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    Vivi Pebri. 2023. Analisis Penanaman KedisiplinanAnak Berkebutuhan Khusus Di Tk Inklusi Pas Baitul Qur’an Siman Ponorogo. Thesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Advisor 1 1 Hadi Cahyono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Advisor 2 Nurtina Irsyad, M.Pd. This research aims to: (1) Describe the implementation of instilling discipline to shape the character of children with special needs by educational staff at PAS Baitul Qur'an Siman Inclusive Kindergarten. (2) Identifying supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of instilling disciplinary character for children with special needs at PAS Baitul Qur'an Siman Inclusive Kindergarten. This research is descriptive qualitative research. In collecting information and descriptions about the discipline of children with special needs at PAS Baitul Qur'an Siman Inclusive Kindergarten, the research process in question includes observing people in their daily lives, interacting with them, and trying to understand their language and interpretations of the world around them. . The collection technique used was observing children's activities, conducting interviews with the school principal, Ustadzah and parents, as well as documentation. Research results 1) That the first implementation of instilling discipline in children with special needs in the PAS Baitul Qur'an Inclusive Kindergarten is a)that the children arrive on time, wearing uniforms according to the regulations and putting their shoes in their place. b) Children do gymnastics together following Ustadzah's directions followed by gymnastics instructions. c) Children pray together neatly. d) Children carry out gross motor activities by following the rules, patiently waiting their turn and doing the activity well. e) Children always prepare chairs and participate in learning with the direction of the ustadzah and tidy up the tools used for learning. f) Children are also able to return toys that have been used to their original place. g) When having lunch, the children take it patiently and put away the cutlery properly with the direction of the ustadzah. h) Children carry out dhuha prayers in congregation with the assistance of ustdzah. 2. Supporting and inhibiting factors Supporting factors in the implementation of instilling discipline in children in the PAS Baitul Qur'an Inclusive Kindergarten are support from parents, ustadzah and the environment. All three are very influential. On the part of parents and ustdzah, they must both have goals that lead to the development of children's discipline both at school and at home. Keywords : Early Childhood Education, Child Discipline

    The Impact of Climate Change on Human Health in Bibliometric Analysis

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    This bibliometric analysis offers a comprehensive examination of the scholarly literature concerning the impact of climate change on human health. With a focus on papers published from 1993 to 2024, the study employs systematic search strategies and analytical techniques to identify key themes, publication trends, and gaps in research. The findings reveal a substantial body of literature, comprising 980 papers with over 354,000 citations, indicative of the significant attention this topic has received from researchers. The analysis highlights prominent research themes, including the direct and indirect health impacts of climate change, socioeconomic disparities, agricultural and ecological consequences, and the intersection with infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Through critical appraisal and synthesis of findings, the study underscores the importance of continued research efforts to inform evidence-based policies and interventions aimed at addressing the complex health challenges posed by climate change


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    The role of a leader in an organization is to be someone who moves and directs the organization in achieving its goals. Apart from that, leaders are expected to be able to create significant change in an organization. This is in line with the role of the sub-district head in the government area of Kawedanan District, Magetan Regency, which has one of the innovation programs as a form of bureaucratic reform effort. The program is the innovation "Jumpa Insan" (Friday Morning Sharing and Sholawatan). This research aims to determine the policies of the Kawedanan sub-district head and the implementation of programs in bureaucratic reform efforts through the Meet Insan innovation in the Kawedanan sub-district, Magetan district. This research is a type of qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of purposive sampling through interviews and documentation. The research results show the implementation of the Meet Insan program which is explained through the IPR model. This program requires the role of the sub-district and each village or sub-district representative to make the activities a success, starting from coordinating contributions, determining locations and recipients of assistance, to implementation. So, the output from Jumpa Insan can be distributed evenly and on target. The innovation of the Meet Insan program is an effort to attract attention and provide a piece of hope that in fact change in the implementation of public services is not something impossible. Keyword: bureaucratic reform, organization, leaders, innovation progra


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis modal sendiri dan modal pinjaman untuk menunjang tingkat rentabilitas ekonomi pada PT Pegadaian, serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak modal sendiri dan modal pinjaman terhadap rentabilitas ekonomi PT Pegadaian. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dokumen yaitu mencari data keuangan tahunan atau hal yang berupa catatan transkip, buku, dan sebagainya. Metode analisis data yang dipakai menggunakan sebuah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT. Pegadaian (Persero) memiliki kinerja keuangan yang kuat dilihat dari kemampuan modal sendiri selama periode tersebut, dengan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan laba yang signifikan dan meningkatkan modal sendiri. Modal pinjaman PT. Pegadaian (Persero) bersifat fluktuatif dan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti kebutuhan bisnis, kondisi pasar, dan kemampuan perusahaan untuk menghasilkan laba. Rentabilitas Ekonomi PT Pegadaian (Persero) selama tahun 2018 sampai tahun 2022 mempunyai prensentae rentabilitas ekonomi dibawah standar perusahaan. Rasio Ekonomi PT Pegadaian (Persero) selama tahun 2018 sampai tahun 2022 mempunyai presentase rasio ekonomi diatas standar perusahaan. Rentabilitas Modal Sendiri PT Pegadaian (Persero) selama tahun 2018 sampai tahun 2022 mempunyai rentabilitas modal sendiri diatas standar perusahaan. Rentabilitas Modal Pinjaman PT Pegadaian (Persero) selama tahun 2018 dan tahun 2019 mempunyai rentabilitas modal pinjaman diatas standar perusahaan. Modal sendiri dan modal pinjaman pada PT Pegadaian (Persero) selama tahun 2018 sampai tahun 2022 mempunyai dampak yang cukup proporsional terhadap rentabilitas ekonomi. Kata kunci :modal sendiri, modal pinjaman, rentabilitas ekonomi


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    Fokus penelitian ini yakni tentang kegiatan jimpitan yang aalnya bertujuann untuk menjaga keamanan lingkungan ternyata memiliki nilai - nili solidaritas bagi masyarakat,terlebih penelitian ini di lokasi perkampungan yang lokasinya di dekat kota pusat pemerintahan kabupaten.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagai mana program jimpitan membagun solidaritas di RT.01 RW.02 Dusun Krajan desa Ronosentanan Kecamatan Siman Kabupaten Ponorogo

    Hubungan Kepuasan Lembaga Paud Terhadap Layanan Kegiatan Outing Class Di Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto

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    Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto is a tourist spot that provides outing class activities for young children. This place is an alternative to fill the school break. As the place has been around for longer, Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto must pay attention to the quality of activity services. If the quality of the services provided gets better, it will also have a good impact on Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto, this will increase the satis-faction and trust of PAUD institutions towards the place. This research aims to de-termine the level of relationship between PAUD institution satisfaction with the ex-cursion class activity services provided by Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto. This research is a quantitative correlational research with the population used being visitors and kindergarten/PAUD/equivalent accompanying teachers who visited Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto with a target of 30 school institutions as sam-ples in this research. The data collection technique used in this research is a ques-tionnaire. The instrument used in this research is a set of questionnaires containing several statements using a rating scale. The data analysis technique used in this research is the person correlation test. The results of this research show that the Sig value in this test is 0.000, which means the value is smaller than the Sig α value of 0.05. The calculation results show that t count > t table (10,944 > 2,045), which means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The research results show that there is a correlation coefficient ® of 0.897 between these two variables. This research shows that satisfaction with PAUD institutions has a significant relationship with satisfaction with the Tourist Class services at Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto


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    ABSTRAK Sebagai salah satu subjek dalam sistem pembangunan pertanian, peran kelompok sangat menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian. Petani harus berkelompok, mengingat usahatani pada umumnya dihadapkan pada banyaknya intervensi dari lingkunganya. Semua yang mengintervensi usahatani tersebut pada dasarnya adalah sebuah lembaga Pemerintah Desa Ngabar melakukan berbagai strategi pembangunan melalui pendirian BUMDes (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) untuk mengurangi angka kemiskinan di Desa Ngabar. BUMDes merupakan salah satu usaha yang dapat dijadikan sebagai inovasi unggulan Pemerintah Desa Ngabar untuk mengentaskan kemisikan yang dialami oleh masyarakat desa. BUMDes ARUMDALU Desa Ngabar ini mendapatkan modal dari dana desa dan dari hasil pengembangan BUMDes tersebut yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur, dan juga untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengadakan pelatihan-pelatihan ketrampilan. Rumusan penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana prosedur peminajaman mesin tanam padi pada BUMDes untuk Petani di Desa Ngabar Siman Ponorogo? Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahi prosedur peminajaman mesin tanam padi pada BUMDes untuk Petani di Desa Ngabar Siman Ponorogo Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilaksanakan dengan metode studi kasus yang tidak berfokus pada kuantitas data yang diperoleh, tapi berdasarkan kualitas data yang dipeoleh. Data studi kasus dapat diperoleh dari semua pihak yang bersangkutan, Sebagai sebuah studi kasus maka data yang dikumpulkan berasal dari berbagai sumber dan hasil penelitian ini hanya berlaku pada kasus yang diselidiki. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang merupakan suatu proses untuk menggambarkan keadaan sasaran yang sebenarnya, penelitian apa adanya yang didapatkan dari observasi, wawancara maupun dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah Mekanisme pinjam pakai mesin tanam padi bagi petani kepada BUMDes Arum Dalu Desa Ngabar Siman Ponorogo Jatim harus dilakukan dengan cara mengajukan proposal pinjam pakai dan selanjutnya akan dimusyawarahkan oleh ketua BUMDes Arum Dalu dengan persetujuan Kepala Desa Ngabar. Aedang kesimpulan lain bahwa Mesin Tanam padi modern cukup fektif membantu petani terutama dalam merubah cara pandang petani yang selama ini relatif tradisional menuju petani modern, sehingga BUMDes selaku pengelola usaha masyarakat selalu membuat perencanaan pengajuan ALSINTAN baru (alat mesin pertanian) di setiap tahunnya untuk memodernisasi pertanian di desas Ngabar Siman Ponorogo Kata Kunci : Kelompok tani, BUMDES, mesin tanam pad

    Hubungan Caring Perawat Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Orang Tua Pada Saat Anak Di Rawat Di Ruang Dahlia RSU"Darmayu" Ponorogo

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    HUBUNGAN CARING PERAWAT DENGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN ORANG TUA PADA SAAT ANAK DIRAWAT DI RUANG DAHLIA RSU “Darmayu” PONOROGO Dewi Kirana Kusumawati Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, S1 Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Abstrak Perilaku caring perawat dapat mempengaruhi pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada pasien dan keluarga karena sangatlah penting untuk pasien dan orang tua pasien mendapatkan perilaku caring yang baik saat Rawat inap. Pada saat pasien dan orang tua pasien membutuhkan perawat, perawat akan senantiasa memberikan asuhan keperawatan dengan sikap yang siap tanggap dan mudah dihubungi.Rawat inap menyebabkan anak harus menerima berbagai perawatan di rumah sakit seperti prosedur invasif. Hospitalisasi mengakibatkan kecemasan baik pada anak maupun orang tua. Kecemasan orang tua dapat menyebabkan perilaku caring perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan caring perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan orang tua pada saat anak dirawat di Ruang Dahlia. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria orang tua yang anaknya tidak mengalami penyakit komplikasi, orang tua (bapak/ibu) yang menemani/menjaga anaknya yang dirawat di rumah sakit, orang tua yang bersedia menjadi responden sejumlah 60 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar (68.3%) atau sebanyak 41 responden perilaku caring perawat baik dan sebagian kecil (31.7%) atau 19 responden perilaku caring perawat buruk. Sedangkan tingkat kecemasan ringan sebagian besar (46.7%) atau sebanyak 28 responden, 22 responden (36.7%) tingkat kecemasan orangtua sedang dan sebagian kecil (16.7%) atau 10 responden tingkat kecemasan orangtua berat. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu p value =0.019 dan alpa =0.05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah p value (0.019) < a (0.05), berarti Ho ditolak yaitu ada hubungan yang signifikan antara caring perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan orang tua pada saat anak dirawat di Ruang Dahlia. Penerapan perilaku caring perlu ditingkatkan, terutama dalam keperawatan anak sebagai salah satu kelompok yang rentan. Sehingga caring sebagai esensi dari keperawatan dapat tercapai. Kata kunci: Perilaku Caring Perawat, Kecemasan Orang Tua, Anak Rawat Ina


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    This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the concept of management of religious values education, the implementation of the management concept of religius values education and the implementation of management of religious values education among students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nahdliyin Dukuh Tengah Buduran Sidoarjo. Researchers will dig deeper into the formation of religious values in educational institutions which are implemented in daily attitudes and behavior both in the school environment and in the Islamic Religious Education learning process. The type of research used is field research, because the required data information is taken and collected from the field. The nature of the following research is descriptive qualitative, meaning that this research is descriptive research, generally carried out by interviews and observations. The results of this research are that the concept of quality management of religious values education is an arrangement for improving the quality of an agency, one of which is the education department. The management concept at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-nahdliyin Dukuh Tengah Buduran Sidoarjo includes Planning, Organizing, Implementing and Supervising. Implementation of this concept was carried out in a way that began with a plenary meeting of all teachers and employees to develop a plan to facilitate religious behavior among students. After that, an organization is formed that manages religious values education, then we enter the implementation stage, namely applying religious values to both teachers and staff, especially to students. The implementation includes midday midday prayers in congregation and midday midday prayers in congregation. The quality management of education carried out by Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Annahdliyin by applying the POAC concept, namely administration, organizing, implementation and supervision, has met the standards and targets set by Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Annahdliyin. The standards used to strengthen religius knowledge and the implementation of religious life have proceeded in accordance with the wishes and plans of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Annahdliyin. Based on observations made by researchers, this is also in accordance with the vision of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Annahdliyin, namely the formation of people who excel in IMTAQ and science and technology and have noble character. This can be achieved because the teachers and staff of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Annahdliyin instill Knowledge, Faith, Islam and Charity in students, which is one of the missions of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Annahdliyin


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    Instilling concept of multiplication and division to students is influenced by learning media. But currently there are still many teachers who do not use good learning media. The research conducted aims to analyze how how influential the Papan Perkalian Pembagian Matematika (P3M) media is on students' understanding of the concept of multiplication and division. The method used in this study is a Quasi- Experimental method with the type used is Post-test Only Control Group Design. The sample in this study was 15 students as the control class and 15 students as the experimental class from fifth grade students. This study used two tests to analyze the data, namely the normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) and the hypothesis test(Mann-Whitne). Because the data did not meet the normality test, the Mann-Whitney test was used and the results obtained were a significance value of 0.001 <0.05 or Ha was accepted. It can be said that there are differences in the application of P3M media to the concept of multiplication and division in the control class and the experimental class. So it is said that there is an effect of using P3M media on understanding the concept of multiplication and division of students. Nothing but learning using P3M learning media in understanding the concept of multiplication and division in students becomes more effective than learning without the application of media


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