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Bukti Kinerja MK Konsep Analisis Multivariat
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Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Public Speaking untuk Santri Kampung Hija
Public speaking is a means of verbal communication in public to convey the messages or information
effectively to the audience. This ability plays a very important role in various areas of life including
schools, organizations, work, and social life in general. One means of improving public speaking
skills can be obtained through training. Kampung Hija pesantren students have the potential for self�development, preaching skills, and language skills in the ta'lim assembly. Not only relying on the
expertise they have, their communication skills, especially in English, really support their
competences and soft skills in creating creative & innovative human resources based on the era
demands who are ready to compete globally. Public speaking training and mentoring for Kampung
Hija pesantren students are provided with the simple concepts starting from pre-test, early evaluation,
orientation (supporting materials and practice), drill, and feedback as well as tips and tricks in public
speaking. The importance of Public Speaking training and mentoring can grow the self-confidence of
Kampung Hija pesantren students, improve their abilities to speak up English in public, provide some
benefits to society, and improve the quality of education.
Keywords: Training and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Kampung Hija Pesantren Students;
Public speaking adalah sarana komunikasi secara lisan di depan umum dalam menyampaikan pesan
atau informasi secara efektif kepada audiens. Kemampuan ini sangat berperan dalam berbagai
bidang kehidupan, termasuk di lingkungan sekolah, organisasi, pekerjaan, dan kehidupan sosial
secara umum. Salah satu sarana peningkatan keterampilan public speaking ini dapat diperoleh
melalui pelatihan. Santri Kampung Hija memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan diri, kemampuan
berdakwah, dan kemampuan berbahasa dalam suatu majelis ta’lim. Tidak hanya mengandalkan
keahlian yang dimilikinya, kemampuan berkomunikasi, khususnya berbahasa Inggris, sangat
mendukung kompetensi dan kemampuan soft skillsnya dalam mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang
kreatif & inovatif sesuai tuntutan zaman yang siap bersaing global. Pelatihan dan pendampingan
public speaking untuk santri Kampung Hija dibekali dengan konsep yang sederhana mulai dari pre�test, early evaluation, orientation (pembekalan materi dan praktek), drill, dan feedback, serta tips dan
trik dalam public speaking. Pentingnya pelatihan dan pendampingan Public Speaking ini dapat
menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri santri Kampung Hija, meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa
Inggris di depan umum, memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat, dan meningkatkan kualitas
Keywords: Pelatihan dan Pendampingan; Public Speaking; Santri Kampung Hija
The Determination of Dawn Time through Image Processing Camera
Determining the early time prayer is very fundamental for Muslims as it directly relates to the legal requirements of prayer. Prayers are not performed whenever we want, but rather there is a determination of the beginning and end of the prayer time as a guideline for Muslims to carry it out. The Indonesia government sets standards for Muslims to perform the dawn prayer service, by precisely determining the degree of the emergence of the dawn of Sadiq by -20^0. This study aims to compare the determination of the government's dawn time using different sensors, specifically drone cameras as image sensors. Drones were chosen due to their several advantages. The data generated by the drone is in the form of photos, which are subsequently processed using digital image processing software, called image-J. The data obtained are in the form of mean and standard deviation. All data collected in 1 day is recorded using Excel to form a graph of data which is then carried out by a polynomial approach to find out the cutoff point as the beginning of the dawn of Sadiq which indicates the start of dawn. The method used in this research is using the 4th order polynomial approach and the Sarrus method and the
data obtained is the mean value and standard deviation. The conclusions obtained in the image analysis research are that the government's dawn time is 15 minutes too fast, the standard obtained in this study is -14.98° and unlike 2D SQM data, 3D drone data results in more accurate data analysis
(KLIK - S4) - Ray, Hasan, Dzikrillah [2024-02-28]
The development of technology is currently very rapid making the dissemination of information faster, the dissemination of information is very easy to get on social media such as Twitter. Twitter social media itself provides features for its users to be able to send and read information in the form of text or video. Elections are a very important moment for the Indonesian people in choosing leaders, in this case the "2024 KPU" as the organizer is expected to be able to run the elections so that they run well. Twitter data collected with the keyword "KPU 2024" obtained a total of 3057 datasets, followed by a cleansing process which produced 715 datasets. The aim of this research is to find out how many positive and negative tweets comments and to indicate the accuracy of the implementation of the Naïve Bayes method. The accuracy results given by the Naïve Bayes algorithm are 67.13% with a precision of 66.04% and a recall of 100.00%. This research was conducted to see public sentiment towards the "2024 KPU" later. Evaluation results in the confusion matrix obtained true positives of 457 and true negatives of 23