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    Cover April 2019

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    Cover April 201

    Analisis Potensi Wilayah Terkait dengan Kondisi Jaringan Jalan dalam Rangka Pengembangan Wilayah Kabupaten Pringsewu

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    This research aim to identify and analyze the sectors that are the basis of each district for the development of the Subdistrict. Determining and describing the potential competitive sector of each sub has the greatest potential to contribute to the economic development of Newburn and conditions of the road network that will support the regional development of Fortuna. Of each District in Newburn shows the different basis, mainly due to the Subdistrict area developed into the urban industrial sector emerged as the basis in some districts. The road network is not well with the condition and do not meet the standard of the existing road. With the development of the Subdistrict for Trade and Services are necessary to be an increase in the road, especially the relationship between the center - a center of the preferred road network of collectors

    Cover Edisi Desember 2019

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    Cover Edisi Desember 201

    Pengembangan Sensor Ultrasoic Guna Pengukuran Pasang Surut Laut Secara Otomatis dan Real Time

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    The bathymetric mapping activity at sea requires sea tide data for the needs of the depth of measurement results. This manual tidal observation is carried out day and night without stopping for a certain period of time, so that a minimum of 4 people are needed to observe one observation station. This manual observation is prone to reading errors, especially at night. Basically there are currently semi-automatic and automatic tidal gauges for sale, but the price is quite expensive. In this study, tide gauges have been developed automatically and real time both in observations and in data transmission using ultrasonic and micro-controller sensor technology. The method used is a design by utilizing an ultra-sonic sensor and micro controller arduino uno, as well as a GSM module (Global System for Mobile Communications). Each device is connected to a micro controller then programming is done for the data retrieval process, calculation of water level, and sending data to mobile phones through the SMS (Short Message Service) facility. Testing the results of tidal measurements from the tools made was carried out in the hydro-graphic laboratory and then tested directly into the field around the coast of Lampung bay. This study produces equipment for measuring tides automatically and real time with ultrasonic sensors. The results of tidal measurements will be stored in a micro SD and displayed on the LCD screen, and sent to the destination number via SMS with the SIM module 800L v.2. The error rate generated from the field test is 1.833

    Dafar Isi Edisi Desember 2019

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    Dafar Isi Edisi Desember 201

    Analisis Prediksi Bangkitan Perjalanan akibat Pembangunan Perumahan Subsidi di Kecamatan Baturaja Timur Terhadap Kinerja Jaringan Jalan

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    Transportation problems in residential areas arise because of the movement patterns of people and goods and the development of land areas that are not in accordance with the capacity of the road network performance. In this case if the influence of the road network is not considered it will have an impact on the level of road services to be low, causing congestion, increasing the number of accidents, traffic violations and the function of the road itself. The development of subsidized housing aimed at low-income people in East Baturaja District has increased since 2017 with 722 houses. That is, with the increase in development can have an impact on housing traffic with the performance of the road network. The purpose of this study is to predict trip generation due to the construction of subsidized housing on the performance of the road network of subsidized housing areas in East Baturaja District. The problem in this study is knowing the character - istics of the respondents, then determining the variables that become the benchmark in this study are the Purpose of Leaving the House (X1), Total Revenue (X2), Total Expenditures (X3), Types of Transportation Modes Used (X4), Ownership Motorcycle (X5), Car Ownership (X6) and Transportation Costs (X7). The study uses quantitative methods and multiple linear regression analysis with sampling using a tiered formula and the proportional formula to take samples so that some regions are represented as many as 135 samples. From the results of the study there are four variables that meet, namely, X1, X2, X4, X2 and obtained the equation Y = -1.07 + 0.13 (X1) + 0.19 (X2) + 0.20 (X4) + 0.73 ( X5) and the price R2 = 0.79 is obtained. The effect of the trip generation on the road network is: 102.5 pcu / hour

    Analisis Resiko Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan pada Perlintasan Sebidang Kereta Api (Studi Kasus: Perlintasan Tarahan – Perlintasan Sukamenanti)

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    The accident rate between people and train actually can be reduced to minimum as the traffic of railway is not as crowded as road. This thesis is using stated prefence technique. Stated preference approaches with option statement in the form of hypothesis to be assessed by the respondent. With using regression analysis, researcher can see the dominant factors of the causes of railway-related accidents especially in Sukamenanti railway which is in a hypothetical situation. To determine the dominant factors causing accidents at railway based on the results of a questionnaire to the related instations to be compared with data on the number of train accident from 2012-2017 that obtained from the related instations with using regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The analysis result is: (the number of accidents from 2012-2017 ) = -9,256 + 0,008.X12+ 0,009.X6 + 0,011.X10 + 0,015.X5 From regression analysis result, dominant factors of railway-related accidents causes are inadequate railways, limited carriages, the inadequate of doorstop availability, the damages in engine, the factor of carriages age (X12), rider physic’s exhaustion while riding their vehicle (X6), Infrastructure damage such as worn rails, spaten railing, shovel rails, chained rails, cracked rail connections, skidding on rails, weathered bearings, incompatible ballasts, loose fitting, and unlocked wesel (X10), machinist’s body condition (exhausted)/sleepy while on duty (X5). Therefore the signification is a=0,05 with regression analysis test

    Studi Kebutuhan Nyata Air Bersih per Kapita pada Kota Bandar Lampung

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    This study aims to investigate the amount of clean water demand per capita in Bandar Lampung City, including the factors that affect the clean water needs, the amount of clean water consumption costs, and compare the results of research with clean water needs in Indonesia and other countries. The research location is in the Bandar Lampung City area which covers 20 sub-districts and 126 villages. Data collection on clean water needs was carried out using a questionnaire distributed to 126 households randomly. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that: (1) The amount of clean water per capita in Bandar Lampung, which is the sum of all types of clean water needs such as drinking/cooking, bathing, washing, and other needs for washing vehicles is 130.44 ltr/person/day. Factors that influence the need for clean water in the City of Bandar Lampung include: respondent characteristics, number of family members, education status, type of work, number of vehicle ownership, and ease of obtaining water. The cost of clean water needs issued by the people of Bandar Lampung City every month ranges from Rp. 127,267.00 up to Rp. 187,449, 0. (4) The results that obtained in this study are far different from the results of Kindler and Russel's (1984), which stated that the average water use for households is 295 liters / person / day. But the results obtained in this study approached the Planning Criteria Set by the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Public Works Agency in 1996, which stated that the Big City, which is a city with a population of 500,000 - 1,000,000 people, has domestic water needs about 120 ltr/person/day until 150 ltr/person/day

    Daftar Isi Edisi April 2019

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    Daftar Isi Edisi April 201

    Analisis dan Identifikasi Ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Non Alami di Perkotaan Kabupaten/Kota

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    an important part in the planning, development and management of built-up areas (cultivation area) and natural areas in urban areas. RTH management can be improved if communication between stakeholders is more intensive and gets holistic information and can be continuously updated. Based on this, it is necessary to identify an availability of public RTH in the city which is expected to be able to materialize the urban space; safe, comfortable, productive and sustainable. In this study an analysis and identification of the availability of RTH is non-natural in urban areas was carried out, specifically for the capital city (regency/city) in Lampung province to realize more quality, beautiful, comfortable, healthy and sustainable urban spaces through increasing the quality and quantity of RTH. This research includes studies methodology and approach to conducting research, methods of data collection, data processing and analysis, including literature review and theoretical studies and similar case studies, problem solving analysis, preparation of development concepts. The next stage is using Remote Sensing technology and Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis to produce; Availability Analysis, Area Identification, and directions for RTH priority locations in Lampung province. Research activities in the urban area of Lampung province resulted in the identification of 18 points potential RTH in the capital centers (regency/city) in the Lampung province and selected 2 points priority RTH locations (main development)


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