Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies
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    3141 research outputs found

    Testing and maintenance of instrumental equipment in Ex-performance

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    Održavanje Ex-opreme i provjera ispravnosti iste smiju obavljati samo tvrtke ili obrtnici koji imaju registriranu opremu i radnike za izvedbu takvoga oblika posla, prema svim zakonima. Ispunjavanje uvjeta za obradu takvih podataka i poslova dokazuje se pozitivnim tehničkim nalazom za aktivnosti održavanja. Obrtnici ili kompanija koja je dobila posao na natječaju nudi usluge: -Instalacije Ex. opreme (TN-IN) -Održavanje Ex-opreme (TN-ODA) -Popravak ex-opreme (TN-PO) Ovlaštena osoba tako mora izvršiti provjeru ispravnosti koja je sukladno s zakonom dužna kontrolirati Ex-opremu i instalacije u sljedećim stanjima: -Ex oprema se provjerava prema unaprijed dogovorenom planu -Vrši se vizualni, te potom kontrolni pregled -Ex oprema mora biti provjerena i dostavljena na pregled popraćena s odgovarajućom dokumentacijom -Te sukladno svim ispunjenim uvjetima mora posjedovati ugovor o održavanju Ex-područje je definirano kao područje gdje se može sadržavati atmosfera koja je podložna zapaljenju ili eksploziji tek kada atmosfera sadrži veliku količinu opasnih plinova, prašine ili pare. Ex atmosfera je mješavina tvari koje se miješaju sa zrakom i uslijed toga u atmosferi prouzrokuju uvjete koji se u obliku prašine, pare ili plina zapale i tako proširuju na cijelo područje.Maintenance of Ex-equipment and verification of its correctness may only be performed by companies or craftsmen who have registered equipment and workers for the performance of this type of work, according to all laws. Fulfillment of the conditions for processing such data and jobs is proven by a positive technical report for maintenance activities. Craftsmen or the company that won the job in the competition offers the following services: - Ex equipment installations (TN-IN) - Ex-equipment maintenance (TN-ODA) -Repair of ex-equipment (TN-PO) The authorized person must therefore carry out a correctness check, which in accordance with the law is obliged to control Ex-equipment and installations in the following states: -Ex equipment is checked according to a pre-agreed plan - A visual and then control inspection is performed -Ex equipment must be checked and submitted for inspection accompanied by appropriate documentation - And in accordance with all the fulfilled conditions, he must have a maintenance contract Ex-zone is defined as an area where an atmosphere that is susceptible to ignition or explosion can be contained only when the atmosphere contains a large amount of dangerous gases, dust or steam. Ex atmosphere is a mixture of substances that mix with air and as a result cause conditions in the atmosphere that ignite in the form of dust, steam or gas and thus spread over the entire area

    Bearings in centrifugal pumps

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    Centrifugalne pumpe imaju ključnu ulogu u brodskim sustavima za prijenos tekućina. Kako bi se osigurao pouzdan i učinkovit rad tih pumpi, od velike je važnosti korištenje visokokvalitetnih ležajeva. Ležajevi pružaju podršku rotaciji osovina pumpi, smanjuju trenje i vibracije te produžuju radni vijek pumpi. U ovom tekstu ćemo razmotriti različite primjene ležajeva u centrifugalnim pumpama na brodovima i istaknuti važnost njihovog pravilnog odabira.Centrifugal pumps play a key role in liquid marine systems for portable. In order to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of these pumps, it is very important to use high quality bearings. Bearings support the rotation of the pump shaft, reduce friction and load, and extend the working life of the pump. In this text, we will consider the various applications of bearings in centrifugal pumps on ships and highlight the importance of their proper selection

    E - Loran

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    Kako se elektronička navigacija razvijala kroz radio i radarsku navigaciju, novi način određivanja položaja našao se u hiperboličkoj navigaciji. Hiperbolička navigacija koristi krivulje zvane hiperbole koje spajaju mjesta jednake udaljenosti od žarišta kako bi se u njihovom presjecištu pronašla pozicija broda. Kroz povijest su se razvijali razni hiperbolički uređaji kao što su Consol, Decca, Gee, Loran-A, Loran-C, Chayka te kao napredna verzija Loran-C sustava, E-Loran. Satelitska navigacija je uslijedila nakon hiperboličkih sustava. Prvi satelitski sustavi funkcionirali su na temelju Dopplerovog efekta te je njihova primjena bila isključivo predviđena za vojne usluge. Globalni sustav za određivanje položaja (GPS) je od 2007. godine potpuno funkcionalan i dostupan čak i za civilnu upotrebu. GPS usprkos činjenici da je najsofisticiraniji sustav za pronalazak položaja na zemlji posjeduje određene mane koje znaju uzrokovati razne probleme. Osim što se ti problemi očituju izravno na korisnika već i neizravno stvaraju probleme za ekonomiju i gospodarstvo. E-Loran kao glavna tema ovoga rada se u nekoliko navrata u zadnjih 20 godina nudio kao rješenje upravo u trenucima kada oslanjanje na GPS nije moguće. Trenutna alternativa za GPS ne postoji, a pomutnje zbog interferencije i dalje ostaju problematika. Svojstva e-Loran signala upućuju na potrebu da se provedu testiranja, jer snažni i teško ometajući signali mogu biti jako dobra zamjena kada je to neophodno. Kako je to sustav koji je korišten još 1940-ih pod nazivom Loran-A i kasnije Loran-C uz sav napredak tehnologije koji je do sada postignut nova nadograđena verzija može biti preciznija i pouzdanija. Kako se satelitska navigacija počela sve više razvijati praksa korištenja hiperboličke navigacije počela se manje koristiti. Upravo to je razlog zbog kojeg nije iskorišten puni potencijal hiperboličkih uređaja i zahtjeva provedbu dodatnih istraživanja.How electronic navigation developed through radio and radar navigation, a new way of determining position was found in hyperbolic navigation. Hyperbolic navigation uses curves called hyperbolas that connect places of equal distance from the focal points to find the position of a ship at their intersection. Various hyperbolic devices were developed throughout history, such as Consol, Decca, Gee, Loran-A, Loran-C, Chayka, and an advanced version of the Loran-C system, E-Loran. Satellite navigation followed the hyperbolic systems. The first satellite systems were based on the Doppler effect and were intended exclusively for military use. Global Positioning System (GPS) has been fully functional since 2007 and available even for civilian use. Despite being the most sophisticated system for locating positions on Earth, GPS has certain drawbacks that can cause various problems. In addition to the problems that directly affect the user, they also indirectly create problems for the economy. E-Loran, the main topic of this paper, has been offered several times in the last 20 years as a solution precisely when relying on GPS is not possible. Currently, there is no alternative to GPS, and interference disruptions continue to be problematic. The properties of the E-Loran signal suggest the need for testing because strong and highly interfering signals can be a very good replacement when necessary. As a system that was used as early as the 1940s under the name Loran-A and later Loran-C, with all the technological advancements achieved so far, a new upgraded version can be more precise and reliable. As satellite navigation began to develop more and more, the practice of using hyperbolic navigation began to decline. This is precisely why the full potential of hyperbolic devices has not been exploited and requires additional research

    Methods for detecting marine pollution on the seabed using underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)

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    U ovom diplomskom radu istražena je problematika morskog otpada kroz analizu vrsta, izvora onečišćenja i geografske raspodjele. Posebna važnost je pridana detaljnoj analizi plastičnog onečišćenja kao jednog od najzastupljenijih oblika otpada u morskom okolišu. Također su analizirani pravni okviri za nadzor otpada i postojeće metode detekcije na morskom dnu. Kroz studiju slučaja u uvali Selehovica primjenom ROV-a, istraženo je stanje onečišćenja morskim otpadom. Provedbom ovog istraživanja, cilj je pružiti uvid u stvarno stanje morskog otpada na odabranoj lokaciji. Kroz temeljitu analizu vizualnih podataka, istaknuta je važnost dobivanja preciznih informacija o količini i vrsti otpada prisutnog u tom području. Identificiranje vrste i količine otpada ključno je za usmjeravanje napora prema specifičnim izvorima onečišćenja i primjenu ciljanih mjera za smanjenje i sprječavanje daljnjeg onečišćenja. Rad ima za cilj podizanje svijesti o važnosti održivog upravljanja otpadom i očuvanju morskog okoliša.This master's thesis explores the issue of marine litter through an analysis of its types, sources, and geographical distribution. Special emphasis is placed on conducting a detailed analysis of plastic pollution as one of the most prevalent forms of waste in the marine environment. Furthermore, the study analyzes the legal frameworks for waste monitoring and the existing methods for detecting marine pollution on the seabed. Through a case study conducted in Selehovica Bay, utilizing remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), the thesis investigates the state of marine debris pollution in the area. The primary goal of this research is to gain insights into the actual state of marine litter at the chosen location. By conducting a thorough analysis of visual data, the study highlights the significance of obtaining accurate information regarding the quantity and types of waste present in the region. Identifying the specific types and quantities of litter is vital for directing efforts towards targeted pollution sources and implementing effective measures to reduce and prevent further contamination. Ultimately, this thesis aims to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable waste management and the preservation of the marine environment

    Insurance of marine offshore facilities

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    Pomorsko osiguranje ima ključnu važnost u zaštiti interesa povezanih s pomorskim aktivnostima. Pomorski odobalni objekti često su izloženi različitim prirodnim katastrofama ili industrijskim rizicima te zbog toga moraju sadržavati potvrde o usklađenosti s propisanim pravilima i kodeksima koji se tiču sigurnosti. Osiguranje u kojem je predmet osiguranja odobalni objekt, opisuje se kroz slučaj velike ekološke katastrofe i masovnog izlijevanja nafte u Meksičkom zaljevu zbog ljudske nepažnje i nepoštivanja osnovnih sigurnosnih mjera. Lloyds of London pokriva rizike iz nastale pomorske nesreće, a za štetu je odgovorna tvrtka British Petroleum koja je pristala platiti milijarde američkih dolara u naknadama za štetu i kazne izdane od strane savezne vlade. Katastrofa naftne platforme pokrenula je pritisak na povećanje stopa osiguranja koje ima važnu ulogu u očuvanju i razvoju pomorske infrastrukture na način da doprinosi zaštiti i stabilnosti gospodarskih resursa, a ujedno je ključno smanjenje rizika od nastanka pomorskih nesreća.Marine insurance plays a key role in protecting interests related to maritime activities. Maritime offshore facilities are often exposed to various natural disasters or industrial risks and therefore must contain certificates of compliance with prescribed rules and codes concerning safety. Insurance in which the subject of insurance is an offshore object is described through the case of a major environmental disaster and a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico due to human carelessness and failure to observe basic safety measures. Lloyds of London covers the risks from the accident, and the British Petroleum company is responsible for the damage, which has agreed to pay billions of US dollars in damages and fines issued by the federal government. The oil platform disaster triggered pressure to increase insurance rates, which play an important role in the preservation and development of maritime infrastructure in a way that contributes to the protection and stability of economic resources. It is also crucial for reducing the risk of maritime accidents

    Planning of bulk cargo transport by sea

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    Rasuti tereti su tereti bez ambalaže koji se prevoze u usitnjenom stanju.Razvili su se iz brodova za prijevoz generalnog tereta, a nagli razvoj započeo je sredinom dvadesetog stoljeća. Brodovi za prijevoz rasutog tereta razlikuju se po svojoj namjeni i veličini. Rasuti tereti vrlo su osjetljiviji na vanjske utjecaje i stoga zahtijevaju posebnu pozornost pri prijevozu. Postoje mnogi pravilnici koje se bave planiranjem i prijevozom rasutih tereta.Luke i terminali posebno su opremljeni za prihvat ovakvog tereta. Učinkovito rukovanje rasutim teretom zahtijeva dobro razumijevanje specifičnih materijala i odgovarajuće metode skladištenja, rukovanja i transporta kako bi se osigurala sigurnost i učinkovitost tijekom prijevoza.Bulk cargo is cargo without packaging that is transported in a crushed state. They evolved from general cargo ships, and rapid development began in the mid-twentieth century. Bulk carriers differ in their purpose and size. Bulk cargoes are very sensitive to external influences and therefore require special attention during transport. There are many regulations that deal with theplanning and transportation of bulk cargo. Bulk cargo presents unique handling and transportation challenges. Ports and terminals are specially equipped to handle this kind of cargo.Effective bulk handling requires a good understanding of specific materials and appropriate storage, handling and transport methods to ensure safety and efficiency during transport

    Venereal diseases in seafarers

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    U ovome je radu fokus stavljen na temu spolnih bolesti, s posebnim naglaskom na spolne bolesti kod pomoraca. Spolne bolesti već stoljećima predstavljaju ozbiljnu prijetnju zdravlju pojedinca, a pomorci su zbog uvjeta u kojima rade nerijetko bivaju subjekti zaraze. S obzirom na to, poželjna je bolja edukacija i informiranost o spolnim bolestima, koja ne smije biti usmjerena samo na znanje o postojanju bolesti, već i na načine prepoznavanja bolesti, simptome te načine liječenja bolesti. Sve to u svrhu pravovremenog i ispravnog reagiranja subjekta na novonastalo stanje, ali i sprječavanje daljnjeg širenja bolesti. U ovom radu fokus je stavljen na četiri od mnogih spolnih spolnih bolesti koje postoje, a to su gonoreja, sifilis, herpes genitalis i klamidijska infekcija kao najčešće. Ključno je i podizanje svijesti, promicanje obrazovanja te pružanje dostupnih zdravstvenih usluga s ciljem smanjenja zaraze i utjecaja koje ostavljaju na pojedinca.In this paper, the focus is on the topic of venereal diseases, with special emphasis on venereal diseases among seafarers. Venereal diseases have been a serious threat to the health of individuals for centuries, and seafarers are often subject to infection due to the conditions in which they work. In view of this, better education and information about venereal diseases is desirable, which should not only focus on knowledge about the existence of diseases, but also on ways to recognize the disease, symptoms and ways to treat the disease. All this for the purpose of timely and correct reaction of the subject to the new condition, but also to prevent the further spread of the disease. In this paper, the focus is on four of the many sexually transmitted diseases that exist, namely gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes genitalis and chlamydial infection as the most common. It is also crucial to raise awareness, promote vaccination and provide accessible health services with the aim of reducing infection and the impact they have on the individual

    The impact of traffic on society and the environment

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    Ovim završnim radom pokušava se ukazati na značajnost i korisnost prometa, no isto tako i štetnost istog na okoliš kao i na ljudsko zdravlje. Neophodnost prometa u današnjem svijetu je i više nego očigledno, kao i štetni i neželjeni utjecaji u zraku, tlu, vodi, klimatskim promjenama i ljudskom organizmu. No, usprkos svemu ljudi kao zajednica nastoje spriječiti buduće zagađenje te se trude naći alternative i ekološki prihvatljive metode transporta.This final work aims to highlight the significance and utility of transportion, while also adressing its adverse effects on the evironment and humans health. The necessity of transportation on today's world is more than evident, as are the harmful and undesired imapcts on the air, soil, water, climate changes and the human body. However, despite all this, people as a community strive to prevent future pollution and endeavor to find alternatives and environmentally friendly methods of transportation

    The ice navigation

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    Ekstremni klimatski uvjeti polarnih područja Arktika i Antarktike svojim iznimno niskim temperaturama zraka i smrznutim vodenim površinama predstavljaju veoma izazovno i rizično okruženje za pomorstvo. U odnosu na povijesne pokušaje plovidbe u ledu, hrabre ekspedicije ka istraživanju prohodnih ruta te kasnije otkriće sjeverozapadnog i sjeveroistočnog prolaza, sa današnjeg gledišta tehnološkog razvitka shvaćamo da su znanje i opremljenost broda tek polazište planiranja uspješne i sigurne plovidbe kroz led. Podvodne ledene površine, kompleksno međudjelovanje struja, vjetrova i magle zahtijevaju precizno planiranje plovidbe u ledu. Smanjenje nesreća u plovnim područjima s ledom, rezultat je napredne obuke pomoraca i prilagodbi konstrukcije brodova za sigurnu plovidbu.The extreme climatic conditions of the polar regions in the Arctic and Antarctica, with their exceptionally low air temperatures and frozen water surfaces, present a challenging and high-risk environment for maritime activities. In comparison to historical attempts at ice navigation, the courageous expeditions aimed at exploring navigable routes, and later the discovery of the Northwest Passage and Northeast Passage, from today's perspective of technological advancement, we understand that knowledge base and ship navigational equipment are merely the starting point for planning successful and safe the ice navigation. Submerged ice surfaces, the complex interplay of sea currents, winds, and fog necessitate precise navigation planning in ice-covered waters. Reducing maritime accidents in areas for ice navigation is the result of advanced training of seafarers and adaptations to shipbuilding for safe navigation

    Intelligent cars

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    Tijekom posljednjeg stoljeća primjećuje se porast broja ljudi koji žive u urbanim područjima, uz istodobno povećanje broja vozila i tehnološkog napretka. Ponekad ljudi čine greške u razmišljanju i donošenju odluka te odstupaju od savršenstva. Stoga potreba za pametnim autonomnim automobilima proizlazi iz visokog broja nesreća i ozljeda u prometu, koje su rezultat različitih faktora - bilo da su uzrokovane ljudskim faktorom, tehničkim problemima, lošim vremenskim uvjetima i slično. Razvoj potpuno autonomnih automobila predstavlja jedan od značajnih izazova današnjice, no unatoč tome, još uvijek ima mnogo toga što treba postići. Sigurnost u prometu ima najviši prioritet prilikom planiranja prometne infrastrukture, sredstava i načina kretanja ljudi. Autonomni automobili još uvijek nisu postigli potrebnu funkcionalnost i sposobnost donošenja samostalnih odluka. Ovaj razvoj prolazi kroz šest razina autonomije kako bi se na kraju ostvario cilj - potpuno autonomno vozilo koje funkcionira samostalno. Međutim, većina ljudi još uvijek ne bi bila spremna prepustiti se potpuno autonomnom vozilu za putovanje od točke A do točke B, a to je uglavnom zbog brige o sigurnosti i pouzdanosti takvih vozila. U ovom istraživanju, analiziraju se svi aspekti sustava i algoritama koji stoje iza autonomnih vozila. Također, istražuju se različiti senzori te primjena umjetne inteligencije kao ključnog čimbenika budućeg razvoja ovih vozila.During the last century, there has been an increase in the number of people living in urban areas, with a simultaneous increase in the number of vehicles and technological progress. Sometimes people make mistakes in thinking and decision-making and deviate from perfection. Therefore, the need for smart autonomous cars stems from the high number of accidents and injuries in traffic, which are the result of various factors - whether they are caused by the human factor, technical problems, bad weather conditions and the like. The development of fully autonomous vehicles represents one of the significant challenges of today, but despite this, there is still much to be achieved. Traffic safety has the highest priority when planning traffic infrastructure, means and ways of people's movement. Autonomous cars have not yet achieved the necessary functionality and ability to make independent decisions. This development goes through six levels of autonomy to achieve the goal - a fully autonomous vehicle that functions independently. However, most people still would not be willing to commit to a fully autonomous vehicle to get from point A to point B, due to concerns about the safety and reliability of such vehicles. In this research, all aspects of the systems and algorithms behind autonomous vehicles are analyzed. Also, various sensors and the application of artificial intelligence are being researched as a key factor in the future development of these vehicles


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