5642 research outputs found
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Dai principi alla pratica: gestire i dati della ricerca
Nell’ambito del ciclo “Open Science Corner”, che affronta le buone pratiche alla base della corretta gestione del dato di ricerca, l’incontro “Dai principi alla pratica: gestire i dati della ricerca” intende partire dalle definizioni dei concetti fondamentali per offrire ai ricercatori una panoramica su come orientarsi nella gestione dei dati di ricerca
Foodomics 2024: fifteen years on from. Where are we now, what’s next
In the past years we have acquired new knowledge, but are we sure we are interpreting it in the right way? Are we on the right path to arrive at a food system transition that will take us to the desired goals? This is the fil rouge that links the 4 sessions of this edition of FoodOmics, whose titles are not by chance always a question.
What’s wrong and right with ultra-processed foods?
Food and health. Are we working from the right perspective?
Are alternative sources of nutrients a reliable alternative?
Nutrient bioaccessibility and bioavailability. Do we need a new nutrition label
La enseñanza del italiano en el Instituto Español de Madrid. Antonio Martínez del Romero y José López de Morelle
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de diferentes investigaciones que han llevado a una confluencia y a completar datos e información. Por un lado, describir con detalle qué se ha conseguido saber sobre la participación de Antonio Martínez del Romero y de José López de Morelle en calidad de socios del Instituto Español de Madrid y de profesores catedráticos de italiano y otros idiomas en dicha institución a mediados del siglo XIX. Por otro, reconstruir la historia de esta sociedad artística y literaria que fundamentaba su existencia en instruir benéficamente a niños y niñas así como a adultos analfabetos, limitándonos a lo que se refiere a la didáctica de las lenguas modernas que ahí se impartían
Effects of phenolic content on the oxidative evolution of model rosé wines
The data set contains raw chemical data related to the color and oxidative evolution of 5 distinct model rosé wines (from very light to very dark rosé nuances) and stock solutions of grape tannins and oenocyanin, including spectrophotometric, colorimetric and chromatographic determinations performed on each experimental triplicate. Analysis carried out are: CIELAB parameters, Optical density, Folin Ciocalteu index, Total Anthocyanins, Phenols reactive to Vanillin, Total and reduced Fe, together with Anthocyanins separation and quantification by HPLC-DAD
INCiTiS-FOOD. Experimental data to evaluate Growth, Yield and Bioactive Compounds of Ethiopian Kale (Brassica carinata A. Braun) Microgreens under Different LED Light Spectra and Substrates
Dataset related to the article “Evaluation of Growth, Yield and Bioactive Compounds of Ethiopian Kale (Brassica carinata A. Braun) Microgreens under Different LED Light Spectra and Substrates” (published in 2024 in “Horticulturae”, DOI: 10.3390/horticulturae10050436).
The dataset contains experimental results associated with the publication, including yield, plant height, leaf area, canopy cover, carotenoid and flavonoid contents, total amount of chlorophyll nitrate content. The data were generated in the framework of the Horizon Europe project INCiTiS-FOOD
I nuovi confini del lavoro: la trasformazione digitale
Il volume si pone l'obiettivo di approfondire il tema delle trasformazioni digitali nel mondo del lavoro da diverse prospettive di analisi. Propone molteplici spunti di riflessione circa il ruolo giocato dal legislatore nella regolamentazione del fenomeno, ma anche dalle parti sociali e dai lavoratori, verso una transizione digitale giusta. La lettura del fenomeno proposta, che si colloca in una visione antropocentrica, sostenibile e resiliente, consente un approccio innovativo alle questioni sottese alla digitalizzazione del lavoro
Check List delle Briofite della Toscana
Viene presentato uno studio sulla consistenza e distribuzione delle Briofite in Toscana. La prima fase della ricerca è consistita nella realizzazione di un database di quasi 22.000 record, costruito sulla base dei dati bibliografici e di erbario ed in cui sono indicate le località di rinvenimento delle specie, suddivise per provincia. Allo stato attuale delle conoscenze in nostro possesso, complessivamente sono presenti in Toscana 748 taxa di briofite, di cui 184 antocerote ed epatiche e 564 muschi. Completano il lavoro una tabella di sintesi della distribuzione dei taxa nelle diverse province, l’elenco dei sinonimi così come compaiono nelle pubblicazioni consultate ed una esauriente bibliografica di tutte le opere riguardanti ricerche e segnalazioni a carattere briologico condotte nella regione
1950s textbooks for EFL teaching and learning in Italy: A historiographical analysis
This paper is a case study focusing on a corpus of textbooks of English for Italian learners published in 1952, retrieved from the online Catalogo Nazionale OPAC SBN (https://opac.sbn.it) and consulted at the archives of major Italian public libraries. The texts were examined on the
basis of their structure, contents, purpose and teaching approach, with the aim of identifying distinctive generic features and proposing an initial classification. They represent variations of the same genre, catering to
pedagogical purposes and encompassing different content derived from didactic materials that were employed both before and during the fascist era, as well as newly devised resources. The historiographical textual analysis provides some insights into post-fascist educational policies. Furthermore, it uncovers the texts’ glottodidactic methods and approaches which originated from Britain and North America and triggered profound changes in the history of language teaching
Back to the Fundamentals of Research: Reliability, Transparency and Reproducibility. Position Paper
On May 20, 2024, the University of Bologna held an international event titled: “Back to fundamentals of research: Reliability, Transparency and Reproducibility” with remarkable speakers from national and international institutions.
The debate revolved around what it means to perform research responsibly and whether the reproducibility of results can be used as a reliable proxy for research quality.
Through this position paper the University of Bologna intends to highlight some key messages emerged from the discussions and point out challenges and recommendations in ensuring reproducibility and trustworthy methodologies in research environments
Data about the bioactive compounds of Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOO) obtained from olives of Nostrana di Brighella cv. produced with different agronomical practices (integrated pest management and organic farming)
This data set contains the underlying data of the scientific publication: Casadei et al., 2024. Valorization of monovarietal Nostrana di Brisighella extra virgin olive oils: focus on bioactive compounds. This publication will soon be submitted to a scientific journal.
The study focuses on different agronomic variables in order to optimize the presence of bioactive components of monovarietal Nostrana di Brisighella extra virgin olive oils. In fact, fruits were obtained through integrated pest management or organic farming and picked at four increasing indices of maturity, corresponding to four successive weeks of harvesting, namely positive volatile and phenolic compounds. Especially the latter allow health claims of olive oil related to phenolic content (derivatives of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol) and positive sensory attributes (fruity, bitter, and punget) that are known to be associated with volatile and phenolic molecules.
This research work is developed within the project funded under the PSR 2014-2020 program – Type of Operation 16.2 “INnovazione e PROmozione della filiera dell’OLIO extra vergine di oliva emiliano-romagnolo (INPRO-OLIO)” and Dr. Enrico Casadei's research activity is financed within the project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - NextGenerationEU “ON Foods - Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security - Working ON Foods”