Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis
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109 research outputs found
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Niat Pembelian Kendaraan Listrik dengan Faktor Pendukung Harga, Sikap, Norma Subjektif, dan Kontrol Perilaku
Purpose – The objective of this study is to ascertain consumers' interest in purchasing electric vehicles by examining the correlation between the consumer purchase intention variable and the independent variables, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, and price sensitivity as moderating factors.Methodology – The type of research carried out in this research is causal associative research with quantitative techniques. The population of this study are vehicle users using fuel oil in the JABODETABEK area and who do not yet own an electric vehicle. The sample in this study was 119 car users who use oil fuel. Data processing uses SmartPLS software to measure research data using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method.Findings – The study's findings indicate that although subjective norms have no bearing on customer purchase intention, attitude, perceived behavioural control, and price sensitivity do. The association between price sensitivity and subjective norms is also influenced, although it is unaffected by the relationship between attitude, perceived behavioural control, and consumer purchase intention.Originality/Novelty – This research model uses the price sensitivity variable as an intervening variable for consumer purchase intention for electric vehicles among oil-fueled vehicle users who have never used an electric car in the Jabodetabek area (Indonesia).
Mediasi Customer Engagement Behavior : Digital Marketing dan Kualitas Makanan Guna Mencapai Kepuasan dan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen
Purpose– This research aims to understand the mediating role of Customer Engagement in the relationship between digital marketing strategies and Food Quality on the level of consumer satisfaction and purchasing decisions in the Medan City culinary industry.Methodology– This study combines quantitative data analysis and consumer surveys to identify the influence of digital marketing strategies and food quality on consumer behaviour, particularly regarding satisfaction and purchasing decisions. The sample used in this research was 250 culinary consumers in Medan City, and the data analysis technique used Structural Equation Modeling Part Least Square.Findings– The results of this research will provide valuable insight for culinary business owners and marketers in understanding the factors that influence consumer preferences in Medan City.Originality/Novelty– The findings from the research can help culinary business owners develop marketing strategies and improve food quality to meet customer expectations, thereby increasing customer attraction and satisfaction in buying culinary products.Implications–Contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between digital marketing strategies, food quality, and consumer behaviour in the Medan City culinary industry context
Leader-Member Exchange Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja: Mediasi Komitmen Organisasi dan Perceived Organizational Support
Purpose − This study examines and analyses the effect of Leader-Member Exchange on job satisfaction through organizational commitment and perceptions of organizational support at the North Sumatra BKKBN Office directly and indirectly.Methodology − The approach used in this study is an associative quantitative approach. The population in this study were all employees at the North Sumatra BKKBN Office. The sample in this study used the saturated sample method, totalling 91 employees at the North Sumatra BKKBN Office. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this study used a quantitative approach using SEM_PLS.Findings − The results of this study indicate that Leader-Member Exchange, organizational commitment and Perceived organization support have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, Leader-Member Exchange, have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment and perceived organization support, Leader-Member Exchange has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction through Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support at the North Sumatra BKKBN Office.Originality/Novelty − This study examines LMX as a more comprehensive predictor of job satisfaction and then explicitly explores the importance of organizational commitment and perceived support as mediators in the relationship between LMX and job satisfaction.Implications −This research has shown that organizational commitment and perceived organizational support mediate the effect of Leader-Member Exchange on job satisfaction through organizational commitment. The recommendation for further research is to analyze or use the variable perceived organization support as an independent variable, not as a mediating variable
Keputusan Pengguna Transportasi Online: Persepsi Promosi, Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan, dan Kemudahan Layanan
Purpose – To understand more deeply user decisions in the context of online transportation, this research aims to analyze the key factors that influence user decisions, including price, promotions, service quality and convenience.Method –Sampling was carried out using purposive sampling through an accidental technique, where the samples taken were coincidental but met the criteria, namely having a history of using online transportation applications, with a total sample of 200 people in the Medan City area. Data was collected through questionnaires and data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modeling - Part Least Square (SEM-PLS).Findings – The analysis shows that the price, promotion and service quality variables partially have a positive and significant effect on consumer decisions to use Gojek in Medan. However, the convenience variable only significantly influences consumers' decisions to use the service.Originality (Novelty) –This research focuses on user decisions in the context of online transportation and an in-depth study of critical factors, such as price, promotion, service quality and convenience. Uniqueness is also seen in combining key variables and understanding the influence of convenience in online transportation.Implications – To improve consumer decisions to use online transportation, companies must focus on pricing strategies, promotions, and improving service quality. Even though convenience is insignificant, companies can still consider improving this aspect. These findings provide a basis for companies to design more effective marketing strategies according to consumer preferences
Kinerja Karyawan: Pendekatan Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Kerjasama Tim Dimediasi Kepuasan Kerja
Purpose – This research aims to determine how transformational leadership, teamwork, job satisfaction, and employee performance are related. Additionally, the relationship between transformational leadership, teamwork, and employee performance is examined in this study about the role of job satisfaction as an intervening variable.Method – This study uses a quantitative approach involving employee respondents from Mixue Ice Cream Medan employees, with a sample of 50 respondents. Questionnaires related to research variables were used to collect data by measuring the Likert scale. Statistical analysis to test the hypothesis using SEM PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Part Least Square).Results – This study found that job satisfaction affects employee performance, and transformational leadership and teamwork affect job satisfaction and employee performance. Furthermore, this research collaboration cannot explain job satisfaction as an intervening variable because there is no indirect effect between transformational leadership and teamwork support; job satisfaction is not an intervening factor.Originality (Novelty) – This study combines three main factors, namely transformational leadership, teamwork, and job satisfaction, and explores the complex relationships among the variables. This research seeks a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing employee performance.Implication – Companies must develop transformational leadership strategies, strengthen teamwork, and increase employee job satisfaction to achieve optimal performance. Additionally, this research makes a theoretical contribution to expanding the understanding of the relationship between these variables and the mediating role of job satisfaction in the corporate context
Store Atmosphere, Diskon Harga dan Impulse Buying: Peran Mediasi Positive Emotion dalam Konteks Pengalaman Belanja
ABSTRACTPurpose – To identify the influence of Store Atmosphere, Price Discounts, impulse buying, Store Atmosphere and Price Discounts on Positive Emotions and to explore the mediating role of positive emotions in this relationship.Method – The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique, and data is collected using a questionnaire from 96 respondents who filled out the questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modeling - Part Least Square (SEM-PLS).Findings – The research results prove that Store atmosphere and Price discounts influence impulse buying, Store atmosphere and Price discounts influence Positive emotions, and Positive emotions influence impulse buying. Positive emotions are proven to mediate the influence between Store atmosphere and Price discounts.Originality/Novelty – This research provides added value by highlighting the critical role of Positive emotion as a driver of impulse buying in the context of Indomaret Fresh consumers. These findings open up the potential for new marketing strategies that create shopping experiences that evoke positive emotions.Implications – The findings of this research can provide strategic guidance for Indomaret Fresh management to improve consumer shopping experiences by paying attention to store atmosphere, price, and the importance of creating positive emotions to encourage impulse purchases. These implications can also be helpful for further research in retail marketing.
Likuiditas dan Leverage terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dimediasi Profitabilitas: Eksplorasi Peran Financial Technology sebagai variabel Moderasi
Purpose – This study aims to analyze the impact of liquidity and leverage on firm value mediated by profitability and explore the role of financial technology as a moderating variable on the effect of liquidity and leverage on profitability.Methodology – The population of this study are banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling, which obtained a sample size of 24 banks. The data collection method uses annual data documentation techniques (annual report), obtaining 144 data. The data analysis method in this study is moderated-mediation regression analysis.Findings – This study found that liquidity and leverage affect profitability. This study also reveals that liquidity affects firm value, while leverage has no effect on firm value. Furthermore, this study is able to explain that profitability mediates the effect of liquidity and leverage on firm value. An important result of this study is that financial technology is proven to moderate the effect of liquidity and leverage on profitability.Originality/Novelty – The complexity of this research model enriches the empirical study of the role of financial technology as a moderating influence of liquidity and leverage on firm value mediated by profitability.Implications – This research can practically provide guidance for banking companies to increase firm value by starting and/or increasing collaboration with fintech companies because it is an opportunity for companies to increase profitability. In addition, banks can also collaborate through investing in fintech companies or creating their own fintech services.
Keputusan Pembiayaan dan Keputusan Investasi Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dimoderasi Kinerja Keuangan
Purpose- This research examines financing and investment decisions on company value related to financial performance.Method – This research uses moderated regression analysis (MRA) on the consumer goods industry period 2013 – 2022. Samples were taken using a purposive sampling method, and found 16 companies. Debt financing, dividend distribution and investment are moderated by financial performance on company value.Findings - Increased debt contingent on financial performance reduces firm value. Investment decisions are influenced by economic performance to increase company value. The role of financial performance needs to be visible in dividend policy on company value.Originality (Novelty) – Combining financing and investment decisions and moderating them with financial performance can provide a deeper understanding of how companies can optimize enterprise value through integrated strategic financial choices..Implication - Companies should consider their financial performance so that financing and investment can be positive signals for investors to increase company value. Debt financing should reduce company value when the company obtains more profit.
Social Anxiety dan Perceived Performance terhadap User Acceptance dan Kepuasan Pengguna dalam Penggunaan Ticket-Vending Machine
Purpose – This research aims to evaluate the relevance of providing ticket-vending machines at railway stations in the context of train ticket purchases by measuring user satisfaction based on factors that influence user acceptance of the machine.Methodology – The research is quantitative and uses a descriptive approach. Non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 230 respondents who have used the ticket-vending machine service. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS software.Findings – The study's results indicate that social anxiety and perceived performance have a positive and significant effect on user acceptance, with the same result for the relationship between user acceptance and user satisfaction. Originality/Novelty – This research contributes to the decision of rail service providers in Indonesia to maintain the provision of ticket-vending machines for purchasing tickets at train stations considering that the ticket purchase options that have been provided are easier and more sophisticated at this time by using 4 (four) variables where each relationship in the research model were analyzed using PLS-SEM.Implications – The provision of ticket-vending machines is still very relevant for KAI and MRT passengers in Indonesia because they are considered to meet expectations and are reliable even when used independently. Therefore, KAI and MRT service providers are expected to maintain quality assurance
Optimalisasi Kinerja Pegawai: Stres Kerja dan Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dengan Mediasi Kepuasan Kerja
Purpose – This research explores the influence of work stress and Quality of Work Life (QWL) on employee performance by considering the mediating role of job satisfaction.Method – The research used a quantitative approach involving a complete census method, with a sampling number of 74 employees of the National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra Province. Data was collected using a questionnaire to collect numerical information related to research variables. The data analysis method applied is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) as an analysis technique.Finding – Job stress does not have a significant favourable influence on employee performance but is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Meanwhile, the quality of work life contributes significantly positively to employee performance and job satisfaction. Apart from that, there is a significant favourable influence of job satisfaction on employee performance; then, there is a positive and significant influence of work stress and quality of work life on employee performance through the mediation of job satisfaction.Originality (Novelty) – Reveals previously unrevealed findings and comprehensively contributes to a theoretical and practical understanding of work behaviour and human resource development.Implications – Providing direction includes; developing stress management programs, improving the quality of work life, and strengthening job satisfaction to improve employee performance and welfare