Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece

Serveur académique lausannois
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    Le bruit autour de la mort augmente la solitude des mourants.

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    Avancées scientifiques de 2023 en médecine interne générale ambulatoire [2023 scientific breakthroughs in ambulatory general internal medicine]

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    The timing of taking antihypertensive medication does not have an impact on the cardiovascular plan. Geniculate block is an alternative to oral analgesic treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Feedback and audits are ineffective in reducing the inappropriate prescription of antibiotics in Switzerland. The intervention of community health professionals in collaboration with general practitioners allows for the control of arterial hypertension. In the case of peripheral facial paralysis, it is relevant to systematically consider performing magnetic resonance imaging. Aspirin is an alternative to enoxaparin in thromboembolic prophylaxis after surgery for a traumatic fracture. Walking 8,000 steps a few days a week reduces mortality. Opioids are not effective for acute neck and lower back pain

    Appendagite épiploïque : un diagnostic souvent oublié [Epiploic appendagitis: an often-overlooked diagnosis]

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    Epiploic appendagitis is an etiology only coming at last of differential diagnoses in the face of acute abdominal pain. The typical patient is often a man between 20 and 50 years old, presenting with non-radiating abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting and inappetence with or without a mild febrile state. Biological assessment most of the time does not show any inflammatory syndrome, although slight elevations in sedimentation rate and CRP are possible. The key imaging for the diagnosis remains the abdominal CT. The treatment is initially conservative via short-term anti-inflammatory treatment. Surgical sanction remains reserved for situations that do not yield to conservative treatment or worsen despite the latter

    Has the UK Campaign to End Loneliness Reduced Loneliness and Improved Mental Health in Older Age? A Difference-in-Differences Design.

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    To estimate the impact of the UK nationwide campaign to End loneliness on loneliness and mental health outcomes among older people in England. Quasi-experimental design, namely, a difference-in-differences approach. Local authorities across England. Older adults aged 65 and over participating in waves 4-8 (2008-2017) of the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) and waves 1-9 (2009-2019) of the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS). Loneliness was measured through the UCLA Loneliness scale. A social isolation scale with components of household composition, social contact and participation was constructed. Mental health was measured by The Centre for Epidemiological Studies of Depression (CES-D) score, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) score, and the Short-Form-12 Mental Component Summary (SF-12 MCS) score. There was no evidence of change in loneliness scores over the study period. Difference-in-differences estimates suggest that explicitly developed and implemented antiloneliness strategies led to no change in loneliness scores (estimate = 0.044, SE = 0.085), social isolation caseness (estimate = 0.038, SE = 0.020) or levels of depressive symptoms (estimate = 0.130, SE = 0.165). Heterogeneity analyses indicate that antiloneliness strategies produced little impact on loneliness or mental health overall, despite small reductions in loneliness and increases in social engagement among well-educated and higher-income older adults. The results were robust to various sensitivity and robustness analyses. Antiloneliness strategies implemented by local authorities have not generated a significant change in loneliness or mental health in older adults in England. Generating changes in loneliness in the older population might require longer periods of exposure, larger scope of intervention or more targeted strategies

    Vaccins contre la dengue, le temps de l’optimisme prudent ? [Dengue vaccines, a time for cautious optimism?]

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    Vaccine could take a central role in the strategy to reduce the burden of dengue. The development of an effective and safe vaccine must address various immunological challenges. Several vaccines are currently in development. To date, two live-attenuated vaccines have been deployed. Both have an effectiveness that varies depending on the serotypes. The deployment of the Dengvaxia vaccine, which began in 2015, was marked by a major safety alert leading to its use being restricted to previously dengue-seropositive people over 9 years old. The Qdenga vaccine is currently being deployed. There is for now insufficient data to ensure its safety in seronegative people. Some travelers, who have previously been infected with dengue, are a group for whom a vaccination recommendation applies

    Souffrons-nous toutes et tous d’un syndrome d’imposture? [Do we all suffer from imposter syndrome?]

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    Imposture syndrome is widespread among physicians and medical students. It is defined as a psychological experience in which people doubt their own skills and achievements despite proven successes and thus have an unfounded fear of being found out. This can have serious consequences, such as anxiety and/or depressive disorders, and can lead to burn-out. The Clance scale is a self-assessment tool used to measure the level of imposture experienced and, when appropriate, to assess the suffering caused. The aim of this article is to help recognise this syndrome, which is one way of preventing it

    Dyspepsie fonctionnelle : update 2023 [Functional dyspepsia : update 2023]

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    Functional dyspepsia is defined by epigastric pain/burning, postprandial fullness and/or early satiety that have been present for at least six months before diagnosis, including three consecutive months, without evidence of an organic cause likely to explain these symptoms. The pathogenesis is complex and incompletely understood. The initial assessment includes a thorough history, physical examination, blood work, celiac disease serology and ruling out Helicobacter pylori infection. Most patients will undergo upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and abdominal ultrasound to exclude organic differential diagnoses. The therapy is multi-facetted and includes, among others, proton pump inhibitors, Helicobacter pylori eradication, herbal agents, and neuromodulators

    Comparison of student nurses' expectations and newly qualified nurses' experiences regarding clinical practice: A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional survey.

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    To compare student nurses' expectations and newly qualified nurses' experiences regarding clinical practice in Switzerland 1 year after graduation. A secondary explorative analysis of a cross-sectional survey. The data were sourced from the Swiss National Graduate Survey of Health Professionals covering six universities of applied sciences between 2016 and 2019, with information on three cohorts of bachelor student nurses, with a 1-year follow-up between each year. The participants were 533 bachelor-prepared nursing graduates. The student nurses' overall expectations included the following top two prioritized aspects: 'contributing to something important' and 'adequate time to spend with patients'. Newly graduated nurses' clinical practice experiences demonstrated that not all expectations were met 1 year after graduation. The largest gaps were found in 'adequate time to spend with patients', 'work-life balance' and experiencing 'good management'. The most crucial expectation gaps are related to having sufficient time to spend with patients and a good work-life balance. The most important result is whether there is a shortage of places for nurses to work rather than the oft-cited shortage of nurses. The expectations of Swiss newly qualified nurses can be better met by an assessment in the first year about which individual perceptions of workplace characteristics cause them to make choices to change something about their work, affect their job satisfaction or influence their intention to stay. Few of the student nurses' expectations were met 1 year after graduation, therefore Swiss healthcare institutions should improve needs assessments to strengthen the nurse workforce starting early in employment. The results underscore the importance of a constructive management culture, such as that in magnet hospitals in the United States which underpins the philosophy of changing in nursing. The results can be used internationally as a benchmark and as a basis for introducing potential interventions for nurse retention. This study was reported following the Standardized Reporting of Secondary Data Analyses Checklist. There were no patient or public contributions. This study has not been registered


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