New Bulgarian University

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    3492 research outputs found

    “Wherever the Hog Comes, the Rattlesnake Disappears,” or “Sic Transit Gloria Ruris:” Fuller and Thoreau on Civilization and/as Extinction

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    In her Summer on the Lakes in 1843 Margaret Fuller regretfully foresaw the the settlers’ “mode of civilization will, in the course of twenty, perhaps ten, years, obliterate the natural expression of the country.” Such will be Henry Thoreau’s concern ever since (if not before) he set off to Walden Pond in 1845; year after year this concern will only intensify with Thoreau witnessing how “the wild fruit of the earth disappear before civilization” and “the whole country becomes a town or beaten common,” as noted in the 1858 Journal. This paper focuses on the proto-environmental thinkin/awareness indicated by Margaret Fuller’s Summer on the Lakes (her only work of the kind) and tries to envision such a d irection of discourse as suggesting (and itself providing) a certain immediate intellectual/literary context in which Thoreau’s own environmental imagination will very shortly thrive and triumph

    Афективно изпълнение - изследване въздействието на индивидуалните нагласи, емоции и удовлетвореност върху ефективността на виртуалните екипи

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    ABSTRACT: The report analyzes the critical factors that influence the emotional attitudes and determine the behavior patterns of the participants in virtual teams. The focus of the research is on individual satisfaction, which includes attitudes, motivation, values, relationships and preferences that shape the behavior of team members in a virtual context and determine the effectiveness of processes and the immediate results of the activity. Difficulties in monitoring and evaluating affective performance through the lens of effectiveness have been identified. The measurement of individual satisfaction is limited by the specifics of virtuality and the complexity of assessing intangible outcomes. The main factors and tools for affective performance in a virtual context are systematized - trust and information management; motivational attitudes and interactions; e-leadership and conflict management. When these conditions are adequately balanced, virtual structures have the potential to realize high levels of team effectiveness, including individual job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Then they are transformed into a unique tool for competitive advantage of global organizations in a dynamic VUCA-environment and continuous pressure for change

    Маркетингът като лидерство в знанието

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    РЕЗЮМЕ: В условията на ускорената дигитализация през последните две десетилетия и преместването на акцента върху възможностите на виртуалната среда дискурсът около промените в маркетинга е доминиран предимно от теми, свързани с технологиите и нововъзникналите потребителски навици. Затова настоящият доклад си поставя за цел за кратко да върне фокуса на внимание върху промените, които се случиха и продължават да се случват вътре в маркетинга като бизнес философия и организация. Основната теза, около която гравитира текстът е, че професията на маркетинг специалиста е сериозно усложнена в няколко аспекта, които ще бъдат изложени и коментирани, и, именно като следствие от това, неговата функция много по-силно се доближава до тази на бизнес анализатора, отколкото да остава затворена в познатите ни рамки. Кратката характеристика на новото поколение маркетолози сочи, че той/тя следва да е ключов и активен участник в създаването, дистрибутирането и оползотворяването на знанието в организацията. Аргументите в полза на последното се коренят както в съвременната концепция за създаване на стойност и в ключовото условие за ползване на данни за вземане на успешни решения и ефективното микросегментиране, така и в цялостното разбиране на дигиталната трансформация, сред чиито лидери неминуемо е маркетьорът. ABSTRACT: In the conditions of accelerated digitalization in the last two decades and the shift of emphasis on the possibilities of the virtual environment, the discourse around changes in marketing has been dominated mainly by topics related to technology and emerging consumer habits. Therefore, this report aims to return briefly the focus to the changes that have taken place and continue to take place within marketing as a business philosophy and organization. The main thesis around which the text gravitates is that the profession of marketing specialist is seriously complicated in several aspects that will be presented and commented, and, as a consequence, its function is much closer to that of the business analyst, than to remain confined to our familiar frames. The brief description of the new generation of marketers indicates that he/she should be a key and active participant in the creation, distribution and utilization of knowledge in the organization. The arguments in favor of the latter are rooted in the modern concept of value creation and the key condition for using data for successful decision-making and effective microsegmentation, as well as in the overall understanding of digital transformation, whose leadership inevitably includes the marketer

    Икономическата и продоволствената сигурност като измерения на свободата от недостиг

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    This paper explores the essence of freedom from want as one of the pillars of the Human Security Concept. Its main dimensions are economic security and food security, which are analysed from the point of view of their specificity and characteristic features and their correlation with freedom from want

    Методология за кариерно ориентиране: Наръчник

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    The book presents a methodology for career orientation and consultation for students in mainstream schools

    Methodological approach for farm typology construction in terms of soil health – the EU case

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    Soil health is a significant problem in agriculture which demands a tailor-made approach. The study aims to develop a methodological approach for farm typology construction in terms of soil health. TUdi project, under which was made this study, aims to transform unsustainable management of soils in key cropping systems in Europe and China, developing an integrated platform of alternatives to reverse soil degradation. Thus, the focus is on small, medium, and large EU farms, which produce in the three key cropping systems - grassland, cereal-based rotation, and tree crops. It was applied principal component analysis based on which it was constructed four factors, related to soil health. The results from this analysis was used to feed up the cluster analysis together with other significant variables. The developed farm typology consists of four farm types. From practical point of view was introduced a methodology which allow to determine the type of each farm according the TUdi typology

    Приоритети на архитектурното образование в НБУ

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    Материалът разглежда приоритетите на българското архитектурно образование и в частност на Магистърска програма Архитектура на НБУ. Сред отбелязаните приоритети на архитектурното образование в НБУ са: • промяната на архитектурната професия в посока на социалното, хуманитарното знание и екологията • нарастваща дигитализация на архитектурното проектиране • засилване на връзката на обучението с практиката • обучение, насочено към съчетаване на проектирането с друг бизнес; • възможности за ускорена интеграция на дипломираните архитекти от НБУ международна среда • ангажирането на архитектите към устойчивото развитие, социалната интеграция и солидарност, културните корени и историческия контекст

    Изкуственият интелект и ролята на човека в системите за сигурност

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    Ръководство за обучение на потребителите

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    The book presents guidance for users of the G-Guidance Project Platform for career orientation and consultation

    Use of wood in sustainable architecture

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    Research background: Importance of wood as a sustainable and renewable material presumed its large scale use in architectural structures for centuries. In order to analyze the potential of prospective application of wood in build environment in Bulgaria it is instrumental to investigate the regional specifics in historical development of wooden structures in traditional building practices of the Mediterranean region and in particular on Balkan region. Purpose: Understanding the evolution of building practices and identification of sustainable approaches. Many traditional building practices that involve the use of wood are inherently sustainable, incorporating low-impact and resource-efficient techniques. A historical review of the use of wood in architecture can identify these sustainable practices and help us learn from them. A historical review of the use of wood in architecture can provide insight into the stages of development of wooden structures over time and reveals specifics of use of wood according to different cultures and how the technology for working with wood has evolved over time. Methods: Historical overview of traditional building practices and their potential prospective applicability. Findings and novelty: The use of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) methods to assess the performance of timber structures in the development of the built environment reveal the great potential of wooden structures for prospective use


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