Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
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    Voda čovjeku predstavlja osnovi resurs za preživljavanje. Industrijalizacija i povećanje ljudske populacije dovodi do onečišćenja i prekomjernog iskorištavanja, a klimatske promjene sve više smanjuju dostupnost i kvalitetu vode. Kako bi voda za piće bila zdravstveno ispravna, prolazi kroz pogon za obradu sirove vode te se njezina kvaliteta mora svakodnevno kontrolirati. Kako bi se ustanovila zdravstvena ispravnost vode za piće na području Osječko-baranjske županije, u uzorcima vode s 6 lokacija analizirani su parametri: aerobne mezofilne bakterije inkubirane pri 36 °C i 22 °C, bakterija Escherichia coli, slobodni klor, temperatura, pH, mutnoća i boja. S ciljem usporedbe kvalitete vode obzirom na razdoblje godine, analize su provedene u zimskom i ljetnom periodu 2019. godine. Testirane lokacije bile su različito udaljene od pogona za preradu sirove vode, kako bi se ispitala moguća lošija kvaliteta na udaljenijim lokacijama. Rezultati pokazuju da je voda na istraživanom području bila zdravstveno ispravna, ali lošije kvalitete tijekom ljetnog perioda. Obzirom na udaljenost od pogona za preradu sirove vode, značajna razlika ustanovljena je analizom slobodnog klora što predstavlja veći rizik za razvoj bakterija u vodi.Water is a basic resource for human survival. Industrialization and the increase of the human population are leading to pollution and overexploitation, and climate change is significantly affecting the availability and quality of water. Drinking water safety is insured by raw water processing in water treatment plants and its quality must be checked daily. In order to test the health safety of drinking water in Osijek-Baranja County, water samples were collected from 6 locations and following parameters were analyzed: aerobic mesophilic bacteria incubated at 36 ° C and 22 ° C, Escherichia coli, free chlorine, temperature, pH, turbidity, and colour. Study was conducted during winter and summer of 2019 allowing assessment of the water quality depending on the period of the year. Locations near and far from raw water treatment plant were selected, in order to determine possibility of poor water quality at more distant locations. The results indicate health safety of drinking water in the tested area, but slight deterioration of water quality was observed during the summer period. Given the distance from the raw water treatment plant, a significant difference in concentration of free chlorine was found which poses a higher risk for the development of bacteria in the water at more distant locations

    Biological characteristics of critically endangered species of butterflies (Rhopalocera) in Croatian fauna

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    Leptire (Lepidoptera) ubrajamo među najbrojnije i najraznolikije skupine životinja. Nažalost, pojačana urbanizacija, intenziviranje poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao i zarašćivanje livadnih površina - najvažnijih staništa leptira - posljedično utječu na pad brojnosti leptira. Iz tih razloga, izdvajamo osam kritično ugroženih vrsta danjih leptira unutar hrvatske faune svrstanih u četiri porodice. Opstanak populacija leptira, posebno vrsta unutar roda Phengaris, ovisi o tipu staništa i prisutnosti ovipozicijskih biljaka. Kako bi pratili status kritično ugroženih vrsta leptira, nužna su sustavna i kontinuirana istraživanja.Butterflies (Lepidoptera) are one of the largest and most diverse group of animals. Unfortunately, increased urbanization, intensification of agricultural production and overgrowth of meadow areas - the most important habitats of butterflies - have resulted in decline in the number of butterflies. For these reasons, we issue eight critically endangered species of butterflies (Rhopalocera) within Croatian fauna classified into four families. Survival of populations, especially species of the genus Phengaris, depends on habitat type and the presence of oviposition plants. In order to monitor the status of critically endangered butterfly species, systematic and continuous research is necessary

    Value-added bioproducts from microalgae and their uses

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    Mikroalge su fotosintetski organizmi mikroskopskih dimenzija koji naseljavaju sve vodene biotope na Zemlji. U današnje vrijeme sve više privlače znanstvenu pozornost prvenstveno kao obnovljivi izvor energije u proizvodnji biogoriva, ali jednako tako i zbog niza visokovrijednih spojeva koje sadrže u svojim stanicama. Cilj ovog rada je pregledno iznijeti aktualne spoznaje vezane uz vrste visokovrijednih bioprodukata dobivenih iz mikroalgi, postupke proizvodnje i njihovu upotrebu. Pojedine vrste mikroalga sadrže velike količine klorofila i karotenoida (luitein, astaksantin, β-karoten , zeaksantin), neke vrste su izuzetno bogate antioksidansima kao što su likopen i fikobiliproteini, a neke vrste su posebno bogate sterolima, proteinima, peptidima, amino-kiselinama i/ili polifenolima. Proizvodnja navedenih bioprodukata odvija se u biorafinerijama. Visokovrijedni produkti mikroalga upotrebljavaju se u ljudskoj prehrani, kao hrana za životinje, te u farmaceutskoj i kozmetičkoj industriji. Sveukupno, potencijali mikroalga kao visokovrijedne sirovine su veliki te su intenzivna istraživanja njihove moguće primjene u raznim područjima.Microalgea are photosynthetic organisms of microscopic dimensions which inhabit all water biotopes on Earth. Today they attract the attention of scientists mainly as a source of renewable energy in the form of biofuel, and for a multitude of value-added compounds that can be found in their cells. The objective of this work is to clearly present the current findings related to the value-added bioproducts extracted from microalgea, their cultivation and use. Some species of microalgea contain large amounts of chlorophyll and carotenoids (lutein, astaxanthin, β-carotene, zeaxanthin), some are very rich in antioxidants such as lycopene and ficobiliproteins, while other species contain a lot of sterols, proteins, peptides, amino-acids and/or polyphenols. The production of the aforementioned bioproducts is conducted in biorefineries. Value-added products gained from microalgea are used as human food, animal feed, in the pharmaceutical industry and in the cosmetic industry. All in all, the potential of microalgea as a value-added raw material is exceptional as research for their potential use in different fields intensifies

    Oxidative stress as pathological mechanism of parvalbumin interneurons damage

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    Oksidativno – redukcijski procesi događaju se u svim stanicama u organizmu, a kada se ravnoteža pomakne u smjeru oksidacije govorimo o disbalansu koji dovodi do stanja oksidativnog stresa – patološkog stanja u kojem se nakuplja toliko reaktivnih vrsta da ih naš organizam više ne može efikasno otklanjati Brzoizbijajući parvalbuminski interneuroni posebno su osjetljivi na oksidativni stres u periodu njihova postnatalnog sazrijevanja. Izlaganje NMDA receptora nekompetitivnim antagonistima poput ketamina, koji blokiraju ove receptore, pokreće IL- 6/Nox2 put u kojem se aktivira Nox2 oksidaza, odgovorna za nakupljanje slobodnih radikala i povišenja razine oksidativnog stresa koji ometa razvoj parvalbuminskih interneurona i može dovesti do gubitka istih.Oxidative – reduction processes occur in all cells of the organism but when the balance shifts in the direction of oxidation we have a disbalance which leads to state of oxidative stress – pathological condition in which so many reactive speaces are accumulated that our body can no longer effectively eliminate it. Fast-spiking parvalbumin interneurons are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress in period of their postnatal maturation. Exposure of NMDA receptors to noncompetitive antaginists such as ketamine, which block these receptors, triggers IL-6/Nox2 pathway in which the Nox2 oxidaze is acivated which is responsoable for accumulation of free radicals and invoking oxidative stress that interferes the development of parvalbumin interneurons and it can lead to thair loss

    Photosynthetic efficiency of Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) in stressful conditions

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    Niske temperature mogu predstavljati stresne uvjete za biljke i negativno utjecati na njihove fiziološke i biokemijske procese kao što je fotosinteza. Cilj ovog rada bio je proučiti utjecaj niske temperature (5°C) na fotosintetsku učinkovitost Japanskog dvornika (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) nakon različite duljine izlaganja (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24 i 48 sati). U tu svrhu mjerena je fluorescencija klorofila a. Analizom parametra JIP-testa opisan je prijenos energije reakcijskim središtima fotosustava II te indeks fotosintetske učinkovitosti (PIABS). Kratkotrajna izlaganja biljaka niskoj temperaturi (1-16 sati) nisu pokazala negativan utjecaj na prijenos energije po aktivnom reakcijskom središtu, dok je kod dugotrajnijih izlaganja (24 i 48 sati) niska temperatura dovela do stvaranja neaktivnih, odnosno „utišanih“ reakcijskih središta. Smanjenje indeksa fotosintetske učinkovitosti (PIABS) već pri kratkom izlaganju niskoj temperaturi ukazuje na ograničenje prijenosa elektrona dalje od primarnog akceptora u transportnom lancu elektrona.Low temperatures can present stressful conditions for some plants and it can have a negative effect on their physiological and biochemical processes such as photosynthesis. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of low temperature (5°C) on photosynthetic efficiency of Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) after different length of exposure (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 hours) on its.). To determine the parameters of photosynthetic efficiency, the chlorophyll a fluorescence was measured. The analysis of JIP test parameters described the energy transfer through reaction centres of photosystem II and the performance index (PIABS). Short-term exposures of plants to low temperature (1-16 hours) did not show a negative impact on energy fluxes per active reaction centre, while longer exposures (24 and 48 hours) to low temperature caused the formation of inactive or "silent" ones. The decrease of performance index (PIABS) even at short exposure to low temperature indicated a limitation of electron transport after the primary acceptor in the electron transport chain


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    Istraživanje tradicionalne primjene biljaka provedeno je u razdoblju od ožujka do listopada 2019. godine na području Đurđevca i okolnih naselja. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 27 ispitanika. Utvrđeno je da ispitanici koriste ukupno 102 biljne vrste iz 44 porodice. Najveći broj vrsta pripada porodicama Rosaceae, Lamiaceae i Asteraceae. Ispitanici koriste biljke u svrhu liječenja, prehrane, izrade kozmetičkih preparata i druge svrhe. Osim biljaka, ispitanici prikupljaju 17 vrsta gljiva iz ukupno 7 porodica. Rezultati ukazuju da je potrebno provesti opsežnija istraživanja kako bi se vrijedna znanja o uporabi biljaka očuvala.A survey of a traditional use of plants was conducted from March 2019 to October 2019 in Đurđevac and the surrounding settlements. The survey involved 27 respondents. A total of 102 plant taxa belonging to 44 families were recorded. The most prevalent were plants belonging to Rosaceae, Lamiaceae and Asteraceae families. They are used as food and for medicinal, cosmetic and other purposes. Besides plants, respondents stated that they also collect mushrooms; 17 taxa belonging to 7 families in total. The results of this study indicate that further research is needed in order to preserve valuable knowledge about the use of plants

    The Effect of Almond Flour as Milk Powder Replacer on the Properties of Ice Cream Mixtures

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    Iskorištenje pogače badema nastale tijekom proizvodnje hladnog prešanja ulja kao dodatak u drugim prehrambenim proizvodima moguće je rješenje za njeno zbrinjavanje. Osim toga, proizvodi obogaćeni ovim nusproizvodom mogu imati povećanu nutritivnu vrijednost. Stoga je cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio ispitati svojstva kontrolne sladoledne smjese te sladolednih smjesa s dodatkom brašna uljne pogače badema u udjelima 25 %, 50 %, 75 % i 100 % od ukupnog udjela mlijeka u prahu. Navedena zamjena utjecala je na promjenu reoloških svojstava, odnosno na povećanje viskoznosti sladolednih smjesa. Dodatno, utjecaji procesiranja, odnosno pasterizacija, zrenje i predaeracija sladolednih smjesa imali su utjecaj na ispitivana reološka svojstva sladolednih smjesa. Osim navedenog, zbog razlike u sastavu između obranog mlijeka u prahu i brašna uljne pogače badema, došlo je do blagog sniženja pH vrijednosti i porasta aktiviteta vode sladolednih smjesa. Dodatak brašna uljne pogače badema doveo je do znatnih promjena u boji, odnoslo došlo je do smanjenja svjetline obogaćenih uzoraka, u odnosu na kontrolni uzorak. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate, može se zaključiti da se brašno uljne pogače badema može koristiti kao zamjena za obrano mlijeko u prahu, u svrhu poboljšanja fizikalno-kemijskih te nutritivnih svojstava sladoleda.Almond press cake obtained during the production of cold pressing oil can be utilized in food fortification which can be a possible solution for its disposal. In addition, products enriched with this additive have increased nutritional value. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to examine the properties of the control ice cream mixture and ice cream mixtures with the addition of almond press cake flour in proportions of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the total milk powder concentration. This replacement affected the change in the rheological properties, i.e. an increase in the viscosity of ice cream mixtures. In addition, the processing methods, pasteurization, ageing, and preaeration of ice cream mixtures also influenced the investigated rheological properties. Furthermore, due to the difference in composition between skim milk powder and almond press cake flour, there was a slight decrease in pH values and an increase in measured values of water activity. This replacement caused a change in colour properties, by decreasing the lightness of enriched ice cream mixtures, compared to the control sample. Given the results obtained, it can be concluded that almond press cake flour can be used as a skim milk powder replacer, in order to improve the physicochemical and nutritional properties of ice cream mixtures

    The Application of Flaxseed Oil Cake Flour as Milk Powder Replacer in Ice Cream Production

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    Nusproizvod koji se dobije ekstrakcijom ulja iz sjemenki lana naziva se pogača lana. Sve je češća njena upotreba kao dodatka u proizvodnji funkcionalnih proizvoda zbog bogate nutritivne vrijednosti. Osobito je bogata lipidima i proteinima. Zadatak ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj zamjene obranog mlijeka u prahu pogačom lana u udjelima od 25,0 %, 37,5 % i 50,0 % od ukupnog udjela mlijeka u prahu. Proizveden je i kontrolni uzorak bez zamjene mlijeka u prahu. Nakon proizvodnje sladoleda i 24-satnog dubokog zamrzavanja uslijedilo je ispitivanje fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava sladoleda. Povećanje koncentracije brašna lana utjecao je na sniženje pH vrijednosti i povećanje titracijske kiselosti sladoleda. Također, utjecalo je na promjene svojstava teksture sladoleda, na parametre boje te topljenje sladoleda. Možemo zaključiti da je moguća djelomična zamjena mlijeka u prahu pogačom lana ukoliko želimo dobiti sladoled funkcionalnih svojstava.The by-product obtained by extracting oil from flax seeds is called flax cake. Its use as an additive in the production of functional products is increasingly common due to its rich nutritional value. It is particularly rich in lipids and proteins. The task of this work was to examine the impact of replacing skimmed milk powder with flaxseed cake in proportions of , 25.0%, 37.5% and 50.0% of the total proportion of milk powder. A control sample was also produced without replacing milk powder. After the ice cream production and 24-hour hardening, the physico-chemical properties of the ice cream were tested. The increase in the concentration of flax flour had the effect of lowering the pH value and increasing the titratable acidity of the ice cream. This replacement also affected the changes in the texture, colour and melting properties of the ice cream. It can be concluded that it is possible to partially replace milk powder with flax cake in order to produce ice cream with functional properties

    Planning as a Management Function in Change Management Conditions

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    U uvjetima menadžmenta promjena vrlo je bitno standardizirati poslovne aktivnosti kroz optimalno planiranje kako bi se organizacije lakše prilagodile tržištu, te ga prilagođavale zajednički s ostalim funkcijama menadžmenta. Cilj ovoga rada je ukazati na važnost funkcije planiranja kao jedne od ključnih funkcija menadžmenta kroz povećanje standardizacije svih poslovnih aktivnosti u svrhu lakšeg nastupa na tržištu. U tu svrhu provedeno je online anketno ispitivanje na 3 razine menadžmenta prigodnim uzorkom 50 menadžera hrvatskih tvrtki u sva 4 sektora gospodarske djelatnosti s 11 zatvorenih pitanja podijeljenih u dvije kategorije, prva u kojoj se determiniraju osobine ispitanika i ostala u kojoj se ocjenjuju njihovi stavovi na zadanu temu. Rezultati uvelike dokazuju pretpostavke definirane sekundarnim istraživanjima i pitanjima u anketnom upitnikom, te kako organizacijske promjene, promjene unutarnje i vanjske okoline utječu na važnost planiranja u poduzeću gdje se uz ekonomsku okolinu, osobito ističe digitalizacija, i pravilno definiranje ciljeva i strategija koje utječu na veliko povećanje organizacijske fleksibilnosti. Također, bez obzira koliko je planiranje standardizirana aktivnost mnogi menadžeri su istakli kako je ono pored principijelne (usmjerene) aktivnosti uvelike i fleksibilna (koordinirano neusmjerena aktivnost).In the conditions of change management, it is very important to standardize business activities through optimal planning so that organizations can more easily adapt to the market, and adapt it together with other management functions. The aim of this work is to point out the importance of the planning function as a key management function through increasing the standardization of all business activities for the purpose of easier performance on the market. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted on 3 levels of management with a random sample of 50 managers of Croatian companies in all 4 sectors of economic activity with 11 closed questions divided into two categories, the first in which the characteristics of the respondents are determined and the other in which their attitudes to the default are evaluated topic. The results largely prove the assumptions defined by the secondary research and the questions in the survey questionnaire, and how organizational changes, changes in the internal and external environment affect the importance of planning in a company where, in addition to the economic environment, digitization is especially important, and the correct definition of goals and strategies that affect a large increase organizational flexibility. Also, regardless of how much planning is a standardized activity, many managers have pointed out that, in addition to being a principled (directed) activity, it is also largely flexible (coordinated non-directed activity)

    The effects of pesticides on the development of biofilms

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    Biofilm je skup mikrobnih kolonija zatvorenih unutar samo-proizvedenog ekstracelularnog polisaharidnog matriksa (glikokaliksa). U ovom je radu istražen te opisan utjecaj pesticida na aktivnost biofilmova. Biofilmovi su razvijani u mikrotitracijskim pločicama gdje su kvantificirani pomoću Kristal violet testa. Enzimska aktivnost je izmjerena pomoću UV-Vis spektrofotometra. Dokazano je da manje koncentracije pesticida imaju slabiji utjecaj na razvoj biofilmova.Biofilm is an aggregate of microbial colonies enclosed in self-produced extracellular polysaccharide matrix (glycocalyx). This paper researches and describes the effects of several types of pesticides on sole activity of biofilms formed in the soil. Biofilms were developed in microtitle plates where they were quanitified using Crystal violet assay. Enzym activitiy was measured using UV-Vis spectrophotomete. It was proven that lower concentration of pesticide have weaker effect on the development of biofilms


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