature value. Then a cooling process is carried out to observe the material recrystallization process. Through these two stages of heat treatment, analysis is carried out to observe the material structure at the end of the simulation. Based on the simulations that have been carried out, the results show that the ma-terial’s recrystallization is more influenced by the cooling time than the initial cooling tem-perature. More than 60% of the BCC structures formed at the end of the simulation for all initial cooling temperatures, but for very short cooling times 16% of the BCC
Ants Density of Odontomachus sp. and Its Ecological Role in Kendari City Green Open Space
The degradation of environmental quality has become a global problem today. One way to address this is by providing green open spaces that help maintain environmental quality. Kendari city has a number of green open spaces (RTH) including, RTH in Baruga sub-district, Kendari mayor's office area and in Nanga-nanga botanical garden of Kendari city. This study aims to determine the density and ecological role of ants (Odontomachus sp.) in green open spaces in Kendari city. The method used in this study was hand sorting using ring samples with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 15 cm in a plot measuring 25 m x 25 m consisting of 25 sampling points with a distance of 5 m per point. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the density at each research location, namely Baruga green space, mayor's park and Nanga-nanga botanical garden. The results showed that the highest density of ants (Odontomachus sp.) was found in the mayor's park with 16 ind/m2. The ecological role of ants (Odontomachus sp.) in Kendari city green open space is an important role in bioturbation and natural predators of soil fauna such as termites and earthworms
Snack Production Planning Strategy using Goal Programming Method
UD Surya Snack Banyuwangi is one of the Banyuwangi snack shops that produces several kinds of snacks such as dry sponge cake, Bagiak, sato, sale, and others. Production at the factory is closely related to meeting market demand. Therefore, factories must carry out production planning so that they can produce products in sufficient quantities to meet market demand. Production planning involves making decisions regarding the number of products produced, resource allocation, and setting up the production process to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the process. The article based on this research aims to obtain optimization values in production planning to meet market demand using the Goal Programming method. Goal Programming is a method that aims to minimize deviations from all goals by adjusting decision variables to achieve conformity with the specified goals. This research was carried out by direct observation at UD Surya Snack which was in direct contact with the factory owner. The data and information used in this research include production volume, production value, profits, production costs, and labor costs in one month. The data was then modeled using the Goal Programming method to determine decision variables, constraint functions, and objective functions and solved with the help of Excel Solver. The results obtained show that the application of Goal Programming in UD. Surya Snack production planning shows optimal values. The total profit earned was IDR 17.078.000 in one month after deducting production costs and labor costs. The deviation values of all constraints that must be minimized in the objective function have been met
Gleichenia linearis (Burm.) C. B. Clarke Leaves Extract Potent as a Medicinal Plant Based on Its Phytochemical Profile and The Total Phenolic Content
Resam fern (Gleichenia linearis (Burm.) C.B. Clarke) is a terrestrial plant that is easy to grow and has been used for medicinal purposes as by the community empirically. This study aimed to explore the potential of Gleichenia linearis (Burm.) C.B. Clarke) as medicinal plants based on their phytochemical profiles and total phenol content of the extract. Gleichenia linearis (Burm.) C.B. Clarke leaves were extracted with aquadest and methanol as a solvent by maceration method. Phytochemical content was detected qualitatively and the total phenol content was determined using colorimetric method with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. As the result, qualitative screening for secondary metabolic contents in Gleichenia linearis (Burm.) C.B. Clarke extract found that the aqueous extract contains alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids and steroids, but the saponin and steroid were not detected. In the methanol extract, all secondary metabolites were detected except triterpenoids. The total phenol content of methanol extract was higher than that of aqueous extract with levels of 127,08 mg/g GAE and 42,32 mg/g GAE, respectively. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the Gleichenia linearis (Burm.) C.B. Clarke leaf has the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant
The The Effect of Giving The Antioxidant Vitamin C in Tris-Egg Yolk Extender During The Preservation Period on The Quality of The Epididymal Spermatozoa of Mice (Mus musculus L.)
Spermatozoa preservation is a method used to store spermatozoa in a diluent solution such as NaCl or tris-egg yolk. However, the longer storage of spermatozoa in the diluent solution can generally form ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). The addition of antioxidants such as vitamin C to the diluent is expected to be able to bind ROS so that they are not toxic to spermatozoa and sperm quality can be maintained during the preservation period. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving the antioxidant vitamin C in tris-egg yolk diluent during the preservation period on the quality of mice epididymal spermatozoa. Vitamin C used in this study was 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg in 100 ml of tris-egg yolk diluent. Observation of spermatozoa quality was carried out within 0 to 48 hours with a span of 12 hours. The results showed that the addition of Vitamin C concentrations of 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg in 100 ml of tris-egg yolk diluent was able to maintain the percentage of motility and vitality, but the longer the storage the quality of spermatozoa decreased. The concentration of vitamin C 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg in 100 ml of tris-egg yolk diluent is a good concentration to maintain the quality of spermatozoa during 12 hours of storage, the rest will decrease. Further research is needed to increase the storage time of spermatozoa by using vitamin C and tris-egg yolk
Factors Influencing the Intention of Jakarta Workers to Move to the State Capital in Kalimantan: From Systematic Literature Review to Conceptual Framework of Push-Pull-Mooring
The plan to relocate the national capital (IKN) from DKI Jakarta to Kalimantan Island will soon be realized when the population relocation is initiated by workers, one of whom is from the central ministry sector. This has never been studied before regarding the need to change residence, so the factors that encourage or restrain workers from moving to IKN have not been identified. Ideally, the transfer of these workers to IKN is based on full willingness and awareness of the conditions of life that will be lived in the future. To find out how far the intention of Jakarta workers is to move to IKN, factor analysis is needed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The concept used to investigate these push, pull, and restraint factors is push-pull-mooring (PPM). These three factors are important to study to obtain a model structure that can be used as a direction for IKN development. In addition, this research is also intended to find out technical information related to the reasons behind the readiness of Jakarta workers to change their domicile to IKN so that the expectations of the benefits of the new capital city can be accommodated as well as possible by interested parties, such as the central government. and regions, including the private sector