Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante
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    83875 research outputs found

    Rambla Climate-House: Molina de Segura, Murcia. 2021

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    La Rambla Climate-House funciona como un dispositivo climático y ecológico que forma parte de una serie de iniciativas asociativas, desarrolladas a la escala de los ciudadanos independientes, para contribuir a la reparación del daño medioambiental y climático causado por la sobre-urbanización de Molina de Segura.The Rambla Climate-House works as a climatic and ecological device. It is part of a series of associative initiatives, developed at the scale of independent citizens, to contribute to reparations for the environmental and climate damage caused by over-urbanization in Molina de Segura

    Adapting territories to flood risk in France and Spain: towards new planning practices for flood-prone areas?

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    L’injonction actuelle à l’adaptation des territoires au changement climatique et à ses effets ne contribue-t-elle pas à l’émergence de nouvelles formes d’aménagement des zones exposées au risque d’inondation par débordement de cours d’eau ou submersion marine, via le développement de nouvelles pratiques opérationnelles visant à aménager avec l’inondabilité et l’eau ? Cette question est examinée grâce à une analyse comparée des politiques d’aménagement des zones inondables aujourd’hui mises en oeuvre en France et en Espagne. En France, de nouvelles formes d’action publique voient le jour (au moins ponctuellement) afin de favoriser la résilience des territoires à l’inondation et leur adaptation aux conséquences du changement climatique. Les opérations d’urbanisme résilient et les acquisitions/démolitions de biens en zone à risque constituent deux manifestations de l’appropriation progressive de cette nouvelle logique par les acteurs de l’aménagement des territoires locaux. À l’inverse en Espagne, les initiatives s’inscrivant dans la logique du « faire avec » le risque d’inondation apparaissent bien plus embryonnaires. Toutefois, cette nouvelle perspective et les formes d’aménagement qui lui sont associées commencent à être mises en débat suite à de récents aléas naturels qui ne manquent pas de questionner les modes d’aménagement qui ont été privilégiés jusqu’à présent, en même temps qu’apparaissent des actions qui, promues par les collectivités territoriales, s’engagent pour un aménagement urbain plus résilient face au risque d’inondation.Do current mandates to adapt territories to climate change and its effects contribute to the emergence of new forms of development in flood prone areas (by overflowing rivers or marine submersion), through the development of new operational practices aimed at flood and water planning ? This question is examined through a comparative analysis of development policies for flood-prone areas currently implemented in France and Spain. In France, new forms of public action are emerging (at least occasionally) to promote the resilience of territories to flooding and their adaptation to climate change. Resilient urban planning initiatives and the relocation of properties in risk areas are two manifestations of the gradual appropriation of this new logic by local planners. In contrast, initiatives that follow the logic of living with the risk of flooding appear to be much more embryonic in Spain. However and after some recent flood episodes, this new perspective and the forms of development associated with it are subject to increasing debates that question conventional flood management measures and promote a more flood resilient urbanism

    Nanoporous carbons for the electrochemical reduction of CO2: Challenges to discriminate the roles of nanopore confinement and functionalization

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    The use of porous carbons in the electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2ER) has become an active research area. Despite good faradaic efficiencies and production rates, understanding their electrocatalytic activity is challenging owing to the complexity of the CO2-nanoporous carbon interactions. In this opinion review, we emphasize on the critical importance of discriminating the impacts of nanopore confinement and surface functionalization of porous carbons on the CO2ER. We have performed a rational analysis of recent literature addressing this topic, comparing electrocatalytic performance with knowledge about CO2-porous carbon affinity. Reported data have been re-discussed focusing on a complete characterization of the carbon electrodes to correlate physicochemical characteristics and the electrocatalytic activity. A perspective view is provided for future directions on the use of porous carbons in the CO2ER.The authors thank the financial support of NextGenerationEU (AG-B, grant ZAMBRANO21 10), the European Research Council (C.A. grant ERC-CoG 648161), region Centre Val de Loire APR-IA program (C.A. grant MATHYFON) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (J.I., grant PID2019-108136RB-C32). ST thanks the Santiago Grisolía program (fellowship 2021 51136H0435)

    Efectividad de las intervenciones enfermeras en la prevención de caídas en adultos mayores en la comunidad y en entornos sanitarios: una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis de ECA

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    Objective: To estimate the effectiveness of fall prevention programs in people aged 65 years and older involving nursing professionals. Methods: We included available full-text randomized clinical trials on nurse-led prevention of falls in the community in people over 65 years of age and reporting the incidence of such falls. An extensive search was performed in 14 databases covering the period 2016 to 2018 for publications in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. The quality of the papers was assessed independently and blindly by reviewers working in pairs using the risk of bias dominios of the Cochrane Collaboration. The hazard ratio was used as a measure of the effect size of the incidence of falls. A random-effects model was assumed for statistical analyses. The influence of moderator variables of the studies on the effect sizes was performed using ANOVAs and its 95% CI for each moderator category. Results: A total of 31 randomized clinical trials were selected with 25,551 participants. The most frequent type of intervention was education (57.1%), followed by multifactorial models (37.1%). The probability of falling was significantly reduced by 13% in the intervention groups compared to the control groups (RR + = 0.87). Multifactorial (RR + = 0.89) and education-based (RR = +0.84) interventions significantly reduced the probability of falls by 11% and 16%, respectively. Conclusions: Discarding publication bias prevention programs carried out by nurses produce a significant 10% reduction in falls. Education-based and multifactorial interventions are the most effective when conducted by nurses.Objetivo: Estimar la efectividad de los programas de prevención de caídas en mayores de 65 años en los que participan profesionales de enfermería. Métodos: Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados disponibles a texto completo sobre la prevención de caídas en la comunidad realizada por enfermeras en personas mayores de 65 años y que informaran de la incidencia de dichas caídas. Se analizaron 14 bases de datos en el período de 2016 a 2018 de publicaciones en inglés, francés, portugués y español. La calidad de los artículos se evaluó de manera independiente y ciega por los revisores, que trabajaron en parejas usando para ello los dominios de riesgo de riesgo de la Colaboración Cochrane. Se utilizó el cociente de riesgos cómo medida del tamaño de efecto. Se asumió un modelo de efectos aleatorios para los análisis estadísticos. La influencia de las variables moderadoras de los estudios sobre los tamaños de efecto se realizó mediante ANOVAs con un IC del 95% para cada categoría. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 31 estudios con 25.551 participantes, donde la intervención más frecuente fue la educación (57,1%), seguida de los modelos multifactoriales (37,1%). La probabilidad de caídas se redujo significativamente en los grupos intervención (RR + = 0,87). Las intervenciones multifactoriales (RR + = 0,89) y basadas en la educación (RR = +0,84) redujeron significativamente la probabilidad de caídas. Conclusiones: Descartando el sesgo de publicación, los programas de prevención llevados a cabo por enfermeras producen una reducción significativa del 10% de las caídas. Las intervenciones basadas en la educación y multifactoriales son las más efectivas cuando son llevadas a cabo por enfermeras.Authors receive funds to conduct this review from the National Institute of Health Carlos III-Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. Madrid, Spain and the European Fund for Regional Development-Grant PI 15/01351

    Mock impoliteness in Spanish: evidence from the VALESCO.HUMOR corpus

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    Mock impoliteness is defined as a specific form of politeness, one in which participants in a conversation perceive acts such as jocular mockery, insults and banter as non-impolite (Haugh, Michael & Derek Bousfield. 2012. Mock impoliteness in interactions amongst Australian and British speakers of English. Journal of Pragmatics 44. 1099–1114). Following the model of the third wave of politeness and Sinkeviciute, Valeria (2019. Conversational humour and (im) politeness: A pragmatic analysis of social interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins), the aim of this paper is twofold. First, it seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon in colloquial conversation. Second, it illustrates this in a language other than English, specifically Peninsular Spanish, using data on informal interactions. The database is composed of 148 humorous sequences from the VALESCO.HUMOR corpus ( 25.67 % of these were identified and analyzed as mock impoliteness, using a tentative procedure for exploring humor negotiation in mock impoliteness through the assessment of a number of elements. These included the issue of which linguistic and paralinguistic elements are used by participants, and the interpretation of the initial aggressive style focused on the target, be it the recipient in a conversation or an absent third party (Béal, Christine & Kerry Mullan. 2017. The pragmatics of conversational humour in social visits: French and Australian English. Language & Communication 55. 24–40). Finally, we considered the question of whether or not the humor introduced by mock impoliteness was sustained throughout a sequence. When a target is oriented to a recipient in the exchange, the data shows a trend towards strengthening social bonds with the group and sustaining humor across the sequence. In other cases, however, the recipient might feel offended or insulted and hence respond in a serious mode, the main effect of the humor then being to create social distance within the participant group. When the target is oriented to an absent third party, humor tends to serve to reinforce cohesiveness between the group at the expense of others.This research was supported through the grants PID2019-104980GB-I00 “Interactional humor in Spanish. Oral, written and technological genres” (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and PROMETEO/2021/079 “Pragmatic labelling for an observatory of the identity of women and men through humour. The platform” (Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital [Valencian Government. Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society])

    Cross-Cultural Comparison of Older Adults' Emotional Responses Toward Death: A Pilot Study

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    Purpose: The current study reports preliminary findings from a pilot sample that sought to compare the emotional responses of older adults toward death in Egyptian and Spanish cultures. Method: A cohort of 90 eligible older adults from Egypt and Spain were recruited using a cross-sectional descriptive design. Results: Egyptian participants recorded a significantly higher score in approaching acceptance of death compared to their Spanish counterparts (mean = 21.57, SD = 9.4 and mean = 13.51, SD = 7.11, respectively). Post-hoc test showed there were differences in levels of valence (F[1,86] = 23.88, p < 0.001), indicating that older adults in Spain perceived such images as more unpleasant compared to Egyptian older adults. A significant difference related to death attitude profile scale was noted between Egyptian and Spanish older adults. Conclusion: Egyptian and Spanish older adults demonstrated different attitudes toward death in addition to differences in death anxiety and depression. This preliminary study validates the importance of developing effective nursing strategies to lessen anxiety and fear about death

    Evaluation of healthcare for patients with diabetes in primary care: A systematic review

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    Objetivo: Disponer de la evidencia más actual en relación con la evaluación de la asistencia sanitaria médica del paciente con diabetes en atención primaria. Método Durante el proceso de revisión, seguimos las recomendaciones para mejorar la publicación de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis y los puntos de notificación preferidos para las revisiones sistemáticas PRISMA. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en bases de datos Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), SCOPUS, Scielo, MedLine /PubMed, Cochrane y en el buscador Google Scholar, con lenguaje libre y controlado, utilizando los términos de búsqueda MeSh: «Physicians, Primary Care», «Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2». Se analizaron 8 artículos seleccionados. Los artículos fueron seleccionados en función de su relevancia, publicados en revistas académicas revisadas por pares y publicados entre 2019 y 2023. Resultados: La herramienta principal de estudio representan las intervenciones en el conocimiento y la práctica sobre la atención de los pacientes con diabetes entre los médicos de atención primaria. Los temas de discusión más importantes extraídos en los artículos analizados hacen referencia a los conocimientos, la inercia clínica, los problemas de vivienda de los pacientes, los programas de intervención de la adherencia y una aplicación de autocuidado para los pacientes con diabetes. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este estudio indican la necesidad de mejorar la atención sanitaria médica mediante conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en atención primaria con respecto los pacientes con diabetes. De este modo, podría ser considerada una herramienta útil para promover la asistencia sanitaria médica en atención primaria.Objective: Have the most current evidence in relation to the evaluation of medical healthcare for patients with diabetes in primary care. Method: During the review process, we followed the recommendations to improve the publication of systematic reviews and meta-analyses and the preferred reporting points for PRISMA systematic reviews. The bibliographic search was carried out in Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), SCOPUS, Scielo, MedLine / PubMed, Cochrane databases and in the Google Scholar search engine, with free and controlled language, using the MeSh search terms: «Physicians, Primary Care», «Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2». Eight selected articles were analyzed. The articles were selected based on their relevance, published in peer-reviewed academic journals and published between 2019 and 2023. Results: The main study tool represents interventions in knowledge and practice about the care of patients with diabetes among primary care physicians. The most important discusión topics extracted in the analyzed articles refer to knowledge, clinical inertia, patients’ housing challenges, adherence intervention programs, and a self-care application for patients with diabetes. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate the need to improve medical health care through knowledge, attitudes and practices in primary care regarding patients with diabetes. In this way, it could be considered a useful tool to promote medical healthcare in primary care

    [4]Rhombene: Solution-Phase Synthesis and Application for Distributed Feedback Lasers With Emission Beyond 830 nm

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    Graphene-like molecules with multiple zigzag edges are emerging as promising gain materials for organic lasers. Their emission wavelengths can vary widely, ranging from visible to near-infrared (NIR), as molecular size increases. Specifically, rhombus-shaped molecular graphenes with two pairs of parallel zigzag edges, known as [n]rhombenes, are excellent candidates for NIR lasers due to their small energy gaps. However, synthesizing large-size rhombenes with emission beyond 800 nm in solution remains a significant challenge. In this study, we present a straightforward synthesis of an aryl-substituted [4]rhombene derivative, [4]RB-Ar, using a method that combines intramolecular radical-radical coupling with Bi(OTf)3-mediated cyclization of vinyl ethers. The structure of [4]RB-Ar was confirmed through X-ray crystallographic analysis. Bond length analysis and theoretical calculations indicate that aromatic sextets are predominantly localized along the molecule's long axis. Significantly, [4]RB-Ar demonstrates narrow amplified spontaneous emission at around 834 nm when dispersed in polystyrene thin films. Moreover, solution-processed distributed feedback lasers employing [4]RB-Ar as the active gain material display tunable narrow emissions in the range of 830 to 844 nm.J.W. and Y. Z. acknowledge financial support from A*STAR MTC IRG/YIRG grant (M22K2c0083 and M22K3c0095), and MOE Tier 2 grants (MOE‐T2EP10222‐0003, MOET2EP10221-0005, MOE-T2EP50222-0021). The group at the University of Alicante thanks financial support from the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (MCIN) of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (grant No. PID2020-119124RB-I00). Besides, this study part of the Advanced Materials program supported by the Spanish MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU and by Generalitat Valenciana (grant no. MFA/2022/045)

    New recyclable Co-based trimetallic zeolite imidazolate framework (Cu-Ni@ZIF-67) as an efficient catalyst for different reduction reactions

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    In recent years, the excellent pore volume, huge specific surface area, and easy functionalizable zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs), as new type of porous materials, attracted the attention of scientists. In this work, the new Co-based trimetallic Cu-Ni@ZIF-67 was synthesized using embedded the Cu-Ni precursor in ZIF-67. The structure, morphology and properties of Cu-Ni@ZIF-67 was characterized by the various analysis. The catalytic performance of Cu-Ni@ZIF-67 was investigated for tetracycline (TC) degradation and nitroarenes reduction at room temperature. The resultant catalyst was demonstrated excellent TC degradation efficiency by persulfate (PS) activation in the water during 30 min, and Cu-Ni@ZIF-67 was displayed superior catalytic activity for nitroarenes reduction in the presence of NaBH4. Comparing catalytic activity of Cu-Ni@ZIF-67 with Cu/ZIF-67, Ni/ZIF-67, Cu-Ni and ZIF-67 indicated higher activity of Cu-Ni@ZIF-67. Moreover, the recyclability and stability of this catalyst were surveyed.The authors are grateful to Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) Research Council and the University of Alicante. We also thankful for financial support to the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF-Grant number of 4003055), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RED2018 -102387 -T, PID201 9-107268GB -100), FEDER, and the Generalitat Valencian a (IDIFEDER/2021/013)

    Highly selective cathodic H2O2 electrosynthesis by a metal tellurate/carbon black composite material

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    One sustainable alternative to the traditional anthraquinone technology to produce H2O2 is direct H2O2 electrosynthesis by oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). However, selecting electrocatalysts is a great challenge since most of the materials present selectivity towards the formation of H2O (4-electron pathway). In this work, we present a facile electrocatalyst preparation consisting of Ni3TeO6 (NTO), a metal tellurate, mixed with carbon black (Vulcan) with outstanding selectivity (2.2 transferred electrons) towards the production of H2O2 by ORR. To test the possible real application, the NTO/Vulcan catalyst was tested in a long-term stability test showing excellent faradaic efficiency and 93.5 % of the initial current. TEM and XPS measurements after reaction show that NTO/Vulcan materials are robust and durable electrocatalysts. This work opens the door of novel materials such as metal tellurates based on Ni for their application as ORR electrocatalysts in industrial applications.This work was support by PID2021-123079OB-I00 project funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, “ERDF A way of making Europe” and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 101002219). GAM thanks Ministerio de Universidades for the FPU20/03969 grant. JFC thanks MARSALAS21-09 contract funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR


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