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201 research outputs found
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Negotiation Between Patuntung and Islam in Kajang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
This research examines the relationship between Islam as a world religion and Patuntung as a traditional religion adhered to by the Ammatoa indigenous community in Kajang, South Sulawesi. The relationship between these two religions is not only oppositional or harmonious but also dynamic and negotiating. This research uses a qualitative method with a 'New Ethnography' approach, which pays attention to three aspects: self-reflection, polyvocality, and testimony. The findings of this research show that the meeting between Islam and Patuntung produces a hybrid reality, namely Sallang, which is basically a different Islam and another Patuntung. Sallang is a new reality that emerged from the meeting between Islam and Patuntung. This is clearly seen from Ammatoa's belief that the Koran is 40 juz, 10 juz revealed in Kajang, and 30 juz revealed in Mecca. This research provides a new contribution to the study of the relationship between world religions and indigenous religions, especially in Indonesia
Transcending Paradigm: Bridging Spirituality and Modern Science in the Thoughts of Nasr, al-Attas, and al-Faruqi
The research examines the transcending paradigm as a crucial intellectual approach, with scholars like Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, and Ismail Raji al-Faruqi proposing a synthesis of Islamic spiritual principles with modern scientific inquiry. This paradigm aims to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, advocating for a unified model that respects Islamic metaphysical traditions while embracing empirical scientific advancements. Through a systematic comparative and analytical approach, the research thoroughly examines and critiques the philosophical foundations and theoretical frameworks presented by Nasr, al-Attas, and al-Faruqi. This study's synthesis of these scholars' perspectives makes it unique, providing insights into their efforts to move beyond traditional academic paradigms. Their contributions argue for a coherent framework harmonizing divine unity and cosmic understanding. They assert that true knowledge encompasses both the material and the transcendent, offering a holistic and spiritually enriched scientific perspective. This article contributes to enhancing the Islamic intellectual tradition by presenting a model deeply rooted in cultural values and responsive to the complexities of the modern scientific era
Offering Rituals (Sesajen): Synthesis of Religion and Culture from the Perspective of Islamic Religious Groups
This research examines the community's offering rituals to honor gods, ancestral spirits, and guardian spirits of sacred places. This ritual caused controversy among Muslims because it contained elements of shirk. This research aims to seek a synthesis of this controversy. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method approach with an ethnographic type. Data collection was carried out through observation and interviews. Data analysis uses interactive methods. The research results show that offering rituals can be synthesized from a religious and cultural perspective with the following conditions: 1) offering rituals are positioned as cultural events, not as offerings as in religion; 2) the meaning of the offering ritual is thanksgiving which is consumed by the community, not left to be eaten by spirits or ancestral spirits because it would be wasteful; 3) the intention of the offering ritual is only for Allah alone and is not mixed or added with other names. As in religion, the intention of sacrifice is for Allah alone, but the object (sacrificial animal) is for humans
The Death of Prophet Isa in Tafsīr al-Manār by Muḥammad ‘Abduh and Rashid Rida
This study discusses the story of the death of Prophet Isa in Tafsīr al-Manār by Muḥammad ‘Abduh and Muḥammad Rashid Rida. Most commentators interpret QS. Ali ‘Imrān: 55 and QS. al-Nisā’: 157-158 by stating that Isa is still alive today. Allah saved Isa from assassination and crucifixion attempts by his enemies by lifting him up to the sky. One day Prophet Isa will come back down to earth before the end of the world to kill the Dajjal who committed destruction and apostasy on earth. This study is a literature review because it relies entirely on literature data from tafsir books, books, and journals, both print and online. Descriptive analysis was used in this study by including a hermeneutic approach that looked at the triadic relationship between text, interpretation, and context of interpretation. This research found that in the Tafsīr al-Manār it was mentioned that the Prophet Isa had died a natural death. Prophet Isa was indeed saved by Allah but not by lifting him to heaven. Ordinary methods protected him, finally died naturally, and was placed in a glorious place in the sight of Allah. Muḥammad ‘Abduh and Rashid Rida argue that there is not a single Qur’anic verse that states that Isa is still alive. Thus, the sentences in the Qur’an state that Isa has died. The hadith that explains the appointment of Prophet Isa is also the ḥadīth āḥād that cannot be used as a postulate for matters concerning faith or i’tiqād. This finding has implications for the understanding that the Prophet will not return to earth before the world’s end
Theological Approach to Teaching Interactively and Empirically: Jesus as a Model
The approach taken by teachers in teaching has been an issue that is always discussed in the world of education. The limitations of Christian teachers in teaching provoke a reaction and judgment from various elements. Seeing this phenomenon, the author conducted a study of Jesus' approach in the Gospel of Matthew. The purpose of this research is to explain the attempt at a theological approach made by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative research method, the author examines various approaches taken by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. The analysis process carried out by the author is to use various trusted library and electronic sources to support the author's analysis. The results of this study found that there are two approaches taken by Jesus, namely interactive and empirical. Thus, the approach taken by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew is still relevant to be used as a reference by Christian education teachers in teaching and educating in order to achieve learning objectives
From Uyghur Muslims in China to the Uyghur Diaspora in Southeast Asia: A Political Reflection
This article discusses the problems of the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, People's Republic of China, who have experienced mistreatment and violence from the communist regimes of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu Rongji, and Xi Jinping. Despite facing this treatment, the Uyghur Muslim minority has received criticism and negative labels for their resistance. The world community has also shown little attention to the Uyghur issue. This article aims to reveal the dynamics among Uyghur Muslims as they shift from nationalistic interests to their participation in acts of terrorism. This article uses a descriptive-analytical qualitative method based on data obtained from interviews, documents and literature studies. This article also explores the novelty of this topic by discussing the impact and implications of Uyghur Muslim involvement in global jihadist groups. For example, this article shows that thousands of Uyghur Muslims have become diasporas in other countries (Turkey, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc.) seeking solutions to their problems, while being in a difficult and disadvantageous position . This article also explores the magnitude and extent of the activities and presence of Uyghur Muslims in Indonesia, such as in Aceh, Jakarta and Papua
Reconstructing the Structure of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Sufistic Approach
This article discusses al-Ghazali's thoughts regarding the structure of the Qur'an which is different from generally known patterns. Al-Ghazali with his Sufistic tendencies rearranged the verses and letters of the Koran into two categories, namely Jawahir and Durar. Jawahir is a verse that is directly related to the nature of Allah, while Durar is a verse that contains instructions to Allah's servants to follow the straight path through righteous deeds that are carried out firmly. Al-Ghazali views the Koran as a means to achieve makrifatullah. The research method used is a literature study with a structuralist approach by examining relevant primary and secondary sources. This article shows that Al-Ghazali's structure of the Qur'an is unique and new, namely linking the verses of the Qur'an to the nature of Allah and the straight path to makrifatullah. This article also contributes to the development of Al-Qur'an studies, especially in the fields of structure and Sufism
Reconciliation of Social Movement: Debate of Syarikat Indonesia's Role in the Advocay of the 1965' Victims
The 1965 tragedy that befell the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) left deep wounds on Indonesian society. Reconciliation efforts between these two groups still face various challenges, both from the government and from the people. This research aims to examine the Syarikat Indonesia people's movement, which is one of the reconciliation initiatives between the PKI and NU. This research also wants to know the function of the Company as a social movement that seeks to change society. This research uses qualitative methods that integrate text analysis and interviews with Syarikat members and sympathizers. The data collected was then analyzed using a social movement theoretical framework. This research provides a new contribution by revealing the dynamics and obstacles faced by the Company in carrying out reconciliation. This research also shows how the Syarikat provides an alternative narrative about the events of 1965 that differs from the official state narrative. In addition, this research highlights the role and impact of Syarikat in promoting democratization and social justice in Indonesia
Treatment of Infertility through the Qur'an: Shifting the Function of al-Syifa' from Spiritual Disease Treatment to Physical Medicine
Al-Qur’an, besides proclaiming itself as a guide for the man (huda li al-nas), also serves as a cure or healer (shifa') against all kinds of diseases, especially spiritual conditions. In the Community of Therapy Sky Line Two With Prayer, the Qur'an serves as a medium of infertility treatment. Infertility occurs when a husband and wife do not have children, even though they are sexually active. Besides being caused by medical factors, infertility is also caused by non-medical factors, such as genie or magic disorders. This article aims to elaborate and, at the same time, prove the success of infertility treatment through the medium of Qur'anic verses carried out by Therapy Sky Line Two With Prayer. Methodologically, this article uses field research whose primary sources are obtained through observation, structured interviews, and documentation. The collected data was then analyzed using a phenomenological approach. The findings of this article show that the Qur'an can not only cure spiritual diseases but can also be used as a medium to treat infertility. This article also found that the verses of the Qur'an recited to people with infertility can make their hearts calm, more pleased with His decrees, and also more grateful for the blessings He has given. This attitude is a fundamental thing that is needed for those who have not been blessed with offspring. Hence, they feel confident that chanting the verses of the Qur'an can stimulate people with infertility and make them pregnant and have the desired offspring
Qur'anic Digital Civility: Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Interaction on Social Media
This paper examines how the digital civility (morality) of contemporary Indonesian Muslim interaction on social media. The gap in Muslim behaviour on social media with the teachings of the Qur'an is caused by negative prejudice or sadistic behaviour; therefore, the values of Qur'anic digital civility are degraded. The research method used is a literature review examining Muslim interaction on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Contextual hermeneutics is used to analyze the interaction patterns of Muslims on social media. This research shows that Muslim interaction patterns on social media fall into the disassociation category, leading to incivility. One of incivility is flaming (verbal attacks in the form of blasphemy and insults); this is proven by hateful posts on social media. This behaviour pattern in social media is far from Qur'anic values which call for good speech, honesty and avoiding hoaxes; the words used must be courteous, put forward the principles of appropriateness and decency, and smooth and soft. These values of Qur'anic teaching are called digital Qur'anic civilit