International Journal of Instruction
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    688 research outputs found

    Direct and Indirect Acts of Labeling Gifted Pupils in the Pro-labeling Pedagogical Situations

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    The labeling gifted pupils is related to the unsparing treatment of the label “gifted” which creates inappropriate teachers’ emotions and attitudes towards giftedness. Labeling should be given through “direct acts”, which include specific pro-labelled actions and speech toward gifted and can be easily identified and eliminated. However, also the “indirect acts” exist, which are hidden in educational procedures. The study aimed to identify the pro-labeling pedagogical situations and describe the direct and indirect acts of labeling. The qualitative research was conducted in elementary schools in the Czech Republic, with class observations and teacher interviews as data sources. Nine pro-labeling pedagogical situations were identified which were typical with signs such as overemphasizing the differences between gifted pupils, unavailability of activities for other pupils, accentuated selection, and rigidity. The direct acts of labelling included naming gifted pupils by specific names, explicitly expressed instructions for gifted pupils, and presenting increased expectations for their performance. Acts of indirect labeling occurred in situations where the primary purpose was to engage gifted pupil, assemble a group of pupils with a strong performer, quickly activate pupils in competitions, develop the pro-social skills of the gifted, help weaker pupils, assign extra tasks according to recommendations and assess specific tasks for the gifted. The study highlights the existence of indirect acts of labelling next to the direct acts. Limiting the theory of labeling only to direct acts can lead to legitimization and frequent use of inappropriate pro-labeling pedagogical situations against gifted pupils

    Exploring Factors Affecting High-School Student Entrepreneurship Competency

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    Entrepreneurial competencies are increasingly recognized as essential skills for students in today's dynamic and competitive world. This study aims to identify and validate the crucial entrepreneurial competencies of Thai high school students using a 2nd-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). A questionnaire was developed to assess these competencies, administered to a sample of high school technology teachers selected using multi-stage random sampling. The results indicated that technology teachers perceive the development of entrepreneurial competencies as crucial for their students. Specifically, the analysis revealed that entrepreneurial skills, leadership skills, and innovative adaptability were most important. These findings suggest that enhancing these competencies can significantly contribute to students' overall entrepreneurial potential. The research contributes to the understanding of entrepreneurial competencies among high school students and provides a validated framework for assessing these competencies. The study's novelty lies in its validation of essential entrepreneurial competencies specifically tailored for Thai high school students, offering a framework for assessing and nurturing these competencies in an educational context

    Psychological Strain and Challenges Encountered by Tertiary Teachers in the New Normal

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    This study explores how teaching challenges impact the psychological strain of tertiary teachers. The challenges faced by tertiary teachers in the new normal are described, including technological insufficiency, digital literacy issues, lack of student motivation, reduced in-person interactions, learning environment distractions, and course structure and quality. The study investigates the teachers' experiences of psychological strain, leading to anxiety, stress, and depression. It explores the relationship between the teachers' profiles, encountered challenges, and manifestations of psychological strain. Additionally, it examines the connection between challenges and psychological strain in teachers. The respondents of the study were tertiary teachers from all campuses of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), selected through purposive sampling. Older, married teachers in higher positions experience psychological strain such as anxiety, depression, and stress. While psychological strain affects their well-being, it does not significantly impact their teaching performance. Younger, single teachers, who are new to the profession, are more likely to face challenges in teaching performance due to their limited experience in coping with teaching changes. Teachers with higher educational attainment and in higher positions experience challenges related to the demands of teaching, particularly the difficulty of monitoring learning at home

    Validation of a Scale to Measure Digital Competence in the Elderly Population

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    The aim of this work arises, on the one hand, from the need to digitally include people over 65 so that they can participate fully in today's society, and, on the other hand, to involve university students in their own training process through a research and participatory action project with older people. A process of adaptation and validation of an instrument to measure the level of digital competence of older people was carried out by means of an expert judgement, a pilot test and a final application to a sample of 210 older people. The 16 items of the instrument show stable and consistent measurements, fulfilling the required demands, and could be very useful for researchers working with this group, as it will allow them to know the starting point of the elderly at a digital level and design strategies that favour their technological inclusion

    Effectiveness of Role-play Method: A Meta-analysis

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    To investigate the effectiveness of role-play methods in education. Meta-analysis was conducted, and publication bias test and heterogeneity test were performed. Robustness was also tested by the removal-by-removal method. Finally, subgroup analyses were conducted to explore the effects on teaching effectiveness under different moderating variables. Twelve articles with 22 effect size samples involving 907 participants, including 821 university students and 86 secondary school students, were finally included. Meta-analysis demonstrated that teaching with the role-play method had a more significant positive effect on students than the control group (ES=0.818, 95% confidence interval 0.600-1.035). We also found that the role-play method had the most significant impact on students' Skills. This study demonstrates that role-play can enhance learning in all dimensions by allowing students to take on different roles and situations

    The Impact of Innovative Reading Comprehension Strategies on Reading Literacy of Slovak EFL Learners

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    The importance of reading skills is undeniable since this skill is regarded as one of the vital ones in both academic sphere and personal lives of learners. However, relevant research and practice reveals that learners’ reading comprehension is often at a low level, exhibiting a declining tendency as regards reading literary. This article, therefore, attempts to contribute towards what is already known in this area by exploring the effects of the selected innovative reading strategies and techniques on the development of reading literacy of Slovak EFL learners. A quasi-experiment was conducted, testing being the primary research method. The research sample was formed by altogether 24 ninth grade learners who were divided into the control and experimental groups. Although the calculated p-value (0.14), which compared the pre-test and post-test reading scores of learners in the experimental group that was taught by means of the selected reading strategies and techniques does not demonstrate a statistically significant difference, the achieved scores after the intervention can be regarded as promising and encouraging. This may be because only after one month intervention, participants’ literacy level increased by 9%, indicating that regularity of improving reading comprehension can possibly result in achieving higher level of reading literacy. Finally, it is also suggested that Teachers can better plan lessons which involve active reading, discussions, and critical thinking, thus developing overall reading skills of EFL learners

    Reassessing Employment Trends and Outcomes for Teacher Education Graduates in a Changing Educational Landscape

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    This study delves into the employment outcomes of the 2021-2022 College of Education (COED) Alumni from Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) Gabaldon Campus, employing a quantitative approach, specifically, the descriptive-correlational design. A cross-sectional survey utilizing a web-based questionnaire was employed to collect quantifiable data from COED graduates regarding their general information, post-college training and advanced studies, current employment, encountered challenges, and coping strategies. The study assesses the graduates' employment readiness, the challenges they faced, their coping mechanisms, and their current job status. Results reveal that the majority of these graduates are aged 23 or younger, predominantly female, and single, with a focus on pursuing the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Many quickly secured jobs, primarily in temporary roles and local companies. Interestingly, graduates tended to disagree with the challenges they encountered and displayed adaptable and effective coping strategies. The study highlights significant relationships between training and performance in professional examinations, as well as the notable influence of gender on job application challenges, through the use of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. This investigation sheds light on the career trajectories of COED graduates from NEUST Gabaldon Campus and offers valuable insights for future graduates and institutions alike

    Synthesis of Guidelines for Strengthening Good Teacher Characteristics of Teachers in Schools

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    The objective of this research is to synthesize guidelines for enhancing good teacher characteristics of teachers in schools affiliated with the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres of Thailand, by collecting and analyzing relevant concepts, principles, and theories from experts with knowledge and expertise in developing and training personnel in the teaching profession and used semi-structured interviews to collect data. The interview form had an index of consistency between 0.80 - 1.00. The data was content analyzed according to Miles and Huberman's guidelines. The results of the lessons learned from the guidelines for creating a manual to enhance the good characteristics of teachers at St. Paul de Chartres School in Thailand. It can be summarized, as consisting of 4 main processes: 1) Enhancing competencies’ Process from actual practice, consist of 2 main indicators. 2) Enhancing skills’ Process for peaceful coexistence, consists of 3 main indicators. 3) Strengthening teachers' identity Process and professionalism consists of 6 main indicators, 6 indicators, and 4) Evaluation Process and results monitoring. Developing a manual to enhance the good teachers’ characteristics can happen when each process is carried out in detail and systematically

    Relationship among EFL Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Use, Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Strategy Use

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    The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ use of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) with their speaking anxiety and speaking strategy use. To do so, the 70 Iranian male and female EFL learners were selected based on convenience sampling procedure from National Language Institute in Tehran. Three measurement instruments including self-regulated strategy use, Self-Regulated Foreign Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire (SRFLLSQ) questionnaire; Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS), and Questionnaire of Speaking Strategy Use by EFL Learners were utilized to collect the data. To analyze the gathered data, Pearson Moment Correlation analyses were conducted. The results revealed a significantly negative and strong correlation between use of self-regulated learning strategy and level of speaking anxiety among EFL learners. Furthermore, the results showed a significantly positive and strong correlation between SRSU and speaking strategy use. Finally, it was shown that there is significantly negative correlation between speaking anxiety with all the subcategories of Questionnaire of Speaking Strategy Use by EFL Learners. Based on the findings of this study, pedagogical implications will be suggested

    Examining Procedural Proficiency in Fraction Addition: Comparative Insights from England and Taiwan

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    In recent decades, the teaching and learning of fractions have remained challenging for both teachers and students. This study reviewed fraction curricula in England and Taiwan, revealing a significant disparity that drives an investigation into how these different curricula impact students’ procedural proficiency in fraction addition in these two regions. A comparative analysis of 561 British and 648 Taiwanese students, aged 12 and 13, was conducted using a written test to assess variations in procedural proficiency in fraction addition and explore the extent of these differences. Through thorough coding of students’ strategies employed during the test, the study identifies the persistent impact of whole number bias on procedural proficiency in fraction addition, especially in England. Results show significant differences in proficiency between regions, with Taiwanese students demonstrating greater success in algorithmic application. No significant age-related differences were found within the same educational system, suggesting that mastery of fraction addition does not necessarily improve with age or increased exposure. These findings not only emphasise the need for targeted improvements within educational systems but also underline the importance of further international research to uncover and identify the diverse factors influencing mathematical achievement across different regions


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