278529 research outputs found
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L’importance de la qualification dans la réponse de Platon à l’éristique sophistique
Kultura russkogo modernisma: voprosy teorii i praktiki
The volume presents the author's works focused on various aspects of Russian modernism in literature and culture (including music, painting, as well as issues of theory). The “Long Twentieth Century” is discussed as a special kind of cultural continuum of Russian history, in which various ideas and spiritual practices, one way or another related to the heritage of European modernism. The book expands from the period from Russian Symbolism (Alexander Blok and Andrei Bely) to the avant-garde that followed it (Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky, Malevich, Kruchenykh, Kharms) and further down to Russian conceptualism (Andrei Monastyrsky, Ilya Kabakov, Pavel Peppershtein) and new Russian poetry (Prigov, Dragomoshchenko). Several chapters of the book are discussing philosophy of language and semiotic theory. Along with this, the author proposes an analytical synthesis that makes it possible to consider the religious substratum of the Russian science of language. The book proposes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Russian avant-garde and post-avant-garde. A complex of issues related to the problem of the political in the art and culture of modernism is considered, the ideological prerequisites underlying the avant-garde praxis are analyzed.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedForPublicatio
Illo me tutam tempore praestat hiemps (Nux 128): Humour et originalité d'un topos inversé
Whether from Ovid or from an Ouidianus poeta, the Nux elegy has its own qualities and must also be appreciated for these alone. A careful examination of verses 127-130 and verse 128 in particular allows to bring out all the wit and originality of their writer. By putting the excerpt into context and comparing the motifs at play with the Latin poetic tradition that depicted winter as an unproductive and threatening season, this paper shows how the author of the "Walnut Tree" puts into the mouth of the personified tree statements that sound paradoxical, offbeat, absurd even. In this manner, he succeeds in reversing the elements linked to a well-established topos, so as to surprise and entertain the reader.13 p. sous format Word.info:eu-repo/semantics/inPres
Chinese in DR Congo: Reciprocal Migration, Conjugal Mixedness, and Power Inequalities
Does Aristotle’s differentia presuppose the genus it differentiates? The troublesome case of Metaphysics x 7