Comparative Legilinguistics
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    La langue de communication et le droit à un procès équitable au Cameroun

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    This paper deals with the incidence of communication channels treatment during court proceedings in a multilingual context like Cameroon. On the one hand, I will defend on the one hand the idea according to which the unbalanced treatment enshrined in the constitution, which confers preferential treatment to the so-called official, but imported languages and a marginal role to other local languages termed as national as well as other means of expression, affects the communication before courtrooms. The use of the former is reserved for an elitist minority group while that of the latter for a majority illiterate group. On the other hand, there has been an effort on the part of the state to curb this discrimination through the linguistic assistance. But still, there are challenges that confirm the legitimate fears of litigants, better lay-litigants of violation of their rights of access to justice and fair trial at large. The paper then suggests to the State to enhance the promotion of national languages, to emphasize on the training of judicial personnel and public awareness.Cet article analyse l’enjeu du traitement réservé aux canaux de communication utilisés devant les tribunaux dans un pays multilingue comme le Cameroun. D’une part, je défendrai l’idée selon laquelle le traitement déséquilibré consacré par la constitution, qui confère un régime de faveur aux langues importées, dites officielles, et un rôle marginal aux autres langues locales, dites nationales ainsi qu’aux autres moyens d’expression, crée un problème de communication devant les tribunaux. L’usage des premières est réservé à une classe élitiste minoritaire tandis que celui des secondes à une classe analphabète majoritaire. D’autre part et partant de cette « discrimination », je présenterai des éléments d’analyse confirmant les craintes légitimes que les justiciables, mieux les justiciables profanes, peuvent avoir du fait de l’utilisation d’une langue marginale ou de la non maitrise d’une langue ou d’autres moyens, de la violation de leurs droits d’accès à la justice et à un procès équitable en général.Cet article analyse l’enjeu du traitement réservé aux canaux de communication utilisés devant les tribunaux dans un pays multilingue comme le Cameroun. D’une part, je défendrai l’idée selon laquelle le traitement déséquilibré consacré par la constitution, qui confère un régime de faveur aux langues importées, dites officielles, et un rôle marginal aux autres langues locales, dites nationales ainsi qu’aux autres moyens d’expression, crée un problème de communication devant les tribunaux. L’usage des premières est réservé à une classe élitiste minoritaire tandis que celui des secondes à une classe analphabète majoritaire. D’autre part, l’Etat a fait un effort considérable pour limiter cette « discrimination » en recourant à la technique d’assistance juridique. Mais il demeure qu’il subsiste des barrières légitimant les craintes des justiciables, mieux les justiciables profanes de la violation de leurs droits d’accès à la justice et à un procès équitable en général. L’article recommande à l’Etat de promouvoir les langues nationales, de généraliser la formation et le recyclage du personnel judiciaire et de sensibiliser le public

    Cracking the code of change in EU legal discourse: signifying practices shaping inclusion for vulnerable in the digital age

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    The initiative of the Clear Writing Movement (Kimble 1992), targeting the democratization of communication by simplifying legal documents, has influenced the presentation of law globally. By uniting diverse philosophies of Plain Language and Easy-to-Read under the broad umbrella of text clarity and accessibility (Maaß 2020), this movement has particularly influenced the European Union’s linguistic policy (Foley 2002; Nerelius 2014; Seracini 2019). Notwithstanding this progress and the accelerated shift towards digital transformation during the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union’s efforts to enhance its communication for vulnerable groups (European Union 2013) remains under-examined. This research, leveraging corpus linguistics and multimodal analysis, aims to systematically uncover foundational values and thematic clusters embedded in EU legal and policy documents related to the social inclusion and rights of vulnerable populations. It explores how these are dynamically communicated through easy-to-understand multimedia resources produced by Inclusion Europe and the European Commission (Bernabé 2020). Findings underscore the pivotal role of digital technology in revolutionizing the creation and interpretation of legal documents, reflecting the European Union’s proactive efforts to forge new avenues for multimodal legal communication marked by innovative signifying practices. The research concludes by emphasizing the socio-semiotic and context-specific dimensions of legal discourse. Far from being merely universal and abstract, it can be adapted and reshaped to reflect societal and political stances on regulated issues. This can foster a sense of belonging, empowerment, and inclusivity within vulnerable communities, while also nurturing broader societal cooperation and understanding.DECIFRARE IL CAMBIAMENTO NEL LINGUAGGIO GIURIDICO DELL’UE: PRATICHE SIGNIFICATIVE PER UN INCLUSIONE DIGITALE DELLE PERSONE VULNERABILI   Sinopsi: Il Movimento globale per la Scrittura Chiara (Kimble 1992), incentrato sulla democratizzazione della comunicazione attraverso la semplificazione dei testi giuridici, ha significativamente influenzato la politica linguistica dell’Unione Europea (Foley 2002; Nerelius 2014; Seracini 2019). Attraverso l’utilizzo di metodi di linguistica dei corpora e di analisi multimodale, questo studio intende esplorare come i documenti giuridici istituzionali dell’UE, rivolti alle popolazioni vulnerabili (Unione Europea 2013), vengano trasformati in materiali facilmente accessibili e comprensibili attraverso l’adozione del Linguaggio Semplice (Maaß 2020). La ricerca mette in luce il ruolo cruciale della tecnologia digitale e gli sforzi proattivi dell’UE nell’innovare la comunicazione legale visuale, evidenziando una nicchia specifica non ancora pienamente esplorata: l’analisi della comunicazione multimodale del discorso giuridico. Tale esplorazione offre nuove prospettive sulle dinamiche socio-semiotiche e sul contesto specifico della comunicazione istituzionale, proponendo nuove vie per rafforzare l’inclusione e promuovere una cooperazione sociale più ampia. Emergono l’importanza di adattare e plasmare l’articolazione del diritto per rispondere efficacemente alle esigenze delle comunità vulnerabili e la necessità di un continuo impegno nella ricerca per sviluppare strategie comunicative che siano al contempo inclusive, precise e capaci di preservare l’integrità del linguaggio legale, nel rispetto dei valori fondamentali dell’Unione Europea

    AI and the BoLC: Streamlining legal translation

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied in the legal field has gained considerable ground in the recent years and is used in many fields, amongst which the legal one is of no exception. This paper wishes to explore the quality of the translation (from English into Italian) of an arbitration clause performed by the ChatGPT chatbot. To do so, the automatically generated target text is post-edited by consulting the BoLC (Bononia Legal Corpus) and the web as corpus in the Italian governmental domain. General and legal dictionaries are also used. The paper findings report some inaccuracies at word level which are easily tackled by corpus consultation. In view of the results obtained, however, complete reliance upon AI-driven solutions is not recommendable at the time being. Conversely, the use of ad hoc corpora and of targeted web searches are the most feasible and reliable solutions, although time-consuming. L’Intelligenza Artificiale applicata in ambito giuridico ha guadagnato notevole terreno negli ultimi anni e viene utilizzata in molteplici ambiti, tra cui quello legale. Questo articolo intende esplorare la qualità della traduzione (dall'inglese all'italiano) di una clausola compromissoria eseguita dalla chatbot ChatGPT. A tale scopo, il testo tradotto automaticamente è post-editato consultando il BoLC (Bononia Legal Corpus) e il web come corpus nel dominio Sono inoltre impiegati dizionari generali e giuridici. I risultati dell'analisi evidenziano alcune inesattezze a livello lessicale che sono facilmente corrette attraverso la consultazione del corpus. Alla luce dei risultati ottenuti, tuttavia, al momento non è consigliabile affidarsi completamente a soluzioni basate sull’intelligenza artificiale. Al contrario, l’uso di corpora ad hoc e di ricerche web mirate rappresentano le soluzioni più fattibili e affidabili, anche se richiedono tempo. &nbsp

    Access to court interpreting as social inclusion for migrants in Australia: an analysis of courtroom examination questions and answers

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    With nearly half of its population born overseas, Australia is one of the most prominent societies built and shaped by migrants worldwide. In Australian courts, access to court interpreting is crucial for social inclusion. However, translating the language of law in court is never an easy job. Therefore, court interpreters serve as indispensable gatekeepers for procedural justice and linguistic equity. But how accurately did court interpreters reproduce lawyer questioning and defendant testimony in court? Drawing on triangulated survey and interpreting performance data, our initial findings suggest a mismatch between what the interpreters said they would do and what the interpreters actually did when translating the manner in which lawyers crafted their questions and defendant responded to their questions in court. Our contributions are three-fold: (1) increasing the linguistic ‘manner awareness’, (2) promoting interprofessional understanding, and (3) compassing future pedagogies in court interpreter education

    The effective usage of corpora in legalese studies (on the example of the fiducie)

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     If we consider corpus linguistics as the study of a language through its samples, we should give credit to its contribution to the advancement of various sub-fields of linguistics: lexicography, translation studies, applied linguistics, diachronic studies and contrastive linguistics. The latter can be regarded as a special case of a linguistic typology that is distinguished from other types of typological approaches by a small sample size and a high degree of granularity (Gast 2011: 2-3). Nowadays, corpus-based contrastive studies can be treated as a growing research area that focuses on two or more languages. The present paper makes an attempt to discuss the usefulness of the specialized combined parallel-comparable corpus while dealing with legalese. The effectiveness is presented on the example of the legal institution fiducie. The methodology of research comprises the comparative analysis as well as the corpus-based analysis of the terms related to the fiducie-s presented in three varieties of French: France’s, Canadian and Luxembourgish. The carried out research reveals the juridical-semantic differences and the problematics of the verbal realization of the concepts related to three fiducie-s. These hinder a proper interpretation and complicate the process of translation. The major solution is found through the specification of meaning by renaming

    Simultaneous interpretation in interpreter-mediated remote legal proceedings: some observations from a forum theatre study

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    This article concerns the findings of a study into participant responses to remote interpreter-mediated court proceedings using Welsh-English simultaneous interpretation. The study employs the forum theatre techniques of Augusto Boal, to explore how counsel, witnesses, mock-jurors and interpreters participate in hearings conducted remotely. The study was conducted in 2022, when the early difficulties of conducting hearings remotely because of the Covid pandemic had been resolved, and legal systems were considering how remote hearings could operate in the future.  This article concerns the findings of a study into participant responses to remote interpreter-mediated court proceedings using Welsh-English simultaneous interpretation. The study employs the forum theatre techniques of Augusto Boal, to explore how counsel, witnesses, mock-jurors and interpreters participate in hearings conducted remotely. The study was conducted in 2022, when the early difficulties of conducting hearings remotely because of the Covid pandemic had been resolved, and legal systems were considering how remote hearings could operate in the future.

    "Words matter": Judicial discourse on domestic violence in China

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    The discourse about domestic violence focuses on power and control by the abuser among the victim through different means, one of those is the language. Besides the domestic walls within the abuses are perpetrated, a more institutional and usually regulated language on family violence is traceable in the public discourse, specifically in the People’s Court judgments. In cases regarding family matters, especially divorce proceedings, Chinese judges do often use paternalistic and educational language towards the couple. The aim of this paper is to carry out a preliminary research and analysis on the judicial discourse about domestic violence in order to evaluate to what extent, how and whether these paternalistic and educational nuances emerge in the language and statements used by judges in those cases. This research will be carried out firstly by building a corpus of judgments on “domestic violence” issues, and then by comparing data and analysing the specific language used by the authority using digital tools

    From “aged care” to “smart elderly care”. A corpus-based jurilinguistics analysis in Chinese and English

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    The concept of “care” is complex and multifaceted, and it is evolving rapidly in our digitized societies. By comparing the contexts of occurrence of the term in English and Chinese, this research aims to shed light on its evolution and diverse interpretations across cultures and legal systems. The development of technology has led to a growing digital divide, which can be addressed through a human rights-based approach, a business-based approach, or a combination of both. In China, the term “smart elderly care” has emerged to address the growing demand for technology-driven care solutions, while in the English-speaking world, the term “aged care” has gained prominence. The European Union has invested in programs and strategies to promote the use of digital technologies in elder care, introducing new concepts such as “older persons in long-term care” and “Older Persons’ LTC”. A linguistic analysis of English and Chinese legal corpora has revealed the diachronic evolution of the term “care” from psychological care to technical gestures and attitudes involving digital technologies. In Chinese, the term “care” is expressed differently depending on the context, words used, and participants involved in the speech acts. This research underscores the importance of understanding the complexity of the term “care” and its diverse interpretations across cultures and legal systems. By bridging the gap between these different perspectives, we can develop more effective and inclusive approaches to elder care in an increasingly digitalized world

    Court interpreters’ role in upholding the principle of language in legal proceedings: Kazakhstan case

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    The demographic shifts in Kazakhstan impact legal proceedings, with a growing number of participants who lack proficiency in the language of court proceedings. This highlights the importance of employing court interpreters. The purpose of the article was to reveal the importance of this specialist in the process of considering a case and providing citizens with the right to justice. The following methods were used in the study: analysis, synthesis, comparison, legal doctrinal, comparative, abstraction. As a result, a number of problems were revealed regarding the implementation of professional activities by a court translator in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study conducted a comparative analysis of court interpreters in Kazakhstan and foreign jurisdictions, highlighting commonalities and differences in their legal status, authority, and qualifications. In addition, as a result of the study, statistical indicators were presented describing the number of cases considered by the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of foreign citizens. The study yielded recommendations for establishing a centralized database of court interpreters in Kazakhstan and refining candidate requirements, especially concerning education levels. These insights can inform the development of training programs and certification processes for translators in the country

    Students in the third space: constructions of knowledge of foreign law in legal translations from German into Danish

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    In this paper, I want to investigate the variations in the translations produced by a group of students translating the same source text. The aim of the study is to investigate the degree to which it is possible to empirically find traces of Third Space characteristics of legal translation of court decisions between Danish and German. A corpus of 22 translations is investigated for patterns followed by the students, with a special view to assessing the degree to which they choose similar renderings of the source text elements. A central result of the empirical study is that there is a considerable degree of variation across the studied translation students and that a general distinction between strategies guarding source text complexity in content and form, on the one hand, and strategies making the rendering of the source text in the target text culture more accessible for target text readers


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    Comparative Legilinguistics
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