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74497 research outputs found
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Kustodische Sacharbeit, kuratorischer Überschuss : vergleichende Medienpolitik bei Forensic Architecture
Ausgehend von Beatrice von Bismarks Begriff der "kuratorischen Situation" untersucht Anna Polze anhand des Projekts "Shipwreck at the Threshold of Europe" die Arbeit von Forensic Architecture, wobei sie zunächst die kustodische der kuratorischen Funktion gegenüberstellt. Die kustodische Funktion besteht darin, die angeschafften oder anvertrauten Daten zu verwalten und sie ausstellbar zu machen. Auch hier geht es also um einen Umgang mit dem potentiellen 'Zuviel' an Daten. Die kustodische Arbeit geht über in eine kuratorische Arbeit, die sich auch als 'Übersetzungskette' verstehen lässt, denn die Daten werden umgewandelt, zugeordnet, eingebettet. Das Zusammenwirken beider Tätigkeiten bezeichnet Polze als "kustodische Arbeit innerhalb digitaler Medienkultur" bzw. als "Kuratieren von content" (Polze)
European ethnotypes in Chinese words : the translation and negotiation of some Western national characters in early nineteenth-century China
The "World Geography" ("Wanguo dili quanji" 萬國地理全集) published in 1844 by the Protestant missionary Karl F.A. Gützlaff was the first geographical account to introduce some European ethnotypes to China. Based on recent archival findings, my article compares this book with both its presumed Western source and its rendering in the 1847 edition of Wei Yuan 魏源's "Maps and Documents of the Maritime Countries" ("Haiguo tuzhi" 海國圖志). It thus explores the role that interlingual and intralingual transfers respectively played first in negotiating and then renegotiating two European stereotypes in their early travels to and within the Qing empire
Brill-Noether loci and strata of differentials
We prove that the projectivized strata of differentials are not contained in pointed Brill-Noether divisors, with only a few exceptions. For a generic element in a stratum of differentials, we show that many of the associated pointed Brill-Noether loci are of expected dimension. We use our results to study the Auel-Haburcak Conjecture: We obtain new non-containments between maximal Brill-Noether loci in Mg. Our results regarding quadratic differentials imply that the quadratic strata in genus 6 are uniruled
Beispiel und Regel im 18. Jahrhundert. Ein Blick in Christian Ludwigs zweisprachige Wörterbücher
Zweisprachige Wörterbücher des 18. Jahrhunderts sind eine wichtige Quelle für die Analyse impliziter stilistischer Urteile. Sie wurden einerseits, insbesondere in der zweiten Jahrhunderthälfte, von den präskriptiven Regeln der großen monolingualen Wörterbücher und Grammatiken beeinflusst, andererseits hatten sie die Aufgabe, Fremdsprachenlernern deskriptiv Gebrauchsmuster an Beispielen vorzuführen. Der Beitrag zeichnet nach, wie sich die Autoren dieser doppelten Herausforderung stellten und wie das entstehende präskriptive Regelsystem vor dem Hintergrund der Stilpluralisierung im 18. Jahrhundert zu interpretieren ist.Eighteenth-century bilingual dictionaries are an important source for the analysis of implicit stylistic judgements. On the one hand, especially in the second half of the century, they were influenced by the prescriptive rules of the great monolingual dictionaries and grammars; on the other hand, they had the task of presenting descriptive patterns of usage to foreign language learners by means of examples. The article traces how the authors met this double challenge and how the emerging prescriptive rule system is to be interpreted against the background of the pluralisation of style in the eighteenth century
Reassembly of a tropical rainforest ecosystem: a new chronosequence in the Ecuadorian Chocó tested with the recovery of tree attributes
From hunting and foraging to clearing land for agriculture, humans modify forest biodiversity, landscapes, and climate. Forests constantly undergo disturbance–recovery dynamics and understanding them is a major objective of ecologists and conservationists. Chronosequences are a useful tool for understanding global restoration efforts. They represent a space-for-time substitution approach suited for the quantification of the resistance of ecosystem properties to withstand disturbance and the resilience of these properties until reaching pre-disturbance levels. Here we introduce a newly established chronosequence with 62 plots (50 ⍰ 50 m) in active cacao plantations and pastures, early and late regeneration, and mature old-growth forests, across a 200 km2 area in the extremely wet Chocó rainforest. Our chronosequence covers by far the largest total area of plots compared to others in the Neotropics. Plots ranged from 159–615 masl in a forested landscape with 74 ± 2.8 % forest cover within a 1-km radius including substantial old-growth forest cover. Land-use legacy and regeneration time were not confounded by elevation. We tested how six forest structure variables (maximum tree height and DBH, basal area, number of stems, vertical vegetation heterogeneity, and light availability), aboveground biomass (AGB), and rarefied tree species richness change along our chronosequence. Forest structure variables, AGB, and tree species richness increased with regeneration time and are predicted to reach similar levels to those in old-growth forests after ca. 30–116, 202, and 108 yrs, respectively. Compared to previous work in the Neotropics, old-growth forests in Canandé accumulate high AGB that takes one of the largest time spans reported until total recovery. Our chronosequence comprises one of the largest tree species pools, covers the largest total area of regenerating and old-growth forests, and has higher forest cover than other Neotropical chronosequences. Hence, our chronosequence can be used to determine the time for recovery and stability (resistance and resilience) of different taxa and ecosystem functions, including species interaction networks. This integrative effort will ultimately help to understand how one of the most diverse forests on the planet recovers from large-scale disturbances
"Das Besondere an meinem Beruf: Es wird nie langweilig"
Die Ökotoxikologin Sabrina Schiwy forscht, lehrt und leitet ein Team am Institut für Ökologie, Evolution und Diversität. Profitiert hat sie auf ihrem Qualifikationsweg von einem Stipendium der Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft