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Prvo izvješće o prisutnosti potencijalno patogene bakterije Vibrio parahaemolyticus u uzgojenih dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis) istarskoga akvatorija ostvaren primjenom mikrobioloških i molekularnih metoda
Microbiological and molecular PCR techniques were used to analyse 328 samples of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) cultured in Istrian waters. Molecular testing was more effective than microbiological testing, detecting the presence of the bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus in 21.34% of samples, compared to 2.44% detected through microbiological methods. The probability of detecting the presence of this bacterium was 7.19 times higher when the sea surface temperature was above 15°C, while thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) positive samples were detected at sea temperatures above 22.5°C and 24.7°C, respectively. TDH- and TRH-positive samples constituted 10% of the total V. parahaemolyticus-positive samples. As there is no legal obligation to monitor the presence of this bacterium, consuming raw or insufficiently cooked mussels can lead to illness.Primjenom mikrobioloških i molekularnih tehnika, pretraženo je 328 uzoraka školjkaša dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis), uzgojenih na području istarskoga akvatorija. Rezultati ukazuju na smanjenu osjetljivost mikrobiološke tehnike (2.44 %) u odnosu na molekularnu dijagnostiku kojom je dokazana prisutnost bakterije V. parahaemolyticus u 21,34 % uzoraka. Izgledi za dokazivanje prisutnosti ove bakterije su 7,19 puta veći kada je površinska temperatura mora veća od 15 °C, dok su geni za kodiranje termostabilnog direktnog hemolizina (TDH) i hemolizina ovisnog o TDH (TRH) u uzorcima dokazani pri temperaturama mora iznad 22,5 °C, odnosno 24,7 °C. Udio TDH i TRH pozitivnih uzoraka iznosio je 10 % od ukupnih 70 V. parahaemolyticus-pozitivnih uzoraka. S obzirom na nedostatak zakonske obveze praćenja prisutnosti ove bakterije moguće je oboljevanje ljudi nakon konzumacije sirovih ili termički nedostatno obrađenih školjkaša
Mogućnosti primjena i učinaka silimarina na domaće životinje – pregledni rad
Silymarin is a mixture of flavonolignan fractions from the medicinal plant milk thistle, which is primarily used as a hepatoprotector in humans and animals, and acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, and antiapoptotic agent. As a dietary supplement, it is increasingly used to treat various liver diseases, some intoxications, prevent side effects of chemotherapy and protect the kidneys in dogs, birds, poultry, rabbits, cats, horses and other animals. The use of silymarin in dairy cows showed an improved biochemical profile of cows, reduced occurrence of ketosis and increased milk production. In pigs, nutrient digestibility, total average daily feed intake, and average daily weight gain improved, while in sport horses, silymarin supplementation accelerated the return of cortisol levels to pre-exercise levels. Lipidosis of the liver or fatty liver disease is a common disorder among captive parrots. After long-term administration of 100–150 mg/kg silymarin in food every 8–12 hours, the health condition improved significantly according to the testimonies of parrot owners and veterinarians. In intensive poultry production systems, silymarin is used in broilers as a hepatotonic, to improve carcass characteristics, to boost the immune system and intestinal health, and as a growth promoter, and in laying hens to improve egg quality. In addition, it mitigated the negative effects of mycotoxins in broilers,
chickens and Japanese quails. Although numerous studies are known about the effect of milk thistle and silymarin, their use on animals is not yet widespread.Silimarin je mješavina flavonolignanskih frakcija iz ljekovite biljke sikavice koja se prije svega koristi kao hepatoprotektor u ljudi i životinja, a djeluje i kao antioksidans, protuupalno, antifibrotično, antilipidno i peroksidativno sredstvo. Kao dodatak prehrani silimarin se sve više koristi za liječenje raznih bolesti jetre, nekih intoksikacija; za sprječavanje nuspojava kemoterapije te za zaštitu bubrega u: pasa, ptica, peradi, kunića, mačaka, konja i drugih životinja. Primjena silimarina u mliječnih krava poboljšava biokemijski profil krava, smanjuje pojavu ketoze i povećava količinu proizvedenog mlijeka; u svinja se poboljšava probavljivost hranjivih tvari, ukupni prosječni dnevni unos hrane i prosječni dnevni prirast težine, a u sportskih konja dodatak silimarina ubrzava povratak razine kortizola na razine prije vježbanja. Lipidoza jetre ili bolest masne jetre vrlo je čest poremećaj u papiga u zatočeništvu, a nakon dugotrajne primjene 100-150 mg/kg silimarina u hrani svakih 8-12 sati, po svjedočanstvima vlasnika papiga i veterinara zdravstveno stanje se znatno popravilo. U sustavima intenzivne proizvodnje peradi silimarin se u brojlera koristi kao hepatotonik, za poboljšanje karakteristika trupa, za poboljšanje imunološkog sustava i zdravlja crijeva i kao pospješivač rasta, a u kokoši nesilica za poboljšanje kvalitete jaja. Silimarin je ublažio i negativne učinke mikotoksina u brojlera, pilića i japanskih prepelica. Iako se provode brojna istraživanja o učinku sikavice i silimarina, njihova široka primjena na životinjama još nije iskorištena
Procjena implementacije biosigurnosnih mjera na stočarskim farmama u trima regijama Kosova
Biosecurity is a multicomponent procedure that encompasses risk analysis and management strategies relevant to human, animal and plant life, as well as environmental risk assessment. The aim of this study was to assess data related to biosecurity measures implemented by farmers on cattle, sheep and goat farms in Kosovo. A total of 36 farms from three regions of Kosovo, Pristina, Ferizaj and Peja were included. A questionnaire consisting of one open-ended question and 37 closed questions was administered directly to farmers, and the current on-farm situation was observed by the investigators. Based on the collected results, 86% of farms were cattle farms, 8% were sheep farms, and 6% were goat farms. Among all the farms visited, 67% of them operated with a combined system, 28% with a closed system and only 5% operated with an open system. The vast majority of participants (81%) declared that they did not have sufficient knowledge about the term biosecurity, whereas 11% of them were moderately familiar with the term biosecurity and only 8% of them were quite familiar with the term. 83% reported that their animals undergo a veterinary health check only when necessary. Other biosecurity measures applied less frequently included: showering before entering the farm, specific clothing and shoes for visitors, animal quarantine, disinfection and systematic plan for insect and rodent control. We propose that there is room for improving the level of on-farm biosecurity by enhancing practical training and information from local
institutions. We conclude that routine integration of biosecurity measures was not demonstrated by most farmers in their management practices and that there is significant room for improvement concerning the level of biosecurity in Kosovo.Biosigurnost je višekomponentni postupak koji obuhvaća analizu rizika i strategije upravljanja bitne za život ljudi, životinja i biljaka, kao i procjenu rizika vezanih uz okoliš. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio procijeniti podatke vezane uz biosigurnosne mjere koje provode farmeri na farmama goveda, ovaca i koza na Kosovu. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 36 farmi iz tri regije Kosova: Prištine, Uroševca i Peći. Upitnik koji se sastojao od jednog otvorenog i 37 zatvorenih pitanja primijenjen je izravno poljoprivrednicima, a istraživači su promatrali trenutnu situaciju na farmi. Na temelju prikupljenih rezultata, 86 % gospodarstava su: govedarske, 8 % ovčarske, a 6 % kozarske. Od svih posjećenih farmi, njih je: 67 % radilo je kombiniranim 28 % zatvorenim i samo 5 % otvorenim sustavom. Velika većina sudionika (81 %) izjavila je da nema dostatno znanja o pojmu biosigurnosti, dok je njih 11 % bilo osrednje upoznato, a samo 8 % njih bilo je dobro upoznato s pojmom. Njih 83 % izjavilo je da njihove životinje prolaze veterinarski zdravstveni pregled samo kada je to potrebno. Ostale biosigurnosne mjere koje su se rjeđe primjenjivale su: tuširanje prije ulaska na farmu, posebna odjeća i obuća za posjetitelje, karantena životinja, dezinfekcija i sustavni plan kontrole insekata i deratizacije. Zaključili smo da ima prostora poboljšanje razine biološke sigurnosti na farmama jačanjem praktične obuke i informacija od lokalnih institucija, ali i da većina poljoprivrednika ne pokazuje rutinsku integraciju biosigurnosnih mjera u svojim praksama upravljanja i da razina biološke sigurnosti na Kosovu ima velikih mogućnosti u poboljšanju
Procjena novih hematoloških upalnih markera (NLR, SII i SIRI) kao prediktora Sindroma sustavnog upalnog odgovora (SSUO) u pasa s psećom monocitnom erlihiozom
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is a tick-borne and fatal disease that induces a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), which underscores the importance of assessing the level of inflammation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate changes in the SII and SIRI indexes in dogs with CME based on the presence of SIRS criteria. A total of 53 dogs affected with CME and 13 healthy dogs were included in the study. Haematological data, including neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR), systemic inflammatory index (SII), and systemic inflammatory response index (SIRI), were collected and statistically compared between groups based on SIRS status. The NLR and SIRI indexes were significantly higher in dogs with CME that meet the criteria for SIRS compared to dogs without SIRS and healthy controls. In summary, monitoring the SIRI index can aid in evaluating SIRS criteria in dogs with CME, which can help improve their treatment and overall prognosis.Pseća monocitna erlihioza (CME) je smrtonosna bolest koju prenose krpelji koja prouzroči sindrom sistemskog upalnog odgovora (SSUO), što naglašava važnost procjene razine upale. U ovoj studiji, cilj nam je bio procijeniti promjene u SII i SIRI indeksima u pasa s CME na temelju prisutnosti SSUO kriterija. Uključeno je ukupno 53 pasa s CME i 13 zdravih pasa. Prikupljeni su hematološki podatci, uključujući omjer neutrofila i limfocita (NLR), sistemski upalni indeks (SII), indeks sistemskog upalnog odgovora (SIRI) te su oni statistički uspoređeni između skupina na temelju SSUO statusa. NLR i SIRI indeksi bili su značajno veći u pasa s CME koji zadovoljavaju kriterije za SSUO u usporedbi s psima iz skupine bez SSUO i iz kontrolne skupine. Zaključno, naša studija ukazuje na to da praćenje SIRI indeksa može pomoći u procjeni SSUO kriterija u pasa s CME, što može pomoći poboljšati njihovo liječenje i sveukupnu prognozu
The anatomy, micromorphology, and essential oils of the Turkish endemic and endangered species Alchemilla orduensis
In this study, the anatomical and micromorphological characteristics of the vegetative organs and the essential oil constituents of the aerial and underground parts of the local and endangered endemic species A. orduensis Pawł. were evaluated. For anatomical study, sections of root, rhizome, stem, leaves and petiole were excised and stained with safranin/fast green mixture. Leaf and petiole structures were examined micromorphologically. Essential oil contents were determined by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC-MS) analysis. The results showed that rectangular meristematic cells were present in the root. The leaf is of the bifacial and amphistomatic type. Stomata cells are of the anomocytic type. The stomatal index for the upper surface of the leaves is 0.04, while the stomatal index for the lower surface is 0.17. Druse crystals were found in the rhizome, stem and leaves. Among the various compounds identified, the most abundant groups in the aboveground parts are alcohols (39.81%) and ketones (14.99%) with 1-Octen-3-ol, 1-octan-3-one and borane- methyl sulfide complex as the main compounds. Terpenes (23.44%) and alcohols (11.82%), in which myrtenolis was the main compound, were most abundant in the underground parts
Metal heat treatment system based on the use of a cluster of networked industrial sensors
The features of the development and use of a multiprocessor computing system together with a cluster of network sensors for modeling heat treatment conditions of metal workpieces are considered. The main goal of the study is the cluster integration of industrial sensors for continuous monitoring and control of metal temperature conditions in various areas of the production process. It is proposed to connect a cluster of sensors to a modular multiprocessor system in order to increase the speed and performance of calculations, which helps to increase the efficiency of managing technological operations. In this case, the data from a network of sensors combined into a cluster are used to monitor the temperature conditions of the metal
Fourier series method for function synthesis of space RCCC mechanism
Metallurgical equipment needs to use a large number of linkage mechanism to achieve the given movement requirements, compared with the plane four-bar mechanism, the movement of the spatial mechanism is more stable, this paper through the study of the spatial RCCC mechanism, to establish a new method to realize the function synthesis of the mechanism of the algebraic solution, for the spatial mechanism in the metallurgical equipment in a wide range of applications to lay a theoretical foundation
Funkcionalna aktivnost neutrofila u krvi i imunološkog statusa junica pod utjecajem probiotika
The article is devoted to the effect of probiotics on the animal body. The purpose of the study is to study the effect of probiotics of individual strains on the functional activity of blood neutrophils and on individual parts of the immune system of the cattle body. Various probiotics are widely used in animal husbandry and make it possible to modernize existing animal husbandry regimens. The task of finding new approaches to optimizing the beneficial flora of the body is extremely relevant. The use of probiotics in livestock production is a cost-effective solution. It has been established that the use of probiotics Lactobacillus spp. and Bacillus sb. accompanied by activation of natural resistance mechanisms. Probiotics also help improve immune status, mainly due to the humoral component, tend to optimize the microbiocenosis of the colon, and have a positive effect on increasing animal productivity. The results of comprehensive studies of the state of the defense systems of the body of cattle and their changes under the influence of the drug expand and deepen the existing data on the effect of probiotics on the homeostasis of animals.Ovaj članak tematizira učinak probiotika na organizam životinja i svrha mu je proučiti učinak probiotika pojedinih sojeva na funkcionalnu aktivnost neutrofila u krvi i na pojedine dijelove imunološkog sustava organizma goveda. U širokoj uporabi su različiti probiotici i oni omogućuju modernizaciju postojećih režima u stočarstvu. Zadatak pronalaska novih pristupa optimizaciji korisne flore organizma izuzetno je važan. Uporaba probiotika u stočarskoj proizvodnji je ekonomično rješenje i utvrđeno je da je uporaba probiotika Lactobacillus spp. i Bacillus sb. popraćena aktivacijom mehanizama prirodne otpornosti. Probiotici pomažu poboljšati i imunološki status, uglavnom zahvaljujući humoralnoj komponenti, a imaju i tendenciju optimizacije mikrobiocenoze debelog crijeva te imaju pozitivan učinak na povećanje produktivnosti životinja. Rezultati opsežnih studija stanja obrambenih sustava tijela goveda i
njihovih promjena pod utjecajem lijeka proširuju i produbljuju postojeće podatke o učinku probiotika na homeostazu životinja
Micropropagation and optimisation of in vitro production of the rare and threatened moss Entosthodon pulchellus (Funariaceae)
The establishment of axenic cultures and the propagation of the rare moss Entosthodon pulchellus (H. Philip.) Brugués (Funariaceae), as well as the optimisation of its ex situ growth conditions and rapid biomass production were the goals of this study. The results obtained also provide insights into the developmental biology of this moss in in vitro conditions, particularly regarding basal media contents with or without supplements of selected plant growth regulators or sugars, i.e. its nutritional needs. The procedure for establishing axenic cultures of this rare and threatened moss species is described. The optimisation protocol of the growth and production conditions is elaborated. The spore germinability of dried herbarium samples remained rather high in the tested laboratory conditions. Suitability tests on different media types showed KNOP basal media to be the best fit for the rapid biomass production of both secondary protonemata and leafy gametophores, without the addition of sugars or plant growth regulators. However, sugar, namely sucrose, induced rapid and massive protonemal development and can be used when this developmental stage is needed
Međusobni utjecaj reproduktivnog statusa, dobi i osobnosti konja na ostvarivanje punog atletskog potencijala u natjecanjima u preponskom jahanju
The study analysed the results of showjumping competitions of 41 warmblood horses of varying reproductive status, age and personality. In total, 8 stallions, 18 mares, and 15 geldings were included. Horses were divided in the following age groups: young horses 4-7 years old (n=15), mature horses 8-13 years old (n=13) and older horses 14-20 years old (n=13). Horses were also divided according to dominant personality component, obtained by questionnaires: excitability (n=4), protection (n=7), sociability (n=15), curiosity (n=9), horses without a dominant personality component (n=6). Horses in this study were compared to the results of showjumping competitions of the Croatian Equestrian Federation in the past two consecutive years, considering data from 80 classes, 44 tournaments and 3280 starts. The Winter Cup (1.10-1.3) was considered the time of absence of cyclicity in mares while the Summer Cup (1.3-1.10) was considered the full season of reproductive cyclicity of mares. The aim of the study was to determine correlations between the dominant personality component, reproductive status and age of the horse in obtaining optimal results in showjumping competitions. Based on the results, the dominant personality component positively influences the horse’s success in showjumping
(ranking, penalties). Excitable horses had the poorest results, especially during the reproductive season (P<0.05). Protective horses had the best results regardless of season. It is likely that determination of the dominant
personality component could help in better selection of showjumping horses. Geldings had the least seasonal variations, while mares had significantly better results out of season (P<0.05). Stallions also had better results out of season, though the difference was not statistically significant. Recommendations include introducing methods of cycle blockage in mares to improve focus and results in all categories. Contrary to expectations, older horses (14-20 years old) obtained better results than mature horses (8-13 years old). Further research of all observed parameters on a significantly higher sample of showjumpers is required to determine whether the findings here could be applied to the complete population of warmblood horses used in showjumping competitions in Croatia and abroad.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi postoji li
veza između osobnosti, reproduktivnog statusa
i dobi u ostvarivanju optimalnih rezultata u preponskom
jahanju U istraživanju je analiziran 41
konj toplokrvnog tipa različitog reproduktivnog
statusa, dobi i osobnosti i njihovi rezultati u natjecanjima
u preponskom jahanju u 2 sezone. Ukupno
je korišteno 8 pastuha, 18 kobila i 15 kastrata.
Konji su podijeljeni u skupine prema dobi: mladi
konji 4-7 godina (n=15) zreli konji stari 8-13 godina
(n=13) i stariji konji u dobi 14-20 godina (n=13).
Treća podjela bila je prema dominantnoj karakternoj
komponenti određenoj prema upitnicima po
Loydu: Ekscitabilni konji (n=4), zaštitnički nastrojeni
konji (n=7), društveno nastrojeni konji (n=15)
i dominantno znatiželjni konji (n=9), konji bez
dominantne osobine (n=6). Istraživani konji su uspoređivani
na temelju rezultatskih lista Hrvatskog konjičkog Saveza. Ukupno su bili dostupni rezultati
s 80 utakmica, odnosno 44 turnira koja su održana
tijekom Zimskog i Ljetnog kupa. Korišteni su
podatci za 3280 startova. Zimski kup (01.10-01.03)
odvijao se u vrijeme kad konji nisu spolno aktivni,
dok su za vrijeme Ljetnog kupa (01.03-01.10) kobile
bile u ciklusu i redovito su se tjerale. Na temelju
statističke obrade podataka i njihove interpretacije
razvidno je da osobnost konja utječe na njihovu
uspješnost u smislu postignutog plasmana i broja
kaznenih bodova. Konji ekscitabilnog karaktera
postizali su najlošije rezultate što je osobito bilo izraženo
za vrijeme sezone spolne aktivnosti kobila
(P<0.05). Dominantno zaštitnički nastrojeni konji
postigli su najbolje rezultate, bez obzira na spolnu
sezonu. Vrlo je vjerojatno da bi određivanje dominantne
karakterne komponente prije uvođenja konja
u sport moglo pomoći odabiru konja prikladnih za postizanje najboljih rezultata. Kastrati su prema
postignutim kaznenim bodovima i ostvarenim
rezultatima tijekom i izvan sezone najmanje varirali,
dok su kobile imale značajno bolje rezultate
izvan sezone spolne aktivnosti (P<0.05). Pastusi
su također postizali bolje rezultate izvan sezone
spolne aktivnosti, ali navedena razlika nije bila
statistički značajna. Stoga bi kontrola ciklusa u
smislu blokade ciklusa kobila, povoljno utjecala na
postignute rezultate u svih promatranih dobnih i
spolnih skupina konja. Suprotno očekivanjima
konji srednje dobi (9-13 godina) postizali su slabije
rezultate od konja starijih od 13 godina. Potrebno
je dodatno istražiti sve promatrane parametre na
znatno većem broju sportskih konja svih dobnih i
spolnih kategorija kako bi se utvrdilo u kojoj mjeri
naši zaključci mogu biti primjenjivi na kompletnu
populaciju konja toplokrvnog tipa koji se koriste
za natjecanja u preponskom jahanju u Republici
Hrvatskoj, a i u drugim državama