University of Luxembourg

Open Repository and Bibliography - Luxembourg
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    56787 research outputs found

    Adaptation of quizzing in learning psychology concepts

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    peer reviewedBackground: In the domain of psychology, declarative concepts are a core component of the foundational knowledge that is to be learned. A promising means to enhance retention and comprehension of such concepts is to provide learners with open-ended quiz questions and corrective feedback (i.e., practice quizzing). As adapting quiz question complexity to the individual learners can increase the benefits of practice quizzing, in previous research adaptations based on the real-time process measures of cognitive load ratings and of self-assessed quizzing performance during quizzing have been developed. To date, however, it is unclear whether and, if so, why the two types of adaptation differ in their effectiveness. Aims: The main goal of the present study was to compare the two adaptation mechanisms in learning declarative psychology concepts via practice quizzing. Sample: Participants were N = 177 university students. Methods: After watching an e-lecture on new declarative psychology concepts, the learners were randomly assigned to either note-taking or to responding to quiz questions. The complexity of the quiz questions was increased either according to a preset sequence, or dependent on subjective cognitive load, self-assessed quizzing performance, or both. Results: Cognitive-load-adapted quizzing was most effective. These benefits were mediated via higher levels of knowledge whenever increases in quiz question complexity were suggested by the adaptation mechanism/took place in the preset sequence, which fostered quizzing performance, which, in turn, fostered learning outcomes. Conclusions: This study shows that simple cognitive load ratings are a promising basis for adapting practice quizzing in learning declarative psychology concepts.4. Quality educatio

    Remote secure object authentication: Secure sketches, fuzzy extractors, and security protocols

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    peer reviewedCoating objects with microscopic droplets of liquid crystals makes it possible to identify and authenticate objects as if they had biometric-like features: this is extremely valuable as an anti-counterfeiting measure. How to extract features from images has been studied elsewhere, but exchanging data about features is not enough if we wish to build secure cryptographic authentication protocols. What we need are authentication tokens (i.e., bitstrings), strategies to cope with noise, always present when processing images, and solutions to protect the original features so that it is impossible to reproduce them from the tokens. Secure sketches and fuzzy extractors are the cryptographic toolkits that offer these functionalities, but they must be instantiated to work with the peculiar specific features extracted from images of liquid crystals. We show how this can work and how we can obtain uniform, error-tolerant, and random strings, and how they are used to authenticate liquid crystal coated objects. Our protocol reminds an existing biometric-based protocol, but only apparently. Using the original protocol as-it-is would make the process vulnerable to an attack that exploits certain physical peculiarities of our liquid crystal coatings. Instead, our protocol is robust against the attack. We prove all our security claims formally, by modeling and verifying in Proverif, our protocol and its cryptographic schemes. We implement and benchmark our solution, measuring both the performance and the quality of authentication

    The BENELUX, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

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    Regional (sub-)groupings have played a significant, but comparatively neglected role in the processes of European integration. The BENELUX and the Nordic Council both offer longstanding models of regional cooperation which have, in various ways, often been cited as examples for the wider European integration project. More recently, both the VisegrΓ‘d and Baltic states have seen the (re-) emergence of forms of regional cooperation in connection with their accession to and later membership of the European Union. Yet, though often cited, these experiences of (sub-)regional cooperation within the wider European project have been the object of relatively little systematic or comparative study. The aim of the edited volume is to address this gap by bringing together specialists on these regional groupings with a view to providing a fuller understanding of both their historical significance and their possible future role relative to a potentially fragmenting European political landscape

    Architectures of Bureaucracy: The Politics of Government Office Buildings in Interwar Belgium

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    peer reviewedThis monograph examines the interrelationship between politics and modernist architecture in interwar Belgium, focusing on political, architectural, and administrative elites as propagators of new ideas of governance. While Belgium was strongly influenced by neighbouring France and Germany, it also developed its own avant-garde approaches to socio-political problems. In the second half of the 1930s, the country was the scene of a remarkable political and architectural experiment involving an ambitious plan for the large-scale construction of modernist government office buildings. These buildings were seen as essential to the development of a technocratic model of governance, aimed at strengthening the role of the executive and minimising the influence of parliament. More specifically, the β€œefficient” new office architecture was supposed to create a new type of β€œperfect” civil servant, whose loyalties would no longer lie with political parties, but with scientists and management experts. Such experts and scientists constituted a rising elite of homines novi with strong (though often veiled) political ambitions. As such, this book contributes to our understanding of political culture in the β€œage of extremes”.U-AGR-7104 - C21/SC/16326815/BUREU - FICKERS Andrea

    Evolution of Citizenship Law in Luxembourg: Drivers and Changes

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    peer reviewedThe vast majority of democratic theory assumes the need for widespread political participation. The right to vote constitutes the most essential political right, but in the era of migration, the idea of universal suffrage is far from being realized. The state of Luxembourg within its current borders is the result of 19th-century diplomacy. In less than 150 years, the population of this state more than doubled β€” largely attributable to immigration. Today, 47 percent of the population are foreigners. The history of the creation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Law on Luxembourg Nationality are closely intertwined β€” the latter having undergone several changes β€” reflecting historical circumstances as well as economic and demographic transformations. The evolution of citizenship law can be explained using the classical system analysis theory (Easton, 1953), a framework for the study of political systems . Following this framework, we illuminate how the political system responds to a changing environment and how this response, in turn, affects the environment. In other words, we examine drivers that have influenced changes in the naturalization law, and we will argue that Luxembourg has been able to accept immigrants and grant them rights over the years as a response to economic and demographic transformation. The first part of this chapter outlines the issues of political participation and citizenship of immigrants. The second part identifies major drivers that influenced legislation regarding the political participation of foreigners in Luxembourg. Finally, the third part illustrates changes in citizenship law in Luxemburg. Nation-building and the evolution of citizenship law are closely intertwined, which is why the different phases of the Luxembourg Law on Nationality β€” starting with the period of the French Civil Code and ending with the current amendments of the naturalization law β€” will be examined

    Integrating supervised and unsupervised learning approaches to unveil critical process inputs

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    peer reviewedThis study introduces a machine learning framework tailored to large-scale industrial processes characterized by a plethora of numerical and categorical inputs. The framework aims to (i) discern critical parameters that influence the output and (ii) generate accurate out-of-sample qualitative and quantitative predictions of production outcomes. Specifically, we address the pivotal question of the significance of each input in shaping the process outcome, using an industrial Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process as an example. The initial objective involves merging subject matter expertise and clustering techniques exclusively on the process output, here, coating thickness measurements at various positions in the reactor. This approach identifies groups of production runs that share similar qualitative characteristics, such as film mean thickness and standard deviation. In particular, the differences of the outcomes represented by the different clusters can be attributed to differences in specific inputs, indicating that these inputs are potentially critical to the production outcome. Shapley value analysis corroborates the formed hypotheses. Leveraging this insight, we subsequently implement supervised classification and regression methods using the identified critical process inputs. The proposed methodology proves to be valuable in scenarios with a multitude of inputs and insufficient data for the direct application of deep learning techniques, providing meaningful insights into the underlying processes.U-AGR-7130 - BRIDGES/21/16758846/OptiSimCVD - BORDAS StΓ©phan

    Inklusion und Teilhabe von SchΓΌler*innen mit Fluchterfahrung

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    editorial reviewedβ€žKinder mit Fluchterfahrungβ€œ sind ein heterogener Personenkreis. Fluchterfahrungen sind individuell, aber universelle GrundbedΓΌrfnisse liefern Orientierung bei der Gestaltung der Lernumgebung. Modelle zu menschlichen GrundbedΓΌrfnissen werden vorgestellt und konkrete Praxisbeispiele fΓΌr die Unterrichtsgestaltung gegeben. Zentral ist das BedΓΌrfnis nach ZugehΓΆrigkeit, auf das sich weitere kognitive und affektive BedΓΌrfnisse aufbauen. Fluchterfahrungen sind mit BrΓΌchen und Unsicherheiten verbunden. Es gilt nun dem Kind Sicherheit zu vermitteln, Kontrollerfahrungen zu ermΓΆglichen, planbare AblΓ€ufe zu erkennen und diesen zu folgen, Konsequenzen der eigenen Handlungen zu erleben und Vertrauen in sich und andere aufzubauen. ZugehΓΆrigkeit im Aufnahmeland, dessen Bedeutungssysteme erst erschlossen werden mΓΌssen, soll vermittelt werden. FΓΌr LehrkrΓ€fte ergibt sich die Herausforderung, unterschiedliche Lebenswirklichkeiten und Erfahrungen Ihrer SchΓΌler*innen mitzudenken, dabei einen fΓΌr den Klassenverband verbindlichen Rahmen vorzugeben und die Grenze zwischen ihrer Arbeit und therapeutischen Angeboten zu erkennen

    The scaling of urban land and density profiles: empirics and theory

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    editorial reviewedR-AGR-3372 - C17/SR/11693518 SCALE-IT UP - CARUSO Geoffrey11. Sustainable cities and communitie

    Good Trouble : Moral Crises and Ethical Experimentations

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    peer reviewedThis chapter examines crises as politico-ethical moments of vulnerability that lead to transformation and experimentation with dominant norms and ways of doing and valuing the good. It explores mundane forms of ethical crises defined as 'moral breakdowns' in the context of grassroots welcome practices for refugees in Paris. It demonstrates that, in this context, everyday crises about what doing good is and how it should be done can be understood as both an expression and a response to a broader crisis of EUrope and its borders


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