Kansas State University
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    Impact of Sod Growers’ Grow-in Strategies on the Performance of Zoysiagrass Sod

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    Cultural practices such as mowing heights or nutrient application at sod growers’ farms can affect zoysiagrass sod performance postharvest and laying. A study conducted with \u27Meyer\u27, \u27Innovation\u27, and DALZ 1808 involved varying nitrogen levels and mowing heights. The sod, sprigged in June 2021 at the Olathe Horticultural Research and Extension Center (OHREC), was harvested in the summer of 2023 and laid at OHREC and Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center (RFTRC), Manhattan, Kansas. Results showed that aerification before sodding reduced the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and quality of DALZ 1808 but not Meyer and Innovation. RFTRC has a Chase silty clay loam with a pH of 7.1 while OHREC has an Oska-Martin silty clay loam with a pH of 6.0. Meyer developed an extended root length than Innovation and 1808 in Manhattan, after nine days of sodding and a lower mowing height at grow-in increased the root numbers in Olathe. After a drought period, Meyer was significantly stressed in Olathe compared to Innovation and DALZ 1808. Overall, aerification may adversely affect some zoysiagrass genotypes and growers’ practices may impact the rooting and turf quality of the sod

    2019 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Bermudagrass Test: 2023 Data

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    Kansas represents the northernmost region in the central United States where bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) can be successfully grown as a perennial turfgrass. Historically, few cultivars that have both acceptable quality and adequate cold tolerance have been available to local growers. Because new introductions are continually being selected for improved hardiness and quality, both seeded and vegetative types need regular evaluation to determine their long-range suitability for use in Kansas

    Historic Insect Losses in Kansas Cotton and Observations from Finney County

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    Twenty years of insect data from Kansas cotton production illustrated the variety of pests that can cause significant yield loss. During a typical growing season, a producer can expect three to five species to need control measures. Thrips, cotton fleahoppers, and lygus bugs are of the most concern; however, losses due to bollworm are steadily increasing following years of control with Bt cotton. No control measures were needed during the 2021 growing season in cotton research plots in Finney County; however, most major pest species were observed along with some species of occasional concern

    Using Data to Make Evidence Informed Decisions in School Social Work

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    Effectively supporting school social workers (SSW) in using data to make evidence informed decisions can be challenging for many reasons. This study examines how SSW utilize data across each step of the data engagement framework and, explores the confidence level of SSW in identifying data as well as specific types of data being utilized in the school setting. Data were collected though mixed-methods survey items with social workers in one district in central Florida asking about the different ways in which SSW were engaged with data usage. Results from the study indicate that SSW felt more comfortable in identifying interventions and their ability to intervene than having the right data, making meaning of data, or evaluating the impact of their interventions. These themes were further explored using the qualitative items which identified specific aspects of data engagement including identification of the right data, accessing data, interpreting results, deciding interventions, monitoring implementation and how SSW learn about interventions

    Becoming Humans: An introduction to Biological Anthropology

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    Becoming Humans: An introduction to Biological Anthropology is written for undergraduate students in any major. Biological anthropology focuses on the study of human and non-human primate biological variation and evolution. The book traces the evolutionary history of modern humans, as well as modern human dispersals and adaptations, to different -and sometimes challenging-, environments. Human characteristics are analyzed from a comparative context and in relation to those present or absent in some of our closes living primate relatives. Human variation is examined from an evolutionary, historic, and adaptive perspective. The book offers insights on what makes us human and contextualizes our species within a continuum of biological variation and evolution. Contents The book starts with an introduction to anthropology, including its main four subfields. Each subdiscipline is defined, and examples of their type of studies are provided. Particular attention is paid to biological anthropology and its scope. The book continues with a review of basic cell biology and genetics. These sections provide the foundation for understanding how evolution works. Evolutionary theory and forces are presented and reviewed, and the history of evolutionary theory is examined. Human evolution is addressed starting with early primate evolution, followed by the emergence of hominid forms such as Australopithecine and Homo species. Hypotheses regarding the tempo and mode of human evolution are evaluated in light of recent findings. Modern human populations are examined from the lens of biological variation and historical perspectives. Current human evolution is addressed paying particular attention to current environmental conditions.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1056/thumbnail.jp

    The Digital Transformation of Organizational Learning: A Case Study of China Telecom

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    Digital transformation of organizational learning becomes a key strategy for the development of organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to take China Telecom as a case to explore the digital transformation of organizational learning and to find out the actions that China Telecom has taken to achieve the digital transformation of organizational learning

    A Practitioner\u27s Conceptualization of Student Engagement

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    Student engagement is one of the most promising concepts in educational research today, as it has been positively correlated to a host of desirable outcomes and negatively correlated to a variety of undesirable outcomes. While there has been tremendous progress in advancing our understanding of student engagement including the developing of student engagement models in recent years, most of that work has been focused on advancing educational research rather than disseminating best practices to P-12 practitioners. The aim here is to provide practitioners a brief coverage on the current literature on student engagement, a concise, practical model of engagement, and its potential practical applications

    A Qualified Success? Credit frameworks and lifelong learning

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    Considers the potential of credit and qualifications frameworks to support learners in gaining formal credit for informal and conformal learning. Makes recommendations to increase learner mobility and enhance access and equity

    Mentoring: The Factors that Contribute to Persistence to Graduation for African American Male K-12 Educators in Predominantly White Institutions (PWI) in Missouri

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    This study investigated how mentoring enabled African American male K-12 educators to persist and obtain master’s degrees in predominately White institutions (PWIs) in Missouri

    Erratum: Members\u27 Percieved Benefits and Values of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education

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    Correction: The DOI of the article Garrett, R., Balinas, M., Wingenbach, G., Rutherford, T., Fath, K., Alvis, S., Bielecki, C., McGucken, A., & Pratt, O. (2014). Members\u27 Percieved Benefits and Values of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 21(2), 6-16” was incorrect as published. The correct DOI is: 10.4148/2831-5960.122


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