Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Journal
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3567 research outputs found
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Hybridization in the labor children's school curriculum: A multiperspective study
If education is not managed effectively, it will remain incomplete and produce suboptimal results. Additionally, the predominant workforce in Indonesian society often leads to less-than-optimal supervision of children, resulting in workplace anxiety and discomfort due to inadequate childcare. The discrepancy between school hours and parents' working hours often leads to neglect of children's studies. Consequently, the author is deeply motivated to elucidate the research objectives, which focus on identifying the model or format of curriculum hybridization suitable for children of workers and determining the necessary preparations for implementing such a hybrid curriculum at SD Muhammadiyah Warungboto Yogyakarta. This research aims to provide insights into appropriate curriculum hybridization and the requisite preparations for its implementation. The research methodology employed is qualitative descriptive, drawing upon several references related to curriculum hybridization. The findings underscore the crucial necessity of curriculum hybridization, particularly in fostering parental comfort with the educational system by integrating play theory and children's games into the school curriculum. SD Muhammadiyah Warungboto serves as a pivotal institution for developing and strengthening a curriculum tailored to the needs of children from working families. Preparatory measures encompass infrastructure enhancements, provision of playgrounds and gaming facilities, accommodation facilities, counseling services, teacher training initiatives, and the recruitment of instructors specializing in talent and the arts. In conclusion, the research highlights the significance of curriculum hybridization for children of working parents, given the prevalent 8-hour workday norm. The integration of the national curriculum with elements of play and games is paramount. Such integration demands comprehensive preparations, not only concerning infrastructure and teacher readiness but also in tailoring the curriculum to suit the unique needs and conditions of the children
The Effectiveness of Group Counseling with Reinforcement Techniques to Increase Self-Efficacy
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of group counseling with reinforcement techniques in improving self-efficacy of students at SMA Wachid Hasyim 5 Surabaya. This study uses the one group pre-test post-test design method. The sample used was 6 students who had the lowest self-efficacy from the pre-test results that had been conducted. This study is a quantitative study where the results obtained are reviewed from the results of the pre-test and post-test. The final results of the post-test scores given to 6 students showed an increase in self-efficacy scores, which initially one student was in the low category then changed to the high category, while the other 5 students were in the same category, namely the medium category when the post-test and pre-test but experienced changes in value. The results of the statistical test where Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) is worth 0.027 because 0.027 is less than 0.05, it can be said that Ha is accepted, this can be seen by comparing the significant score of 0.05. The provision of treatment using reinforcement techniques with group counseling shows the results of this study where there are changes that occur so that it can be concluded that group counseling with reinforcement techniques is effective in increasing the self-efficacy of students at SMA Wachid Hasyim 5 Surabaya
Penerapan Suku Bunga Skotastik Model Vasicek Dalam Menghitung Premi Ansuransi Joint Life
Asuransi merupakan instrumen keuangan yang memberikan perlindungan finansial terhadap risiko yang tidak dapat diprediksi, seperti kecelakaan, bencana alam, penyakit, dan kematian. Risiko ini dapat diminimalkan melalui asuransi, yang merupakan perjanjian antara perusahaan asuransi dan pemegang polis. Dalam konteks asuransi jiwa, penelitian ini menggunakan model suku bunga Vasicek untuk menghitung premi asuransi jiwa joint life bagi dua peserta, di mana Ari (x) memulai kontrak pada usia 25 tahun, sementara Budi (y) memulai pada usia 30 tahun. Jangka waktu kontrak asuransi ini adalah 15 tahun dengan harga pertanggungan sebesar Rp. 100.000.000, premi diestimasi sebesar Rp 9.628.425,00. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan usia tertanggung dan lama kontrak serta fluktuasi suku bunga memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai premi asuransi jiwa. Studi ini memberikan wawasan tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi premi asuransi jiwa joint life, dengan menggunakan model Vasicek dan tabel mortalitas Indonesia 2019
Perceived organizational support and gratitude towards employee organizational commitment
This study aims to examine the influence of perceived organizational support (POS) and gratitude on the organizational commitment of employees at RSUD dr M.Y. The sampling technique used was quota sampling, with 103 employees participating as subjects in the study. The instruments utilized included organizational commitment scale, perceived organizational support scale, and gratitude scale. Data analysis employed multiple linear regression. The results indicate a significant influence of both perceived organizational support and gratitude on organizational commitment at RSUD dr M.Y. Specifically, perceived organizational support does not significantly affect organizational commitment, whereas gratitude has a highly significant impact on organizational commitment. The conclusion drawn from this research is that higher levels of POS and gratitude jointly correspond to higher organizational commitment, and vice versa. However, independently, high or low levels of POS do not influence organizational commitment. Furthermore, higher levels of gratitude correlate with increased organizational commitment, while lower levels of gratitude correlate with decreased organizational commitment
Model of Batak Toba Values and Perceived Organizational Support on The Psychological Well-Being of Batak Toba Civil Servants in North Sumatera
The Batak ethnic group is ranked as the third-largest ethnic group in Indonesia after the Javanese and Sundanese ethnic groups. As one of the ethnic groups that still strongly uphold their traditions, the Batak ethnic group experiences many conflicts within their community. This becomes a stress trigger for individuals of the Batak ethnic group if they are unable to meet the demands of their traditions, which can ultimately threaten their well-being. This research aims to develop a model of the influence of Batak values and perceived organizational support on the psychological well-being of Batak civil servants in North Sumatera. This research uses an explanatory survey method with descriptive and verificative analysis. Based on disproportionate sampling techniques, the study was conducted on 636 civil servants in five regencies and cities in North Sumatera. The model testing uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on component/variance, specifically the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique, with the SmartPLS software. The results of the study indicate that the Batak values, which are used as a guide in the lives of Batak civil servants, and their positive perceptions of the institutions where they work, simultaneously influence the psychological well-being of Batak civil servants. The variables Hamoraon, Hagabeon, Hasangapon, and perceived organizational support collectively contribute 41% to the psychological well-being of Batak civil servants in North Sumatera. Therefore, the position of Batak values and perceived organizational support is very important, as these two variables have a significant impact on the psychological well-being of Batak Toba civil servants in North Sumatera
The Role of Psychological Capital to Job Performance with Work Engagement as Mediator of Employee
A democratic state is obliged to ensure the fulfilment of the rights of its people, including the right to access quality public services. The quality and effectiveness of public services in Indonesia are currently facing significant challenges, as evidenced by a decline in the standard of service provision. This study emphasises the significance of psychological capital in enhancing job performance, with work engagement as a mediating factor. This study used quantitative methods and data collection techniques through convenience sampling, with a total of 317 participants. The instruments are used in this study for the measurement of variables are the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire, the Psychological Capital Questionnaire and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The results showed that psychological capital can predict job performance, psychological capital can predict work engagement, and work engagement can predict job performance. Additionally, this study proved that work engagement functions as a mediator between psychological capital and job performance. By enhancing psychological capital and work engagement, the quality of public services can be enhanced, which will have a beneficial impact on public trust and public welfare
Identifikasi tingkat kematangan buah pisang berdasarkan karakteristik impedansi listrik dengan metode spektroskopi impedansi listrik menggunakan elektroda 4 jarum
Self-Compassion and Psychological Well-Being among NonLocal Students: The Mediating Role of Resilience
Psychological well-being is one of the most essential aspects of the life of overseas students. To improve psychological well-being, students should have a positive attitude towards themselves and good resilience with the aim that they can live a life with good mental health and well-being. Therefore, this research aims to determine the role of resilience in the relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being among non-local students in Indonesia. The study used the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS-18), the Indonesian Version of the Self-Compassion Scale, and the Nicholson McBride Resilience Questionnaire (NMRQ) on 142 non-local students. The results prove that resilience partially mediates the relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being. It indicates that increasing resilience leads to an increase in self-compassion and it affects the development of psychological well-being. Non-local students who love themselves and accept their weaknesses and failures tend to be able to cope with stress and survive in every difficult condition experienced in their lives, which will lead them to reduce psychological distress
Mental Health and Older Adults: A Narrative Synthesis of the Literature
The older adult population has been a growing concern in the global context calling for attention to aging processes, supportive measures and health care policies. In the Philippines, the population of older people is accumulating swiftly with a faster growth compared to the total population of the country. Thus, this calls for a closer attention on the overall wellness and the mental health of older adults that are more crucial in comparison to other ages in one’s lifetime. Generating a database search strategy for the last 10 years focused on the mental health of older adults, retrieved articles from APA PsycNet, ProQuest, SAGE, EBSCOHost and PubMed Central electronic databases were synthesized guided by the set inclusion and exclusion criteria and utilizing the PRISMA flowchart of the record selection process. This narrative synthesis rendered the Mental Health Orientations of Older Adults to illustrate an integrated framework to understand mental health and older adults.The findings of this research synthesized a portrait on how older adults give credence to their mental health in various concerns and needs which they directly and indirectly experience. These will be valuable in considering age-specific mental health needs aligned with the three orientations considering Philippine law provisions on mental health (RA11036 or the Mental Health Act) and on senior citizens (RA9994 or the Expanded Senior Citizen Act) in the continuing aim of providing access for mental health services and integrated mental health promotion strategies for the older adult population
Enhancing Students' Self-Confidence via Guided Inquiry and Information Services Intervention
This study employed a randomized experiment with a control group design and utilized a validated and reliable questionnaire for data collection. It investigates the efficacy of information services employing an inquiry model compared to those without special treatment in enhancing students' self-confidence. The sample comprised 58 students from a State Junior High School in Padang. Data analysis involved t-tests and statistical tests utilizing n-gain scores, with the research instrument employing a Likert scale model. The findings indicate that information services utilizing the guided inquiry model are more effective in enhancing students' self-confidence. Further discussion was explained in the article.