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Book Review: Coaching Copyright
Coaching Copyright is a welcome addition to the body of literature focusing on copyright educators who are, by extension, coaches. The book follows a logical order, starting with the title topic, offering a framework to address issues, and then positioning this framework within an instructional context. The next chapters cover ways to connect with your audience, succeeded by employing the framework for particular audiences and topics, and ending with a report about a Library Science course. This publication concentrates on the people who teach copyright within academic libraries in the United States. The target audience is wide, regardless of formal job positions, and its utility stretches far beyond the core subject.
Keywords: copyright, instruction, coaching, education, teaching, copyright education, higher educatio
Africana Annual: Editorial Introduction
Editorial introduction to the issue
Doublespeaking American Immigration: The Language and Politics of Asylum-Seeking in Imbolo Mbue’s Behold the Dreamers
Drawing illustration from Imbolo MBue’s Behold the Dreamers, this paper demonstrates that postindependence socioeconomic and politico-cultural disillusionment caused by the rise in a crop of populist or strongmen African leaders, conflicts, dictatorship and the general failure of governance have exacerbated poverty and African youths have been “dying to reach Europe” by hazardously crossing the Libyan Desert, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The paper argues that once in Europe or the US, African immigrants encounter convoluted immigration laws and nonchalant employers that doublethink and doublespeak them into disenfranchisement and marginalization thereby rendering their asylum seeking difficult and in most cases, impossible. The paper concludes that immigration to Europe or the US both kindles and kills hope and (re)builds and destroys lives and that the coming to power of leaders such as Donald Trump (with very strong anti-immigration policies) has proven that the US border is gradually becoming as unsafe as the sweltering heat of the Libyan Desert and the tempests of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
New amphibian records for the Serranía de San Jacinto, Bolívar Department, Colombia
The San Jacinto Highlands are a mountainous formation that is part of the Montes de María in theColombian Caribbean Region. It harbors remnants of Tropical Dry Forest, which is rapidly disappearing due to developmentfor agriculture and livestock. This loss impacts amphibian diversity by fragmenting habitat, creating homogeneouslandscapes, and reducing environmental complexity. Despite its ecological importance, information on theherpetofauna in this region is limited due to access and security issues. We herein present five new amphibian records(Rhinella alata, Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi, Colostethus inguinalis, Boana rosenbergi, and Dendropsophus ebraccatus) forthe Bolívar Department, which extend the distributions of these species
Digital capitalism, subjectivation... and the end of resistance?
The paper examines how technological systems and digital capitalism have led to a deep integration between the market and individual/collective identities, and how processes of subjectivation are increasingly mediated through technological devices. The paper discusses the work of Lazzarato and Reckwitz, who provide a comprehensive analysis of the new social and political symptoms arising from digital capitalism and the production of subjectivity. The paper argues that Reckwitz\u27s diagnosis should be complemented by recognizing the mutual reinforcement of singularization and standardization dynamics. Individuals actively participate in and reproduce dynamics of repetition, standardisation, and the pursuit of instant gratification and maximizing potential choices. Finally, we discuss some forms of resistance that are theoretically on offer, raising the pessimistic question of whether such resistance is still possible and by what means
Forme et résistances, formes politiques de résistances: La pratique artistique comme art de résister
En se référant à T. Adorno, on pourrait avancer que les arts plastiques sont en soi, de par « leur action transformatrice », résistance à l’ordre social et politique. À l’époque, cet auteur avait particulièrement en tête les Avants-gardes de l’art moderne. Mais est-ce que son analyse peut résister elle-même face à de nouveaux contextes et époques?
Community Psychology Practice Competencies in Egypt: Challenges and Opportunities
The Society for Community Research and Action’s proposed competencies for community psychology practice are examined within the Egyptian context, specifically from the perspective of a Master’s program at The American University in Cairo. While this program integrates most of the competencies into the curriculum, thesis, and internship opportunities, the emphasis on various competencies may differ from programs in the United States because the program is situated within a different cultural and political climate. Many contextual factors impact competency training, including the current state of development work in Egypt, political considerations with implications for safety, the lack of a clear public policy process, and language as well as cultural differences. Sources of exposure, expertise, and experience for graduate students are discussed in regard to the five overarching competencies: foundational principles, community program development, community and organizational capacity-building, community and social change, and community research. The benefit of examining the competencies from an international perspective is also discussed
Empowerment – a relational challenge
Empowerment promotion is a major challenge for community psychology. Practitioners’ understanding of change processes and relationship building capacity are crucial elements for this.
We reflect on some methodological and theoretical frames. We consider that the naturalistic paradigm and method can be applied to empowerment promotion, particularly if it is focused on creating change based on people’s voice, participation and actions (Aguiar & Moniz, 2006). Besides, it helps to understand elements, boundaries and timings of change process. So, it can be a very useful method for action research.
We believe that empowerment promotion is a relational challenge and that community development paths are based on relationship building, from the group to the community levels. It is a major challenge to promote empowerment, because to listen to voices of people, to understand their strengths, and to work with them in a cooperative way implies from the practitioners an understanding of empowering aspects of change processes and assuming a role of facilitator.
The challenge practitioners face of combining top-down and bottom-up approaches is also an important aspect that have impact on individual, relational, organizational and community levels of empowerment promotion, where creativity play a special role