Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional
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195 research outputs found
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Gender-Responsive Policy in Water Management: An Outlook in ‘Citarum Harum’s Program
In Indonesia, rivers, crucial for clean water, currently face alarming pollution. Unfortunately, women, key in ensuring water quality, lack opportunities. This study aims to depict the state of the Citarum River, women's involvement, and propose ways for women to optimize their role in managing domestic waste for river restoration. Using qualitative methods, the research identifies a connection between environmental issues and patriarchal challenges, emphasizing the need for comprehensive, gender-friendly policies. Recommendations from UN Water policies can be adapted for effective implementation in Indonesia. According to the research, the issue of the environment or water is a component of the traditional patriarchy problem, requiring gender-friendly strategies at all tiers. Even with initiatives to include women in areas such as water empowerment, women continue to be excluded from decision-making processes. Based on the research, it is recommended that women be made aware of their significance in gender-friendly policies and that their opinions should be considered during the decision-making process.
Keywords: rivers, water quality, women's empowermen
The Role of Women in Political Patronage and Political Alliance in the Joxzin Community Organization in the 2019 Election
The aim of this research is to look at the role of women in political patronage relationships which resulted in a political alliance between the community organization Joxzin (Jogjakarta Islamic Never Die) and the political party United Development Party (PPP) in the 2019 elections in 2019. Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta , Indonesia. Joxzin is a community organization consisting of male and female members. This research uses a convergent method of mixing qualitative and quantitative data which is then analyzed using the NVivo 12 Plus application. The findings obtained in this research are that Joxzin has political patronage ties. Joxzin has resources and power compared to patrons because Joxzin as a client can appoint Ahmad Zahran to be Chairman of the Branch Leadership Council of the Yogyakarta City Development United Party. With Joxzin's strong political alliance, Muhammad Yazid from the Sleman Regency Pilkada became a legislative member of the Yogyakarta Special Region People's Representative Council for the 2019-2024 period.
Keywords: Political patronage, political alliances, Woman, Joxzin, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP).Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran perempuan dalam hubungan patronase politik yang menghasilkan aliansi politik antara organisasi masyarakat Joxzin (Jogjakarta Islamic Never Die) dan partai politik Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) pada pemilu tahun 2019 di tahun 2019. Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode konvergen campuran data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi NVivo 12 Plus. Temuan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah Joxzin mempunyai ikatan patronase politik. Joxzin memiliki sumber daya dan kekuasaan dibandingkan patron karena Joxzin sebagai klien dapat menunjuk Ahmad Zahran menjadi Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Partai Bersatu Pembangunan Kota Yogyakarta. Dengan kuatnya aliansi politik Joxzin, Muhammad Yazid dari Pilkada Kabupaten Sleman menjadi anggota legislatif Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta periode 2019-2024
The Ecofeminist Perspective on The Impact of Climate Change on Women's Health: Study Case of Coastal Women in Sendang Biru Hamlet, Indonesia
Climate change poses major challenges for vulnerable groups throughout the world, especially women in coastal areas of Indonesia. Climate change presents a complex set of challenges that disproportionately impact vulnerable groups, with women often bearing the brunt of the impacts due to existing socio-cultural norms and unequal access to resources and decision-making processes. In Indonesia, coastal communities face increasing risks from rising sea levels, extreme weather events and coastal erosion caused by climate change. Women, who are often the primary caregivers and resource managers in these communities, bear a disproportionate burden of disasters caused by climate change. They experience increased vulnerability due to socio-cultural norms, limited access to resources, and limited power in making decisions. The impacts of climate change on women in Sendang Biru coastal areas are seen in various forms, including increased economic insecurity, loss of livelihoods, increased health risks, and disrupted access to health facilities. In addition, women's traditional roles as natural resource managers and family caretakers make them vulnerable to environmental degradation and displacement. Integrating an ecofeminist perspective in climate change strategy and mitigation explains how coastal women are exposed to risk, experience vulnerability, face problems in access to health and safety.
Keywords: Ecofeminism, Coastal women; climate change; health; global healt
Reviewing the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Indonesia Through President Jokowi's Visit to South Africa in 2023
In August 2023, President Joko Widodo visited several African countries i.e. The Republic of Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania, The Republic of Mozambique and The Republic of South Africa. It was his first visit to Africa during his term since 2014. While the visit covered four African countries, this article discusses only his visit to South Africa where he attended the BRICS forum. In particular this article focuses on Indonesia’s multilateral diplomacy in the BRICS’ forum, the position of Indonesia in the global political stage and its role both at the global and regional levels. Despite Indonesia not yet becoming a member of BRICS, its presence in the BRICS forum in South Africa in 2023 shows that Indonesia’s position in the global political stage has been increasing. Moreover, the presence also opened an opportunity for Indonesia to establish the new direction of its foreign policy and diplomacy not only among BRICS member states but also with South Africa and other African countries for achieving the objective and interest of global in the future was very dynamic in everytime.
Keywords: President Joko Widodo; Indonesia; South Africa; Africa; BRICSIn August 2023, President Joko Widodo visited several African countries i.e. The Republic of Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania, The Republic of Mozambique and The Republic of South Africa. It was his first visit to Africa during his term since 2014. While the visit covered four African countries, this article discusses only his visit to South Africa where he attended the BRICS forum. In particular this article focuses on Indonesia’s multilateral diplomacy in the BRICS’ forum, the position of Indonesia in the global political stage and its role both at the global and regional levels. Despite Indonesia not yet becoming a member of BRICS, its presence in the BRICS forum in South Africa in 2023 shows that Indonesia’s position in the global political stage has been increasing. Moreover, the presence also opened an opportunity for Indonesia to establish the new direction of its foreign policy and diplomacy not only among BRICS member states but also with South Africa and other African countries for achieving the objective and interest of global in the future was very dynamic in everytime.
Keywords: President Joko Widodo; Indonesia; South Africa; Africa; BRIC
Gender Disparities in Climate Resilience: Amplifying Voices of Women in Climate Change Issue in Indonesia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN 2023
Indonesia officially received the mandate as Chair of ASEAN from January 1 to December 31, 2023. During the post-COVID-19 pandemic, in the period 2022-2023 Indonesia received appreciation from the international community regarding the successful organization of international forums including the G-20. Indonesia's attitude is considered to remain neutral and maximize Indonesia's function as a middle-power at the level of multilateralism, amid geopolitical conflicts such as the Ukraine-Russia conflict and regional instability in the Middle East. But on the other hand, there are other issues in the realm of low politics, including the issue of climate change and women's vulnerability. As a region with a long coastline, it has a high potential risk as a chain effect of climate change. In addition, the gender disparity that is still quite high in this region is one of the factors that make women vulnerable to climate change issues, such as vulnerability in the labor, health and gender-based violence sectors. This paper focuses on seeing the extent to which Indonesia's role as chair of ASEAN in 2023 advocates the issue of climate change in a gender framework. The concept of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) which focuses on women's participation in the public sector and policy initiation is used as a framework. The expected results of this study can show the relationship between environmental issues and women's vulnerability and the imbalance between women's participation in the public sector and policy initiation.
Keywords: GESI, women, climate change, ASEAN Chairmanship, Indonesia. Indonesia secara resmi mendapat mandat sebagai Ketua ASEAN pada 1 Januari hingga 31 Desember 2023. Selama paska pandemi COVID-19, pada kurun waktu 2022-2023 Indonesia mendapatkan apresiasi dari dunia internasional terkait suksesnya penyelenggaraan forum internasional termasuk G-20. Sikap Indonesia dinilai tetap netral dan memaksimalkan fungsi Indonesia sebagai middle-power di level multilateralisme, di tengah konflik geopolitik seperti konflik Ukraina-Rusia serta instabilitas kawasan di Timur Tengah. Namun di sisi lain terdapat isu lain di ranah low politic, termasuk isu perubahan iklim dan kerentanan perempuan. Sebagai kawasan dengan garis pantai yang cukup panjang, memiliki potensi resiko yang tinggi sebagai efek berantai dari perubahan iklim. Selain itu, disparitas gender yang masih cukup tinggi di kawasan ini menjadi salah satu faktor yang membuat perempuan menjadi pihak yang cukup rentan pada permasalahan perubahan iklim, seperti misalnya kerentanan di sektor tenaga kerja, kesehatan dan kekerasan berbasis gender. Tulisan ini berfokus untuk melihat sejauh mana peran Indonesia sebagai ketua ASEAN pada tahun 2023 mengadvokasi isu climate change dalam kerangka pikir gender. Konsep Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) yang menitikberatkan pada partisipasi perempuan di sektor publik dan inisiasi kebijakan digunakan sebagai kerangka berpikir. Hasil yang diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menunjukkan keterkaitan antara isu lingkungan dan kerentanan perempuan serta ketimpangan kuasa yang dimiliki oleh negara dan aktor internasional dalam mengadvokasi isu lingkungan
The Interplay of Public/Private and Agent/Victim Dualism in Sustainable Living Practice: Indonesia’s Case
An examination of sustainable living practices through the lens of ecofeminism is the subject of this article. In this article, sustainable living practices refers to the actual implementation of environmentalism ideas in everyday situation. The selection of this subject is deemed significant due to the prevailing trend in environmental literature to associate it as pro-environmental behaviour that, unlike environmental activism, exclusively with the uppermiddle class, thereby rendering it feeble, apolitical, and inconsequential. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between pro-environmental behaviour and environmental action and activism by examining sustainable living practices through the lens of gender. Departing from Ecofeminism, it attempts to incorporate insights from relevant literature to enhance the discussion. Availing from exploratory field observations, this study uses Indonesia as a case studies. The study found that, in addition to the availability of social media and spiritualfactors, there are educational orientation that, related to cultural and religious aspects, bridges private/public elements as well as agents/victims division in Ecofeminism discourse. The transformation of the movement’s character from individualist to collectivist is influenced by global political dynamics, as well as showing the moral and spiritual orientation of this movement.
Keywords: sustainable living practice, ecofeminism, environmental care, pro-environmental behaviour, environmental activismDiskusi mengenai praktik hidup berkelanjutan melalui lensa ekofeminisme menjadi subjek dari artikel ini. Dalam artikel ini, istilah praktik hidup berkelanjutan mengacu pada implementasi aktual dari ide-ide environmentalisme dalam situasi sehari-hari. Pemilihan subjek ini dianggap penting karena literatur lingkungan cenderung mengaitkannya sebagai perilaku ramah-lingkungan yang, tidak seperti aktivisme lingkungan, secara eksklusif hanya berlaku untuk kelas menengah ke atas, sehingga membuatnya terlihat lemah, apolitik, dan tidak berdampak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan di antara perilaku ramah-lingkungan dan aktivisme lingkungan dengan mengecek praktik hidup berkelanjutan melalui lensa gender. Berangkat dari Ecofeminisme, artikel ini mencoba mengembangkan wawasan dari literatur yang relevan untuk memperkaya diskusi. Memanfaatkan hasil observasi lapangan yang bersifat eksploratif, penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus Indonesia. Studi ini menemukan bahwa, di samping ketersediaan media sosial dan faktor spiritual, terdapat orientasi pendidikan yang, terkait dengan aspek budaya dan agama, menjembatani pemisahan unsur privat/publik dan agen/korban dalam wacana Ecofeminisme. Transformasi sifat gerakan dari yang awalnya individualis menjadi kolektif dipengaruhi adanya dinamika politik global, sekaligus memperlihatkan adanya orientasi moral dan spiritual dari gerakan ini.
Kata kunci: praktik hidup berkelanjutan, Ecofeminism, perawatan lingkungan, perilaku ramah lingkungan, aktivisme lingkunga
Pergeseran Penghidupan dan Agensi Perempuan
In the last two decades, Sumba Island has experienced a shift in livelihood patterns after the extension of four regencies in the region. The change was initiated by Indonesia's development program through agro-industrial expansion in areas considered less fertile. In addition, the hilly characteristics of the region with vast grasslands and also the traditions of the Marapu indigenous people in Sumba have attracted the attention of the tourism industry. Therefore, indigenous communities have experienced a shift in land ownership systems and some of them have shifted to livelihood strategies of small farm management to non-agricultural activities, such as mining or becoming migrant workers. These changes also affect the gender division of labor and also the symbolic values of Sumba's indigenous people, such as weaving activities carried out by women. They utilize the skills they have acquired over generations to respond to these conditions and support their family's and community’s resilience. To understand changes in livelihood conditions, the meaning of symbols, and women's narratives, this research uses qualitative methods within the Sustainable Livelihood Framework with an ecofeminism perspective. This research discusses how the agency of women weavers in responding to changes in livelihood patterns amid the implementation of capitalist-patriarchal oriented development programs. The findings of this study show that the agency and activism of women weavers are influenced by affective historical factors by adapting the symbolic value of weaving customs into economic and emancipatory values.
Keywords: livelihood, women weavers, family, community, agency, development programs.Sekitar dua dekade terakhir, Pulau Sumba mengalami pergeseran pola penghidupan pasca pemekaran empat kabupaten di wilayah tersebut. Perubahan tersebut diawali dengan program pembangunan di Indonesia melalui perluasan agro-industrial di wilayah yang dianggap kurang subur. Selain itu karakteristik wilayahnya yang berbukit dengan padang rumput yang luas dan juga tradisi masyarakat adat Marapu di Sumba telah menarik perhatian industri pariwisata. Oleh sebab itu, masyarakat adat mengalami peralihan sistem kepemilikan lahan dan sebagian mereka beralih pada strategi penghidupan pengelolaan pertanian kecil hingga aktivitas nonpertanian, seperti pertambangan atau menjadi tenaga kerja migran. Perubahan ini juga mempengaruhi pembagian kerja gender dan juga nilai simbolis masyarakat adat Sumba, seperti aktivitas menenun yang dilakukan oleh para perempuan. Mereka memanfaatkan keterampilan yang mereka peroleh secara turun-temurun untuk merespon kondisi tersebut dan menunjang resiliensi keluarga dan komunitasnya. Untuk memahami perubahan kondisi penghidupan, makna simbol, serta narasi perempuan, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam Kerangka Kerja Penghidupan Berkelanjutan berperspektif ekofeminisme. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana agensi para perempuan penenun dalam merespon perubahan pola penghidupan di tengah implementasi program pembangunan yang berorientasi kapitalis-patriarki. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa agensi dan aktivisme para perempuan penenun dipengaruhi oleh faktor sejarah afektif dengan mengadaptasi nilai simbolis adat tenun menjadi bernilai ekonomis dan emansipatoris.
Kata Kunci: penghidupan, perempuan penenun, keluarga, komunitas, agensi, program pembangunan
Child Freedom as Ecofeminist Praxis: Navigating Gender, Reproductive Choice, and Climate Action
This research explores the decision to have child freedom, namely the choice not to have children, as a form of ecofeminist praxis in supporting climate change action. By integrating ecofeminist theory, this study aims to analyze the individual impact of child freedom decisions on climate change and explore the gender dimensions that may be involved. Adopting a literature study approach, this research details how these decisions can be understood through an ecofeminist lens, linking issues of gender and reproductive choices to the ecological responsibility of individuals. Through an in-depth literature analysis, this research strengthens the argument that child freedom can be articulated as a positive action in reducing an individual's ecological footprint and consideringthe social impact of gender in the context of climate change. This discussion highlights ecofeminist perspectives in the context of child freedom and explores how policy and society can support this choice as a concrete contribution to environmental sustainability. It is hoped that the results of this research can deepen our understanding of the relationship between gender issues, family decisions, and climate change action. The implications of these findings can provide a basis for the development of more inclusive policies and support concrete steps in overcoming the challenges of climate change.
Keywords: Child Freedom; Gender; Ecofeminism; Climate Change Action.
Challenging Masculinity: Analyzing the Aspects of Ecofeminism in Aceh’s Female Forest Rangers
This research discusses the issue of gender and environment in Southeast Asia and focuses on the casestudy of Female Forest Rangers or also known as Mpu Uteun in Aceh, Indonesia. It aims to answer the question: how do Female Forest Rangers in Aceh challenge masculinity and apply aspects of ecofeminism in protecting Aceh’s Forest? Using Warren’s approach of ecofeminism, the analysis of this research is divided into three parts. The first is masculinity and men’s role in Aceh’s environmental degradation, second is women and interconnection with nature, and third is ecofeminist philosophy in the case of Aceh’s female forest rangers. This study found that first, perpetrators of deforestation are mostly men as it is one of their ways to make a livelihood, enforcing a masculinity perspective that men should be dominating in providing for their family, including dominating the environment. Second, the female forest rangers have strong interconnections with nature since all the categories of interconnectedness between women and nature according to Warren can be found in this casestudy. Lastly, this case study can be claimed as an example of ecofeminist philosophy because the three aspects of Warren’s ecofeminist philosophy can be found in the research. These aspects are feminism; local and indigenous perspective; as well as nature, science, development, and technology.
Keywords: Ecofeminism, masculinity, Aceh, Indonesia, female forest ranger
Representasi Perempuan di Parlemen dan Legislasi Isu Lingkungan Hidup: Studi Kasus Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja
Numerous studies indicate that women generally show a greater concern for environmental issues than men and often engage more actively in eco-friendly practices like recycling. The difference in environmental attitudes between genders is thought to arise from societal roles, where women are typically viewed as primary caregivers, and men as primary providers. This highlights the intersectionality of gender and culture in environmental matters. This article examines gender dynamics in environmental policymaking, with a focus on the stance of female legislators on environmental issues. It uses the discussion around Law Number 11 of 2020, known as the Job Creation Law, as a case study. The analysis starts by looking at women's representation in the Indonesian parliament and their legislative behavior on environmental matters. The debate over the Job Creation Law reveals that most female legislators tend to align with the ideologies and interests of their political parties, despite criticisms that the law negatively impacts the environment and working women. The research concludes that having women in parliament does not necessarily lead to laws that prioritize women's and environmental interests. Factors such as a gender-biased political culture and a limited understanding of the importance of integrating gender perspectives in environmental and sustainable development issues contribute to the lack of substantive representation of women in parliament.
Keywords: women in parliament; gender mainstreaming; substantive representation; pro-environmental policy; legislative behaviourSejumlah studi menunjukkan bahwa perempuan cenderung untuk menunjukkan kepedulian tentang isu lingkungan hidup dibandingkan laki-laki. Kelompok perempuan juga disebutkan cenderung lebih banyak menunjukkan berperilaku pro-lingkungan, di rumah misalnya melakukan daur ulang, daripada laki-laki. Disparitas gender dalam melihat isu lingkungan ini dipercayai disebabkan oleh perbedaan tuntutan atas perempuan dan laki-laki dimana perempuan diharapkan akan menjadi pengasuh keluarga sementara laki-laki menjadi pencari nafkah bagi keluarga. Tulisan ini menganalisis masalah gender dan lingkungan dari level pengambil kebijakan di parlemen. Dengan menanyakan bagaimana kontribusi perempuan di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Indonesia dalam isu lingkungan, tulisan ini akan mengangkat pembahasan tentang Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja (UU Cipta Kerja) sebagai studi kasus. Analisis akan dimulai dengan pembahasan mengenai representasi perempuan di parlemen dan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi mengenai perilaku legislatif mengenai isu lingkungan. Pembahasan dan perumusan UU Cipta Kerja menunjukkan beberapa hal yang menarik. Pertama, suara anggota parlemen perempuan untuk UU Cipta Kerja terlihat hanya mengikuti ideologi dan kepentingan partai politik mereka walaupun keberadaan undang-undang ini dikritik mengancam lingkungan hidup dan berdampak negatif terhadap perempuan pekerja. Terkait dengan poin pertama, keberadaan perempuan di parlemen tidak serta merta berdampak terhadap perumusan legislasi yang pro lingkungan. Rendahnya kualitas perwakilan subtantif ini dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor seperti budaya partai politik yang bias terhadap perempuan dan rendahnya pemahaman tentang pengarusutamaan gender