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SoilCare WP5 database with experimental monitoring data
Here the database with the experimental data collected in all SoilCare study sites is included. The SoilCare database: schema (empty database) and Report 34 (D5.1) which reports and explains the database, which the SoilCare project developed and used for storing the monitoring results from the tested cropping systems and/or field agricultural experiments in the 16 Study sites can be accessed in 10.5281/zenodo.5541295
The Klamath Mountains region in Northern California is an assembly of terranes representing the complicated geologic history of western North America from the Ordovician to the Cretaceous. The Rattlesnake Creek terrane (RCt) is a tectonic mélange of metamorphosed sedimentary, mafic volcanic-plutonic, and ultramafic rocks with an extensive geologic history that includes tectonism, volcanism, and accretion. The geologic setting in which the RCt initially formed is speculated to be either endemic or exotic to North America. Recent work shows that the RCt’s cover sequence has a North American provenance, but the history and tectonic setting of the RCt basement is not well-understood.
This study presents new geochronologic and petrographic data from metasedimentary and meta-igneous blocks in the RCt. Some blocks have significant age populations around 1100 Ma, 1400 Ma, 1700 Ma, and 2600 Ma, consistent with North American provenance. Other blocks have a single Early or Middle Jurassic age population with a few older ages. Maximum depositional ages are 163-194 Ma, indicating that the RCt incorporated North American-derived material as early as 194 Ma, prior to deposition of the overlying Middle Jurassic cover sequence. Although the blocks are metamorphosed, petrographic point counting shows evidence of recycled continental material. This study proposes a new tectonic model in which the majority of blocks in the RCt formed in the western of two east-dipping subduction zones prior to 200 Ma. The southern RCt incorporated North American sediment as it accreted to the North American plate, and the northern RCt incorporated only minimal continental sediment just before mélange formation ceased at ~163 Ma. This study has significant implications for the tectonic history of the Klamath Mountains and western North America as the data are not consistent with a west-dipping subduction model
Supplementary Information
Supplementary Information
Institutionalisierter Rassismus? Perspektiven für eine rassismus- und institutionentheoretische Schulforschung
Im Beitrag werden Aufmerksamkeitsrichtungen für die Schulforschung aus rassismus- und institutionentheoretischer Perspektive konturiert. Gefragt wird, wie die Institutionalisiertheit von Rassismus und Prozesse seiner Institutionalisierung im Schulkontext analysiert werden (können) und welche Phänomene hierdurch in das Blickfeld der Forschung geraten. Diese Suchbewegung bezieht sich auf das Zusammenwirken von gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen, der Schule als Institution und den darin handelnden Akteur: innen und nimmt ihren Ausgang in einem Rückblick auf bisherige Forschungen zu Rassismus im Kontext von Schule. Inspiriert von Zugängen aus der Rassismustheorie und neoinstitutionalistischen Forschungsperspektiven werden in einem weiteren Schritt Blickwinkel einer rassismus- und institutionentheoretischen, erziehungswissenschaftlichen Schulforschung markiert. In dieser Perspektivierung erscheint Schule als gesellschaftlich verankert, umkämpft und veränderbar, als ein Terrain des Ringens um Hegemonie, in dem Reproduktionslogiken von Rassismus und der Widerstand dagegen gleichzeitig enthalten sind.
English version:
This article explores the possibilities of research on school informed by critical race theory and new institutionalism. The contribution focusses on the question of how the institutional life of racism and processes of its institutionalisation in the school context can be made analytically tangible and which phenomena thereby can be explored. This exploration takes place in the nexus of social power relations, the school as societal institution and the subjects acting in it and takes its starting point in a review of previous research on the interrelation of school and racism. Inspired by critical race theory and new institutionalism the directions of attention of school research on racism and institutional theory were marked. In this perspective, school appears as socially anchored, contested and changeable, as a terrain of the struggle for hegemony, in which the logics of reproduction of racism and resistance against it are simultaneously contained.+repphzhbib2023
Human TMEM163 is a protein that has been reported to bind zinc, copper, and nickel. Our laboratory recently showed that TMEM163 transports zinc into intracellular compartments and out of cells, making it a zinc efflux transporter. TMEM163 has been implicated in several human disorders such as Mucolipidosis type IV, Hypomyelination Leukodystrophy, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes. We have previously shown that knocking down the expression of human TMEM163 in cultured cells creates an imbalance of intracellular zinc levels, suggesting that it is likely critical for zinc homeostasis in various cells and tissues. To further dissect the function of TMEM163, I used an animal model in which its mouse counterpart, Tmem163, has been knocked out. I hypothesized that with a loss of mouse Tmem163 expression will result in abnormal metabolism of metals, particularly those that were reported to bind Tmem163. I used post-mortem tissues from Tmem163 knockout (KO) and wildtype (WT) mice, consisting of cerebral cortex, cerebellum, lungs, and pancreas, because of prior knowledge that Tmem163 transcripts are highly expressed in these tissues. Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), I analyzed the levels of metal isotopes of iron, nickel, copper, zinc, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and manganese from KO and WT tissues of 1-, 3-, 7- and 16-month-old mice. To corroborate with ICP-MS results, I used Timm Silver Sulfide to stain for hippocampal zinc from KO and WT tissues of 1-, 3-, 7-, and 12-month-old mice. Overall, these observations show that mouse Tmem163 is crucial for metal homeostasis in distinct tissues and zinc transport in the brain. Furthermore, these results suggest that human TMEM163 plays a vital roles in human health and disease
Gahagan biface from the George C. Davis site
Certificate of Analysis: Proposal 756075
CoA describing deuterated cell paste preparation
Social interaction in the elementary classroom. Teaching with objects as a pathway to knowledge and self-knowledge
Joint entry further to the following message:
Dear MSCA fellow / alumna / alumnus,
Today, we are reaching out to you with exciting new ways to communicate your research to pupils and teachers across Europe.
First, we are happy to announce that Science is Wonderful! is back and ready to connect your research to schools near and far. Science is Wonderful! bridges research with schools across the European Union. It celebrates the value and impact of EU-funded research by giving primary and secondary school students the chance to interact with leading researchers and innovators, learn more about their work in engaging formats and ask questions about scientific careers. Since its inception in 2015, Science is Wonderful! has organised an annual science fair that interactively showcases research projects and innovations through presentations, hands-on experiments, games and quizzes.
There are two ways to participate:
(a) You can register for our Science is Wonderful! online competition until 1 December: https://www.scienceiswonderful.eu/competition
This competition will give you a chance to get to find and know a primary or secondary school teacher eager to turn your research into an interactive learning resource for their pupils. Match with a teacher, develop a project proposal together, submit it and get famous! The best proposals will be professionally developed and promoted by the European Commission. Plus there are other small prizes in store, so make sure to register today but no later than 1 December.
(b) You can apply to showcase your research at the Science is Wonderful! fair in March 2023: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/SIWScienceFair2023
On 16-17 March 2023, the European Commission will invite MSCA researchers and alumni to come to Brussels once more and present their research through fun, interactive experiments, games or quizzes to pupils from Brussels and its surroundings. We are expecting up to 5 000 young curious mind, so do not miss out on this opportunity to meet the next generation and share your passion for with them. The European Commission will cover all travel and accommodation costs for you and a colleague. So make sure to submit your proposal no later than 1 December.
Additionally, we encourage you to get involved in the newly launched initiative Researchers at Schools. Linked to the European Researchers’ Night, these projects bring the wonders of science directly to schools – and pupils to the labs! This initiative will allow 2 400 primary and secondary schools and 225 000 pupils in several countries to discover researchers’ work through presentations, hands-on experiments, visits to labs, games, discussions and role-playing. Would you like to take part? Then check out the list of projects taking place all over Europe and get in touch with the organisers.
We hope that you will take part and strengthen the bonds between research and education.
Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to get in touch through [email protected]
EJPSOIL CarboSeq crop and soil management database
The database of the EJPSOIL CarboSeq WP2 with (meta)data of long term agricultural field experiments for Tier2 (SOC) and where available Tier 3 (carbon input) from EuropeThe empty template of the database used to collect the (meta)data is available at 10.5281/zenodo.809488