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Política externa como ação afirmativa
Ano de 2005. Temia-se que a recém-(re) inaugurada política do Brasil para a África não resistiria a uma mudança de governo. Lula completou dois mandatos e seu nome ficou associado a uma inédita prioridade conferida ao continente africano. Tratava-se, em sua origem, de uma “volta à África”. Passados cerca de quinze anos, a África vive um “boom” diplomático com a abertura de 320 novas embaixadas em seu território entre 2010 e 2016. No plano bilateral, segundo o FMI, o Brasil perdeu, de 2006 a 2018, sete posições no comércio com a África Subsaariana, enquanto Turquia e Indonésia ganharam, respectivamente, 7 e 8 posições. Mingua a política africana do Brasil assim como perdem momentum as políticas públicas de promoção da igualdade racial e sofrem evidentes ataques as pautas identitárias da população brasileira afrodescendente. Neste livro, pela primeira vez na literatura sobre a PEB, a autora aponta a vinculação entre as relações Brasil – África e a promoção da igualdade racial no Brasil, propondo a acadêmicos, a militantes do Movimento Negro e a lideranças políticas comprometidas com a luta contra o racismo no Brasil um debate informado em benefício de avanços conceituais no estudo, na formulação e execução da Política Externa do Brasil para a África
Measuring Everyday Life
Why do people act as they do? How can we improve our health and well-being? What can the past tell us about our future? Research can help us address such questions, but the journey to finding answers can be challenging and full of adventure. Curated from interviews featured on the public radio show, The Measure of Everyday Life, this collection reveals ways that we can ask useful questions. The book also offers insights from behind the scenes of social science research, communication campaigns and interventions, and community engagement projects. A wide range of audiences—including anyone interested in applying academic research to practical projects, new graduate students, and undergraduate students learning about research—should find useful material in the collection.Publishe
Graphene for Electronics
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice. Graphene's unique properties of thinness and conductivity have led to global research into its applications as a semiconductor. With the ability to well conduct electricity at room temperature, graphene semiconductors could easily be implemented into the existing semiconductor technologies and, in some cases, successfully compete with the traditional ones, such as silicon. This reprint presents very recent results in the physics of graphene, which can be important for applying the material in electronics
Oil Palm Fertilization Guide
Intended as guide for designing the fertilization system in oil palm plantations, this book explains in clear language how to define fertilizer recommendations for each plantation, considering the specific characteristics of each site. The authors present the principles for interpreting the results of plant tissue analysis, mainly leaflets, taking into account the influence of factors specific to each plantation (age, plant material, climate, soil). They detail how to experimentally determine site-specific reference levels of mineral elements and sampling rules for monitoring the nutritional status of the plantation. Priority is given to the most specific facies (soil, plant material) of the planted areas rather than to an average representation of the plots. This guide explains how to create fertilization schedules to achieve optimal leaf contents from experimentation, and to compare these data with information from geographic information systems. This decision support system is designed to be valid in all situations. In addition to the economic optimization of fertilization, environmental concerns are considered: soil health and absorption efficiency must be integrated into the fertilization strategy by optimizing cultivation practices for fertilizer application and organic matter management. This guide is illustrated by numerous examples from trials in various soil, climate and plant material conditions in Africa and Latin America
Fungal Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology
We are honored and privileged to edit this Special Issue, “Fungal Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology: A Themed Issue Dedicated to Academician Wen-Ying Zhuang”. In this Special Issue, we are pleased to publish a comprehensive assemblage of 23 papers covering fungal taxonomy, phylogeny, and ecology, in which 76 new taxa from a broad taxonomic group and different ecological habitats are reported
Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage
The museum and heritage sector has been shaken by debates over how to address colonialism, migration, Islamophobia, LGBTI+ and multiple other forms of difference. This major multi-researcher ethnography of museums and heritage in Berlin provides new insight into how ›diversity‹ is understood and put into action in museums and heritage. Exploring new initiatives and approaches, the book shows how these work - or do not - in practice. By doing so, it highlights ways forward - for research and action - for the future. The fieldwork locations on which this book is based include the Humboldt Forum, the Museum of Islamic Art, the Museum für Naturkunde, and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, as well as Berlin streets and protests
Forecasting CO2 Sequestration with Enhanced Oil Recovery
The aim of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere and to mitigate its effects on climate change. Over the years, naturally occurring CO2 sources have been utilized in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects in the United States. This has presented an opportunity to supplement and gradually replace the high demand for natural CO2 sources with anthropogenic sources. There also exist incentives for operators to become involved in the storage of anthropogenic CO2 within partially depleted reservoirs, in addition to the incremental production oil revenues. These incentives include a wider availability of anthropogenic sources, the reduction of emissions to meet regulatory requirements, tax incentives in some jurisdictions, and favorable public relations. The United States Department of Energy has sponsored several Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSPs) through its Carbon Storage program which have conducted field demonstrations for both EOR and saline aquifer storage. Various research efforts have been made in the area of reservoir characterization, monitoring, verification and accounting, simulation, and risk assessment to ascertain long-term storage potential within the subject storage complex. This book is a collection of lessons learned through the RCSP program within the Southwest Region of the United States. The scope of the book includes site characterization, storage modeling, monitoring verification reporting (MRV), risk assessment and international case studies
Current Insights on Lipid-Based Nanosystems
Lipid-based nanosystems, including solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs), cationic lipid nanoparticles, nanoemulsions, and liposomes, have been extensively studied to improve drug delivery through different administration routes. The main advantages of these systems are their ability to protect, transport, and control the release of lipophilic and hydrophilic molecules (either small-molecular-weight molecules or macromolecules); the use of generally recognized as safe (GRAS) excipients that minimize the toxicity of the formulations; and the possibility to modulate pharmacokinetics and enable the site-specific delivery of encapsulated payloads. In addition, the versatility of lipid-based nanosystems has further been demonstrated for the delivery of vaccines, the protection of active cosmetic ingredients, and the improvement of moisturizing properties of cosmetic formulations.Lipid-based nanosystems are well established and there are already different commercially approved formulations for various human disorders. This success has paved the way for the diversification of the pipeline of development, to address unmet medical needs for several indications, such as cancer, neurological disorders, and autoimmune, genetic, and infectious diseases.This Special Issue aims to update readers on the latest research on lipid-based nanosystems, both at the preclinical and clinical levels. A series of 15 articles (six reviews and nine studies) is presented, with authors from 12 different countries, showing the globality of the investigations that are being carried out in this area
Hofmannsthal Jahrbuch zur Europäischen Moderne
PublishedDas Hofmannsthal-Jahrbuch zur europäischen Moderne ist weltweit das wichtigste Organ der Hofmannsthal-Forschung und hat darüber hinaus „mit gleichbleibender Qualität eine Führungsposition in der Forschung zur literarischen Moderne eingenommen.“ (FAZ) Der besondere Reiz liegt – neben den wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen – in der Präsentation unpublizierter Quellen
Challenge and Research Trends of Solar Concentrators
Primary and secondary solar concentrators are of vital importance for advanced solar energy and solar laser researches. Some of the most recent developments in primary and secondary solar concentrators were firstly presented. A novel three-dimensional elliptical-shaped Fresnel lens analytical model was put forward to maximize the solar concentration ratio of Fresnel-lens-based solar concentrators. By combining a Fresnel lens with a modified parabolic mirror, significant improvement in solar laser efficiency was numerically calculated. A fixed fiber light guide system using concave outlet concentrators was proposed. The absence of a solar tracking structure highlights this research. By shaping a luminescent solar concentrators in the form of an elliptic array, its emission losses was drastically reduced. Simple conical secondary concentrator was effective for thermal applications. New progresses in solar-pumped lasers by NOVA University of Lisbon were presented. By adopting a rectangular fused silica light guide, 40 W maximum solar laser power was emitted from a single Ce:Nd:YAG rod. An aspheric fused silica secondary concentrator and a small diameter Ce:Nd:YAG rod were essential for attaining 4.5 % record solar-to-laser power conversion efficiency. A novel solar concentrator design for the efficient production of doughnut-shaped and top-hat solar laser beams were also reported. More importantly, a novel solar concentrator approach for the emission of 5 kW-class TEM00 mode solar laser beams from one megawatt solar furnace was put forward at the end of this book, revealing promising future for solar-pumped lasers