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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Crowdfunding Untuk Kegiatan Edukasi dan Workshop Pada Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar
Workshop activities in the field of education are urgently needed to provide the latest information in the learning process, especially for elementary schools in remote areas. To carry out these activities requires large funds and also resource persons who have expertise in their fields. Therefore, it is necessary to have financial assistance or funding from several people which are commonly called crowdfunding and also volunteers who can help elementary schools. So that workshops and educational activities regarding education can be carried out to support the learning and teaching process properly. To overcome this problem, a crowdfunding application was built that can manage financial assistance from the community and volunteer teaching staff, so that they can carry out educational activities or workshops for elementary schools in remote areas that need these activities. This research uses the Lean Startup method as application development because the method is easy to implement so that the resulting application is in accordance with the needs. Where there are three stages, namely building, measuring and studying so that it makes it easier to design applications that are tailored to the existing target market. The results of this research are this mobile-based crowdfunding application that can help fundraise and also volunteer teaching staff to be able to hold educational activities and workshops for elementary schools in remote areas.Keywords: Crowdfunding, Workshop, Lean Startup, Elementary School
E-Penggalangan Dana Untuk Penderita Kanker di Kota Medan Menggunakan Metode Crowdfunding dan Framework Bootstrap
Cancer is a non-communicable disease that is the second largest cause of death. Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths are due to cancer. About 70 percent of cancer deaths occur in low and middle-income countries. One of the problems faced by cancer sufferers is the financial factor. Because the treatment or surgery on cancer requires costly costs. The government has made various efforts to help reduce costs, but not everyone gets it. The method in this study is the crowdfunding model that will be used is Donation-Based Crowdfunding, this model is no different from alms/donation. This system will be tested using the ISO 25010 method. The result of this research is that this fundraising system can help people living with cancer in the field to pay for treatment and make it easier for donors to distribute their aid.Keywords: Cancer, Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Donation Based ISO 2501
Perancangan Aplikasi Database Persediaan Obat
In the development of information technology, database processing systems are increasing. One of the advantages of the drug inventory application is that recording can be done easily, quickly and accurately. From the research conducted, the weakness of the old system is that inventory recording is still done manually, so it is less effective and accurate. Database management makes it easy for everyone to find, store, and delete information quickly and accurately.Keywords: information, accurate, effectiv
Implementasi Algoritma Best First Search Untuk Melakukan Penyelesaian Game Sudoku
The problem in this research is that the Sudoku puzzle game is difficult to solve because it is included in the NP-complete problem, so it cannot be solved at the same time. Until now, many programmers are looking for the right algorithm to solve this puzzle. One way to solve this game is to use the best first search algorithm. This algorithm is an improvement of the Brute Force algorithm, where solutions can be found with fewer searches and can find solutions to problems more efficiently because there is no need to check all possible solutions. Only searches that lead to solutions need to be considered. The results of this study are the application of the best first search method in the sudoku game and determine the performance of the best first search method in the sudoku game. This research was built using Unity 3D software with the C# programming language and then using the unified modeling language as the flow of the diagram in the Sudoku game.Keywords: Sudoku, algorithm, BFS
SIPENMA: Pemodelan UML dan Uji BlackBox pada Perancangan Sistem Pendaftaran Magang
North Sumatra Ministry of Industry and Trade is a government agency as the executor of regional government affairs which has the task of decentralization and deconcentration, especially in the industrial and trade fields as well as other auxiliary tasks assigned by the governor. In this agency internship acceptance activity still uses manual method, to overcome this problem, an internship registration system is needed to make it easier to register for internships. This study uses the waterfall method, UML, and testing using Blackbox. The result of this study is design of the internship registration system (SIPENMA) which makes it easy to register for internships via the web and can be accessed at any time. Keywords: SIPENMA, UML, Blackbox, Waterfall
Peranan Teknologi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, every learning has to be done online, even though vocational institutions require more practice. So far, students are only given video tutorials on practical learning methods that are felt to be less effective, because students cannot directly touch the items, so it is still not optimal. This condition also makes the motivation and interest and curiosity of students in learning decrease. These situations and conditions require teachers to think creatively and innovatively in designing and implementing learning to take place effectively. One way that can be done by teachers by utilizing the latest technologies that are increasingly sophisticated as learning media. Augmented Reality technology is an alternative solution that can be used as a learning medium. Augmented Reality is an attempt to combine the real world and the virtual world created through a computer so that the boundary between the two becomes very thin. The results of this study are to produce an application that runs on the Android platform by implementing Augmented Reality as a support in learning media activities in the Audio Video Technical Vocational High School. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Android, COVID-19, Learning Medi
Pentingnya Pengembangan Kurikulum Berorientasi Revolusi Industri 4.0
The dynamic ability of human thinking always brings changes in science and technology from time to time. The development of science and technology has changed the world into what it is today, and will continue in the future. The fourth generation, industrial revolution shows the latest trends in automation and data exchange in technology, including cyber-physical systems, internet for everything, cloud computing, and cognitive computing. Along with the industrial revolution 4.0 and digital technology, business competition and development that originally relied on the use of natural resources will shift to mastery of information technology and workforce competence. Human Resource Competence is an important point to encourage a country to evolve to the next generation of industry, and Indonesia is no exception. The important role of universities to provide workers who have the skills and competencies required by a quality market will also be able to produce leaders and thinkers of a nation who will determine the development of their country in the future. Universities are given by the state to manage study programs that specialize in their fields of science. The study program plays a role in compiling or adjusting the curriculum, facilitating students who will take learning and other academic activities, it is very necessary to adjust the curriculum according to market needKeywords: Curriculum, Competencies, Industrial revolution, Indonesia, University
Rekomendasi Promosi Kenaikan Jabatan Pada Pegawai Balai Penelitian Sembawa Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Decision maker or official who has the authority as a decision maker in determining the position / position of his employee can make a decision to promote a promotion, of course, has criteria for assessing the credibility of the employee who will be upgraded according to the procedure for promotion. This assessment has several conditions / criteria that must be assessed and these criteria must apply to all employees. In the DSS system, to determine the assessment of the person who will be assessed, of course, must have assessment criteria that have become the standard of assessment and the value of the assessed criteria, so that the assessment can be carried out fairly, while an appraisal official does not feel any doubt about the decision made will be done The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is in accordance with the decision-making process because it can determine the weight value for each assessment, with each criterion given a weighted value according to the interests of the organization / institution where the employee works, using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method), the decision makers do not have any doubts in making a decision. So, the decisions received by employees can be done fairly and equitably because the assessment applies to all employees / employees in an organization / institution. In this case no one feels aggrieved, because in the decision maker in making a decision based on a method that is believed to be able to provide good and correct decision results. This weight value lies in its ability to make a more precise assessment because it is based on the performance appraisal and the weights that have been determined.Keywords: Criteria, Decision maker, Employee, Promotion, Recommendatio
Aplikasi Pengelolaan Tadarus Al-Quran Online dengan Kombinasi Media Sosial WA-Bisnis dan Email
Pandemic does need for information technology very extraordinary. This era forces all fields to inevitably use information technology, starting from working from home, school from home, teaching from home, selling from home, meetings must be from home, even almost all work and activities have been done from home. Social media is most-liked as a means of communicating data and information, even though the use of social media for data communication transactions is like we provide data to a social media server, and that data can be used by other parties. In social media that we usually do is we can easily paste the URL from other news, then the social media display will appear short news from its. Even in e-mail, we usually receive a web - form emails, there is a URL that is used to make transactions to the intended object. The results of this study obtained a combination of several technologies, including social media WhatsApp, email, YouTube and web applications to improve data exchange in transactions and dissemination of information so that all activities undertaken can be managed and analysed. Keywords: Applications, Pandemic, Social media, We
Keamanan Data Transaksi Nasabah Pada Aplikasi Bank Sampah Berbasis Web Menggunakan Algoritma AES
The Malacca waste bank located in East Jakarta was established in 2008, the Malacca waste bank has a number of customers reaching more than 300 people and the waste absorbed every month reaches 2 - 2.5 tons. In carrying out its activities, the Malacca Sari waste bank still has several problems, including: the difficulty of recording the income of waste, the lack of integrity between the customer's savings book and the garbage bank's bookkeeping and the customer often does not carry a savings book, and even something is missing, to anticipate this and improve the services of the garbage bank, we need an application for processing data effectively and efficiently, which can have a secure data storage system and complement the application with good security techniques. In this case the researcher uses the cryptographic algorithm (Advanced Encryption System). With this application, it is expected that transaction data information stored in the application will be safe and not known to eavesdroppers or irresponsible parties. In this application, the encrypted information is only in the form of balance data at a garbage bank and only the management and customers can use this application. Based on program implementation and testing, researchers can conclude that this application is easy to use, the confidentiality of data and information able to maintain and protect Keywords : AES (Advanced Encryption System), MySQL, Cryptographic, Php, Waste Bank