150550 research outputs found
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Recommendations of the Spanish Antibiogram Committee (COESANT) for in vitro susceptibility testing of antimicrobial agents by disk diffusion
Disk diffusion is a well standardized method that provides reliable categorical results to guide antimicrobial therapy in numerous types of infections. Based on the guidelines of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST), which are widely implemented in Spain, the Spanish Antibiogram Committee (COESANT) has drawn up recommendations for antimicrobial selection by the disk diffusion technique, including selective reporting and its use for the detection of resistance mechanisms. Factors affecting disk diffusion results, along with advantages and shortcomings of the method, are also discussed.La difusión con discos es un método estandarizado que proporciona resultados fiables para guiar la terapia antimicrobiana en numerosos tipos de infecciones. En base a las directrices del European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST), ampliamente implantadas en España, el Comité Español del Antibiograma (COESANT) ha elaborado recomendaciones para la selección de antimicrobianos para ser estudiados mediante la técnica de difusión con discos, su notificación selectiva en el informe de sensibilidad y su uso para la detección de mecanismos de resistencia. También se discuten los factores que afectan los resultados obtenidos mediante la técnica de difusión con discos junto con las ventajas y desventajas del método
Finite element modelling of sound transmission in the Weberian apparatus of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Zebrafish, an essential vertebrate model, has greatly expanded our understanding of hearing. However, one area that remains unexplored is the biomechanics of the Weberian apparatus, crucial for sound conduction and perception. Using micro-computed tomography (μCT) bioimaging, we created three-dimensional finite element models of the zebrafish Weberian ossicles. These models ranged from the exact size to scaled isometric versions with constrained geometry (1 to 10 mm in ossicular chain length). Harmonic finite element analysis of all 11 models revealed that the resonance frequency of the zebrafish's Weberian ossicular chain is approximately 900 Hz, matching their optimal hearing range. Interestingly, resonance frequency negatively correlated with size, while the ratio of peak displacement and difference of resonance frequency between tripus and scaphium remained constant. This suggests the transmission efficiency of the ossicular chain and the homogeneity of resonance frequency at both ends of the chain are not size-dependent. We conclude that the Weberian apparatus's resonance frequency can explain zebrafish's best hearing frequency, and their biomechanical characteristics are not influenced by isometric ontogeny. As the first biomechanical modelling of atympanic ear and among the few non-human ear modelling, this study provides a methodological framework for further investigations into hearing mechanisms and the hearing evolution of vertebrates
Ordinary primes for some varieties with extra endomorphisms
Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field and of dimension g. When g ≤ 2, by the recent work of Sawin, we know the exact (nonzero) value of the density of the set of primes which are ordinary for A. In higher dimension very little is known. We show that if g = 3 and A has multiplication by an imaginary quadratic field E, then there exists a nonzero density set of ordinary primes for A. We reach the same conclusion if g = 4 and the pair (A, E) has signature (2, 2). We also obtain partial results when g = 3 and A has multiplication by a totally real cubic field. We show that our methods also apply to certain abelian varieties of Albert type IV of higher dimension. These results are derived from an extended version of the '-adic methods of Katz, Ogus, and Serre in the presence of extra endomorphisms
∞ -operads as symmetric monoidal ∞ -categories
We use Lurie's symmetric monoidal envelope functor to give two new descriptions of ∞-operads: as certain symmetric monoidal ∞-categories whose underlying symmetric monoidal ∞-groupoids are free, and as certain symmetric monoidal ∞-categories equipped with a symmetric monoidal functor to finite sets (with disjoint union as tensor product). The latter leads to a third description of ∞-operads, as a localization of a presheaf ∞-category, and we use this to give a simple proof of the equivalence between Lurie's and Barwick's models for ∞-operads
La llei estatal 12/2023, de 24 de maig, por el derecho a la vivienda : les novetats més destacades i la seva incidència sobre el lloguer d'habitatges a Catalunya
L'article analitza la llei estatal 12/2023, de 24 de maig, por el derecho a la vivienda, publicada al BOE de 24 de maig. S'estudien les seves novetats més rellevants pel que fa a diferents aspectes relacionats amb la regulació de l'actuació dels poders públics i de les relacions entre particulars en l'àmbit de l'habitatge, parant especial esment en la seva incidència sobre aspectes de lloguer, com ara el topall de preus en les anomenades per la llei zones de mercat residencial tensionat o, en l'àmbit de l'urbanisme, l'obligació de dedicar el 50 % de les reserves per habitatge protegit a lloguer, entre d'altres
Short communication : Comparing the microbiota diversity from the core, middle part and rind of six Spanish commercial goat cheeses
Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe cheese core has a lower oxygen saturation and salinity and a higher acidity than the rind, but there is controversy about the incidence of such factors on the magnitude of microbial diversity. The goal of the current work was to investigate the existence of differences in α-diversity between the core, middle part, and rind of six Spanish commercial cheeses through a sequencing approach. To this end, we have collected rind, middle part, and core samples from fresh (H and M), soft semi-ripened (C and P), hard semi-ripened (B) and semi-hard aged (G) goat cheeses. After purifying deoxyribonucleic acid from these 18 samples, the V3-V4 ultravariable region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced. The analysis of microbial composition revealed that lactic acid bacteria from the genera Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Leuconostoc are predominant in all six goat cheeses. Furthermore, we identified several psychrophilic taxa often associated with the post-pasteurization contamination of refrigerated milk. Comparison of three α-diversity estimators (Chao1, Shannon and Faith's phylogenetic diversity indices) of microbiota in the core, middle part, and rind of all six goat cheeses did not reveal substantial differences, being only significant (at the nominal level) the comparison of rind vs middle part for the Shannon index (P-value = 0.031). Moreover, the construction of a dendrogram based on Aitchison distances revealed that cheese samples cluster according to their manufacturing characteristics, with a clear distinction between fresh vs semi-ripened or aged cheeses. We conclude that the magnitude of microbial α-diversity in the cheese core is similar to that in the rind despite their different physicochemical attributes. This result could be because physicochemical differences between cheese compartments are often attenuated during cheese ripening
Corrigendum : Feasibility of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antigen self-testing in school and summer camp attendees
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fped.2022.975454.]
Ensayos en torno a una crítica de la mirada : reflexiones sobre las imágenes fotográficas de la dictadura militar en los documentales brasileños recientes (2000-2023)
Aquesta investigació analitza diferents formes com les imatges fotogràfiques de la dictadura militar brasilera (1964-1985) són incorporades en les narratives de documentals realitzats entre 2000 i 2023. Considerant les potencialitats estètiques i narratives que travessen el camp visual, discuteixo diferents formes d'articulació del coneixement a través del muntatge cinematogràfic; com les inscripcions històriques deixen empremta en les imatges; el lloc de les imatges en la construcció d'un imaginari entorn de la dictadura i en les disputes contemporànies sobre la memòria del període; i les estratègies utilitzades pels documentals per visualitzar la violència i l'autoritarisme.Esta investigación analiza distintas formas cómo las imágenes fotográficas de la dictadura militar brasileña (1964-1985) son incorporadas en las narrativas de documentales realizados entre 2000 y 2023. Considerando las potencialidades estéticas y narrativas que atraviesan el campo visual, discuto diferentes formas de articulación del conocimiento a través del montaje cinematográfico; cómo las inscripciones históricas dejan huella en las imágenes; el lugar de las imágenes en la construcción de un imaginario en torno a la dictadura y en las disputas contemporáneas sobre la memoria del periodo; y las estrategias utilizadas por los documentales para visibilizar la violencia y el autoritarismo.This research analyzes various ways in which photographic images of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) are incorporated into the narratives of documentaries produced between 2000 and 2023. By considering the aesthetic and narrative potentials that traverse the visual field, I discuss different forms of knowledge articulation through film editing; how historical inscriptions leave imprints on the images; the role of images in constructing an imaginary around the dictatorship and in contemporary disputes regarding the memory of the period; and the strategies used by documentaries to make violence and authoritarianism visible
Anàlisi de la política urbanística Superilla Barcelona : sostenibilitat a les ciutats
El Treball de Fi de Grau "Anàlisi de la política urbanística Superilla Barcelona: Sostenibilitat a les Ciutats" es basa en el paper de les ciutats avui dia i la seva relació amb la sostenibilitat per a analitzar les qüestions a les quals la política Superilla Barcelona respon. Les implicacions que les ciutats comporten per a la transició ecològica, la governança urbana com a eina per al desenvolupament sostenible, i el què significa ser una ciutat sostenible, defineixen el marc teòric en què es desenvolupa la política urbanística. S'estudia, a partir de l'entrevista i al recerca bibliogràfica, els seus orígens, implementació i mapa d'actors durant el desenvolupament, amb especial èmfasi a les problemàtiques a les quals dona resposta: la transició ecològica, el dret a l'espai públic, i la necessitat de cuida en xarxa i proximitat.El Trabajo de Fin de Grado "Análisis de la política urbanística Superilla Barcelona: Sostenibilidad en las Ciudades" se basa en el papel de las ciudades hoy en día y su relación con la sostenibilidad para analizar las cuestiones a las que responde la política Superilla Barcelona. Las implicaciones que las ciudades conllevan para la transición ecológica, la gobernanza urbana como herramienta para el desarrollo sostenible, y lo que significa ser una ciudad sostenible, definen el marco teórico en el que se desarrolla la política urbanística. Se estudian, a partir de la entrevista y la investigación bibliográfica, sus orígenes, implementación y mapa de actores durante el desarrollo, con especial énfasis en las problemáticas a las que da respuesta: la transición ecológica, el derecho al espacio público, y la necesidad de cuidado en red y proximidad.The Thesis "Analysis of the Urban Policy Superilla Barcelona: Sustainability in Cities" is based on the role of cities today and their relationship with sustainability to analyze the issues addressed by the Superilla Barcelona policy. The implications that cities have for the ecological transition, urban governance as a tool for sustainable development, and what it means to be a sustainable city, define the theoretical framework in which urban policy is developed. The study, based on interviews and bibliographic research, examines its origins, implementation, and actor map during the development, with special emphasis on the issues it addresses: the ecological transition, the right to public space, and the need for care networks and proximity