226 research outputs found

    Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying Tree Species Using Stem Images

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    Purpose: Identification of tree species based on stem images using programming assistance to design an automation tool to be able to distinguish tree species directly based on stem images from the new data entered.Design/methodology/approach: Identifying tree species is usually done using leaf images, in previous studies related to identifying tree species based on leaf images this resulted in quite high accuracy but was felt to be not optimal. In this study, we used a convolutional neural network to compare the accuracy of bar images.Findings/result: from 1000 tree trunk image data, identification was carried out using the help of python with the CNN method it can be concluded that the test results used the best acuration at epoch 25 with a value reaching 96.80%Originality/value/state of the art: Research with theme identification of tree species based on stem images using the CNN method has never been done by previous researchers.

    Implementation of Penetration testing on Websites to Improve Security of Information Assets UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

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    Purpose: This study aims to implement penetration testing on the website https://fit.upnyk.ac.id owned by Telematics UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta to determine whether there are vulnerabilities or security holes in the web server. Then make an analysis based on the results of penetration testing on the web server using penetration testing tools (penetration testing scanner) so that recommendations for improvements are obtained to close security holes that can be used as a way for hackers to enter the system, as well as provide risk mitigation recommendations.Design/methodology/approach: This study uses the penetration test method which consists of five stages, namely literature study, information gathering, identification of system vulnerabilities, penetration testing and analysis. Penetration tests were carried out using acunetix tools and analysis using the OWASP and ISAAF methods.Findings/result: Based on research conducted on the website https://fit.upnyk.ac.id/ using the OWASP method, several vulnerabilities were found, including one vulnerability with a high level (high), three with a medium level and six with a low level (low), so that it can be it can be concluded that in general the level of vulnerability of the website is at the medium levelOriginality/value/state of the art: Penetration testing on the website can be done by identifying system vulnerabilities, penetration testing and analysis. The OWASP method can be used to find vulnerabilities on a websit

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Intention to Use and User Satisfaction of Paylater Using DeLone & McLean Adoption Model

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the factors that affect the intention to use and satisfaction of GoPayLater users in Yogyakarta, by assessing the relationship between variables so that recommendation for improvent can be given.Design/methodology/approach: This study uses the DeLone & McLean adoption model by Seddon which includes 5 constructs namely system quality, information quality, perceived usefulness, intention to use and user satisfaction. Primary data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires using likert scale measurement to 128 GoPayLater users. The data analysis technique used is SEM-PLS to test the measurement model, structural model and test the hypothesis via SmartPLS software.Findings/results:Based on the results of hypothesis testing in this study, two hypotheses were rejected from eight hypothesises. These findings indicate that perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on intention to use, while the variables of system quality and information quality do not have a significant effect directly on intention to use GoPayLater. The R-Square test results show that system quality, information quality and perceived usefulness simultaneously have an effect of 34,4% on intention to use GoPayLater. This study also proves that variables of system quality, information quality and perceived usefulness have a positive and significant effect on GoPayLater user satisfacion, with the level of influence given simultaneously is 51,7% .Originality/value/state of the art: Several previous studies have tested GoPayLater from various aspects, but no research has been found that assesses the relationship and effect of system quality, information quality and perceived usefulness on intention to use and user satisfaction using the DeLone & McLean adoption model by Seddon.

    Retinal Vessel Segmentation to Support Foveal Avascular Zone Detection

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    Purpose: This study aims to perform retinal vessel segmentation to support foveal avascular zone detection. Methodology: The proposed approach consists of a multi-stage image processing approach, including preprocessing, image quality enhancementt, and segmentation of retinal blood vessel using matched filter and length filter techniques.Findings: The proposed framework has achieved remarkable results with an average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 77.99%, 86.43%, and 85.24%, respectively.Value: This achievement has the potential to significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of detecting and diagnosing medical conditions related to the retina, improving the quality of life for countless individuals

    Sensitivity Comparison of AHP with The Combination of AHP and SAW for Facial Wash Recommendation System based on Skin Type

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    Purpose: This research aims to design a facial wash recommendation system based on all skin types, namely normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. This is to tackle the limitation of previous systems that were developed based on limited skin types which are normal, dry, and oily using Promethee II, Fuzzy Logic, and SAW methods.Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and a combination of AHP and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) to consider the importance values of each criterion. Four criteria data are used, namely price, rating, content, and availability, along with 70 alternative data of facial wash products.Finding/Result: Sensitivity testing was conducted on both methods, and the combination of AHP and SAW produced a higher sensitivity percentage, which is 67.51%, whereas the AHP method provided a lower sensitivity percentage of 59.26%.Originality/state of the art: The combination of AHP and SAW is an innovation in designing a facial wash recommendation system, and the research results demonstrate that the combination of AHP and SAW is a superior method for recommending facial wash products

    Sentiment Analysis of Cryptocurrency Exchange Application on Twitter Using NaΓ―ve Bayes Classifier Method

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    Purpose: The growth and development of the digital currency industry also presents a variety of applications for conducting transactions using these currencies, including utilizing cryptocurrency exchanges to make investments. InI ndonesia, there are two applications that fall into the category of the largest cryptocurrency exchange and are recognized by Bappebti (Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency), namely TokoCrypto and Indodax. Both applications are analyzed based on the sentiments of their users on Twitter.Design/methodology/approach: In this study the data collected is data originating from social media Twitter and has the keywords "indodax" or "#indodax" and "tokocrypto" or "#tokocrypto". The data used is between January 2021 – January 2022. The data collected from Twitter is processed using the NaΓ―ve Bayes Classifier algorithm.Findings/result: From the results of the analysis, it was found that the Indodax application has a higher positive sentiment percentage value of 9% compared to TokoCrypto.Originality/value/state of the art: The use of the NaΓ―ve Bayes algorithm in this study supports sentiment analysis of cryptocurrency exchange application users to consider which application has better positive sentiment for investing in digital currency or cryptocurrency

    Digital Image Processing to Detect Cracks in Buildings Using NaΓ―ve Bayes Algorithm (Case Study: Faculty of Engineering, Halu Oleo University)

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    Purpose: To detect cracks in the walls of buildings using digital image processing and the NaΓ―ve Bayes Algorithm.Design/methodology/approach: Using the YCbCr color model for the segmentation process and the HSV color model for the feature extraction process. This study also uses the NaΓ―ve Bayes Algorithm to calculate the probability of feature similarity between testing data and training data.Findings/result: Detecting cracks is an important task to check the condition of the structure. Manual testing is a recognized method of crack detection. In manual testing, crack sketches are prepared by hand and deviation states are recorded. Because the manual approach relies heavily on the knowledge and experience of experts, it lacks objectivity in quantitative analysis. In addition, the manual method takes quite a lot of time. Instead of the manual method, this research proposes digital-based crack detection by utilizing image processing. This study uses an intelligent model based on image processing techniques that have been processed in the HSV color space. In addition, this study also uses the YcbCr color space for feature extraction and classification using the NaΓ―ve Bayes Algorithm for crack detection analysis on building walls. The accuracy of the research test data reached 88.888888888888890%, while the training data achieved an accuracy of 93.333333333333330%.Originality/value/state of the art: This study has the same focus as previous research, namely detecting cracks in building walls, but has different methods and is implemented in case studies

    Klasifikasi Penyakit Gangguan Jiwa menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy

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    Purpose: This research aims to facilitate psychologists in handling individuals with mental disorders by categorizing them based on their symptoms and conditions using fuzzy logic, which mimics the functioning of the human brain.Design/methodology/approach: The categorization is performed by applying Mamdani fuzzy logic, designed in consultation with psychology experts. Ten initial symptoms each have parameters (Mild, Moderate, and Severe) as input variables, and the output variable involves mental health disorders such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Eating disorders, and Anxiety. The fuzzy process employs the Mamdani method with IF-THEN rules and AND operators. The implementation of Mamdani fuzzy logic achieves adequate accuracy in classifying individuals with mental disorders, providing a strong foundation for a more targeted psychological approach. In the context of accuracy, fuzzification analysis for each health disorder can offer further insights.Findings/result: Results of the study for Schizophrenia, for instance, show a fuzzy diagram membership of approximately 0.4, indicating a potentially high level of thought impairment and interpersonal skills. Weighting for low, medium, and high is then assessed to categorize patients. A similar process is undertaken for Bipolar disorder, with special attention to the middle value and the strong relationship between two input values. Regarding mental illness, membership analysis indicates an increasing level of membership corresponding to condition groups, suggesting compatibility with existing rules.Originality/value/state of the art: These findings reinforce the Mamdani fuzzy logic implementation as a reliable approach in classifying individuals with mental disorders, with the potential to enhance psychological diagnosis and interventions more effectivel

    Preprocessing Using SMOTE and K-Means for Classification by Logistic Regression on Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset

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    Purpose: Our study aims to combine pre-processing methods to develop a training data model from the Indian diabetic Pima dataset so that it can improve the performance of machine learning in recognizing diabetesDesign/methodology/approach: This research was started through several stages such as collecting the Pima indian diabetes dataset, pre-processing including k-means clustering, oversampling using SMOTE, then undersampling the dataset whose cluster is a minority in each class. Furthermore, the dataset is classified using machine learning namely logistic regression through 10 cross validationFindings/result: The results of this classification performance show that the accuracy reaches 99.5% and is higher than the method in previous studies.Originality/value/state of the art:The method in this study uses SMOTE to handle data imbalances and k-means clustering to remove outliers by removing labels that do not match the majority cluster in each class so that clean data is produced and validation using logistic regression is more accurate than previous studies.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode pre-processing untuk membentuk model data latih dari dataset Pima Indian diabetes sehingga dapat meningkatkan performa mesin pembelajaran dalam mengenali diabetes.Perancangan/metode/pendekatan: Riset ini dimulai melalui beberapa tahap yakni pengumpulan dataset Pima Indian diabetes, pre-processing meliputi clustering, oversampling menggunakan SMOTE, kemudian undersampling pada dataset pada klasterΒ  minoritas pada setiap kelas. Selanjutnya dataset diklasifikasikan menggunakan machine learning yakni metode regresi logistik melalui 10 cross validationHasil: Hasil dari performa klasifikasi ini menunjukkan akurasi mencapai 99,5% dan lebih tinggi daripada metode pada penelitian sebelumnya.Keaslian/ state of the art: Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SMOTE untuk menangani ketidakseimbangan data dan k-means klastering untuk membuang outlier dengan cara menghapus label yang tidak sesuai dengan klaster mayoritas pada setiap kelas sehingga dihasilkan data yang bersih dan pada validasi menggunakan logistic regression lebih akurat daripada penelitian sebelumnya

    Implementation of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient as Feature Extraction using K-Nearest Neighbor for Emotion Detection Based on Voice Intonation

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    Purpose: To determine emotions based on voice intonation by implementing MFCC as a feature extraction method and KNN as an emotion detection method.Design/methodology/approach: In this study, the data used was downloaded from several video podcasts on YouTube. Some of the methods used in this study are pitch shifting for data augmentation, MFCC for feature extraction on audio data, basic statistics for taking the mean, median, min, max, standard deviation for each coefficient, Min max scaler for the normalization process and KNN for the method classification.Findings/result: Because testing is carried out separately for each gender, there are two classification models. In the male model, the highest accuracy was obtained at 88.8% and is included in the good fit model. In the female model, the highest accuracy was obtained at 92.5%, but the model was unable to correctly classify emotions in the new data. This condition is called overfitting. After testing, the cause of this condition was because the pitch shifting augmentation process of one tone in women was unable to solve the problem of the training data size being too small and not containing enough data samples to accurately represent all possible input data values.Originality/value/state of the art: The research data used in this study has never been used in previous studies because the research data is obtained by downloading from Youtube and then processed until the data is ready to be used for research


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