Proceeding International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology, Education and their Applications
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    50 research outputs found

    Histological study of the respiratory system of Sulawesi Medaka fish (Oryzias celebensis): as a candidate of animal model

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    Sulawesi medaka fish (Oryzias celebensis) is a type of medaka fish that are endemic in the region of South Sulawesi. The use of medaka fish as a candidate animal model has been started which has similarities with the Zebra fish that was first developed as an animal model. This research aims to study the histology of the respiratory system in Sulawesi medaka fish. Histological observation on the respiratory system of Sulawesi medaka fish using gills organ. Histological observation showed  that the gills have afferent arterioles at the end of the primary lamellae and efferent arterioles at the bottom of primary lamellae. The epithelial cell layer along the surface of the lamella, chloride cells and mucous cells among the base of secondary lamellae, cartilage at the base of the primary lamellae, venous sinus along the primary lamellae which is forwarded to the secondary lamellae through the capillaries and pillars cells in the secondary lamellae. In general the structure of the respiratory system in Sulawesi medaka fish similar with Zebra fish as well as other Teleostei fish.Key words: Sulawesi medaka fish, respiratory system, gills, animal mode

    The Effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Coated Urea Fertilizer against NH4+ and NO3- Concentration in Clay Loam Soil Texture

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    The study aims to determine the level NH4+ and NO3- in the soil with clay loam texture with addition neem coated urea fertilizer. This study was conducted in Experimental Farm of Biology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Makassar State University and Laboratory of Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology in Maros. This research was an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with five treatments are control, urea, neem (2,5%) coated urea, neem (5%) coated urea and DCD (5%) coated urea with three replicates. Analysis of NH4+ and NO3- levels in this study using colourimetric method. Results obtained by the levels of NH4+ and NO3- produced after applied of nitrification inhibitor materials coated urea fertilizer as indicated by concentration of NH4+ and NO3- produced in soil. Neem (5%) coated urea as a nitrification inhibitor showed the best effect in increasing levels of NH4+ in the soil, while DCD (5%) coated urea were the best inhibitor in reducing levels of NO3- in the soil

    The Influence Of Problem Based Learning Model Toward Motivation and Physics Learning Outcomes Of Students SMA Negeri 1 Parangloe Gowa Regency

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    The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model Toward Motivation and Physics Learning Outcomes of Students SMA Negeri 1 Parangloe Gowa Regency. This research is true experimental design, with posstest only control group design that aim to determine how much motivation and learning outcomes of physics students of class XI IPA 3 as an experimental class that were tought using problem based learning model and class XI IPA 2 is a control class that were tought conventional learning model, as well as to determine whether there were signification differences in motivation and learning outcomes of physics students. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Based on the results of the descriptive analisis showed that scores of motivation and learning outcomes of students who were taught the problem based learning model is at the high category. While taught using conventional learning models is at a low category. Analyses showed that it can be concluded that there are significant differences on motivation and learning outcomes of students who taught physics by using model problem based learning with students who are taught by using conventional learning model

    Application of Sutte Indicator in Predicting Movement of Indonesian Stock (A Case Study of XL Axiata Tbk and Smartfren Telecom Tbk)

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    The purpose of this study is to apply technical analysis e.g. Sutte Indicator in Stock Market that will assist in the investment decision-making process to buy or sell of stocks. This study took data from XL Axiata Tbk and Smartfren Telecom Tbk which listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the period of 5 April 2001 to 20 September 2016. Performance of the Sutte Indicator can be see with comparison with other technical analysis e.g. Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD). Comparasion of reliability of prediction from Sutte Indicator, SMA, and MACD using the mean of square error (MSE), mean absolute deviation (MAD), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)

    Students’ Mathematics Achievement and Its Relationship with Parents’ Education Level, and Socio-Economic Status In Turkey

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    This paper aimed to investigate the impact of gender, parents’ education level, and socio-economic status on students’ mathematics performance. Population of this paper was obtained from PISA 2009 conducted in Turkey. The method used in this study was an independent t-test analysis, Oneway ANOVA, correlation and linear regression. The results of this study revealed that gender differences and mathematics achievement in Turkish students who participated in PISA 2009 are statistically significant but practically is not significant. Parents’ education level of Turkish students in this research has an impact on Turkish students’ mathematics achievements. The most significant difference is found between group ISCED 5A, 6 and none highest education level of parents and practically this difference is significant. The last main point of the result in this study is Index of Economic, Social, and Cultural Status (ESCS) has a positive impact on mathematics achievement. ESCS and mathematics achievement show a positive and linear relationship. ESCS is a significant predictor of mathematics achievements.Keywords: mathematics achievement, gender, parents’ education level, socio-economic statu

    Oldeman Climate Zoning for the Agricultural Area

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    Knowledge of the climate of a region is needed. One way to get to know the further climate is classified by calculating rainfall. One method to do that is Oldeman method by determining the average number of wet months and dry months later on interpolation and processed automatically in ArcGIS. This classification aims to determine the type of climate conditions based on Oldeman classification and regions spreading on each type of climate types in Soppeng. The results of this study are to map climate types using Oldeman classification system in Soppeng. In order to know the type of climate and Agro-climate zones in the study sites. The attribute value of the determination of the type of climate in the interpolation using kriging method. Data collection techniques are secondary data collection, observation, and documentation. The data obtained were processed and counted then displayed in the form of maps and described systematically. The results showed there are three types of climate B2, C3 and E. Distribution B2 climate includes DonriDonri District and Marioriawa District with an area of distribution of 13%. C3 Climate contained in Citta, Donri-Donri, Lalabata, Lilirilau, Marioriawa and Marioriwawo District with an area of distribution of 43%. E  Climate contained in the District Citta, Donri-donri, Ganra, Lalabata, Liliriaja, Lilirilau, and Marioriwawo with an area of distribution of 44% and there is 24,6 % areas wich conformity between agroclimatic zone and planting frequency.Keywords: Climate Type, Oldeman, Soppeng Regency, Interpolatio

    Increase The Production and Quality of Biogas from Waste of Cattle Rumen Content Through The Addition of Molasses and Zeolite

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    Currently, The requirements of domestic energy must be directed to the diversification of energy sources other than petroleum. One of them is biogas. This research aim to determine the number and quality of biogas production from waste of cattles rumen content through the addition of molasses and zeolite. This study uses an anaerobic digester which comprised four treatments: control; waste of cattles rumen content with the addition of molasses (B); waste of cattles rumen content with the addition of zeolite (C); as well as waste of cattles rumen content with the addition of  molasses and zeolite (D) on a laboratory scale with total volume of 5 liters and a retention time of 21 days. the volume of biogas formed is measured and tested the levels of methane gas using gas chromatography. in addition to the pH and temperature are also measured as the supporting data that support this research. based on results the average production of biogas in control digester for 21 days as much as 21.57 ml, while in  the addition of molasses as much as 200 grams increase production with the average volume is 26, 5 ml. as for the concentration of methane gas, the addition of molasses can increase the concentration of methane. while the zeolite has a negative effect on the amount of biogas production. Zeolites absorb the gases contained in the digester, thereby reducing the volume of gas in the digester.Key word: biogas production, molasses, zeolites, waste of cattles rumen conten

    Marica Goat’s Response To The Provision of Superior Feed

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    Marica goat is an endemic local goat found only in South Sulawesi province. This kind of goat is one of the genotypes of goat originally from Indonesia. According to FAO report this kind of goat belongs to scarce category and is almost endangered. Marica goat has a genetic potential to adapt well in agro-ecosystem area of dry land that is in an annual very low rainfall area. Marica goat can survive at dry season although they feed only on hay in rocky land area. The aim of this study was to find out how marica goat responds to the provision of superior feed. The study was complete random design with 3 treatments and 3 cattle as replication. The treatment applied was the types of foliage provided: field grass (RL), superior grass (RU) and superior grass plus legume (RU+L) . Marica goat used was growing female goat (research result Stage III). The pen used for intensive breeding was individual pen in the form of stage 1.5 x 1.5 m in size made of bamboo supplied with place to feed and place to drink.The results of the study indicate that marica goat had a good response to intensive breeding and provision of superior feed foliage at ex-situ condition. The provision of superior feed foliage at intensive breeding system gave response to body weight increase, feed consumption and efficiency of the use of marica goat’s feed better compared to the provision of superior grass plus legume and field grass.Keywords: Marica goat; superior fee


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    This article was result of research and development (R & D) which aims to obtain profile of inquiry ability of students. Model of the tool development was based on 4-D model of Thiagarajan et al., which are consist of define, design, develop, and disseminate. In 2015, we had produced the tool, which was student worksheets, that meets validity criterion both by experts and practitioners. The model/framework of the worksheet consists of title, question of investigation, analysis questions, and question to infer. The model/framework minimized guidance statement just like as in laboratory activity guidance book (which were like “cake recipe”). Limited testing in this study was conducted in develop stage, using descriptive analysis approach. The subject of research was students of X1 class consist of 30 students, at SMAN 1 Makassar in even semester of academic year 2016/2017 on heat and temperature. The results of study showed that the average of inquiry ability of students of SMA N 1 Makassar was in enough skilled categories. Learning process by using this student worksheet (LKPD) could train the inquiry ability of students because this worksheet consists of scientific activity based on science process skill. The SMA students, who were the subject of this research, were unfamiliar with independent learning, therefore the use of similar worksheet for another topic was needed. If students have familiarity with this LKPD, their inquiry ability would be getting better and better, students will be accustomed with scientific activity, and we expect that the scientific habitual will be formed and would be character.Keywords : student worksheets, productive question, inquir


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    This study was correlational ex-post facto research. It was done at secondary schools in Sabbangparu sub district of Wajo district on the even semester of academic year 2015/2016. Population of this research were entire students of secondary schools in Sabbangparu sub district of Wajo by number of 470 students and sample of research were 150 students which were taken through stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and documentation. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. The results research showed that there was 1) the effective contribution of reading interest on students learning outcomes was 36.5%; 2) the effective contribution of learning habit on students learning outcomes was 16.2%; and 3) the effective contribution of reading interest and learning habit on students learning outcomes of Integrated Natural Science was 36.5%. Keywords: reading interest, learning habit, learning outcome


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