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Pengaruh Faktor Agent, Faktor Lingkungan Dan Faktor Pejamu Terhadap Jumlah Kasus Penyakit Tuberkulosis Di Era Pandemi Covid-19: Literatur Review
In 2019 WHO determined a Global Pandemic caused by Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which was found as many as 118,000 cases in 110 countries. So that every country is advised to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and prepare efforts to handle the spread of COVID-19 (Khoirunisa, 2021). In its development, SARS-CoV-2 underwent mutations with various variants which are now the attention of all countries in the world (Adityo Susilo, 2022). In fact, during this time the disease that often attacks the respiratory tract and spreads quite quickly, one of which is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indonesia is ranked 3rd in the world with 91% TB cases, namely Banten, Gorontalo, DKI Jakarta, North Ulawesi, West Sulawesi. The purpose of this literature review is to find out what factors affect the number of tuberculosis cases in the COVID-19 pandemic based on research that has been carried out.Keywords: agent factor, environmental factor, Covid-19 and T
Penerapan Higiene Sanitasi Makanan Jajanan pada Kantin di Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Tahun 2021
Kantin atau warung merupakan tempat makan yang menjual makanan dan minuman. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Banten keracunan makanan yang terjadi di Tangerang Banten pada tahun 2018 terdapat 184 orang. Penelitian terkait higiene sanitasi makanan jajanan yang dilakukan oleh (Rusman Efendi 2017) di Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta pada tahun 2017 menunjukkan bahwa kantin dengan kriteria kurang baik sanitasi sebesar 62.7% dan kriteria higiene buruk sebesar 60.8%, serta berdasarkan studi pendahuluan ditemukan bahwa penjamah tidak mencuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah memegang makanan, penjamah tidak menggunakan celemek dan penutup kepala serta penjamah tidak menggunakan penjepit atau sarung tangan saat menangani makanan.. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan higiene sanitasi makanan jajanan pada kantin atau warung jajan di Sekitar Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta tahun 2021. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode observasi dan wawancara menggunakan alat ukur lembar ceklist. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa higiene penjamah makanan tidak memenuhi syarat (19.55%), sanitasi peralatan tidak memenuhi syarat (13.12%), sanitasi penyajian tidak memenuhi syarat (22.25%), sarana penjaja tidak memenuhi syarat (5%) dan sentra pedagang (37.08%). Maka dapat disimpulkan penerapan higiene sanitasi makanan jajanan pada kantin atau warung jajan di Sekitar Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta tahun 2021 tidak memenuhi syarat higiene sanitasi sebaiknya dilakukan pemantauan dan pengawasan kepada kantin atau warung jajan di Sekitar Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.Kata kunci : Higiene Sanitasi, Makanan Jajanan, Permenkes/942/Menkes/SK/VII/200
The incidence of preeclampsia has increased, in 2020 there were 29 cases and increased to 32 cases in 2021, this is influenced by the mother with labor first ( primipara ), lack knowledge Mother about pre- eclampsia , age Mother pregnant at risk , ANC visits are not complete , and tiring work. This study aims to determine the various risk factors with the incident preeclampsia on Mother Pregnant in the Work Area Banda Raya Health Center. This research is descriptive analytic with case-control design. Data collection is done by interview. The population in this study were 60 mothers pregnant third trimester and the sample is determined by the total sample technique with a ratio of 1:1, namely 30 respondents who had preeclampsia and 30 who did not have preeclampsia. The statistical test used is the chi-square test. The results showed that parity was at risk 6.5 times (OR=6.571. p=0.001), ANC visits were at risk 5.5 times (OR=5.500. p = 0.002) and mother's work was at risk 4 times (OR=4.030. p=0.010) ) to events preeclampsia. The conclusion of this study is that parity, ANC visits, and work are risk factors for events preeclampsia on Mother Pregnant in the Work Area Banda Raya Health Center in 2021. Suggested to health workers is necessary more improved Again visit And counseling to Mother pregnant in order to knowledge Mother increase Good in prevent preeclampsia.Keywords: ANC Visit, Parity, Preeclampsia, Occupation
One of the regional hospitals in Pemalang Regency has not compiled an Outpatient Disease Index and the process of making other indexes is still manual. The study aims to determine the process of making an index of Medical Record Units at Pemalang Regency Regional Hospitals in 2022. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection through semi-structured interviews with indexing officers and observations on the index table design. Analysis of interview results and observations using synthesis analysis. The results of this study show that the data sources for the RI and RJ disease index, patient index, surgery index, doctor index, and death index made by hospitals are taken from medical record documents, while the data sources for the Patient Index and Inpatient Index are taken from SIMRS. Index data processing is done manually (inpatient disease index, outpatient index, doctor index, surgery index, and mortality index) and electronically (patient index). The use of SIMRS in Unit Indexing is not fully used because most of the process is done manually (Microsoft Excel), except for the Patient Index. Suggestion, To improve the quality of hospital services, the hospital should evaluate the performance of medical personnel in the ward in inputting resume data of patients returning home both in SIMRS and in DRM. In addition, improving the features or functions of SIMRS in order to collect, process, and present all index data (Inpatient Disease Index, Outpatient Index, Patient Index, Operation Index, Doctor Index, and Death Index) needed by the hospital
The World Health Organization states that the elderly are a group of people aged over 60 years. The Elderly is a period in their life span that is in a decline phase both physically and cognitively. The fundamental problem in the elderly is health problems. The older you get, the more you are at risk of increased blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure, while diastolic blood pressure can only increase until the age of 55 years. Objective: Knowing the blood pressure of hypertensive elderly who consume Ambon bananas and watermelons in the Working Area of the Ciamis Health Center. Methods: The research used for this research is a quantitative descriptive study using a cross-sectional design. The population in this study amounted to 1,008 people. The sampling technique in this study used simple random sampling, namely as many as 90 respondents. Results: Research on the habit of consuming Ambon bananas by 57 respondents (63.3), and the habit of consuming watermelon by 33 respondents (36.7). Conclusion: This study stated that of the 90 elderly who consumed Ambon bananas and watermelon, the majority of their blood pressure was in stage 1 (mild) category
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Antenatal Care K6 di Puskesmas Banjarsari: Studi Kualitatif
Introduction: Antenatal Care (ANC) is a health service provided to pregnant woment to reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) anf Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). The number of visits K1, K4,and K6 are indicators of service quality. In 2021, Banjarsari Primary Health Care is one of the health centers in Kabupaten Bogor with low K6 value of 26,5%. The objective of this study is to analyze the implementation of the ANC K6 program in the Banjarsari Primary Health Care. Methods: Research with qualitative descriptive method and data collection through in-depth interviews. Results: The number of human resources is sufficient but there are still dual tasks, inadequate facilities and infrastructure such as the narrow building area and a new ultrasound is needed. ANC services use BOK and capitation funds. ANC implementation follows the Renstra Kabupaten Bogor. Conclusions: To increase coverage of ANC K6 in the working area of the Banjarsari Primary Health Care, it is necessary to evaluate the main tasks of human resources, existing facilities and infrastructure, and the implementation process of ANC K6.Keywords: Antenatal care, primary health care, coverag
Scabies is a significant disease for public health because it is a substantial contributor to global morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of scabies worldwide is reported to be around 300 million cases annually. The incidence of scabies in Indonesia is still very high and located in West java. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristic risk factors and personal hygiene, as well as to test the sensitivity of these risk factors to the incidence of scabies in Islamic boarding school students. The variable gender has a 2,117 times greater risk, knowledge has a 1,323 times greater risk, bathing habits have a 1.185 times greater risk, cleanliness of clothing has a 1,553 times greater risk of experiencing disease scabies. The results of the meta-analysis that has a greater level of risk in terms of characteristics is the gender variable and the personal hygiene variable that has a greater risk factor is the clothing cleanliness variable. Efforts that can be made by related agencies in the Pondok Pesantren area are to carry out promotive and preventive activities to prevent the occurrence of scabies in Islamic boarding schools
In Indonesia there are still many adolescents who experience multiple nutritional problems caused by the increasing number of population with more nutritional status, one of which is overweight. One of the causes of overweight is because of food selection. Food choices can be influenced by family eating habits, advertisements in various media, peers, and the environment. Nutrition counseling is a form of approach that aims to help clients/respondents identify and analyze problems with clients and provide alternative solutions to problems. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of providing nutritional counseling on food choices in overweight female adolescents. The method used in this research is literature review by collecting research journals or reviewing articles by searching the database using Google Scholar as many as 4 journals spanning 2017-2022. In this study, the provision of nutritional counseling can influence and change the choice of food for young women, who initially chose random food to choose good and healthy food. Keywords: nutrition counseling; overweight; youth; foo
Strategi Penguatan Sistem Penanganan Kebakaran Diperkotaan
Fire is a condition of a building, such as a house, factory, market, or building, burning uncontrollably, causing casualties. Fire is one of the disasters caused by non-natural factors. The purpose of this study is to analyze internal and external environmental factors in fire prevention. As well as designing a strategy formulation in fire prevention prevention. The method used in this research is SWOT analysis using the QSPM (Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix) matrix. The number of respondents who were taken in this study were three people. The results of this study are based on interviews with the fire department which resulted in factors influencing the occurrence of fires from internal and external during the fire fighting strategy. The most influential internal factor in terms of strength is the formation of early handling officers at the RW level to provide counseling to the community. Already has a lot of fleet facilities. Lack of training for new firefighters. External factors on fire prevention include. Provide external training for firefighters who are in the agency/community while in terms of threats, namely weak cooperation with electricity, water providers. Strategies that can improve fire prevention include increasing fire prevention capacity building for the community and agencies and residents maximizing early fire prevention so that fires are immediately extinguishe
Hubungan Literasi TBC dengan Stigma Tuberkulosis Masyarakat di Kelurahan Pekunden Semarang
Community TB stigma is one of the obstacles to seeking TB treatment. Therefore it is necessary to know how the role of health literacy in TB disease against TB stigma.An observational study with a cross-sectional approach was conducted to measure the relationship between TB literacy and TB stigma. The number of respondents in this study was 102, who live in Pekunden Village and aged >= 18 years were taken incidentally. TB literacy and TB stigma were measured using interviews using a questionnaire.The results showed that 70.6% of respondents were female, most were 47 years old, 54% were unemployed, and 79.4% had heard of TB information before. As many as 48% of respondents are in the problematic and inadequate literacy category. As many as 48% of respondents gave a negative TB stigma. Spearman's rank test results with a 95% confidence level showed a relationship between TB literacy and tuberculosis stigma (p=0.0001; r=0.344)The prevention carried out becomes an action that is considered a stigma for the community. Follow-up is needed to see from the perspective of TB literacy and the behavior of TB patients