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3705 research outputs found
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Multi-label classification techniques
Rastuća prijetnja koju u posljednjim godinama predstavljaju bakterije otporne na
antibiotike istaknula je potrebu za inovativnim antimikrobnim sredstvima. Neprofitna organizacija Community for Open Antimicrobial Drug Discovery (CO-ADD),
osnovana na Sveučilištu Queensland, bavi se ovim izazovom potičući javno dijeljenje
kemijskih struktura i podataka o antimikrobnoj aktivnosti. Baza podataka CO-ADD
predstavlja problem klasifikacije s višestrukim oznakama, što dodatno komplicira tradicionalne metode strojnog učenja za klasifikaciju, pa stoga zahtijeva korištenje novih
pristupa i algoritama za učinkovitu analizu podataka. U ovom radu obrađuju se različiti izazovi višestruke klasifikacije, s osnovnim istraživačkim pitanjem o korištenju
više zasebnih klasifikatora za svaku kategoriju nasuprot jednog koji može istodobno
klasificirati više kategorija. Osim toga, ispituje se efikasnost odabira značajki kako
bi se utvrdilo je li jednako djelotvorna u oba slučaja. Provedena je i komparativna
analiza da bi se utvrdilo nadmašuje li algoritam harmonijskog pretraživanja popularnije algoritme optimizacije bazirane na populaciji, kao što su genetski algoritam i
algoritam optimizacije pomoću roja čestica.The growing threat posed by bacteria resistant to antibiotics in recent years has
highlighted the need for innovative antimicrobial agents. The Community for Open
Antimicrobial Drug Discovery (CO-ADD), a non-profit organization established at
The University of Queensland, aims to address this issue by encouraging the public sharing of chemical structures and data on antimicrobial action. The CO-ADD
database presents a multi-label classification problem that adds complexity to the
traditional machine learning methods for classification therefore demanding the use
of new approaches and algorithms for efficient data analysis. Several multi-label classification challenges are tackled in this paper, with the primary question explored
being the debate between using multiple classifiers versus employing a single one
that can simultaneously classify multiple items. Additionally, the efficacy of feature
selection is examined to determine if it’s equally effective across both cases. Furthermore, a comparative analysis is conducted to determine whether the Harmony Search
algorithm outperforms the more popular population-based optimization algorithms,
like the Genetic algorithm and Particle swarm optimization algorithm
Bucket elevator for vegetable transport
Uz odabir glavnih dijelova lančanog i trakastog vjedrenog elevatora bilo je moguće provesti temeljni proračun prema kojemu se odredio povoljniji vučni element. Za povoljniji izbor konstruirao se cjelokupni elevator koji se prikazao i montažnim i radioničkim nacrtima.
Uz elevator, rješava se i pitanje ukrcaja zadanog tereta u elevator pomoću orebrenog trakastog transportera postavljenog pod kutom. Traka se konstruira jednakim postupkom, najprije odabirom glavnih komponenti koje daju ulazne podatke za proračun, te kasnije odabir preostalih dijelova. Trakasti transporter također je prikazan montažnim crtežom popraćenim potrebnim radioničkim crtežima.
Još jedan uvjet koji je elevator morao zadovoljiti jest izmjenjivanje vertikalnog i kosog režima rada. Kako bi se ispunio uvjet, predložilo se rješenje sačinjeno od linearnog aktuatora u kombinaciji sa vratilom povezanim ležajevima smještenim na dnu elevatora. Cijeli proces od ukrcaja materijala do iskrcaja te način izmjene vertikalnog rada i pod kutom prikazan je posebnim montažnim nacrtom.From the selection of main parts of the chain and belt elevator, it was possible to carry out a basic calculation according to which the most favorable traction element was determined. For a more favorable choice the entire elevator was constructed, which was presented in assembly and workshop drawings.
In addition to the elevator, the issue of loading the given load into the elevator is solved using a ribbed belt conveyor placed at an angle. The belt was constructed using the same procedure, first selecting the main components that provided the input data for the calculation, and later selecting the remaining parts. The belt conveyer is also shown with an assembly drawing accompanied by the necessary workshop drawings.
Another condition that the elevator had to meet is the alternation of vertical and inclined mode of operation. In order to fulfill the request, a solution was proposed constructed of an linear actuator combined with a shaft connected by bearings, located at the bottom of the elevator. The entire process from loading to unloading materials and the method of changing vertical and angled work is shown in a separated assembly drawing
Implementacija računalnih simulacija pri planiranju proizvodnih procesa
U diplomskom radu osmišljena je automatizacija postojećeg dijela proizvodnog pogona za izradu poklopca mjenjača te je provedeno ispitivanje optimalnog broja namjenskih paleta s pomoću računalnih simulacija. Najprije je napravljen simulacijski model postojećeg dijela pogona, koji je verificiran i validiran. Nakon toga je osmišljena automatizacija dijela pogona u vidu dva prijedloga - verzija s produljenom pokretnom trakom i verzija s kolaborativnim robotom (kobotom). Izrađeni su simulacijski modeli za osnovnu varijantu kao i za dva osmišljena prijedloga unutar softvera Tecnomatix Plant Simulation tvrtke Siemens. Prilikom izrade istih naišlo se na nekoliko problema koji su uspješno riješeni. Kada su izrađeni simulacijski modeli za oba prijedloga izvršeno je ispitivanje optimalnog broja namjenskih paleta s pomoću objekta Experiment manager. Rezultati ispitivanja su prikazani u obliku tabličnog prikaza i točkastog dijagrama.Automatization and testing of optimal number of pallets through computer simulations were performed in this graduate thesis. First, the simulation model was made of existing part of the plant which was after verified and validated. After that, the automatizaton of part of the plant is done conceptually and through several ideas the most favourable versions, the version with extended conveyor belt and the version with the cobot were chosen. The next step was to create a simulation model for the automatisation of part of the plant in the software „Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation“. We encountered several problems that were successfully solved when models were being created. When both models were made, the optimal number of pallets was tested using an object offered by the software „Experiment manager“ itself. This facility established the optimum number of pallets for both versions of the simulation model of the automated part of the plant. The test results are presented in the form of a table and a dotted diagram
Ovim se završnim radom detaljno se istražila tema ispitivanja debljine cijevi ultrazvukom. Na početku navedene su te opisane razne metode ispitivanja. Nadalje, u radu se posvećuje ultrazvuku i ultrazvučnoj metodi. Navedeni su principi rada, instrumentacija i primjena te se ističu prednosti i nedostatci metode kao i rizici. Naposlijetku, slijedi eksperimentalni dio rada gdje se ispitala debljina cijevi ultrazvukom.With this final work, the topic of testing pipe thickness by ultrasound was investigated in detail. At the beginning, various test methods are listed and described. Furthermore, the work focuses on ultrasound and the ultrasound method. The working principles, instrumentation and application are listed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the method as well as the risks are highlighted. Finally, the experimental part of the work follows, where the thickness of the pipe was tested using ultrasound
High-voltage measuring transformers
Završni rad pruža pregled visokonaponskih mjernih transformatora u elektroenergetskim sustavima, analizirajući njihovu ključnu ulogu, različite izvedbe te klasu točnosti. Posebna pažnja posvećena je strujnim, naponskim (induktivnim i kapacitivnim) i kombiniranim transformatorima. Naglašena je podjela transformatora prema namjeni - mjerenje i zaštita, pritom istražujući tehničke zahtjeve, uključujući fazne i strujne pogreške te standardizirane snage.This paper gives an overview of high voltage instrument transformers in power supply systems and analyzes their crucial role, different designs and accuracy classes. Particular attention is paid to current, voltage (inductive and capacitive) and combined transformers. The classification of transformers according to their intended use - measurement and protection - is highlighted, examining the technical requirements, including phase and current errors, and the standardized ratings
The Integration of Three Industrial Robots in an Automated Environment
Ovaj diplomski rad detaljno prikazuje integraciju triju robota u automatizirano okruženje putem PLC uređaja. Upravljačka logika procesa izrađena je pomoću Siemensovog TIA Portala. Za prikaz simulacije robota korišten je programski paket RoboDK. Cijeli proces moguće je provoditi u ručnom ili automatskom načinu rada koji se odabire putem HMI upravljačkog panela.This master thesis shows in detail the integration of three robots into an automated environment via a PLC device. The control logic of the process was created using the Siemens TIA Portal. The RoboDK program package was used to display the robot simulation. The entire process can be carried out in manual or automatic mode, which is selected via the HMI control panel
Krenuvši sa predstavljanjem principa rada motora i učinka struje i magnetizma na funkcioniranje motora prelazimo na upoznavanje pojedinačnih vrsta i podvrsta motora sa AC i DC napajanjem. Iskazuje se njihova konstrukcija, prednosti, mane i posebne značajke koje ih razlikuju od ostalih predstavljenih motora. Nakon predstavljanja motora zalazimo u pojedine tvrtke i modele električnih automobila koje se ističu na tržištu po funkcionalnosti, izgledu, dostupnosti i performansama. Uz modele naznačuju se i ostali električni motori koji se primjenjuju u automobilu a da nemaju utjecaj na sam pogon. Prikazivanjem grafičke razlike između performansi i efikasnosti električnih automobila i automobila sa unutarnjim izgaranjem prikazuje se i utjecaj na upotrebu električnih automobila na okoliš što ukratko zaključuje ovaj rad.Starting with the presentation of the principle of motor operation and the effect of current and magnetism on the operation of the motor, we move on to introducing individual types and subtypes of motors with AC and DC power supply. Their construction, advantages, disadvantages and special features that distinguish them from the other presented engines are presented. After presenting the engines, we go into individual companies and models of electric cars that stand out on the market in terms of functionality, appearance, availability and performance. In addition to the models, other electric motors are indicated that are used in the car that are not the power motors. By showing the graphic difference between the performance and efficiency of electric cars and cars with internal combustion and the impact of the use of electric cars on the environment the paper is concluded
Influence of material properties on the mechanical behavior of structural elements with a lattice structure
Ovim se radom želi prikazati važnost rešetkastih struktura u lakim konstrukcijama, njihova primjena i sama izrada aditivnim tehnologijama. Laboratorijskim istraživanjem dokazuju se očekivani rezultati te se ističe ovisnost svojstava sirovog materijala i samih mehaničkih svojstava ispitnih uzoraka, a kasnije finalnih konstrukcija čija su baza rešetkaste strukture. Kroz analizu različitih materijala i usporedbu njihovih svojstava , rad pruža detaljan pregled povezanosti sirovog materijala i mehaničkih svojstava ispitnih uzoraka. Rezultati istraživanja doprinose boljem razumijevanju rešetkastih struktura izrađenih aditivnim tehnologijama te važnost razvijanja novih aditivnih tehnologija i unaprijeđivanju postojećih. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na razumijevanje postavljenog problema, odnosno zahtjeva koje konstrukcija mora ispuniti kako bi se optimalno odabrao materijal za izradu rešetkaste strukture. Zaključci rada pružaju smjernice za daljnja istraživanja i razvoj naprednih materijala i metoda u području aditivne proizvodnje.This paper aims to highlight the importance of lattice structures in lightweight constructions, their application, and their fabrication through additive technologies. Laboratory research confirms the expected results and emphasizes the dependence between the properties of raw materials and the mechanical properties of the test samples, as well as the final construction, whose foundation lies in lattice structures. Through the analysis of various materials and the comparison of their properties, the paper provides a detailed overview of the relationship between raw materials and the mechanical properties of the test samples. The research results contribute to a better understanding of lattice structures made with additive tecnologies, as well as the importance of developing new additive technologies and improving existing ones. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the problem at hand i.e., the requirements that the construction must meet to optimally select the material for the lattice structure's fabrication. The conclusions of the paper provide guidelines for further research and the development of advanced materials and methods in the field of additive manufacturing
Primjena Laplaceovih transformacija na rješavanje jednodimenzionalne toplinske jednadžbe
Jednodimenzionalna toplinska jednadžba jedna je od temeljnih parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi, služi za modeliranje toka topline, te iz tog razloga ima brojne primjene u inženjerstvu. Kako bi se olakšalo rješavanje parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi koriste se brojne metode, jedna od njih je i primjena Laplaceovih transformacija, odnosno posebne integralne transformacije, koja diferencijalne probleme u vremenskoj domeni, pretvara u algebarske probleme u kompleksnoj domeni. Iako Laplaceove transformacije imaju široku primjenu, pogotovo u elektrotehnici, te drastično olakšavaju rješavanje diferencijalnih problema, traženje njihove inverzne transformacije je često problematično. Unatoč tom Laplaceove transformacije nalaze svoju primjenu, te se u ovom radu prikazala njihova primjena na rješavanje jednodimenzionalne toplinske jednadžbe s različitim rubnim uvjetima, uz pripadne simulacije.The one-dimensional heat equation is one of the basic partial differential equations, it is used for modeling the heat flow, and for this reason it has numerous applications in engineering. In order to facilitate the solving of partial differential equations, numerous methods are used, one of them is the application of Laplace transformations, i.e. a special integral transformation, which turns differential problems in the time domain into algebraic problems in the complex domain. Although Laplace transformations are widely used, especially in electrical engineering, and drastically facilitate the solution of differential problems, searching for their inverse transformation is often problematic. Nevertheless, Laplace transformations find their application, and in this paper, their application to solving one-dimensional heat equations with different boundary conditions is presented, including corresponding simulations