GUIDENA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling
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148 research outputs found
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The Influence of OHS Knowledge and Self-Regulation on OHS Compliance (RETRACTED)
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) was the most important part of work activity to prevent work-related accidents. Work accidents caused by workers were motivated by the non-compliance of workers in their work. Compliance was a measure for a person to act so that unwanted things do not occur, such as work accidents. OHS Knowledge and self-regulation affected one's compliance to comply with OHS. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence did OHS knowledge (Occupational Health and Safety) and self-regulation had on the compliance of implementing OHS on students who are practicing in chemical laboratories. This research uses a quantitative approach with the research ex-post facto. The research sample used by the method was sampling accidental 80 chemistry students at Yogyakarta State University. The research data collection tools are a compliance questionnaire to apply OHS, self-regulation, and OHS knowledge. The data analysis technique used is the multiple linear regression test. The results showed an effect of OHS knowledge (Occupational Health and Safety) and self-regulation on compliance with applying OHS to students who practice in chemical laboratories (p = 0,000, F = 82,489) with an effective contribution of 68.1%.Keywords: OHS knowledge; self-regulation; compliance with applying OHS Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) merupakan bagian terpenting dalam suatu aktivitas pekerjaan guna mencegah adanya kecelakaan akibat kerja. Kecelakaan kerja oleh pekerja dilatarbelakangi karena ketidakpatuhan pekerja dalam bekerja. Kepatuhan diketahui sebagai tolak ukur seseorang dalam bertindak agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti adanya kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pengetahuan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) dan regulasi diri terhadap kepatuhan menerapkan K3 pada mahasiswa praktikan di laboratorium kimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian ex-post facto. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan dengan metode sampling aksidental berjumlah 80 mahasiswa kimia di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Alat pengumpulan data penelitian berupa kuesioner kepatuhan menerapkan K3, regulasi diri, dan pengetahuan K3. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pengetahuan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) dan regulasi diri terhadap kepatuhan menerapkan K3 pada mahasiswa praktikan di laboratorium kimia (p = 0,000, F = 82,489) dengan kontribusi sumbangan efektif sebesar 68,1%.Kata kunci: pengetahuan K3; regulasi diri; kepatuhan menerapkan K
The Influence of Self Efficacy on Learning Outcomes in E-learning Activities with Learning Motivation as Moderator
Who conducted this research on students of the Faculty of Business Economics, Telkom University Class of 2017 to know how the influence of self-efficacy (X) on learning outcomes (Y) during the e-learning period with learning motivation (Z) as the moderator variable. In this study, the authors collected data using a questionnaire with a total sample of 285 respondents and used probability sampling with a simple random sampling method. The data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis with linear regression and multiple linear regression methods with moderating variables using the IBM SPSS Statistics program. The results showed that self-efficacy (X) partially affected learning outcomes (Y), and simultaneously learning motivation (Z) and self-efficacy (X) influenced learning outcomes (Z) during the e-learning period. We can conclude that self-efficacy (X) can improve learning outcomes (Y) during the e-learning period. Still, when coupled with high learning motivation (Z), it will increase the relationship of self-efficacy (X) to learning outcomes. (Y) so that it can further improve learning outcomes during the e-learning period for students of the 2017 Faculty of Business Economics, Telkom University
Islam and Bugis Culture in Building The Character of The Luwu Society
The research was conducted using a qualitative approach to understand the social relations of the Tana Luwu community, who were the research targets. The researcher tries to reveal the multi-ethnic social relations of the Tana Luwu community using a qualitative approach and will present existing empirical findings. Values Adeq, saraq, sompeq is part of the survival of the Bugis people. In addition, he converted to Islam in the 1503 century in Tana Luwu, which greatly influenced people's lives in Tana Luwu. The values of Siri'na Pacce (Shame and Sepenanggungan) are highly popularized by the people in South Sulawesi and are considered to prevent someone from committing untimely actions. It turns out that Siri'na Pacce has proven that a value gives birth to pluralist character values (Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakaingge), the values applied by the Luwu community so that there is no more ethnic and religious conflict occurring in Tana Luwu
Resilience as a Mediator of the Relationship between Stress Levels and Adaptive Performance in the Outer Islands TNI-AL (Indonesian National Army Navy)
This research aims to test the relationship between stress level and adaptive performance TNI-AL (Indonesian National Army Navy) and the impact of resilience as a moderator variable. The measures applied a 4‐point scale response ranging from 1 (very inappropriate or strongly disagree) to 4 (very suitable or strongly agree). Respondents were 71 TNI-AL assigned to the Outer Islands of Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative method with Moderated Regression Analysis technique (MRA) for data analysis. The analysis results show a B value of -1.104 and a significance value of 0.000 (p0.05), which means that the resilience variable cannot explain the relationship between stress levels and adaptive performance of TNI-AL assigned to the Outer Islands of Indonesia
Verbal Imitation Program To Improve Language Production In Children Aged 4 - 6 Years Who Experience Speech Delay At Early Childhood "X" Bandung
The objective of this study is to find out how significant verbal imitation on improving language production in 4-6 years old speech delay children at Kindergarten “X” This study used one group pretest-posttest design, with measuring tools used in this study is developmental milestones of Language Production by Olmstead (1971) and has been modified by the researcher. Expert judges tested the validity and reliability testing of the measuring tools. The samples of this study were 8 children who met the sample characteristics and were selected using purposive sampling techniques. The results of statistical test using Wilcoxon is p = 0.019 < 0.05 with Z = -2.366. It indicates differences in children's language production before and after the child undergoing a verbal imitation program. Theoretical suggestions for further research is to conduct a collaborative study that intervenes both parents and children simultaneously. Practically, parents and teachers should continue providing clear and consistent directions to children to correctly imitate the articulate sound of words. Child practitioners are suggested to consider verbal imitation program as an intervention in dealing with children who have a speech delay
Confidence and Success of Counseling Practices for Islamic Guidance and Counseling Students
One of the keys to successful counseling is the personal quality of the counselor. However, early counselors tend not to have these competencies. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-confidence and the successful implementation of student counseling. The research uses a quantitative approach with the correlational method. The sample in this study were 87 students who had studied counseling theory and practice and had practiced counseling. Data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment with the help of SPSS 25 for Windows. The results show no relationship between the variables x and y, so it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between self-confidence and the success of counseling
Psychoeducation and In Vivo Desensitization Techniques to Reduce Separation Anxiety in Children
Separation anxiety is a common thing in children. Still, if the intensity and impact of the anxiety shown begin to interfere with the adaptive functions of the child and parents, and intervention process is needed to overcome the child's anxiety condition. The intervention process that can be carried out is psychoeducation and the application of in vivo desensitization techniques. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of psychoeducation and in vivo desensitization techniques to reduce separation anxiety in children. This study uses a single case subject A-B method with a follow-up design. The participant in this study was a boy aged 6 years 9 months who experienced separation anxiety. This research was conducted in 6 sessions and lasted for 60 minutes each session. The results showed that psychoeducational techniques and in vivo desensitization could reduce the frequency of behaviors that indicate anxiety in children with separation anxiety
Reference Value Oriented Analysis for Counseling Program Development in Facilitating Vocational Identity Formation of Prospective Counselor
This study examines the issue of reference value-oriented analysis for counseling program development in facilitating the identity formation of prospective counselors. The special purpose of the study is to map the students' reference value orientations and vocational identity status. The study design used in this research is a cross-sectional survey. The subject of study is 81 psychology department of education and counseling students who are proportional randomly selected based on their class and sex. Reference value orientation instrument is used as a means of collecting data refers to Spranger theory, IONIR models, which developed by Kartadinata (1998). Vocational identity status instruments refer to the concept of Marcia to measure the manner or style in facing identity issues which are based on high or low exploration and commitment in using vocational domain and Adolescence's Vocational Identity : adaptation of the Occupational Identity Scale (OIS), which is developed by Feliciano H Veiga and Helia Moura (2005). The study shows that students' value orientation reference is spread on a wide range of values. Orientation priority lies in the economic, scientific, social, and religious. Meanwhile, based on active status, student vocational identity is also still spread with the greatest proportion of the low-status identity. Students who have high identity status at the beginning tend to be oriented on the value of themselves as individuals, then human values as a society. On the contrary, students who have lower status prefer identity value associated with human beings as members of society than oriented human value as an individual
Perception of Sexual Education: Barriers and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services
Sexual behavior in adolescence becomes prone and risky when not accompanied by an understanding of healthy sexual behavior. Many teenagers do not understand sexual education so do various forms of deviation. And overall, adolescents have had a good perception of sexual education, shown with an average score of 37,964 and an attainment rate of 74.4% that is in the healthy category, and the implications of guidance and counseling services on sexual education in schools have already begun to take effect, but are still not compressive overall. This research aims to find out perceptions of sexual education and barriers and implications in guidance and counseling services in schools. The method used in this study uses a qualitative and qualitative approach, with a sample of 618 respondents from private high schools, public high schools, and vocational schools, and the implementation of focus group discussion whose participants are teachers from high school and vocational school
Sensation Seeking as a Moderator on the Relationship between School Climate and Bullying Behavior in Teenagers
This study aimed at examining the role of sensation seeking as a moderator of school climate towards bullying. The research hypothesis is the sensation seeking has a role as a moderator in the relationship between school climate and the tendency to bullying. The participants were 230 middle school students. The data collection exerted the tendency to bullying scale, school climate scale, and sensation seeking scale. Who conducted moderation analysis by using macro-PROCESS analysis from Hayes. The result illustrated that sensation seeking has a role as a moderator in the relationship between school climate and the tendency to bullying. The discussion in this study focused on the importance of controlling sensation seeking to reduce the tendency to bullying by developing rational thinking and self-control and the importance of facilitating the thrill activities for adolescents with high sensation seeking