230123 research outputs found

    Farmaseutika Dasar

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    Buku ini terdiri dari 15 Bab yang membahas secara rinci yang terkait Farmaseutika Dasar: Bab 1 Ketentuan Umum Farmakope Bab 2 Singkatan Bahasa Latin yang Biasa Digunakan dalam Resep Bab 3 Penyediaan, Pembuatan, Penyerahan Resep dan Salinan Resep Bab 4 Perhitungan Dosis Bab 5 Kemasan Serta Aturan Pakai Obat Bab 6 Pengertian, Pembuatan, dan Penggunaan: Serbuk Bab 7 Pengertian, Pembuatan, dan Penggunaan: Kapsul Bab 8 Pengertian, Pembuatan, dan Penggunaan: Pil Bab 9 Pengertian, Pembuatan, dan Penggunaan: Tablet Bab 10 Pengertian, Pembuatan, dan Penggunaan: Trochi Bab 11 Pengertian, Pembuatan, dan Penggunaan: Larutan Bab 12 Teknik Pembuatan dan Penggunaan: Suspensi Bab 13 Teknik Pembuatan dan Penggunaan: Emulsi Bab 14 Teknik Pembuatan dan Penggunaan: Sediaan Semisolida Bab 15 Masalah Obat dan Penggolongannya Bab 16 SifatUmum, Peraturan Distribusi dan Penyimpanan Oba

    Descriptive Analysis of the Integrative Curriculum of SMP Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar

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    This study examines the formulation of problem 1). What is the profile of this school, and 2). What is the pattern of integration of the curriculum? The approach used is descriptive-qualitative, with interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of this study indicate 1) SMP Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar has the vision to produce alumni who have good morals and have achievements in the field of Islam and science based on the Qur'an and as-Sunnah. 2) The curriculum structure of SMP Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar includes the substance of lessons taken at one level for three years by combining the curriculum of the education service and the curriculum of Islamic content

    Implementation of the Inclusion Program in the Performing ARTS Class at XYZ School in Jakarta

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    Every learner matters equally despite all learning needs, and to achieve this, the implementation of inclusion is important, especially in teaching and learning. Inclusion means providing opportunities for all students with unique learning needs to learn with other students in a general educational environment. Successful inclusive education acknowledges, comprehends, and addresses student variety and variances. This present study aimed to know the implementation of inclusion programs in the Performing Arts class at XYZ School. The study involved eight Arts teachers. The research used a research design to obtain data or information through teachers' questionnaires and open-ended questions through interviews about inclusion programs, especially in Performing Arts education. The questions were designed in a Likert Scale format. The finding showed that most teachers understand the importance of inclusion programs in teaching and learning. The result showed that 2 (25 %) teachers strongly agreed and 6 (75%) teachers agreed that the inclusion program is important to be implemented in the school. Some strategies and challenges were also shared during the interview. Hence, to complete this challenging task, teachers, parents, and schools need to collaborate to achieve common objectives. Furthermore, facilities, professional development, training, and collaboration are essential to support inclusion. The study's findings, teachers, believe that inclusion programs are important, and to complete this challenging task, teachers, parents, and schools need to collaborate to achieve common objective

    Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

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    Industri perbankan merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat penting dalam perekonomian Nasional. Sebagai lembaga intermediasi, perbankan memiliki peran penting dalam menggerakkan roda perekonomian Nasional, sehingga stabilitas sistem perbankan sangat mempengaruhi stabilitas perekonomian secara keseluruhan. Untuk menciptakan rasa aman bagi nasabah penyimpan serta menjaga stabilitas sistem perbankan maka Pemerintah Indonesia memandang perlunya kehadiran sebuah lembaga penjamin simpanan dan resolusi bank di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2004, pemerintah Indonesia pun menerbitkan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, Undang-undang itu pula yang menjadi dasar hukum terbentuknya sebuah Lembaga Negara baru, yaitu Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) dan satu tahun setelahnya, LPS resmi beroperasi pada 22 September 2005. Buku ini merupakan hasil karya penelitian yang yang dikemas ke dalam beberapa bagian, dimana penulis mencoba untuk menguraikan secara komprehensif hasil analisis terhadap implementasi aturan normative Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, yaitu Pasal 4 dan Pasal 10 Undang-undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 perihal fungsi Lembaga penjamin simpanan terhadap system perbankan nasional serta bentuk simpanan yang di jamin oleh LPS, tetapi juga menganalisis perubahan-perubahan Peraturan-peraturan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan. Dibagian lain buku ini, penulis mencoba untuk mengangkat mengenai persepsi nasabah tentang keberadaan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan ini dari berbagai indicator yang ada. Dan pada bagian akhir dari pembahasan, penulis mengulas tentang perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dalam lingkup pengaturan LPS termasuk pada saat menghadapi pandemic coronadisease 2019

    Korespondensi Mrj Vol 2,No 3,2019

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    Korespondensi Mrj Vol 2,No 3,201


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    Collective monograph contains the results of scientific research devoted to new views and proposals for the diagnosis of certain diseases. The proposed solutions are important for clinical practice and inspire optimism in obtaining encouraging results in overcoming some pathologies. Chapter 1 is dedicated to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography - a contrast study of the bile ducts and ductal system of the pancreas, which is achieved by their cannulation with the help of a flexible endoscope and their visualization by X-ray (fluoroscopy). Thanks to this, it becomes possible to diagnose and perform medical interventions for choledocholithiasis, benign and malignant obstruction of the bile ducts, chronic pancreatitis accompanied by obstruction of the pancreatic ducts. Chapter 2 presents the results of the development of a thermoelectric device for diagnosing inflammatory processes and pain syndrome in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbosacral spine. Such a device makes it possible to save, process and visualize measurement results on the display of the device and on a personal computer in real time. The results of clinical studies of thermometric indicators in the lumbosacral region of the spine in persons with chronic pain syndrome against the background of degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the spine in the presence of hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs are given. The effectiveness of the proposed thermoelectric device in medical practice has been confirmed. Chapter 3 presents the results of the examination of various contingents of the population: students, athletes, mobile operators, people with hearing loss, post-covid syndrome and psychophysiological lability developed under martial law. The features of information processing by examinees with different degrees of functional mobility of nervous processes are highlighted. It was found that the deprivation of auditory function, post-conviction syndrome, psychophysiological lability developed in the conditions of martial law significantly reduce the level of neural processes and the ability to process information. The evaluation scales of neurodynamic and sensorimotor functions proposed for use in the medical field can be used to optimize diagnosis and increase the effectiveness of monitoring neurological morbidity, including in people with special needs. Chapter 4 is devoted to the problems of children's neuropsychiatric diseases, in particular brain damage in children with ASD. Restrained optimism is expressed for the prospect of overcoming this severe psychiatric pathology in the foreseeable future due to the introduction of genetic, biochemical and immunodiagnostic approaches, as well as metabolic and immunotherapeutic interventions with neuroprotective effects. Arguments are presented in favor of the fact that the successful testing in clinical practice of evidence-based personalized multidisciplinary strategies of diagnosis and treatment will allow a breakthrough in the clinical management of children with severe mental disorders in the near future. This will provide not only the possibility of recovery from a prognostically unfavorable and currently incurable neuropsychiatric disorder, but will also contribute to stopping the large-scale threatening epidemic of neuropsychiatric syndromes in the modern child population. Chapter 5 presents the evolution of views on the problem of Internet addiction, provides information on its prevalence, comorbidity with mental disorders, and provides an overview of modern clinical classifications and psychometric tools for its diagnosis. A single definition of "cyber addiction" is singled out, based on the fact that the object of addiction is interaction with various information resources and technical means. The proposed clinical diagnostic criteria, which are based on the criteria for the diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances ICD-11, and the characteristics of the boundary with normative behavior when using various information resources and technical means are provided. The development and validation of a new psychodiagnostic screening tool based on the proposed cyber addiction paradigm, the YSCAS scale, is presented. The monograph is intended for doctors and practitioners who are engaged in the search and implementation of effective diagnostic methods to overcome the problems associated with the detection and treatment of certain pathologies. The monograph can also be useful to postgraduate and master's students of universities in the relevant educational and scientific profile

    Akuntansi Perkebunan Berdasarkan SAK Entitas Privat

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    Akuntansi perkebunan adalah bidang akuntansi yang fokus pada pencatatan dan pengelolaan informasi keuangan terkait kegiatan usaha perkebunan. Bisnis perkebunan biasanya meliputi pengolahan tanaman seperti kelapa sawit, karet, teh, kopi, dan lainnya. Beberapa aspek penting dalam akuntansi perkebunan meliputi manajemen biaya, perencanaan keuangan, dan analisis kinerja. Manajemen biaya melibatkan pencatatan semua pengeluaran dan penghitungan biaya produksi untuk mengetahui keuntungan yang dihasilkan. Perencanaan keuangan membantu menentukan bagaimana mengalokasikan sumber daya keuangan dengan cara yang paling efektif. Sedangkan analisis kinerja memberikan gambaran tentang seberapa baik perusahaan berkinerja dalam menghasilkan pendapatan dan mengelola biaya. Bab 1. Ruang Lingkup Usaha Perkebunan Bab 2. Kebijakan Akuntansi, Estimasi dan Kesalahan Bab 3. Akun-Akun Usaha Perkebunan Bab 4. Akuntansi Aset Lancar Bab 5. Akuntansi Persediaan Bab 6. Akuntansi Aset Tetap Bab 7. Akuntansi Aset Tidak Berwujud Bab 8. Akuntansi Aset Biologis Bab 9. Kewajiban Lancar Bab 10. Kewajiban Jangka Panjang Bab 11. Akuntansi Ekuitas Bab 12. Akuntansi Pendapatan Bab 13. Akuntansi Beban Bab 14. Akuntansi Pajak Penghasilan Bab 15. Akuntansi Hibah Bab 16. Laporan Keuanga

    Varol, Muharrem. Sirozîler: Âyânlıktan İlmiyeye Bir Hanedânlığın Öyküsü. İstanbul: Timaş Akademi, 2021. 336 Sayfa. ISBN: 9786050842371

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    Bu yazı, Muharrem Varol’un Siroz kökenli meşhur âyân ailesi hakkındaki Sirozîler: Âyânlıktan İlmiyeye Bir Hanedânlığın Öyküsü isimli çalışmasını ele almaktadır. Kitabın bölümleri kısaca tanıtıldıktan sonra, çalışmanın yöntem ve bulguları, ilgili literatür içindeki konumu göz önünde bulundurularak değerlendirilmektedir. Çalışma, ailenin hikâyesini taşra elitleri alanındaki güncel paradigmalarla etkileşim içinde ortaya koymakta, bireysel olanın yapısal olanla ilişkisini tartışarak Osmanlı’da âyânlık çalışmaları hakkındaki literatüre değerli bir katkı sunmaktadır

    Analisis Empiris Atas Teori Dualistik Ekonomi Lewis: Studi Kasus Indonesia: IPB University, International CENTER for Applied Finance and Economics (Inter CAFE).

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    Indonesia's economic development is marked by changes in the structure of the economy and employment from those originally based on agriculture to non-agriculture, which is called structural transformation. This study discusses the turning point phenomenon in employment which is one of the important theses in the dualistic economic development analysis framework formulated by Lewis (1954). Related to changes in the sectoral employment structure and the achievement of turning points, this study finds that Indonesia has not yet entered a turning point stage. The achievement of Lewis's turning point in Indonesia tends to be temporary. Viewed from the decomposition of sectoral growth, the contribution of the non-agricultural sector to economic growth is two times greater than that of the agricultural sector. This shows that economic growth in Indonesia is strongly driven by the role of the non-agricultural sector. This study also found that layers of labor from the agricultural to non-agricultural sectors had a positive impact on economic growth in Indonesia

    Etnomatematika dalam Kesenian Banyumasan

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    Etnomatematika adalah sebuah pendekatan pembelajaran matematika yang mengaitkan matematika pada budaya dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Pendekatan ini penting dalam pembelajaran karena dapat membantu siswa untuk memahami konsep matematika dengan lebih baik melalui pengalaman dan konteks yang relevan dengan kehidupan mereka. Buku Etnomatematika dalam Kesenian Banyumasan hadir untuk memberikan alternatif pembelajaran yang kontekstual dan bermakna khususnya bagi warga masyarakat Banyumas. Buku ini mengaitkan matematika dengan kesenian Banyumasan khususnya Kenthongan, Calung, Kethoprak dan Begalan yang menjadi kekayaan budaya Banyumas dan telah dikenal secara luas oleh masyarakat Banyumas. Buku ini semoga dapat (1) membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan rasa kebanggaan dan identitas budaya Banyumas melalui pembelajaran matematika, (2) meningkatkan motivasi dan minat siswa dalam belajar matematika dengan memberikan nuansa baru pada pembelajaran, (3) membantu dalam mengembangkan kurikulum matematika berbasis kearifan lokal (4) Mengintegrasikan pembelajaran matematika dengan budaya kesenian Banyumas, sehingga siswa dapat mempelajari konsep matematika melalui kesenian yang mereka sukai dan kenal dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, etnomatematika dapat menjadi alternatif pendekatan pembelajaran matematika yang efektif dan menarik bagi siswa


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