KRITIS : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin
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Elections are also the will of the people or the desire of the people so that there is a change in the process of selecting leaders through elections with a better and open system both in the presidential and regional head elections. In every election, there will be novice voters who are taking part in the election for the first time or have their right to vote to participate in the implementation of elections, be it presidential elections or regional head elections. The target for this long-term service is the realization of democratic and political education so that political awareness is awakened and they have adequate knowledge so that they can think rationally in making decisions and using political rights consciously and rationally. This Service Program will have been carried out on October 1, 2021 in the form of indoor activities with the Socialization method. the socialization method provided is using a system of lecture methods, simulations, case studies, brainstorming, games, discussions and watching short films. The materials provided are as follows: (a) Democracy and challenges in the Millennial Era, (b) Development of Government Politics in Indonesia, (c) Elections, (d) Politics as a form of love for the homeland and (e) Follow-up plans
The notion of radicalism is still considered a serious threat to the survival of the nation and state. radicalism in Indonesia has started to increase since the last 10 years. The last ten years have confirmed that radicalism has not only appeared in government institutions, but also in community institutions, including in the field of education. During the last 10 years, the alarm for a radicalism movement in Indonesia has actually sounded. This program has been carried out on July 25-26 2021. The form of activity is in the form of outdoor and indoor activities with the camp or camp method. In addition to training independence, the choice of the camp method will also be more effective because the training participants will be maximized at the activity location and participants can experience an increase in understanding. The activity will be carried out for 3 days with training methods using a system of lecture methods, simulations, case studies, brainstorming, games, discussions and watching short films. Outcome The target for this long-term service is the birth of anti-radicalism cadres who have the awareness, soul and spirit to defend the country and are able to prevent radicalism among youth. For the Academic Targets planned for this service, it is used as a reference in making national journals/proceedings and international journals, especially relating to the attitude of love for the homeland and publications in the mass media
This study aims to analyze the strategies and implications of implementing a mangrove forest rehabilitationprogram carried out by a Non-Government Organization, namely Blue Forest. To analyze the problems in thisstudy Green Perspectives and Hybrid NGOs are used. This research was conducted in 2017 and took locations inMakassar and Takalar. This study uses a qualitative approach and data collected through interviews, literaturestudies and document review. This research found that in realizing its objectives, Blue Forest combines policyadvocacy and direct action to rehabilitate mangrove forests with the communit
Abstract This paper aims to describe the results of community service collaboration with reseacrh institutions and comunity service and staffing agencies and the development of the human resources of the Wajo district goverment regarding the code of ethics of the state civil apparaturs. The code of ethics of the state civil apparaturs is a guideline of attitudes, behavior and deeds in carrying out their duties and in their daily life. The code of ethics can be seen from several dimensions namely professionalism ethics, enforcement of the code of ethics, violation of the code of ethics, and sanctions violating the code of ethics. Keywords: Code of ethics, state civil apparaturs, community service collaboration Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hasil pengabdian masyarakat kerjasama lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat dan badan kepegawaian dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Wajo tentang kode etik Aparatur Sipil Negara. Kode etik Aparatur Sipil Negara adalah pedoman sikap, tingkah laku, dan perbuatan didalam melaksanakan tugasnya serta dalam pergaulan hidup sehari-hari. Kode etik dapat dilihat dari beberapa dimensi yaitu etika profesionalisme, penegakan kode etik, pelanggaran kode etik, dan sanksi pelanggaran kode etik. Keywords: Kode etik, aparatur sipil negara, pengabdian masyaraka
One source of Original Local Government (village) Revenue (PADes) that can be managed by the village
government is by establishing a village owned enterprises (BUM Desa), which is a village economic institution /
body formed and owned by the village government and the community, managed economically independently and
professionally.The objectives of this study are: (1) To analyze the factors that play a potential role for BUM Desa in Kabupaten Gowa. (2) To analyze the steps taken by the Regional Government of Gowa Regency in realizing the establishment of BUM Desa. The type of research that will be used is descriptive research type which is a type of research that aims to provide a systematic, factual and accurate description of the data available in the field about the role of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa) in Gowa Regency. The results of the study are as follows: (a) For the Establishment, the Government of Gowa Regency has made efforts to establish Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in all villages within the scope of Gowa Regency. (b) in supporting the running of the organization, the Government of Gowa Regency has established a Regional Regulation as a guideline for the implementation of village-Owned Enterprises, namely Regency Regulation Gowa No. 7 of 2015 concerning Procedures for Forming and Managing Village-Owned Enterprises. However, human resource problems in managing village-owned enterprises are still slow and tend to decline.
Keywords: Pole, village owned enterprises, villag
Strategi Komunikasi Penyuluhan Program KB Vasektomi untuk Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaan di Makassar
Di kota Makassar, kesertaan pria dalam Program KB vasektomi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir menunjukkan angka yang cenderung menurun dari tahun ke tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui strategi komunikasi penyuluhan program KB vasektomi bagi masyarakat miskin perkotaan di Makassar dan bentuk penerimaan oleh masyarakat miskin perkotaan terhadap penyuluhan program KB vasektomi tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, studi kepustakaan, dan wawancara dengan 16 orang informan (8 orang informan internal, yakni Kepala Badan KB Kota Makassar, Kabid Penggerakan Masyarakat, Kepala UPT KB Kecamatan Tamalate, serta 5 orang penyuluh KB dan 8 orang informan eksternal yang terdiri atas para keluarga/suami yang ada di wilayah kecamatan tamalate yang terkategori miskin dan tokoh agama serta tokoh masyarakat di wilayah tersebut). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Badan KB Kota Makassar telah melaksanakan beberapa langkah dalam merumuskan strategi komunikasi penyuluhan program KB vasektomi, mulai dengan menentukan tujuan pesan komunikasi, mengenal khalayak/sasaran, menentukan komunikator, menyususn pesan, memilih saluran komunikasi, serta melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil lain menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan masyarakat/keluarga miskin perkotaan di Makassar terhadap program KB vasektomi berbeda-beda satu sama lain. Adapun faktor yang memengaruhi penerimaan vasektomi sebagai metode kontrasepsi pria, yakni sumber pesan, jumlah anak, dorongan istri, kondisi ekonomi keluarga, dan kesadaran diri. Sementara faktor yang memengaruhi penolakan masyarakat/keluarga miskin perkotaan terhadap program KB vasektomi meliputi kurangnya pemahaman/pengetahuan, persepsi yang keliru terhadap program KB vasektomi, sikap istri yang melarang suami, dan kepercayaan/agama yang dianut. strategi komunikasi penyuluhan program KB vasektomi oleh Badan KB kota Makassar untuk masyarakat miskin perkotaan di Kecamatan Tamalate telah dilaksanakan dengan perencanaan komunikasi yang cukup baik mengingat hal tersebut dilakukan dengan memperhatikan elemen-elemen penting dari sebuah strategi komunikasi.
Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Hibua Lamo Pada Masyarakat Kabupaten Halmahera
Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menggambarkan dan menganalisis upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat untuk menghadirkan kembali nilai-nilai Hibua Lamo dalam proses politik di Halmahera Utara dan (2) menggambarkan dan menganalisis internalisasi masyarakat dalam memahami nilai-nilai Hibua Lamo yang dihadirkan kembali oleh tokoh masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Tobelo, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Provinsi Maluku Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat upaya-upaya menghadirkan kembali nilai-nilai Hibua Lamo dengan merevitalisasi nilai-nilai tersebut yang dilakukan oleh elit dan tokoh masyarakat. Upaya-upaya tersebut dilatarbelakangi keresahan melihat dampak kehancuran yang disebabkan oleh konflik horisontal yang terjadi pada tahun 1999. Upaya merevitalisasi nilai-nilai Hibua Lamo tersebut dengan melalui kekuatan konstruksi sosial yang menciptakan realitas sosial yang memiliki tujuan dan motivasi yang dalam aspek politik dapat dimaknai dalam rangka memperoleh legitimasi untuk meraih kekuasaan melalui hegemoni produksi wacana nilai-nilai kebudayaan (Hibua Lamo)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Mengetahui bentuk eksploitasi pada pekerja anak diiPerumahan BTP Kota Makassar, (2) Mengetahui peran keluarga yang menjadi aktor utama dalam tindakanekonomi sehingga anak harus bekerja di Perumahan BTP Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dikawasan jalan raya perumahan BTP (Bumi Tamalanrea Permai) Kota Makassar. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dan teknik purposivesampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13 orang pekerja anak yang didata selama tiga bulandengan jenis pekerjaan yang berbeda-beda dan dengan kisaran usia 9-14 tahun. Jenis pekerjaannya yaitupemulung, penjual makanan ringan dan penjual tisu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa anak bekerja 8 (delapan) jamper hari dari waktu sore hingga malam hari. Alasan utama yang membuat anak bekerja karena masalahkemiskinan keluarga, anak harus turut serta dalam membantu pendapatan keluarga sehingga rentan mengalamitindakan ekspoitasi
AbstractThe research aims to know (1) the effects of post of ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA) at social media (2) ways to resolve the post of ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA) at social media. The research used qualitative descriptive methods. The research was conducted in Makassar city. Types and data sources used primary and secondary data. Primary data or main data which were taken form interview and secondary data supporting documents which were collected from books, dissertation, theses, journals, articles, and internet. There were 10 (ten) informants as samples were interviewed and the results of these interviews were analyzed using several theories. The research result indicate that (1) the post of ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA) at social media giving effects to friendship relations such as, several informants have chosen to limited their friendship relations to those who keeps continuing to post or share about ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA) issues although some of them will keep staying as a friend to keep their relations good. One of the informants said will limited herself to discuss with people who always post or share things about ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA). (2) Half of informants have chosen to just ignore about the post, some of them chose to delete those people from friend list at social media / erasing post / hiding post so that it will not show up at informants timeline and then one of the informants chose to reporting the post if its considered as an interference.
Kekuatan Partai Golkar di Toraja Utara
Abstrak Tulisan ini menggambarkan kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh partai politik golongan karya dalam melakukan proses kelembagaannya, terutama dalam kekuatan politik yang bersumber dari mekanisme internal dan eksternal. Dengan menggunakan metode dan tradisi fenomenologis yang berasumsi pada pemaknaan subjektif berdasarkan pengamatan nyata terhadap tatanan sosial politik. Hasil penelitian menujukkan adanya transformasi pemahaman masyarakat terutama pada partai politik ketika partai menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mengelola institusi secara optimal dengan mengakar pada kepentingan konstituennya