JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics)
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    345 research outputs found

    Farmer Motivation in Implementing Good Diary Farming Practice (GDFP): Case Study on Lembu Lestari Group in Tulungrejo Village

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    Poor implementation of Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) has an impact on the low quantity and quality of milk. The FMD pandemic that attacked further aggravated the condition. Efforts to recover the impact of FMD need strong motivation from farmers to tighten the implementation of GDFP. Dairy farming has been part of the lives of the people of Tulungrejo Village for a long time. Encouragement that can motivate farmers to survive and rise from the impact of the outbreak needs to be known so that appropriate treatment can be carried out in accompanying farmers. The purpose of this study is to know the characteristics of farmers and describe the motivation of farmers in implementing GDFP. The research method uses the survey method. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and was obtained by 22 respondents of breeders who were members of the Lembu Lestari Group. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive methods. The results showed that farmers in the Lembu Lestari Group were dominated by productive age, elementary school education level, had family dependents between 2-3 people, had varied livestock experience, and had livestock between 4-8 heads. The level of motivation in implementing GDFP which is implemented by existance needs, relatedness needs, growth needs is in the high category with a percentage of 87.78%

    The Effect of Construction Banda Aceh - Sigli Toll Road on The Socio-Economic Conditions of Farmers in Aceh Besar Regency

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    Infrastructure development, especially toll road construction, requires land availability. The infrastructure development process may affect people's daily lives. One of the infrastructures developed is the Banda Aceh-Sigli toll road. Land conversion changes the function of land from its former function to other uses so that it can have an impact on socio-economic changes in the surrounding population. The number of sub-districts in Aceh Besar Regency reaches 9 districts affected by land conversion. Of these districts, 60 samples were selected from 3 districts; Indrapuri, Cot Glie and Kuta Baro. This study examines the impact of conversion of paddy fields due to the construction of the Banda Aceh - Sigli Toll Road on the socio-economy of farmers using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results showed that the Banda Aceh-Sigli toll road development influenced social conditions only from environmental indicators while other indicators had no effect. As for economic conditions, toll road development affects the indicators of assets, land area, income and expenditure in the agricultural sector. While the other two indicators have no effect

    The Profit Analysis of Kemplang Fish Business in Pemulutan, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera

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    Fish kemplang is a processed of fish product made from fish and sago flour. In South Sumatra, fish kemplang is used as a special food for snacks. The majority of kemplang processing businesses are still medium and small scale. Ogan Ilir is a district that has a lot of kemplang processing centers. Marisah's kemplang business is one of the kemplang businesses in Pelabuhan Dalam Village, Pemulutan District, Ogan Ilir Regency. This business empowers the community surrounding, especially housewives. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of Kemplang profit from Mrs. Marisah's business in Pelabuhan Dalam Village, Pemulutan Induk District, Ogan Ilir Regency. The Location was  determined by purposively. The research respondents were determined by case study method. Data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. The results of this study were shown by the production costs of Ibu Marisah's Kemplang business, it consisted of fixed cost and variable costs. Fixed cost was Rp.15,250/day, while variable cost was Rp. 2,856,250/day, so the total costs incurred was IDR 2,871,500/day. The revenue obtained from this business was IDR 3,240,000/day and the income was IDR 368,500/day. The Calculation of the R/C ratio was 1.13, it indicated that Mrs. Marisah's kemplang business was feasible

    Factors Affecting the Livelihood Diversification of Rice Farming Households in Deli Serdang Regency

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    Deli Serdang Regency is the leading rice producer in North Sumatra Province. The fact is that productivity in Deli Serdang Regency has stagnated. The problems farmers face isclimate change, access to irrigation, and rising input prices. This study aimed to determine the income of rice farmers, the percentage level of farmers doing livelihood diversification, and the variables that influence livelihood diversification. Four hundred people (especially rice farmers) became the research sample. The data analysis method is Multinomial Logit Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the average income is 1,221,680.5/month. The income of these rice farmers is below the Deli Serdang UMK. Then, our study found that 67% of rice farmers diversified their livelihoods. Finally, the results of our study show that the variables that have an essential influence on livelihood diversification in Deli Serdang Regency are land area, dependency ratio, counseling, membership of farmer groups, distance to markets, and farming experience

    Agricultural Agglomeration Strategy in Supporting Regeneration of Shallots Farmers on Marginal Land

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    The declining interest of the younger generation to become farmers has implications for the crisis of farmer regeneration, which results in a decline in state income and increased import dependence. On the other hand, there is agglomerated marginal land farming in Srigading Village, Sanden Sub-district, Bantul which has increased agricultural yields in 2022. This research discusses the factors supporting and inhibiting the level of farmer regeneration to analyze the determinants of the success of agricultural agglomeration. This research was conducted in Srigading Village, Sanden District, Bantul Regency. This study used a qualitative approach with primary data from interviews with young farmers aged 20-35, old farmers aged over 35, non-farmers, extension workers, and government agencies to identify supporting and inhibiting factors for farmer regeneration. Furthermore, this research uses a case study and ecological-geographical approach, testing the validity of the data using the source triangulation method. The results show that aspects such as self, family, friends, government, social, social media, economy, and organization are both supporting and inhibiting factors for the level of agricultural regeneration, while aspects such as school and geography are neutral factors. Based on the interview results, agglomerated agricultural conditions facilitate access to knowledge, distribution of government assistance, and encourage innovation to develop agriculture. Spatial aspects such as distance between fields, exchange of information flows between farmers, collective use of resources, and government policies are determinants of the success of agglomeration strategies in supporting farmer regeneration

    The Impact of Secure Tenure on Women's Participation in Agricultural Households Decision-Making: Has It Been Equal?

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    The empowerment of women within the agricultural sector constitutes a pivotal factor for the sustainability of farming practices. A key facet of women's empowerment lies in their capacity to make decisions, encompassing choices both for personal matters and those pertaining to their families. Land ownership is posited as a significant catalyst fostering individual decision-making prowess. However, Indonesia grapples with challenges concerning the attainment of parity in land ownership between genders. This research endeavors to scrutinize the repercussions of land ownership, particularly secure tenure, on individuals' participation in decision-making processes. Additionally, it seeks to discern disparities in decision-making participation between men and women. The data underpinning this study emanate from individual-level information extracted from the 2021 integrated agricultural survey, yielding a robust dataset with 635.235 observations of the adult population. The findings of this investigation illuminate a positive correlation between land ownership and heightened participation in decision-making. Nonetheless, when dissected through the lens of gender, it becomes apparent that women exhibit a propensity for diminished participation in decision-making related to agricultural endeavors, relative to their male counterparts. Remarkably, women endowed with secure tenure tend to manifest a proclivity toward reduced involvement in decision-making processes. Despite this observed trend, it is noteworthy that targeted agricultural training programs hold promise for amplifying the participation of women in decision-making roles. This underscores the potential for interventions aimed at bridging existing gender differentials in decision-making within the agricultural domain

    Group Roles in Local Food Processing to Achieve Resilience of Agricultural Household Industries in Gunungkidul

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    The role of women from small farming families in utilizing surrounding resources to preserve local food is an important issue to study. This study aims to (1) analyze the role of members in groups which include task roles, maintenance roles, and blocking roles, and to (2) analyze the factors influencing group role. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. Data were collected from 31 respondents selected by the census from the Desa Prima members in Sambirejo, Ngawen, Gunungkidul. Data are analyzed using multiple regression with SPSS. In-depth interviews with group leaders and group member representatives were also conducted to explain cases in roles distribution in Desa Prima. The results showed that task role significantly positively affected the group's enhancement in developing local foods. The group has a clear task distribution so that all works can be completed properly. The role of members as blocking roles is rare and does not have much impact on group dynamics since the members can understand each other. The role of members in how well they can complete the tasks needs to be maintained so that they can still be responsible for completing their tasks properly although some members also have side jobs. Thus, it is necessary to divide the tasks along with a clear timeline. To increase the independence of the home industry, obstacles in the management and processing of local foods should be overcome through increasing the group role

    Determinants of Farm Women's Participation in Shallot Farming and Processing Activities

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    Women farmers' participation is considered important for the development of shallot farming. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the factors that influence farm women's participation in shallot farming and processing activities in Selopamioro Village. Farm women's participation was calculated based on four stages of participation, namely participation in decision-making, implementation, benefit-taking, and evaluation. This study involved 50 farm women to be the sample in the study, which focused on Nawungan I and Nawungan II hamlets. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach, where there were 2 tests, namely the proportion test and multiple linear regression. The results of this study show that more than 50% of farm women have a high level of participation in shallot farming and processing activities. The highest level of participation is in the third stage, namely participation in benefit taking. Factors that significantly influence farm women's participation include motivation, cosmopolitan level, and intensity of attending extension services

    Relationship of Farmer Group Roles with Corn Productivity in Karangreja Village, Cimanggu Sub-District, Cilacap Regency: A Spearman Rank Correlation Analysis

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    The role of farmer groups in rural areas is crucial to support the community in sustaining agricultural activities. This research aims to determine the role of farmer groups in enhancing corn productivity. The research method employed is a survey of corn farmer group members in Karangreja Village, Cimanggu Sub-District, Cilacap Regency, using proportional random sampling technique. The Likert Scale is utilized to assess the role of farmer groups, based on three sub-variables: learning classes, cooperation facilities and production units. To determine corn productivity and the relationship between the role of farmer groups and corn productivity, the Concordance Rank Kendall W and Rank Spearman Correlation tests are employed. The research findings indicate that the role of farmer groups falls within the 'involved' category. Corn productivity demonstrates an increase after participation in the farmer group. There is a significant simultaneous relationship between the role of farmer groups and corn productivity. Additionally, partial correlations are identified between the role of farmer groups in terms of learning classes, cooperation facilities, production units, and corn productivity

    Institutional Synergy in Diffusion and Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Farming Communities in Bantul District, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    The process of diffusion and adoption of agricultural technology can be realized properly if it is supported by the synergy of agricultural institutions and from farming actors. The existence of farmer groups and farmer cooperatives as part of agricultural institutions that are under one roof, is an important forum for farmers in overcoming various problems. The aims of the research were to find out the synergy between agricultural institutions in the diffusion of agricultural technology in farming communities in Bantul Regency, DIY and to find out the level of adoption of agricultural technology by farming communities in Bantul Regency, DIY. The research method was carried out in a descriptive qualitative manner. Data was collected by interviewing cooperative management, farmer groups and farmers with the help of a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by rating scale. From the research results it is known that the diffusion of agricultural technological innovations is carried out in synergy and in stages from the government through the Ministry of Agriculture, the agricultural service, Bank Indonesia, universities, PPL to the management of farmer groups to be disseminated to members. Farmers' cooperatives function as providers of capital, infrastructure such as seeds, subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers, pesticides and medicines. Meanwhile, farmer groups function as providers of labor and modern agricultural equipment. The level of farmer adoption of agricultural technological innovations is in the good category with a score of 78


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