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Modified Theories of Gravity and Cosmological Applications
This reprint focuses on recent aspects of gravitational theory and cosmology. It contains subjects of particular interest for modified gravity theories and applications to cosmology, special attention is given to Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet, f(R)-gravity, anisotropic inflation, extra dimension theories of gravity, black holes, dark energy, Palatini gravity, anisotropic spacetime, Einstein–Finsler gravity, off-diagonal cosmological solutions, Hawking-temperature and scalar-tensor-vector theories
This edited volume interrogates the role of media technologies in the formation of environments, understood both as physical spaces and epistemological constructs about them. Using the concept of ‘environing media’, the book advances a deeper understanding of how media processes – defined here as the storage, process, and transmission of data – influence human-Earth relations.Virtually all aspects of the interconnected global ecological crisis can be related to the intensification and acceleration of scaling up the human imprint on the planet by technological means. Combining ideas from the humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences, Environing Media offers a perspective on how we entered the current geological epoch – the Anthropocene. The ten chapters explore colonial, planetary and elemental environing media, with cases including indigenous history, ocean monitoring, computational history, climate modelling, environmental history, the air as medium, the biosphere and the Earth system. Drawing upon a breadth of examples and expertise in history, anthropology, geography, cultural history, science and technology studies, and media studies, the book discovers a novel approach to human-Earth histories that demonstrates how technologies have mediated between humans and environments and in the process contributed to a societal feedback loop between knowing and doing environment, each impacting the other. Environing Media is a timely addition for scholars and upper-level students in environmental humanities and media studies
Was heisst und zu welchem Ende studiert man romanische Literaturwissenschaft?
This Potsdam lecture attempts to more closely define the object of “Romance literary studies” within the context of the literatures of the world, to define the exceptional, even essential significance of this object of study, and to prospectively inquire into future opportunities for research, study, and life in the field of Romance literary studies
Codificando el derecho desde la base. El Código Penal de la provincia de Córdoba en la génesis de la Codificación Nacional (1867-1887)
The federal system adopted in the constituent process of 1853-1860 responded, on the one hand, to the confederative experience of previous years and, on the other, to the imprint of the model based on the Constitution of the United States of America of 1787. However, the Argentine constituents departed from this model by granting the National Congress the power to dictate the "civil, commercial, criminal and mining" Codes (Art. 67, sub. 11 CN). In this way, the constitutional organisation reflected the federal aspiration that allowed the provinces to preserve their historical-political identity, but various circumstantial reasons, such as the shortage of lawyers in the interior of the country and the felt need to standardise customs and legislation, led the Convention members to adopt the European system of codification in the area of substantive law. As a result of this process, a hybrid model was established, with federal features as regards the exercise of political and jurisdictional powers at the provincial level, but with a clear unitary element in the codification of substantive law. The reservation added in 1860 reinforced the intangibility of the jurisdictional power of the provinces, which thus retained their own courts and the power to regulate their procedural law. On the other hand, it was provided that until the National Congress enacted the substantive codes, the provinces were empowered to maintain their civil and criminal legislation (art. 108 CN). The first Argentine Criminal Code would not come into force until 1887, so, in exercise of this transitory power, many provinces adopted various codification projects in the previous years that were exclusively within their territorial scope. The Tejedor Project was adopted by the Province of Buenos Aires in 1877; La Rioja, which was the pioneer, adopted it in 1876; Entre Ríos, San Juan, Corrientes, San Luis and Catamarca in 1878; Mendoza in 1779; Santa Fe and Salta in 1880 and Tucumán in 1881; and the Provinces of Jujuy and Santiago del Estero did not adopt provincial codes but were governed by Castilian law until the first National Code was enacted. Cordoba, for its part, adopted, practically unchanged, the draft of the revision commission presented to the National Congress in 1881. This book attempts to analyse some aspects of that first moment of provincial codification, focusing on the Criminal Code in force in the Province of Cordoba between 1882 and 1886, trying to understand the way in which the operators of justice in Cordoba represented the codified law and to determine to what extent it is possible to associate that representation with what has been called "code culture". We believe that the experience of provincial codification cannot be fully understood without taking into account the way in which the new law was used in the courts. In this sense, the Historical Archive of the Province of Cordoba preserves, in its Crime Fund, an important number of cases that were consulted and analysed in this work. The documentary universe for the period in which the code was in force (1883-1886) is 403 cases. The aim is to offer a qualitative analysis which, based on the documentary testimonies, allows us to offer an adequate description of the features which, in terms of legal culture, can be considered characteristic of the practical experience of the provincial penal codification.PublishedEl sistema federal adoptado en el proceso constituyente de 1853-1860, respondía, por una parte, a la experiencia confederativa vivida en los años anteriores y, por otra, a la impronta del modelo basado en la Constitución de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica de 1787. Sin embargo, los constituyentes argentinos se apartaron de ese modelo al otorgar al Congreso Nacional la potestad de dictar los Códigos “civil, comercial, penal y de minería” (art. 67, inc. 11 CN). De esta manera la organización constitucional reflejaba la aspiración federal que permitía a las provincias conservar su identidad histórico-política, diversas razones coyunturales como la escasez de letrados en el interior del país y la sentida necesidad de uniformar las costumbres y la legislación, llevaron a los convencionales a adoptar el sistema europeo de la codificación en materia de derecho sustantivo. Como resultado de este proceso, se instauró un modelo híbrido, con rasgos federales en lo que se refiere al ejercicio de las potestades políticas y jurisdiccionales en el ámbito provincial, pero con un claro elemento unitario situado en la codificación del derecho sustantivo. La reserva agregada en 1860 reforzó la intangibilidad del poder jurisdiccional de las provincias, que conservaron así sus propios tribunales y la potestad para regular su derecho procesal. Por otra parte, se dispuso que hasta tanto el Congreso Nacional no sancionase los códigos sustantivos, las provincias se entendían facultadas para mantener su legislación civil y penal (art. 108 CN). El primer Código Penal Argentino no entraría en vigencia sino hasta 1887, por ello, en ejercicio de esa potestad transitoria, muchas provincias adoptaron en los años anteriores diversos proyectos de codificación que rigieron exclusivamente dentro de su ámbito territorial. El Proyecto Tejedor fue adoptado por la Provincia de Buenos Aires en 1877, La Rioja, quien fue la pionera, lo adoptó en 1876; Entre Ríos, San Juan, Corrientes, San Luis y Catamarca en 1878; Mendoza en 1779; Santa Fe y Salta en 1880 y Tucumán en 1881.Con respecto a las Provincias de Jujuy y Santiago del Estero no se dieron códigos provinciales rigiéndose por la normativa Castellana hasta la sanción del primer Código Nacional. Por su parte Córdoba adoptó, prácticamente sin modificaciones, el Proyecto de la comisión revisora presentado al Congreso Nacional en 1881. Este libro intenta analizar algunos aspectos de ese primer momento de codificación provincial, poniendo el foco de atención en el Código Penal vigente en la Provincia de Córdoba entre 1882 y 1886, procurando comprender el modo en el que los operadores de la justicia cordobesa se representaron el derecho codificado y determinar en qué medida es posible asociar esa representación a lo que se ha llamado “cultura del código”. Creemos que la experiencia de la codificación provincial no puede ser comprendida cabalmente si no se tiene en cuenta el modo en que la nueva ley fue utilizada en los tribunales. En este sentido, el Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Córdoba conserva, en su Fondo del Crimen, una importante cantidad de casos que fueron consultados y analizados en este trabajo. El universo documental para el período en que el código estuvo vigente (1883-1886) es de 403 casos. Se procura ofrecer un análisis cualitativo que, partiendo de los testimonios documentales, nos permita ofrecer una adecuada descripción referida a los rasgos que, en el plano de la cultura jurídica, pueden considerarse característicos de la experiencia práctica de la codificación penal provincial
Qualifizierung für Inklusion
PublishedInklusion ist als Thema aus dem deutschen Bildungssystem nicht mehr wegzudenken und trotzdem stellt sie weiterhin eine Herausforderung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen dar. Die Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte ist dabei neben der Bereitstellung adäquater Rahmenbedingungen als ein besonders wichtiges Handlungsfeld zu betrachten. Die Bände der Reihe „Qualifizierung für Inklusion“ greifen den bestehenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf und geben einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse der vom BMBF im Rahmen des Programms „Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte für inklusive Bildung“ geförderten Forschungsprojekte. Adressiert werden damit sowohl Wissenschaftler:innen als auch mit dem Themenfeld Inklusion befasste Personen und Institutionen der Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, der Bildungsadministration und der Bildungspolitik.
Der zweite Band der Reihe versammelt die Vorstellung von Projekten, Ergebnissen und Materialien, die sich dem Bildungsbereich der Grundschule zuordnen lassen.
Die Reihe besteht aus drei weiteren Bänden, in denen die Ergebnisse zur Qualifizierung für Inklusion im Elementarbereich (Band 1), in der Sekundarstufe (Band 3) sowie in der Berufsschule, Hochschule und Erwachsenenbildung (Band 4) vorgestellt werden
Zur Lernwirksamkeit von Erklärvideos in der Physik
Erklärvideos stellen für Lernende eine wichtiger werdende Lerngelegenheit dar. Die Forschungslage zum Thema Erklärvideos lässt zum Teil noch offen, welchen Einfluss die didaktische Qualität eines Erklärvideos und die Form der Einbettung in Lehr-Lernprozesse auf den Lernzuwachs haben. Weiterhin ist unklar, ob es Personengruppen gibt, die von Erklärvideos besonders profitieren können. Ziel der Arbeit ist es daher, einen theoriebasierten Kategorienkatalog zur Gestaltung möglichst lernwirksamer Erklärvideos zu entwickeln, zwei Erklärvideos unterschiedlicher didaktischer Qualität zu einem Thema aus der Elektrizitätslehre zu gestalten und anhand dieser beiden Videos die Lernwirksamkeit empirisch zu prüfen. Die Erhebung mit N = 146 Lehramtsstudierenden des Sachunterrichts zeigt über alle Treatmentgruppen große Lernzuwächse. Aus den Ergebnissen folgt, dass die Qualität und auch das Einbettungsformat in dieser Erhebung keinen direkten Einfluss auf den Lernzuwachs haben. Aus der Betrachtung der Nutzungsdaten der Erklärvideos folgt als eine mögliche Erklärung, dass die Studierenden auch im schlechteren Erklärvideo relevante Inhalte identifizieren können. Es konnte beobachtet werden, dass besonders im Vorwissen schwache Studierende überproportional von Erklärvideos profitieren. Der mögliche Lernzuwachs bei der Nutzung von Erklärvideos hängt somit von den individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen der Lernenden ab
Climate Adaptation Modelling
This open access book focuses on an issue only marginally tackled by this literature: the still existing gap between adaptation science and modelling and the possibility to effectively access and exploit the information produced by policy making at different levels, international, national and local. To do so, the book presents the proceedings of a high-level expert workshop on adaptation modelling, integrated with main results from the “Study on Adaptation Modelling” (SAM-PS) commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) and implemented by the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, in collaboration with the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Deltares, and Paul Watkiss Associates (PWA). What is the latest development in adaptation modelling? Which tools and information are available for adaptation assessment? How much are they practically usable by the policy community? How their uptake by practitioners can be improved? What are the major research gaps in adaptation modelling that needs to be covered in the next future? How? This book addresses these questions presenting the results of a study on adaptation modelling commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) enriched by the outcomes of a high-level expert workshop on adaptation also part of the research. This book aspires to provide a useful support to academics, policy makers and practitioners in the field of adaptation to orient them in the expanding adaptation modelling assessment literature and suggest practical ways for its application. This book, mainly addressed to academics, policy makers and practitioners in the field of adaptation, aims to providing orientation in the large and expanding methodological/quantitative literature, presenting novelties, guiding in the practical application of adaptation assessments and suggesting lines for future research. This open access book focuses on an issue only marginally tackled by this literature: the still existing gap between adaptation science and modelling and the possibility to effectively access and exploit the information produced by policy making at different levels, international, national and local. To do so, the book presents the proceedings of a high-level expert workshop on adaptation modelling, integrated with main results from the “Study on Adaptation Modelling” (SAM-PS) commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) and implemented by the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, in collaboration with the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Deltares, and Paul Watkiss Associates (PWA)
Metallurgical Process Simulation and Optimization
Metallurgy involves the art and science of extracting metals from their ores and modifying the metals for use. With thousands of years of development, many interdisciplinary technologies have been introduced into this traditional and large-scale industry. In modern metallurgical practices, modelling and simulation are widely used to provide solutions in the areas of design, control, optimization, and visualization, and are becoming increasingly significant in the progress of digital transformation and intelligent metallurgy. This Special Issue (SI), entitled “Metallurgical Process Simulation and Optimization”, has been organized as a platform to present the recent advances in the field of modelling and optimization of metallurgical processes, which covers the processes of electric/oxygen steel-making, secondary metallurgy, (continuous) casting, and processing. Eighteen articles have been included that concern various aspects of the topic
Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine and Deep Learning with R
This open access book provides a wealth of hands-on examples that illustrate how hyperparameter tuning can be applied in practice and gives deep insights into the working mechanisms of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods. The aim of the book is to equip readers with the ability to achieve better results with significantly less time, costs, effort and resources using the methods described here. The case studies presented in this book can be run on a regular desktop or notebook computer. No high-performance computing facilities are required. The idea for the book originated in a study conducted by Bartz & Bartz GmbH for the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis). Building on that study, the book is addressed to practitioners in industry as well as researchers, teachers and students in academia. The content focuses on the hyperparameter tuning of ML and DL algorithms, and is divided into two main parts: theory (Part I) and application (Part II). Essential topics covered include: a survey of important model parameters; four parameter tuning studies and one extensive global parameter tuning study; statistical analysis of the performance of ML and DL methods based on severity; and a new, consensus-ranking-based way to aggregate and analyze results from multiple algorithms. The book presents analyses of more than 30 hyperparameters from six relevant ML and DL methods, and provides source code so that users can reproduce the results. Accordingly, it serves as a handbook and textbook alike
Numerical Simulation of Effluent Discharges
Discharge Modeling; Numerical Analysis; Desalination; Outfall; Inclined Jets; OpenFOAM; Effluent Dilution Modelin