Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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166 research outputs found
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Impact of Indonesia's ICT Development on Economic Growth
This study examined the influence of Indonesia's information and communication technology (ICT) development on the country's economic growth both in the short term and long term using a systematic literature review methodology. Systematic searches in several databases (Springer, Scopus, Science Gate, Science Direct, Sinta, Routledge Francis & Taylor, and other International Conferences). The included papers are 24 peer-reviewed studies. Results showed a positive impact of ICT development in Indonesia on economic growth both in the short-run and long-run periods. The impact is also indicated by total factor productivity, human capital resources, and capital per worker. However, there's an inequality of income found in Indonesia regarding the development of ICT
Development of Electronic Textbook for Accounting Learning Evaluation Course
This study aims to examine the process of developing electronic textbooks for accounting learning evaluation courses to improve the quality of learning in accounting education study programs. The study followed Research and Development (R & D) with the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The students of the accounting education program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya were involved in this research. The findings indicated that electronic textbooks for accounting learning obtained very good responses with very appropriate interpretation criteria according to studentsβ needs. For this matter, this product is expected to be an alternative teaching material for students to enhance material understanding, learning independence, and learning motivation in the online course process of accounting learning evaluatio
The Influence of Green Intellectual Capital on Sustainable SMEs
Environmental degradation is a global issue that invites attention from various groups, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs). To preserve the environment and build a sustainable business, it is necessary to optimize environmentally friendly resources. Green intellectual capital, which includes green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital, can be practiced by SMEs in maintaining sustainable business. The research aims to empirically prove the influence of green intellectual capital on sustainable SMEs. The research adopted a quantitative method with a self-administered survey. The research sample consisted of 157 respondents who were SMEs in Madiun of Indonesia. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using Smart-PLS 3.0 to prove the hypothesis. The results show that green human capital and green relational capital do not have a significant influence on sustainable SMEs. Meanwhile, green structural capital has a significant influence on sustainable SMEs. This implies that SMEs must pay attention to the internal organizational management system in practicing environmentally businesses
Digital Transformation: The Role of the Big Five Personality Traits
This study aimed to investigate the role of the big five personality qualities in mediating the relationship between digital transformation and team member performance. The world of education is feeling the effects of digital transformation, a significant phenomenon that the industry cannot avoid. The presence of digital transformation causes modifications in traditional operations to be digitized. This shift in change affects team member performance. This survey included 83 elementary to middle school teachers and education staff from the Marsudirini Foundation's Yogyakarta branch. The hypothesis was tested using PLS-SEM in this study, which used a mixed method. The hypothesis testing results revealed that digital transformation has a beneficial effect on team member performance. When the role of moderation is tested, it is discovered that extraversion and neuroticism personality types do not significantly affect the relationship between digital transformation and team member performance. Meanwhile, as moderating variables, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness personality types strongly negatively affect the association between digital transformation and team member performance. Informant interviews corroborate the survey results, highlighting the insignificant effect of extraversion and neuroticism personality types.
The SMEs Funding Decisions through the Islamic Equity Crowdfunding Platform
Islamic Equity Crowdfunding is currently an alternative sharia-based financing for SMEs. In Indonesia, the Islamic Equity Crowdfunding platform began to appear in 2021, and has been growing until now. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the funding decision of SMEs in the Halal Food Industry through the Islamic Equity Crowdfunding platform. Data was collected from SMEs in Indonesia by surveying 200 respondents, namely businesses in halal food. In this study the data obtained will be analyzed using the partial least squares technique which refers to the theory of planned behavior. The results showed that the decision of SMEs in seeking funding through Islamic Equity Crowdfunding was influenced by Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, Product Knowledge, and Religiosity, but Intention was not influenced by Attitude.
The Impact of Reward System on Job Satisfaction and In-role Performance among Lecturers in Indonesia
The current study attempts to analyze the effect of the reward system (intrinsic and extrinsic) on job satisfaction and in-role performance. Moreover, the expected effect of job satisfaction and in-role performance was also tested. This research focuses on all permanent lecturers at private universities in Makassar under the Institute for Higher Education Services Region IX (LLDIKTI IX). Self-administered online questionnaires were designed and distributed to respondents who met the judgment sampling criteria. The 220 respondents were determined as primary data and then tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis based on partial least squares (PLS). The founding statistically stated that intrinsic rewards positively and significantly affect lecturer in-role performance and job satisfaction. Extrinsic rewards have a significant effect on in-role performance but are not significant on lecturer job satisfaction. Furthermore, the mutual relationship between in-role performance-job satisfaction was confirmed and supported. These findings provide the latest insights into productive human resource planning strategies in higher education in Indonesia.
Factors of Indonesia Economic Growth (2017-2022)
Economic growth is measured by changes in a countryβs Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which can be unraveled into the population and economic elements. This research is conducted to find trends and identify publications on economic growth in Indonesia in the 2017β2022 period. The data collection techniques by downloading files from the Scopus database to see publication trends with the highest number of documents, ranking classifications of institutions or universities, journals, and documents, and using shared keywords. The method used is bibliometric analysis. A total of 168 documents collected from the Publish or Perish (PoP) application using the Scopus database were combined into one file in RIS format and entered into the VOSviewer application to obtain network visualization and overlay visualization. The study results show that the trend of publications related to economic growth in Indonesia for the last six years has decreased yearly. The highest number of documents is in the βInternational Journal of Energy Economics and Policy,β with 20 documents, followed by the Haseeb (2019) article, totaling 120 citations. Based on the keywords that have been visualized, several keywords are factors of economic growth in Indonesia from 2017 to 2022, namely Energy Consumption, Investment, CO2 Emissions, Education, GDP, Inflation, FDI, Exchange Rate, Export, Government Expenditure, Income Inequality, Inequality, Human Capital, Human Development Index, and Sustainable Development.
Analysis of South Korea's Macroeconomic Development with the Vector Error Correction Model
This study examines the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Import (IMP), Inflation (INF), and Unemployment (UNP) in South Korea using the panel vector error correction model (VECM), cointegration, and Granger. VECM is used to analyze the relationship or causality between variables involved in this research in the short and long run. From the estimation results, especially on the variables of interest, there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between Gross Domestic Product, Import, Inflation, and Unemployment, which refers more to short-term causality. Impulse Response Function analysis is used to determine the impact between variables where the results that had a positive effect during the Covid-19 pandemic were import shocks to GDP and unemployment shocks to GDP, while those that had a negative impact were inflation rate shocks to GDP in South Korea during the Covid-19 pandemic
Financial Literacy, Educational Background, and Materialistic Among Gen Z in Indonesia
This study aims to determine the influence of financial literacy, gender, and educational background on the materialism of Generation Z Indonesians in 2022. Data were gathered by surveying 592 respondents and analysed with the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method, resulting in three main findings. First, the influence of financial literacy is proven to reduce materialism significantly. Second, there is no difference between males and females in the materialism they believe in. Third, there is an influence of educational background on materialism. This study also finds that students with an economic and business education background are more materialistic than non-economic and business students. Furthermore, the findings of this study indicate that knowledge of financial concepts, products, and services is not enough to reduce materialism. Therefore, interventions are needed to encourage the financial attitude or individual perception of long-term finances, which is essential for achieving financial resilience and financial well-being, especially for Generation Z Indonesians.
Determining Economic Growth and Life Expectancy Linkages in Indonesia: A Simultanous Equation Model
Life expectancy become the main indicators of the health parameters in the population and development process. However, there is a relationship between life expectancy and growth which is represented by the inconsistency of previous studies. This study aims to reveal a linkage between life expectancy and economic growth, and analyzing factors that influence both of them. Two-Stage Least Square (2SLS) was used for simultaneous modelling equations to fill the existing literature gaps. Based on the 2SLS estimation relationship, it was found that there is a simultaneous relationship of life expectancy economic growth. Furthermore, it was found economic growth was significantly influenced by the decreasing dependency ratio, unemployment rate, and poverty. Furthermore, life expectancy is positively influenced by health spending and significantly decreases by the increased poverty rate. Therefore, mortality and carbon emissions had insignificant adverse effect. However, poverty and carbon emissions had a negative had insignificant adverse effect. This result suggests the government formulate policies to prioritize larger budget allocations in the education sector as a safety net program, cash transfers, and labor pensions