Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

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    59284 research outputs found

    The Consequences of Working from home on Well-Being: Evidence from the French Workforce

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    The global transition to working from home, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has fundamentally transformed traditional work patterns. In France, where work-life balance is culturally emphasized, this change presents unique challenges This study analyzes data from 66,839 French workers (2010-2015) to explore the impact of remote work on employee well-being, with a particular focus on anxiety levels and work-family balance.Contrary to conventional wisdom, working from home itself does not significantly affect anxiety levels. Instead, well-being is primarily influenced by factors such as age, gender, education level, and family size. Specifically, age exhibits a U-shaped relationship with anxiety, men report lower anxiety levels, higher education is negatively correlated with anxiety, and larger family size is positively correlated with well-being.The impact varies significantly across demographic groups, especially for employees with young children and self-employed individuals. This study reveals nuanced effects of remote work and highlights the moderating role of demographic and occupational factors, contributing to the literature on working from home.It also underscores the importance of France's unique cultural context in shaping working from home experiences. These findings indicate that organizations should implement customized support systems and develop targeted mental health resources, moving away from generic policies to effectively address the diverse needs of employees

    Sticky Information and Price Controls: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

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    We test the predictions of the sticky information model using a survey dataset by comparing the shoppers’ accuracy in recalling the prices of regulated and comparable unregulated products. Regulated product prices change less frequently, vary less across stores and between brands, and are sold more than comparable but unregulated product prices. Therefore, shoppers would be expected to recall the regulated product prices more accurately. However, we find that shoppers are better at recalling the prices of unregulated products, in line with the sticky information model which predicts that shoppers will be more attentive to prices that change more frequently

    (Non-Monotonic) Effects of Productivity and Credit Constraints on Equilibrium Aggregate Production in General Equilibrium Models with Heterogeneous Producers

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    In a market economy, the aggregate production level depends not only on the aggregate variables but also on the distribution of individual characteristics (e.g., productivity, credit limit, ...). We point out that, due to financial frictions, the equilibrium aggregate production may be non-monotonic in both individual productivity and credit limit. We provide conditions under which this phenomenon happens. By consequence, improving productivity or relaxing credit limit of firms may not necessarily be beneficial to economic development

    Évaluation de système de financement des établissements publics à Madagascar

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    This article highlights the assessment of educational achievement in Madagascar in relation to the actions taken during fund transfers to public schools. Public aid for education requires an in-depth study in order to improve future financing actions whose objective is to minimize school dropout and also increase access to school. Thus, we start from the analysis relating to the different theories and the investment of human capital, then the empirical evaluation of education financing to public schools for the case of Madagascar. The result of this study highlights the importance of education financing to cover the gaps in educational achievement in Madagascar, including the transparent, efficient and equitable management of funds allocated to education

    «От каждого – по способности, всем – поровну» в основе теории международной торговли: Попугаи Вашингтонского консенсуса «на страже» экономики страны.

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    The main models of international economics categorically assert that free trade benefits all countries, including underdeveloped ones. However, these models are based on assumptions that are completely inadequate for the technological era: the equivalence of highly skilled labor, which also utilizes the most advanced technologies, and unskilled labor, which uses primitive tools and produces Stone Age products. This paper once again examines the most fundamental of all models of international trade: Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage. An extremely instructive example of "proof" of the benefits of free trade for all participants is analyzed, based on complete disregard for the difference in highly skilled and low-skilled labor. It is shown that the universal equivalence of unit of labor is a necessary condition for the mutual benefit of free trade in Ricardo's model. If the value of a unit of labor is differentiated by the qualifications of the workforce, then trade liberalization leads to a decrease in the well-being of the country specializing in primitive types of economic activity

    Benchmark on Underlying Asset Value for Islamic Banking Product: A Practitioner’s Perspective

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    In current Islamic banking products particularly in financing facility, the purpose of financing could be for asset acquisition or to obtain cash. In addition, financing may be given on secured or clean basis. For financing with secured asset, normally the value of security asset will match the financing amount whereas for unsecured facility, the underlying asset is merely to facilitate the transaction in which the value may not match the financing amount. In other words, the contracting parties may enter into transaction using an asset in which the price may be higher or lower than the actual market value. Such arrangement may lead to the issue on the permissibility to transact asset at different price than the actual cost or market value. This paper discusses on the Shariah and operational concerns in relation to possible benchmark on underlying asset value for Islamic banking transaction. This article is based on qualitative research approach which is purely based on primary data gathered through library research and observation from practitioner perspective. The outcome from the literature review can be applied as the possible asset value benchmark

    Response to "A note on Brandl and Brandt's axiomatic characterization of Nash equilibrium"

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    Schroeder (2025) claims that the solution concept, which, for each n-player game, returns the set of all strategy profiles where each player's strategy has full support, constitutes a counter-example to the characterization by Brandl and Brandt (2024). We show that this is not true because this solution concept violates consequentialism

    On the political economy of nonlinear income taxation

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    The literatures dealing with voting, optimal income taxation, implementation, and pure public goods are drawn on here to address the problem of voting over income taxes to finance a public good. In contrast with previous articles, general nonlinear income taxes that affect the labor-leisure decisions of consumers who work and vote are allowed. Uncertainty plays an important role in that the government does not know the true realizations of the abilities of consumers drawn from a known distribution, but must meet the realization-dependent budget; the tax system must be robust. Even though the space of alternatives is infinite dimensional, conditions on primitives are found to assure existence of a majority rule equilibrium

    AI Agents in the Advertising Industry

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    This research investigates how artificial intelligence (AI) agents function in the advertising sector. It focuses on the transformation, applications, benefits, and concerns of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the new era of marketing. The research used secondary data from industry reports, academic studies and case studies, on how AI agent enhances ad targeting, campaign optimization, personalization, and predictive analysis. The main conclusions show that AI agents significantly increase productivity and customer engagement, but there are still issues with algorithmic biases and data privacy. The study highlights the need for a well-rounded strategy for implementing AI, supporting both innovation and moral considerations. To improve the advertising ecosystem, these insights are meant to help marketers and legislators use AI responsibly

    Coûts de la Covid-19, Tropicalisation de modèle épidémiologique et Arbitrage santé-économie en Afrique

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    We model the optimal behavior of the public decision-maker of an African country plagued by covid-19, with little fiscal room for maneuver and facing a health-economy dilemma. The model shows that a substantial part of the economic costs of covid-19 is due to a deficit in tropicalization of the epidemiological model. A comparative static analysis of the optimal equilibrium shows that the public decision-maker can reduce the economic costs of covid-19 in two ways: either he relaxes the barrier measures at the cost of an increase in human costs (health-economy trade-off); or he tropicalizes the epidemiological model as best he can, without increasing health costs (no health-economy trade-off). This last strategy is an alternative that can allow African countries to face a pandemic crisis economically, without sacrificing health while minimizing the systematic recourse to debt and aid


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