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    Hungarian lexicography III. : LSP Lexicography

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    Az MTA Szótári Munkabizottsága által gondozott és az Akadémiai Kiadó által kiadott Lexikográfiai füzetek című periodikum most megjelenő tanulmányai a magyar lexikográfia dinamikusan fejlődő területét, a szakszótárírás múltját és jelenét kívánják bemutatni az idegen nyelvi sorozat harmadik, a Lexikográfiai füzetek 7. köteteként. A kötet abban az értelemben is csatlakozik az előző kettőhöz, hogy míg előbbiek a magyar vonatkozású lexikográfia, a jelenlegi a magyar vonatkozású szaklexikográfia első nagyobb idegen nyelvű összefoglalásának tekinthető. A kötet bevezet bennünket a magyar egy-, két- és többnyelvű szaklexikográfia történetébe, elméletének kibontakozásába, vázolja szűkebb és tágabb kutatási területeit és megvalósítandó feladatait. A tanulmányok ezen túlmenően felvállalták néhány kiemelt szakterület szótártörténetének kikutatását, bemutatását, a felkutatott szótárak kritikai elemzését, de sor kerül az új technológia bemutatására és ezáltal a szaklexikográfia fogalmának kitágítására is

    Interferon Induction by Viruses. XXV. Adenoviruses as inducers of interferon in deelopmentally aged primary chicken embryo cells

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    Chicken embryonic cells (CEC) are nonpermissive hosts for the replication of human adenoviruses, yet they respond to infection by producing interferon (IFN). The nature of the IFN inducer moiety in these viruses has been elusive since its initial study by Ilona Béládi and colleagues some 40 years ago. We tested the hypothesis that viral dsRNA was the IFN inducer molecule - for two reasons: dsRNA has been identified as a potent inducer of IFN, and developmentally mature CEC cells as cultured in vitro can develop a hyper-responsive state to dsRNA such that a single molecule of dsRNA per cell constitutes the threshold of detection. Furthermore, the number of particles in a virus population capable of inducing-IFN, irrespective of their replication capacity, can be quantified through the analysis of dose (multiplicity)-response (IFN yield) curves, thus allowing a determination of the number particles in virus populations that possess the capacity to induce IFN. This study demonstrates that type 5 wild type adenovirus (Ad5) and mutants dl312, dl334, and ts19 induce from 8,000 to 80,000 IFN U per 107 CEC. UV irradiation showed that transcription of about 20-50% of the Ad5 genome was required to produce the IFN inducer moiety. The ratio of IFN-inducing particles to plaque-forming particles (IFP: PFP) was as low as 1:6, indicating that only a small fraction of the total particles in a virus population ever function as IFP. We conclude that adenovirus dsRNA produced during symmetric transcription of some regions of the viral genome, coupled with fine-tuning of the IFN-induction pathway, account for the IFN-inducing capacity of adenoviruses in the non-permissive chicken cell

    Comparative Study of Potential Virulence Factors in Human Pathogenic and Saprophytic Trichoderma longibrachiatum Strains

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    Potential virulence factors of 9 saprophytic and 12 clinical Trichoderma longibrachiatum strains were examined in the present study, in order to compare their capacity to cause infection in humans. All of the strains were able to grow at temperatures up to 40 °C and at pH values ranging from 2.0 to 9.0. Carbon and nitrogen source utilization experiments revealed that all of the strains were able to utilize a series of basic amino acids both as sole carbon and nitrogen sources. The MIC values of the tested antifungal drugs were found to be 0.016-8 µg/ml for amphotericin B, 64-256 µg/ml for fluconazole, 0.5-32 µg/ml for itraconazole and 0.008-1 µg/ml for ketoconazole in the case of the examinedis olates. Metabolites of the strains inhibited the growth of different bacteria, furthermore, compounds produced by three clinical isolates reduced the motility of boar spermatozoa, indicating their toxicity to mammalian cells as well. On the whole, there were no significant differences in the examined features between strains derived from clinical or soil samples. The question, however, whether all environmental Trichoderma longibrachiatum strains have the capacity to cause infections or not, remains still unanswered

    Novel strategies to control mycotoxins in feeds: A review

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    Mycotoxin-producing fungi may contaminate agricultural products in the field (preharvest spoilage), during storage (postharvest spoilage), or during processing. Mycotoxin contamination of foods and feeds poses serious health hazard to animals and humans. For lowering mycotoxin contamination of feeds and foods, several strategies have been investigated that can be divided into biological, chemical and physical methods. This paper gives an overview of strategies which are promising with regard to lowering the mycotoxin burden of animals and humans

    Gyulafehérvár város és a körülötte elterülő uradalom társadalma (1541-1600)

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    Dolgozatunkban bemutattuk egyrészt Gyulafehérvárnak mint püspöki székhelynek az átalakulási folyamatát fejedelmi székvárossá, másrészt a püspöki uradalmi központ és vártartomány átváltozását fejedelmi nagybirtokká és birtokközponttá. Hangsúlyt helyeztünk továbbá annak leírására, hogy ez az átalakulás miképpen befolyásolta a székváros és az uradalom társadalmának fejlődését

    The effect of far UV radiation on the morphology and the ability of germination of conidia of Fusarium culmorum

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    A preliminary study was carried out for the effect of far UV radiation on the morphology and germination of the conidia of Fusarium culmorum . It can be established that the UV radiation was effective mainly on the width and the number of transversal walls of conidia developed on the air mycelia. For the examination of the effect of UV radiation, conidia were prepared from the irradiated mycelia as well as from the mycelia developed after the irradiation. As a result of our investigations, it can be established that the conidia developed in the mycelia irradiated by 0,81 J/cm 2 dose were resistive for the far UV radiation. The germination percent of these conidia were about 20 percent even at the dose of 1,728 J/cm 2 applied at the start of germination. The conidia isolated from mycelia developed after irradiation already lost their ability of germination at the irradiation of the smallest dose

    Components of partial resistance to Stagonospora blotch among Brazilian spring wheats

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    Thirty-two Brazilian spring wheats ( Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) were evaluated for partial resistance to Stagonospora blotch under greenhouse conditions to an isolate of Stagonospora nodorum from the southeastern U.S. Incubation period was shortest (5.6 days) in the susceptible cultivar BR 4 and longest (12.7 days) in the resistant cultivar CEP 14. Latent period was significantly longer for CEP 14 than on any other cultivar except BR 38. Resistant wheats had latent periods that were 3–5 days longer than susceptible lines. Disease severity was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with incubation period and latent period. Cultivars with long incubation period and long latent period also had a slow rate of disease progress. The widest range of response to S. nodorum infection was for area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). CEP 14 and BR32 had AUDPC values that were less than 25% of the values of seven cultivars with the highest AUDPC. CEP14 had the longest IP and LP and the lowest AUDPC, exceeding the next closest entry by almost 5% for each parameter. Ratings for components of partial resistance closely paralleled field ratings for resistance in southern Brazil. Because genotypes are generally well-adapted agronomically and responded similarly to an isolate representative of S. nodorum in the southeastern U.S., resistant lines from southern Brazil may be useful in breeding programs in the southern U.S

    Effect of 25 years of continuous fertilizer use on response to applied nutrients and uptake of micronutrients by rice-wheat-cowpea system

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    In a twenty five years old long-term fertilizer experiment with rice-wheat-cowpea system on a mollisol at Pantnagar; rice and wheat responded well to applied N, Zn and FYM over the years; whereas, responses to other applied nutrients are improving with the passage of time owing to decline in their availability in soil. Uptake of micronutrients by the entire cropping sequence of rice-wheat-cowpea varied from 143 to 597, 2274 to 6169, 384 to 1234 and 119 to 521 g ha −1 for Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu, respectively. The highest removal of Zn by crops was observed under 100%NPK+Zn, while that of Fe, Mn and Cu was under 100%NPK+FYM. Removal of micronutrients by the annual cropping cycle depleted the availability of Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in soil in the range of 0.02–.0.37, 0.1–1.8, 0.1–1.6 and 0.1–0.2 mg kg −1 , respectively under different treatments


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