80471 research outputs found

    Intrattenimento green. Il tema della sostenibilità nei programmi unscripted

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    Nell’ambito degli studi sui media, uno dei temi di ricerca che ha acquisito particolare rilievo nel corso del nuovo Millennio riguarda la relazione tra media e territori: la prospettiva che alimenta l’attenzione su questa coppia di concetti, testimoniata dalla ricchezza crescente di studi e ricerche, è stata guidata dall’obiettivo di cogliere quali siano gli effetti concreti, visibili, misurabili sui territori e le location coinvolti nelle produzioni mediatiche. Obiettivo del saggio è di approfondire la presenza del tema della sostenibilità all’interno di un’area meno indagata della produzione televisiva italiana, ossia i programmi originali unscripted della televisione italiana degli anni Duemila

    La cittadinanza: un percorso storico in continua evoluzione

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    Nel corso dei secoli il termine cittadinanza ha avuto la funzione di definire il suo ambito di applicazione a gruppi di persone ben distinte, mentre oggi, dopo un lungo percorso storico soggetto a evoluzioni e rotture multiple, la medesima parola si distingue per una polisemia ormai difficilmente delineabile che, in alcune sue applicazioni, tende a offrirsi in un’accezione addirittura universale. In questa trama complessa, gli excursus storici sono fondamentali e evidenziano un aspetto importante e peculiare di tutto il processo e cioè che la cittadinanza, come paradigma storico, è un concetto che va pensato all’interno di una storia quasi esclusivamente europea, dove quel patrimonio di tipologie al quale attinge la moderna cittadinanza si è sviluppato concettualmente, pur definendosi nel complesso per contrasto rispetto a quelle esperienze passate.Mais qu’est-ce que l’on entend par citoyenneté ? Au cours des siècles ce terme a eu pour fonction de définir son domaine d’application à des groupes d’individus bien distincts, alors qu’aujourd’hui, après un long parcours historique sujet à des évolutions et ruptures multiples, le même mot se distingue par une polysémie qui est désormais difficile à définir et qui, dans certains de ses emplois, a tendance à proposer une acception qui est tout-à-fait universelle. Dans cette trame complexe, les excursus historiques sont fondamentaux et mettent en évidence un aspect important et spécifique de tout le processus et par conséquent que la citoyenneté s’est développée de façon conceptuelle, en tant que paradigme historique. C’est un concept qui doit être pensé à l’intérieur d’une histoire quasi exclusivement européenne, où le patrimoine de typologies auquel s’appuie la citoyenneté moderne s’est développé de manière conceptuelle, tout en se définissant, dans l’ensemble, en contraste par rapport aux expériences passées

    Lysophosphatidylinositols Are Upregulated After Human β-Cell Loss and Potentiate Insulin Release

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    In this study, we identified new lipid species associated with the loss of pancreatic β-cells triggering diabetes. We performed lipidomics measurements on serum from prediabetic mice lacking β-cell prohibitin-2 (a model of monogenic diabetes) patients without previous history of diabetes but scheduled for pancreaticoduodenectomy resulting in the acute reduction of their β-cell mass (~50%), and patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). We found lysophosphatidylinositols (lysoPIs) were the main circulating lipid species altered in prediabetic mice. The changes were confirmed in the patients with acute reduction of their β-cell mass and in those with T2D. Increased lysoPIs significantly correlated with HbA1c (reflecting glycemic control), fasting glycemia, and disposition index, and did not correlate with insulin resistance or obesity in human patients with T2D. INS-1E β-cells as well as pancreatic islets isolated from nondiabetic mice and human donors exposed to exogenous lysoPIs showed potentiated glucose-stimulated and basal insulin secretion. Finally, addition of exogenous lysoPIs partially rescued impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in islets from mice and humans in the diabetic state. Overall, lysoPIs appear to be lipid species upregulated in the prediabetic stage associated with the loss of β-cells and that support the secretory function of the remaining β-cells

    Progression of the ascending aorta diameter after surgical or transcatheter bicuspid aortic valve replacement

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    Objectives: Ascending aorta dilatation in patients with bicuspid aortic valve is related both to genetic and haemodynamic factors. Aim of this study is to compare late progression of ascending aorta dilatation in bicuspid aortic valve patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) vs transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Methods: Data of 189 consecutive patients who underwent aortic valve replacement for severe bicuspid aortic valve stenosis were prospectively collected. Patients who underwent SAVR were compared to patients who underwent TAVI. Indication to the procedure was validated by the institutional Heart Team. Aortic diameters were evaluated by transthoracic echocardiogram. Differences between preoperative and long-term follow-up ascending aorta diameters were compared in the two groups. Results: Between January 2015 and December 2021, 143(76%) patients underwent SAVR and 46(24%) patients underwent TAVI. At 4.6 (Standard Deviation, SD 1.7) years follow-up, patients in the TAVI group showed significantly lower survival (P = 0.00013) and event-free survival (P < 0.0001). Ascending aorta diameter progression was lower in surgical compared to transcatheter patients, 0.95(0.60,1.30) mm vs 1.65(0.67, 2.63) mm, P = 0.02. Ascending aorta diameter progression indexed for body surface area and height, was lower in the surgical group: 0.72(0.38,1.05) mm/m2 vs 1.05(0.39,1.71) mm/m2 P = 0.02, and 0.59(0.36,0.81) mm/m vs 1.11(0.44,1.78) mm/m, P = 0.001, respectively. At multivariable linear regression analysis transcatheter procedure, baseline aortic diameter, and paravalvular leak were significantly associated with increased postoperative ascending aorta dilatation. Conclusions: Bicuspid aortic valve patients who underwent SAVR, showed significantly less long-term ascending aorta diameter progression than patients who underwent transcatheter procedure

    Essere famiglia: un impegno e una risorsa per la comunità

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    Nel presente contributo intendiamo proporre una lettura della famiglia come soggetto che, esprimendo capacità di cura e generando beni relazionali, può travalicare i confini privati ed estendere il senso di generatività oltre le mura domestiche. Assumendo questa prospettiva, cogliamo con preoccupazione l’acuirsi di fenomeni come l’indebolimento del valore sociale insito nell’essere famiglia e la conseguente connotazione eccessivamente privata delle relazioni familiari. Non si può lasciare nel perimetro delle mura domestiche, relegata nella sfera del privato, l’esperienza dell’essere famiglia, gravida com’è di significati etici, simbolici, affettivi, che possono arricchire la comunità, facendosi dono di risorse relazionali per la collettività. Va rimesso al centro il ruolo della famiglia come soggetto educante

    Roberto Rebora. "Saper dire: cielo"

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    Poeta, scrittore e critico teatrale, Roberto Rebora (1910-1992) è stato una delle voci più pure e isolate del Novecento italiano. A trent’anni dalla morte, questo volume collettaneo ne ricostruisce la figura, portandolo oltre l’etichetta di autore della Linea lombarda cui nel 1952 l’aveva ascritto Luciano Anceschi. Accanto all’attività di poeta, si esaminano di Rebora le traduzioni, gli scritti teatrali e le prose memoriali, generate dall’esperienza di internato nei lager nazisti, dopo il rifiuto di aderire alla Repubblica di Salò. Gli studi qui raccolti, che si valgono anche di materiali manoscritti e inediti, fanno seguito alla prima giornata di studi a lui dedicata, promossa dal Centro di ricerca “Letteratura e cultura dell’Italia unita Francesco Mattesini” e dall’Archivio della letteratura cattolica e degli scrittori in ricerca, dove dal 2018 è costituito il Fondo Roberto Rebora

    Adaptive multi-interventional trial platform to improve patient care for fibrotic interstitial lung diseases

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    Background: Fibrotic interstitial lung diseases (fILDs) are a heterogeneous group of lung diseases associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Despite a large increase in the number of clinical trials in the last 10 years, current regulatory-approved management approaches are limited to two therapies that prevent the progression of fibrosis. The drug development pipeline is long and there is an urgent need to accelerate this process. This manuscript introduces the concept and design of an innovative research approach to drug development in fILD: a global Randomised Embedded Multifactorial Adaptive Platform in fILD (REMAP-ILD). Methods: Description of the REMAP-ILD concept and design: the specific terminology, design characteristics (multifactorial, adaptive features, statistical approach), target population, interventions, outcomes, mission and values, and organisational structure. Results: The target population will be adult patients with fILD, and the primary outcome will be a disease progression model incorporating forced vital capacity and mortality over 12 months. Responsive adaptive randomisation, prespecified thresholds for success and futility will be used to assess the effectiveness and safety of interventions. REMAP-ILD embraces the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion for patients and researchers, and prioritises an open-science approach to data sharing and dissemination of results. Conclusion: By using an innovative and efficient adaptive multi-interventional trial platform design, we aim to accelerate and improve care for patients with fILD. Through worldwide collaboration, novel analytical methodology and pragmatic trial delivery, REMAP-ILD aims to overcome major limitations associated with conventional randomised controlled trial approaches to rapidly improve the care of people living with fILD

    Something new under the sun. A spatial econometric analysis of the adoption of photovoltaic systems in Italy

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    This paper analyses factors that determine the adoption of photovoltaic systems (PV) in Italy. We employ a spatial econometric approach applied to province-level data for 2015-2021 to identify the main determinants of PV adoption and to gauge both the potential bias deriving from spatial dependence and the spillover effects affecting neighboring areas in PV diffusion. We test different spatial econometric models and different types of economic, social and demographic variables. We add new regressors to consider the role of housing market dynamics (volume of sales and price of transaction) as a possible driver of PV adoption. We find that the housing market and electricity consumption are important positive determinants of PV adoption, whereas social capital and socio-demographic indicators do not provide statistical evidence of being major drivers of PV adoption. We confirm that other economic factors, like average income, can explain PV diffusion, whereas solar irradiation does not show to play a critical role. We do not find an important role of policies on energy efficiency and renewable energy in the housing sector, but our data timeframe covers a period after the very high incentives from the ‘Conto Energia’ and, at the same time, prevents us from observing the possible effects of the ‘Superbonus 110’ introduced in 2021. Moreover, our findings indicate that spatial dependence exists between neighboring areas in PV adoption, suggesting that spatial econometric models can be robust empirical approaches for interpreting PV deployment in studies at the regional or sub-regional level

    Semantica e politica del diritto delle clausole generali

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    Si affrontano gli aspetti essenziali della giustificazione dell'interpretazione delle clausole general

    An Integrative Multi-omic Analysis defines Gut Microbiota, Mycobiota and Metabolic fingerprints in Ulcerative Colitis Patients

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    Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects large intestine with superficial mucosal inflammation. A dysbiotic gut microbial profile has been associated with UC. Our study aimed to characterize the UC gut bacterial, fungal and metabolic fingerprints by omic approaches. Methods: The 16S rRNA- and ITS2-based metataxonomics and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/solid phase microextraction (GC–MS/SPME) metabolomic analysis were performed on stool samples of 53 UC patients and 37 healthy subjects (CTRL). Univariate and multivariate approaches were applied to separated and integrated omic data, to define microbiota, mycobiota and metabolic signatures in UC. The interaction between gut bacteria and fungi was investigated by network analysis. Results: In UC cohort we reported the increase of Streptococcus, Bifidobacterium, Enterobacteriaceae, TM7-3, Granulicatella, Peptostreptococcus, Lactobacillus, Veillonella, Enterococcus, Peptoniphilus, Gemellaceae, phenylethyl alcohol, and the decrease of Akkermansia, Ruminococcaceae, Ruminococcus, Gemmiger, Methanobrevibacter, Oscillospira, Coprococus, Christensenellaceae, Clavispora, Vishniacozyma, Quambalaria, hexadecane, cyclopentadecane, 5-Hepten-2-ol, 6 methyl, 3-Carene, caryophillene, p-Cresol, 2-Butenal, indole, 3-methyl-, 6-Methyl-3,5-heptadiene-2-one, 5-Octadecene, and 5-Hepten-2-one, 6 methyl. The integration of the multi-omic data confirmed the presence of a distinctive bacterial, fungal and metabolic fingerprint in UC gut microbiota. Moreover, the network analysis highlighted bacterial and fungal synergistic and/or divergent interkingdom interactions. Conclusions: In this study, we identified intestinal bacterial, fungal and metabolic UC-associated biomarkers. Furthermore, evidence on the relationships between bacterial and fungal ecosystems provides a comprehensive perspective on intestinal dysbiosis and ecological interactions between microorganisms in the framework of UC


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