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    464 research outputs found

    Model Tegangan Konstan Dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin Kecepatan Variabel Yang Berbasis SCIG Untuk Analisis Aliran Daya

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    Belakangan ini, aplikasi pembangkit listrik tenaga angin (PLTAn) kecepatan variabel semakin populer dan telah melampaui penggunaan PLTAn kecepatan tetap. Kepopuleran ini terutama disebabkan karena PLTAn kecepatan variabel jauh lebih efisien dalam menangkap atau mengekstraksi energi angin dibandingkan PLTAn kecepatan tetap. Salah satu jenis PLTAn kecepatan variabel yang saat ini penggunaannya semakin meningkat karena biayanya yang relatif lebih murah adalah PLTAn kecepatan variabel yang berbasis SCIG (Squirrel Cage Induction Generator). PLTAn jenis ini biasanya dilengkapi dengan konverter elektronika daya untuk memperoleh rentang operasi kecepatan variabel yang lebih lebar. Agar dapat melakukan analisis dari suatu sistem tenaga listrik (termasuk analisis aliran daya), pemodelan komponen-komponen sistem tersebut sangat diperlukan. Makalah ini membahas model keadaan mantap PLTAn kecepatan variabel yang berbasis SCIG untuk analisis aliran daya sistem distribusi tenaga listrik. Model yang diusulkan ini dapat digunakan pada PLTAn kecepatan variabel berbasis SCIG dengan mode operasi kontrol tegangan. Model tersebut dikembangkan berdasarkan rumus-rumus yang menghitung input daya mekanik turbin dan output daya listrik PLTAn. Makalah ini juga membahas studi kasus dimana pada studi tersebut dilakukan penyelidikan tentang aplikasi dari usulan model pada suatu sistem distribusi tenaga listrik

    Analisa Mesin Pengering Makanan Food Dehidrator Menggunakan Sensor Thermostat Berbasis Hybrid

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    The process of drying food is done in the traditional way, by drying it in the hot sun, but the traditional drying method makes the food unhygienic. Several factors can influence the drying results of food ingredients, including temperature and drying time. Using optimal drying temperatures and times can reduce the level of damage caused by the drying process. This research aims to obtain an analysis of a food dehydrator drying machine using a hybrid-based thermostat sensor that can optimally condition the temperature and time factors in the drying process, the hyfood dehydrator machine system uses a dehumidification method, there is a heat recovery mechanism that recycles heat to open new air, thus saving 60-70% of fresh air preheating energy consumption. Hot air moving in the room dries the material. It is known that the test result data was analyzed by calculating the accuracy values, down to the relative distance values. The results of the comparison process are used as validation of the output values ​​produced by the temperature measuring instrument. The measurement results of the Digital Thermostat Sensor are in accordance with the datasheet and have a high level of accuracy. So the Digital Thermostat Sensor measuring instrument can be used as a measurement tool. With an internal fan, thermostat, and time settings on this device, you only need to set the right heat according to the type of food you want to dry. The shelves in the cupboard consist of drying trays that can maximize the drying proces

    Rancang Bangun Smart Trash Bin Automation pada Smartlab Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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    Smartlab is a new laboratory in Department of Electrical Engineering, Jakarta State Polytechnic. The lab is designed to support the latest research in the telecommunications field, including the implementation of automation for the systems and items in the lab. The development of a Smart Trash Bin Automation is one of the ongoing projects. Using information and digital technology, it aids in the management and handling of waste collection. This research has created the Smart Trash Bin Automation system, which is connected to the internet using Arduino Uno Rev3 and ESP-32. This module is responsible for processing and sending data from the trash bins to a smartphone. The smartphone use Blynk application, which receives data when the systems sends notification to the users when the trash bin reaches its maximum capacity. Smart Trash Bin Automation is also equipped with an ultrasonic sensor that detects objects inside the trash bin. If an object is detected, the trash bin will open automatically, eliminating the need for users to touch the trash bin directly. The system has been tested successfully, with all devices functioting as intended. Keywords—Arduino, ESP-32, Smartlab, Smart Trash Bin Automation, Ultrasonic sensor

    Perbandingan Performansi Antara Differential Evolution dan Bat Algorithm pada Tuning PID Untuk Optimasi Kontrol Kecepatan Paralell Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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    In the last decade, there have been many means of transportation that use fuel oil (Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)). This has a serious impact on the environment due to the emission of pollutant gases. One solution is the use of a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) as a substitute for vehicles that use ICE. One of the performance that must be owned by the HEV is to have a stable speed when driving. In this study, several methods used in the metaheuristic algorithm in the disturbance observer have the advantage of describing the inverse model of the plant without making a mathematical model. The test is carried out by comparing the two methods of the metaheuristic algorithm, namely Differential Evolution and Bat Algirthm. The simulation results show that the method used in this HEV is to maintain its speed, so according to the test results it shows that the Differential Evolution method is the best method for controlling the speed of the Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle

    Sistem Pengering Biji Kakao dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic.

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    Monitoring system The cocoa bean dryer is a system created to make it easier for emping melinjo craftsmen to combine the cocoa bean drying process based on temperature, humidity, weight and drying status. This system was created in the form of an application called MONIBIK Iot, in this application there is data on Temperature, Humidity, Weight and Drying Status as well as graphic displays. MONIBIK IoT can be accessed anywhere and at any time, provided the device must be connected to an internet connection. The conclusion from the research carried out is that the test results in the process of sending data from the system to the server display data values ​​in real time. Based on the test results of the sensor in measuring the level of drying of cocoa beans, based on temperature, humidity and weight results that can be obtained in the measurement process, the sensor can work well. The test data shows that the temperature value has increased, while the humidity and weight values ​​have decreased. This shows that the cocoa bean dryer is operating properly. Keywords— Monitoring, Mikrokontroler, Cocoa bean, Fuzzy

    Front Matter Volume 18 No 1 Januari 2024

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    Analisis Kelayakan Ekonomi dan Self-Consumption dari PLTS On-grid dan Hibrid Kapasitas 1328 kWp

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    Abstract — Solar energy is an alternative energy source to meet electrical energy needs. In Indonesia, rooftop solar power plants (PLTS) are widely used to meet people's electrical energy needs. However, the government's policy of limiting the use of solar energy from rooftop PLTS to serve electricity loads in the industrial sector and not allowing energy exports to the public electricity network (grid) means that households and producers providing electrical energy (prosumers) must maximize their own consumption (self-consumption) from solar energy and consider the economic feasibility of installing rooftop solar power plants. This paper aims to analyse the economic feasibility and independent consumption of on-grid and hybrid type rooftop PLTS both with 15% load and with actual load. The case study used is a PLTS with a capacity of 1,328.29 kWp with electricity load and solar panel production for two months used as a pattern for electricity load and solar panel production for a year. Economic feasibility is analysed by calculating economic feasibility parameters for the two types of rooftop PLTS, including net present value (NPV), internal rate return (IRR), profitable index (PI) and payback period (PBP). The simulation is carried out by programming using the Python programming language. The simulation results show that the level of self-consumption is greater when the electricity load served is greater and also when using batteries (hybrid PLTS). The greater the self-consumption value, the greater the economic feasibility of the rooftop PLTS to be built. Overall, on-grid rooftop solar PV is more economically feasible to install. Keywords — On-grid, hybrid, economic feasibility, self-consumption, rooftop solar power plant

    Pengaruh Panjang Jaringan Terhadap Drop Tegangan Pada Penyulang Duku dan Kurma PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Rumbia

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    Voltage drops in distribution systems can occur in medium voltage networks (JTM), distribution transformers, low voltage networks (JTR) and house lines. Voltage drops in the network cause suboptimal distribution and increase power losses. PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Rumbia has two feeders with pure radial network characteristics sourced from the Seputih Banyak Main Substation. The length of the Duku Feeder network has a voltage of 96.8 KMS with a load of 150 A while the length of the Kurma Feeder network is 207.21 kV with a load of 155 A. The network reconfiguration of the Dente Teladas Substation was carried out to shorten the network length. This research aims to calculate the voltage drop that occurs at the Duku and Kurma feeders before and after network configuration. This research uses the quantity method to compare the calculation results with the voltage drop standards set by PT. PLN (Persero). After reconfiguring the Duku and Kurma feeders, there was an increase in tip voltage which indicated improvement. From the calculation results before adding the network to the Duku feeder, the voltage at the receiving end was 19.5 kV with a voltage drop of 7.1%, and at the Kurma feeder the voltage at the end of the line was 17 kV with a voltage drop of 19%. This is clearly no longer in accordance with the local TMP, and requires further study to overcome this problem. The voltage on the two feeders goes through a step up process using a Medium Voltage OLTC (On Load Tap Changer) so that the voltage on each feeder becomes between 19.86 kV to 20.16 kV

    Optimasi Daya Keluaran PLTS Berdasarkan Sudut Kemiringan Di Institut Teknologi PLN Jakarta

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    Energi terbarukan adalah energi yang mempunyai sifat terbarukan dan juga berkesinambungan yang dimana memiliki pemanfaatan alternatif terhadap energi yang perlu terus dikembangkan. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) menggunakan energi matahari sebagai sumber energi yang mngkonversi energi matahari menjadi energi listrik. Untuk mendapatkan nilai maksimal intensitas matahari yang diterima oleh panel surya, maka dibutuhkan sudut kemiringan paling optimal untuk menerima daya matahari yang paling tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan  untuk mengetahui peningkatan daya yang dihasilkan terhadap perubahan sudut kemiringan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasi dan menggunakan regretion quadratic method, yang dimana memperoleh nilai R² = 0,9273 dan mendapatkan hasil perbandingan yang didapatkan antara eksperiment dengan model regresi kuadrataik diperoleh nilai (Root Mean Square Eror) RMSE 0,160 yang menunjukkan model sangat baik. Kemudian diperoleh sudut yang mengoptimalkan luaran daya PLTS sebesar 33,7° dengan daya keluaran sebesar 8,87 W

    Proses Perbaikan Data ODP (Optical Distribution Point) Tidak Sama dan Rename ODP Menggunakan UIM Tools Untuk Meluruskan Service di PT. TELKOM WITEL KARAWANG

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    Intisari — Penelitian ini mengenai perbaikan Optical Distribution Point (ODP) tidak sama dan rename ODP menggunakan UIM Tools pada unit OPTIMA di PT. Telkom Witel Karawang menyediakan service telekomunikasi, layanan informasi, dan layanan media pendidikan dan hiburan, untuk proses perbaikan Optical Distribution Point (ODP) tidak sama ini merupakan bagaian dari layanan telekomnukasi yang ada di unit OPTIMA dan salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi adalah ketidaksamaan data pada Optical Distribution Point (ODP) yang mengganggu kelancaran pelayanan, Optical Distribution Point (ODP) merupakan tempat terpusat di mana koneksi optik dari jaringan distribusi terhubung dengan pelanggan, Hasil dari implementasi ini adalah peningkatan kualitas layanan telekomunikasi di PT. Telkom Witel Karawang. Dengan data ODP yang akurat dan terbaru, proses layanan dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan efisien, dan penerapan solusi teknologi seperti UIM Tools dapat memberikan dampak baik bagi perusahaan dalam mengatasi masalah pelayanan dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Kata kunci — Telekomunikasi, Layanan, Perbaikan, Gangguan, Optical Distribution Point (ODP), UIM Tools


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