Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia
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369 research outputs found
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Dynamic Evaluation of the Merdeka Curriculum: Unveiling the Effectiveness of Science Lesson Planning, Implementation and the Response of Junior High School Students
Merdeka curriculum is an education initiative in Indonesia that gives educators the flexibility to create learning that is more in-depth and suited to the needs of learners. This curriculum focuses on strengthening character and developing essential competencies, allowing students to go deeper into concepts and develop skills that are relevant to the challenges of the times. However, there are many obstacles in its implementation, especially in science learning, so it needs to be analyzed more deeply. The purpose of the research is to describe the planning, implementation, assessment, and students' responses to the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in junior high school science subjects. The method used in this research is descriptive-quantitative. The subjects of this study were junior high school science teachers and students in grade VII in one of the private schools in the city of Bandung. The instruments used in this study were observation sheets and questionnaires. Based on the data analysis above, it can be concluded that the average score of science learning planning in the independent curriculum is 3.15, so it is in the good enough category. The average score of the science learning assessment obtained is 2.5, so it can be said that teachers still do not carry out learning assessments well. The average for all aspects of learner response has a good category, namely 73.62%. Thus, it is suggested that the teacher prepare everything related to learning activities to the maximum so that maximum results can be obtaine
Analysis of Bio-battery Making from Avocado Peel as an Alternative Practicum Design to Develop Pancasila Student Profile Character
The renewal of the curriculum from 2013 to the Merdeka curriculum emphasizes the importance of developing the characteristics of the Pancasila Student Profile in education through project-based learning, such as practicums. However, practicums on voltaic cell material often use expensive kits, while there is an alternative using bio-battery media from avocado peel waste, which is more environmentally friendly and economical. This research aims to utilize avocado peel waste as a substitute for commercial batteries, in the hope of reducing battery waste and providing an environmentally friendly and inexpensive practicum design, as well as building the characteristics of the pancasila student profile. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, consisting of literature study, experimentation, and interview stages. The results showed variations in voltage and current strength produced by avocado peel bio-batteries depending on the variety of avocado peel and the length of fermentation time. Although the variation in avocado peel variety does not result in a significant difference, the electrical energy produced shows the potential of using this practicum in improving students' understanding and building the characteristics of the pancasila student profile
Profile of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in 3D Module Learning Material on Gas Kinetic Theory with Inquiry Model
The increasingly difficult educational challenges and needs in today's modern world require interactive learning. The research was conducted to know students' critical thinking skills (CTS) in the kinetic gas theory material. Another goal is, as an initial observation, to develop learning methods with guided inquiry learning models assisted by android-based 3D modules in kinetic gas theory material. The research population was all class XI students at Tuban 2 Public High School in 2022/2023 as majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The research was conducted in 5 classes with the same distribution of questions and questionnaires. As secondary data, the researcher added several articles relevant to the research. The results of this study using several questions on kinetic gas theory material for class X1 were that students needed to be more able to answer each question with indicators of critical thinking. The student's obstacle in answering the questions lies in the need for more understanding of kinetic gas theory material and the not yet maximal use of the method in the current teaching and learning process. The resulting inquiry learning in the future will change the CTS of Tuban 2 Public High School students in the kinetic gas theory
Teachers' Perception toward Electronic Student Worksheet Based on Hand Washing Waste Treatment Projects to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skills
Creative thinking skills are very important in the 21st century. This research aims to determine the perceptions of Natural Science teachers towards electronic student worksheets based on chicken manure waste processing projects to improve students' creative thinking abilities. This research uses mixed methods with a sequential explanatory design. Data was collected through questionnaires, then descriptive analysis was carried out. Questionnaires were distributed to 18 natural science teacher respondents and 115 junior high school students in Lampung Province. The research results show that 83% of teachers have not used project-based e-worksheets; 79% of teacher respondents have implemented Project Based Learning; while only 56% of teachers have not carried out creative thinking ability tests. Based on student response questionnaires, 82% of teachers have given project assignments, but these projects are not based on real problems in the environment. The survey results show that 86% of teacher respondents already know about creative thinking skills, but the indicators of creative thinking skills that teachers understand are different from the indicators of creative thinking skills that should be measured. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that e-worksheets based on chicken waste processing projects are needed to improve students' creative thinking abilitie
Enhancing Scientific Literacy Through Guided Discovery with SELWAN Application in Science Learning
Scientific literacy is one of the crucial skills in digitalization era. Scientific literacy is one of parameters in International Student Assessment Program (PISA). Indonesia was still far from the average PISA assessment. Pupils' scientific literacy abilities are now judged to be at a poor level. The major goal of this study is to know the effectiveness of using the guided discovery with the SELWAN app in improving pupils' scientific literacy. This research used a non-equivalent control group design and was a quasi-experiment. During the school year 2022-2023, this inquiry was carried out at Nazhatut Thullab Middle School. All seventh-grade pupils from Nazhatut Thullab Middle School are included in the study. The experimental group consists of 25 pupils from class VII E, and the control group consists of 23 pupils from class VII F. For data analysis, the independent sample t-test is used to examine pupils' scientific literacy abilities. The findings show that deploying the guided discovery in conjunction with the SELWAN application has a detectable influence on pupils' scientific literacy. The SELWAN app's guided discovery learning received a resoundingly favorable reaction from pupils, with 81.06% falling into the ideal categor
Identification of High School Students Misconceptions on The Biogeochemical Cycle Topics
Misconceptions are a learning problem that not only impacts student acceptance in the form of delays in receiving new knowledge, but also causes misinformation in society, especially in the publication media.This study aims to identify students' misconceptions by using a three-tier diagnostic test on biogeochemical cycle topics. The first step in identifying misconceptions is to develop an identification instrument using the Treagust development method in several stages, starting from identifying the material, analyzing common misconceptions, and compiling questions at each tier. The results of the development of the instrument show that the three tier diagnostic test instrument has a content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) validity of 1 and a reliability of 0.90 for answer choices and 0.86 for reason choices. The valid and reliable instruments were tested on 210 students in 6 accredited schools A, B, and C in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The results showed that on biogeochemical cycle topics, there were two sub-topics categorized as experiencing high misconceptions, fifteen in the moderate category, and eight in the low category. Misconceptions occur in the sub-topics in a cycles of water, carbon and oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen. The results of the analysis also showed that the highest misconception of 64% was in the reduction and oxidation sub-topic of the sulfur cycle. These findings can be used as input for educators in South Sumatra and Indonesia in general in teaching biogeochemical cycle material to avoid similar misconceptions in the futur
Development of Interactive Multimedia on Electron Configuration Concept
Interactive multimedia has an important role in the learning process. The interactive multimedia presented the learning material in various forms and supported students understanding of those who have different learning styles. To help students understand the topic and to facilitate students learning style the PeT-EFig is developed. PeT-EFig (periodic table and electron configuration) as interactive multimedia which supported students understanding of electron configuration concepts. The objectives of this study were a) to determine the feasibility of PeT-EFig, and b) to determine the response of chemistry teachers and students of PeT-EFig as interactive multimedia. The research method used is research and development (RD) using the ADDIE model with five stages: analysis, design, and development stages. However, the research was only conducted up to the development stage due to time constraints. Based on the result, PeT-EFig is considered very suitable by the experts with 96 and 95% respectively. Likewise, teachers at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak who teach chemistry subjects, stated that they strongly approved PeT-EFig as interactive multimedia on electron configuration 96%. Additionally, students also provided very positive feedback on the PeT-EFig through a small-scale trial involving 15 students with an average percentage of 87% for each aspect. Similarly, when a large-scale trial with 40 students, the final percentage score for each aspect was found to be 87%. The result indicated that the PeT-EFig could assist teachers in delivering the concepts and help students understand the electron configuration and atomic structur
Development of Student Worksheets Based on Children Learning in Science Model to Improve HOTS Ability On Circulatory System Material
Increasingly complex problems in the 21st century require skills to be able to solve and find solutions.This research aims to produce student worksheets (SWs) based on the children learning in science (CLIS) model to improve higher order thinking skills (HOTS) on the circulatory system material, as well as seeing the responses of teachers and students to the SWs. The research method used is development research of the ADDIE model (analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation) using all five stages. The validity of the SWs, teacher and student responses, and improvement of HOTS ability, respectively, are known through expert validation tests, readability tests, response tests, and n-gain tests. The final product developed received a total average percentage of 85.48% with very good criteria in the expert validation test; and 88.23% with very good criteria in the readability test. The teacher's response to the SWs was in very good criteria with a total percentage of 82.56%. The students' response to the SWs was in very good criteria with a total percentage of 83.10%. There was an increase in students' HOTS ability after using SWs by 0.33 with moderate criteria. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the SWs research results are suitable for use in Integrated Science learning to improve students' HOTS abilit
Development of Critical Thinking Skills Based Handout on the Topic of the Human Respiratory System to Improve Science Literacy in Junior High School Students
This research focuses on developing handout teaching materials based on critical thinking skills to enhance students' scientific literacy. The study employed the RD development method, along with the ADDIE model. The research subjects included material and media validators, science teachers, and eighth-grade of Junior high school students. The research utilized validation forms, questionnaire responses, pretest, and posttest as instruments. Data analysis techniques involved percentage equation, independent sample t-test, N-gain test, and effect size test. The results indicated that the handouts' quality, as assessed by material validators, was 92.31%, while media validators reported a score of 90.89%, placing both categories in the very decent range. There was a significant difference in average learning outcomes between students who utilize handouts and those who did not. The increase in scientific literacy ability was 0.7, indicating a high category, and the effect size of using handouts is 2.8, denoting a large category. Consequently, handout teaching materials based on critical thinking skills are deemed suitable for improving students' scientific literacy
Analysis of Students Misconceptions on Electrochemistry Material using the Four-Tier Diagnostic Test Instrument
This study was conducted to determine the percentage and causes of student misconceptions in electrochemistry using the Four-Tier diagnostic test instrument. The research was conducted using a quantitative-qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique was done through written tests with four-tier diagnostic test instruments and non-tests through interviews. The research subjects were students of the 2021 batch of Chemistry Education at FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. The results showed that 34% of students experienced misconceptions. Students experienced misconceptions in electrochemistry and electromotive power (DGL) sub-matter by 25.27%; the thermodynamic aspect of electrochemistry experienced the smallest misconception of 7.69%; DGL and temperature by 12.09%; connecting the Nernst equation with pH measurements by 17.58%; concentration cells by 14.29%; electrolysis by 12.64%; and corrosion sub-matter by 10.44%. Misconceptions occur in electrochemical materials because students think that salt bridges play a role in accelerating reactions. Students were confused about determining the relationship between DGL and temperature; and they were less careful in determining whether a chemical reaction is spontaneous or not. In addition, students were less careful in determining the actions of the gilding process