80471 research outputs found

    Targeted placement for people with disabilities in Italy: a perspective from Lombardian companies

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    Purpose The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) recognizes the right of disabled people to access work. Against this legislative backdrop, this study explores the strengths and weaknesses of the Italian system of targeted placement for disabled people, based on Law 68/1999, which delegates to regional authorities the management of the labor market. The examination centers on the perspective of companies, the primary stakeholders in the inclusion of persons with disabilities within organizational structures. Design/methodology/approach The article discusses the results of focus groups conducted with 28 managers of large, medium and small enterprises in Lombardy (Italy). Qualitative analysis was employed, and the results were structured using a simplified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis, incorporating practical recommendations. Findings The analysis leads to practical suggestions to improve the entire targeted placement process at the regional level, from selection and accompaniment to evaluation, such as improving the networking of local stakeholders who deal with the inclusion of disabled people, homogeneity of the procedures in different regions, making all employees aware of diversity management, etc. The territorial network and the welfare environment are particularly important in achieving a successful targeted placement and to promote an inclusive corporate culture. Research limitations/implications This study is not representative of Italy as a whole, as it remains a qualitative investigation focused on a single region. Originality/value This contribution accomplishes an in-depth study of the law of labor inclusion of people with disabilities observed from the point of view of companies, which are still usually reluctant to integrate people with disabilities into their organizations or encounter difficulties in doing so

    The Ocean of Sopranos. Career of a castrato Singer, Luigi Marchesi (1754-1829)

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    Luigi Marchesi (1754-1829), «l'Oceano dei soprani» (The Ocean of Sopranos) — as Benedetto Frizzi (1757-1844) called him after hearing his performances in Trieste, in 1801 — was one of the most famous and most popular singers in ancien régime Europe, an outstanding star who lit up the musical world of his times. Endowed with a voice that encompassed an exceptionally wide range, and with a celebrated taste for acrobatic singing and extravagant embellishments, Marchesi soon became an almost mythological character. His biography, moreover, was linked to some striking political and philanthropical episodes that increased his fame among contemporaries and posterity: among them, his disdainful refusal to sing for Napoleon shortly after the victorious entry of the French army into Milan, on 14 May 1796. This volume represents a stage along a journey of historical reconnaissance and systematic academic research related to the famous singer

    Anisotropic Buffon’s needle problems

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    In this paper, we investigate anisotropic extensions of the classical Buffon’s needle problem. In particular, we study the cases where the angle between the needle and a fixed reference direction follows a triangular, a trapezoidal, a wrapped exponential, or a Von Mises distribution law. Within the first two cases, we examine both the oriented and non-oriented needle problems, while within the latter two cases, we study the oriented needle problem exclusively. For the examined distributions, we also determine the minimum and the maximum probabilit


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    Il contributo esamina il ruolo dell’Organismo di Vigilanza ex d.lgs. 231/2001 in relazione al sistema del whistleblowing. Il d.lgs. 24/2023 è intervenuto sulla disciplina della responsabilità amministrativa degli enti, affiancando (o sovrapponendo?) all’Organismo di Vigilanza un nuovo soggetto «autonomo»: il responsabile della gestione delle segnalazioni. A valle di un cursorio esame della normativa di riferimento, gli Autori si concentreranno sugli adempimenti che originano dal necessario dialogo tra i due soggetti.The paper examines the role of the Supervisory Board under Legislative Decree 231/2001 in relation to the whistleblowing system. Legislative Decree 24/2023 intervened in the regulation of the administrative liability of entities, placing side by side (or overlapping?) with the Supervisory Board a new “autonomous” subject: the person responsible for handling reports. Following a cursory examination of the relevant legislation, the authors will focus on the fulfillments that originate from the necessary dialogue between the two subjects

    Hindering events in psychotherapy with adolescents: A retrospective investigation of patients' recollection

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    Background: Adolescents often drop out of psychotherapy, with research indicating that almost half of adolescents abandon therapy prematurely. Authors have recommended that, in order to increase engagement and prevent dropout, it is important for clinicians to manage and maintain the therapeutic setting and the relationship. Objective: This study was designed to investigate the impact of events that hinder the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy with adolescents, with attention to the adolescents' experiences of these events, how such events were managed within the therapeutic relationship and consequences for the course of treatment. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents and young adults who experienced negative events during their treatment. Results: Following a structured thematic analysis, four main domains of hindering events were identified: (a) the nature of problems; (b) subjective experience; (c) response to the events; and (d) consequences of these events. Conclusion: While there were some similarities between hindering events in adult psychotherapy and that undertaken with adolescents, findings indicate that working with adolescents presents specific challenges associated with limited independence that is typical of this stage of life, and this has implications for clinical practice

    What’s Right: Integrating Ethics Analysis In HTA

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    Laparoscopic hepatic segmentectomy 4a for HCC on cirrhosis: Cranio-ventral approach to the middle hepatic vein

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the most frequent surgical indication for minimally invasive approach. Anatomical liver resection is considered as the gold-standard of treatment, however the anatomical resection of the posterior segments by laparoscopic approach may be complex. The major hepatic veins are known to run between the segments. For this reason, the hepatic vein guided approach is helpful for anatomical liver resection because these veins can be considered as landmarks to divide the liver parenchyma. In this approach the major hepatic vein is exposed continuously along its root. In this video, a cranio-caudal approach to the middle hepatic vein (MHV) is shown in order to perform an anatomical hepatic segmentectomy 4a for an HCC on cirrhosis. After identifying the course of the MHV and of the portal pedicle to segment 4a (P4a) by intraoperative ultrasound, P4a was intraparenchymally isolated and divided. Indocyanine greenwas intravenously injected and the negative staining showed the segmental area to be removed. Liver transection started with a cranio-caudal approach to the MHV that was isolated along its ventral side. Liver resection was performed without pedicle clamping. Postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 3. In conclusion the cranio-caudal approach, by exposing the hepatic veins from the root side to the peripheral side branches, may be considered as an effective technique for anatomical resections and safe because it avoids injuries of the veins at the level of their bifurcation

    «Poor old semi-illiterates, poor human wrecks»: women infant school teachers in early twentieth-century Italy

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    This paper examines the training of infant-school teachers in the early twentieth century. In Italy, this occupational category was long overlooked by legislators, largely due to the state’s lack of interest in pre-school education and the institutions tasked with delivering it. The few laws on infant school education that were introduced in the nineteenth century were not particularly impactful. Rather, they confirmed the status of infant schools as welfare or charitable institutions. Consequently, they entailed no new investment in the teachers who worked in these schools. The teachers thus lacked both training and proper legal and economic status. This had a negative impact on their motivation and meant that they were often poorly prepared for their work from the educational and cultural perspectives. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did the Ministry of Public Education approve regulations on obtaining a qualification to teach in infant schools. However, being qualified only became compulsory during the fascist period. Here, I set out to investigate whether the professional training pathways established during the Giolitti and fascist eras (Practical Teacher Training Schools, Method Schools, Teacher Training Schools) led to a significant improvement in the training of infant-school teachers and, consequently, made infant schools less backward in terms of the quality of education and teaching they provided. Specifically, I assess whether and to what extent the new training courses enhanced infant-school teachers’ competence and their ability to understand and apply the innovations introduced by the first Italian ministerial programs for kindergartens (1914) and by the teaching methods that, in that historical period, were being developed for preschool education. To this end, I go beyond examining institutional history, also drawing on more recent historiographical approaches. My research spans contemporary ministerial reviews of the infant school sector, as well as a source that remains to be fully exploited by historical-educational research, namely journals for infant-school teachers. The latter publications themselves played a key role in the professionalisation of teachers, as studies on the topic have shown

    Hypovitaminosis D and leukocytosis to predict cardiovascular abnormalities in children with Kawasaki disease: insights from a single-center retrospective observational cohort study

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    Introduction: An aberrant immune response involving yet unidentified environmental and genetic factors plays a crucial role in triggering Kawasaki disease (KD). Aims: To assess general and laboratory data at the onset of KD in a single-center cohort of children managed between 2003 and 2023, and retrospectively evaluate any potential relationship with the development of KD-related cardiovascular abnormalities (CVA). Patients and methods: We took into account a total of 65 consecutive children with KD (42 males, median age: 22 months, age range: 2-88 months) followed at the Department of Life Sciences and Public Health in our University; demographic data, clinical signs, and laboratory variables at disease onset, before IVIG infusion, including C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC) count, neutrophil count, platelet count, aminotransferases, natremia, albumin, total bilirubin, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Results: Twenty-one children (32.3% of the whole cohort) were found to have echocardiographic evidence of CVA. Univariate analysis showed that diagnosis of KD at <1 year or >5 years was associated with CVA (p=0.001 and p=0.01, respectively); patients with CVA had a longer fever duration, and mostly presented atypical or incomplete presentations. Interestingly, all patients with CVA had lower levels of vitamin D (less than 30 mg/dl, p=0.0001) and both higher WBC and higher neutrophil counts than those without CVA (p=0.0001 and p=0.01, respectively). Moreover, blood levels of albumin were significantly lower in KD patients with CVA compared to those without (11/21, 52% versus 13/44, 30%, p=0.02). Multiple logistic regression with correction for sex showed that serum vitamin D <30 ng/ml, WBC count >20.000/mm3, and age >60 months at KD onset were the only independent factors statistically associated with CVA. Conclusions: Hypovitaminosis D, WBC count over 20.000/mm3, and age above 5 years at KD onset have emerged as independent factors statistically associated with the occurrence of CVA

    Pedagogia e Neuroscienze in dialogo. Agisco, dunque comprendo: una ricerca-formazione della Fism di Parma

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    L'articolo presenta l'esperienza di una ricerca-formazione biennale che ha coinvolto alcuni servizi Fism di Parma e provincia. Il percorso ha permesso la creazione e condivisione di un linguaggio comune tra i servizi e il raggiungimento di alcune consapevolezza tra gli adulti circa l'importanza dell'esperienza nei servizi educativi a sostegno dello sviluppo della mente del bambinoThe article presents the experience of a two-year research-training project involving a number of Fism services in Parma and province. The course enabled the creation and sharing of a common language among services and the achievement of some awareness among adults about the importance of experience in educational services in supporting the development of the child's min


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